Weekly Town Talk from Alexandria, Louisiana (2024)

THE WEEKLY TOWN TALK. ALEXANDRIA, RAPIDES PARISH, SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1014 PAGE SIX giving his home as Dallas, Texas 1. 1 tlWr narenls. Hon. and Mrs.

IT. H. dia, to spend a few days with his mother. ii supposed that the clothing was stolen and concealed there until the party could get them. In the bundle are several pieces of underclothes, in- oooooooooooooooo 0 0 Personals 0 0 0 oooooooooooooooo (From Kritlav's Dnilv.

Dee. 2fi.) Mr. Sam Usso of McNnry, was In the city yesterday. Mr. W.

n. Corlf-y, nf Tioga, was a frequent visitor in the city this week. Mr. J. X.

Alsrchal. of Keho, I.n., was In the city this week. Mr. John S. Pickard, of La-mnurie, wns in the city today.

lion. J. H. of Colfax, was in the city yesterday. Mr.

ami Mrs. J. of Ito-chpllc, were in tho city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs.

F. Gosseliu, of Echo, were in tho city yesterday. Mr. Tac: llohterwlrk, of Oklahoma, is visiting relatives in this city. Mr.

mid Mrs. M. J. Xoone and baby, of Huckcye, were In the city Wednesday. Misses SiiRie Haynes and Louise ScroRRs of Dallas, were pleasant visitors to our town Tuesday.

Prof. V. A. McCnnn, of Houston, Is the guest of his brother, Mr. J.

A. McCann of Pinevllle. Mayor Michael Aaron, of PIneville, is able to be out again after an illness nf a few days. Mrs. M.

Ij. Plauche, of Plauchevllle, is spending the holidays with her son, Mr. C. B. Plauche and family In this city.

Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Adams, of Eunice, were the guestB yesterday of Mr.

and Mrs. C. N. Adams. Mr.

and Mrs. B. W. Nash, of Monroe, are In the city the guests of their sister, Miss Ouerringer. Mr.

Ludger French, of Atlanta, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. French, during the holidays. t'ol.

J. T. Alexander of Red Lawn, Is spending the winter with his son, Mr, J. W. Alexander and family in this city.

Mrs. Lionel Batter, of Baton Rouge, will arrive this afternoon to be the f.iiest for a few days of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. F. N.

Brian. Misses Emma Cavender and Montez Hennlng are spending the holidays relatives In Fulton, Kentucky. Mr. and Mis. Ed Hoehenedel, of Lake Charles, are spending the holidays with their parents in this city.

Miss Maggie Loo, of Houston, Is the gueBt of her sister, Mrs. Owen G. Williams, during the holidays. Air. John Rlcherson, of this city, spent a few days this week in Natchez, Miss.

MIbs Annie May Carter of Bnnkle, is the guest of Miss Maccle Haas in this city. Dr. and Mrs. A. R.

Choppin and children of Laliftdleville, are spending tho holidays with Judge and Mrs. W. W. Whittington, their parents. Claud Couvillion of Houston, Texas, a former resident of this city, is here spending the holidays with friends.

Mr. IewIs T. Hooe, a student at I S. is home spending the holidays with his parents, Judge and Mrs. L.

L. Hooe. Miss Elanca Levy, of New Orleans, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos.

Ievy in this Mrs. Rosa Wrinkle, of New Orleans, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D.

Wrinkle, in this city. Miss Annie White Randolph, who attends school at the Randolph-Macon Institute, Danville, is home for the holidays. Miss Arrie Wrinkle, a graduate of Tyler College, who has recently been employed at Dallas, Texas, has returned to this city. to make her future home. Mr.

J. B. Scroggs of Bunkie, was a pleasant visitor to our town Wednesday. Mr, Scroggs is a very popular young man and is employed with the Avoyelles Wholesale Grocery Company of Bunkie. Mr.

and Mrs. T. C. Hartman, of Little Rock, are the guests of Mr. A.

E. Bourland, in this city. Mr. Hart-man Is the newly appointed night yard-master of the Iron Mountain road at this place. Miss Myrtelle Billings, of Wisconsin, who Is an efficient teacher in the Isidore Newman Manual Training School In New Orleans, is spendig the holidays in this city the guest of Mrs.

John P. McKeen. The marriage of Mr. Sam Wheadon and Miss Anna Kllpatrick will take place tomorrow morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

C. M. Kllpatrick, at Washington, La. The following from this city expect to leave over the Southern Pacific train tomorrow morning to attend the marriage: Mr. T.

C. Wheadon and daughter, Miss Helen Wheadon, Mr. and Mrs. J. II.

Smith and family, and Miss Esther Herbert. (From Saturday's Daily, Dec. 27) Mr. Ashley Calhoon, of McNary, is iu the city today. J.

B. Murphy, of Quadrate, was a visitor here today. Mr. Frank Zimmerman, who mends L. S.

U. at Baton Rouge, is spending the holidays in this city. Messrs. Dave Goldring and Meyer Weiss spent Christmas with relatives at Bunkie and Marksville. Miss Hazel Dodge went to Le coiupte today to visit Mr.

and Mrs. Ed Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. J.

Eyre, of Pollock, were the guests yesterday of Mrs. Alice McWilliams, in this city. Mr. t. Smith and wife, of Fields, Texas, are spending the holidays with their parents, Mr.

and Mrs. G. W. nilh, at the Arlington Hotel, Mr. Nate Shaeffer, of Pittsburg, will arrive this afternoon to be the fcuest of his uncle, Mr.

Sam Brolda, and family. Miss Zilluh A. Collins, of Jeanerette, is hom*o spending the holidays witn parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ed Collins, of Holly Htreet. Mr.

W. D. Murphy, of Murphy Bros, of Pinevllle, leaves tonight for Arca Mr. Tac Hetherwick left last night Ifor bis home at Oklahoma City, alter sending a few days with relatives in this city. Mrs.

Hotherwick will re main here a week, longer before returning home. Dr. J. M. Milton, of Packton, La, was in the city yesterday und today greeting his friends and renewing old acQimintantanees.

Dr. Milton former ly resided in PIneville and practiced his profession there. Mr. and Mrs. .1.

E. Smoot, of Memphis, have been spending the with their parents, Capt. and Mrs. A. J.

Porter, in Levin street, this city. Mr. Smoot left for his home last night and Mrs. Smoot expects to leave tonight. Mr.

and Mrs. M. G. Jarreau and pretty little daughter, Minnie Lou, of Dallas, Texas, spent Saturday and Sunday in this city, the guests of their mother, Mrs. Lucy Jarreau and other relatives.

Mrs. W. E. Crowley, nee Miss Mary Hoffman, of Monroe, was th.3 guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Wyatt Hoffman, in Pinevllle yesterday. She wa.3 here to attend the marriage of her niece, Miss Annie Schwamenborg, to Mr. R. L. Jones.

Says the New Orleans Picayune: Mrs. E. A. Morphy returned home on Tuesday after two months' visit to her niece, Mrs. Alfred Wettermark, and Mr.

Wettermark In Alexandria, La. Mrs. Morphy's many friends will bo glad to hear that she has regained her health, as she was quite ill when she left here. (Fiom Tuesday's Dally.) Mr. H.

A. Joyner, of Boyce, is in the city today. Miss Julia Walker Is visiting in Tioga. Mr. P.

W. Davidson of New Orleans, is in the city on business today, Mr. Chas. Lacroix, of Colfax, was a visitor to this city today. Mr.

Ed Rand of San Antonio, Texas, is a business visitor here this week. Mr. J. B. Roberts, of Colfax, was a business visitor here today.

Mr. Vincent Moseley Is spending the holidays here with friends. Mr. Sam Cotton and sister, Miss Mattie, are visiting friends at Turkey Creek this week. Miss Bessie Pickles has returned from her home in where she spent the holidays.

Miss Jo Holland returned Sunday from Gloster, where she spent the holidays with her parents. Miss Tillie Semple, who spent Christmas with her uncle in Houston, has returned home. Mr. Monroe Barron left Sunday night for Houston, Texas, where he willl make his future home. Miss Temple Curtis of Swan, Texas, is the guest of Miss Annie Haynes in this city.

Miss Merrill Flower left yesterday for Natchitoches to enter the State Normal school. Mr. and Mrs. J. H.

Petrie have returned from a visit to relatives at Quadrate, La, Marvin Cappel of New Orleans, spent several days in this parish and returned to New Orleans last night. Rev. C. C. Miller, pastor of the Mon roe, Methodist Church, was in the city today en route home Misses Katherine Kramer and Nettie Redisheimer, of New Orleans, are spending some time with relatives In this city.

Miss Merrill F'ower, daughter uf Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Flower, left yes terday afternoon for Natchitoches to study domestic science at the State Normal School Misses Gladys Bouergeaus and Nellie Dellahousey, of Franklin, were the guests of Miss Marie Marsh yesterday en route to the State Normal school at Natchitoches, o'essi'S Grover Walker and James rer, nave returned rrom i Gallup N.

Mr. Mayer Hirsch of the firm of Hirsch Blackmail is in St. Louis on business. Mr. and Mrs.

Sollie B. Mayer, of Eunice, are the guests of Mrs. Mayer Hirsch in this city. Messrs. B.

F. Ward, of Wilda, and W. G. Rudisill, of Boyce, were in the city today. Mr.

and Mrs. Abe Zindler, of Houston, are the guests for a few days of Mr. and Mayer Hirsch and Mr. and Mrs. M.

Michel In this city. Mrs, Bessie Neal Minims arrived from Algiers this morning and will reside in this city on St. Ann and Fifth streets. Mm. r.

Walther und Miss Kath-rjn I avis will entertain it a recep tion on New icars Day at their home 1418 Front street. Mr. Edward Laird and his bride will be at home to their friends, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.

Petrie, 1731 White street. Mr. Nate Shaeffer, of Pittsburg, is in the city visiting his uncle, Mr. Sam Broitla, for a few weeks. Mr.

Shaeffer Is engaged in the electrical goods business in Pittsburg. Mrs. A. R. Choppin and children, of who have been spending the holidays here with Judge and Mrs.

W. W. Whittington, left yesterday for home. Miss Reese Murphy, of Lamouiie, was the guest for a few days of her sister, Miss Kate Murphy, iu this city. She left yesterday to resume her studies at the State Normal iu Natchitoches.

Miss Kate Murphy has returned from a pleasant visit to Miss Jo Holland In Gloster, and her family iu Lamourie, where she spent the holidays. Miss Edith-Porter, who has been in Shreveport for some time under treatment, has returned to resume her duties in the Central and West End schools, to the delight of her many friends. Mr. H. M.

White, son of Hon. H. IT. White of this city, left yesterday for Mempnls, to attend the Kappa Alpha Convention. Ho is a delegate from Tulane University, New Orleans.

Dr. and Mrs. King Rand of New Orleans, who have been guests of oooooooooooooooo 0 0 0 Toll? nf Tho Trvarn 0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (From Friday's Daily, Dec. 26.) Mike Anderson, held as a witness, was released from tho parish jail on the 24th Inst. 0.

R. Young and J. Y. Dingier held as material witnesses, were released from the parish jail on the 24th inst. The Wm.

Cady Lumber Company, of McNary, gave Christmas presents on last Wednesday to every child In McNary settlement, both white and colored. Mr, 'J. B. Thigpen bought from Mr. Simeon Simon this week the lot in Jackson avenue near Sixteenth street for $3,000.

He will build a handsome residence for his own use. The lot extends from Jackson avenue to Holly street and measures 80x187 feet. Mr. L. M.

Firnberg. cotton gin In spector for the government, hands in the following figures relative to the cotton crop: There were 10,148 bales ginned in the Parish of Rapides from the crop of 1913, prior to December 13th, as compared with 11,216 bales ginn to the same date last year. The difference is 1008 bales. Mr. Geo.

L. Rhodes, immigration agent for the Rock Island Lines is in the city, a guest at Hotel Bentley. Mr. Rhodes Is accompanied by his wife, who Is delighted with Alexandria and its elegant hotel. Mr.

Rhodes states that his department is now receiving three inquiries relative to Louisiana and Arkansas to one inquiry relative to other sections. That this section is now before the eyes of the whole north and west (From Saturday's Daily, Dec. 27) Mr. Robt. McManus and family have moved from Pineville to Willow Clen.

The Sheriff's office and the City Clerk's office has been busy for the past several days collecting taxes. Little Brian Hathorn, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F.

Hathorn, is ill at the Alexandria Sanitarium. He was operated upon yesterday, and is reported as getting on very well. The E. M. Henning Marble Yard, situated at the corner of Wheelock and Jackson avenues, was sold by Court Marshal, R.

R. Webster, at public outcry this morning. Mr. Wm. Hill was the purchaser and paid 1 S-1 for same.

The engine which belonged to the yard was also sold to Mr. T. X. Webster for $12. There was a change of schedule on the Texas Pacific road on last Sunday, December 21st, which was not given to the public, but as the trains have been from two to five hours late every day since the change no one was inconvenienced by not knowing the facts of the change.

Train No. 60 which has been going east at p. has had its time changed to 11:34 a. hi. Train No.

53, westbound was changed from 7:10 to 7:15 p. five minutes later. (From Monday's Daily.) B. Cork, held for Union parish, was placed in jail here on the 27th inst. Ex-Governor Blanchard of Shreveport, arrived in Boyce, yesterday to join a party of gentlemen who are going out for a deer hunt.

Mr. John T. Lasley, Grand Lecturer for the Masons of Louisiana, visited the lodge of Fordoche on Saturday night and installed officers. Fontaine Smith, who has been held in jail here for Allen parish for the past several days, was turned over to the authorities from that par ish on the 2Sth inst. Leroy Andeson and Alphonse Wil ton, who have been serving sentences on the public works, escaped on the 27th inst, Anderson returned this morning.

There have been sixteen fire alarms answered during the month of December, to date, by the Alexandria Fire Department. None of the fires that were within reach of the fire apparatus have amounted to much. Fire Company No. 1 was called at 12:45 o'clock Sunday to the house of Alma Hawkins in the restricted district. The wall paper around a defective flue in the dining room was burning briskly when the firemen reached the scene.

The damage amounted to about $25. Sunday morning at 7:45 o'clock Fire Chief Neff was called to the home of Fireman W. H. McCracken, corner of Seventh and Jackson streets, to assist in putting out a small blaze. He found the wall paper around the flue on fire, but he and Mr.

McCracken soon had the fire out. The damage was about $15. Work on the big new Ferd Brenner mill in the southern suburbs of the city is progressing nicely. This is going to be a thoroughly up-to-date hardwood mill in every particular. The machinery is the newest and most modern to be had and the building is being constructed along lines to facilitate the handling of the material in the best manner.

Mr. Stove Marshall, a farmer who rents land and farms at Richland, bad the misfortune to have his house burned on Christmas night at 11:30 o'clock. Ail of his household effects were totally destroyed. The fire was caused from a defective mud chimney. As Mr.

Marshall Is a poor man with a wife and three children, the fire was a heavy blow on him. Jesse Moffett, the young man who was shot by Phil Honey, at Ball, on last Thursday night, and who is at the Alexandria Sanitarium is said to be getting along as well as could be expected, and his chances for recovery-are favorable. Honey is said to have been shooting at another man when he shot Moffett. After the shooting Honey made his escape. Some excitement was caused this afternoon by the finidng of a bundle of women's clothing under the river bank near the water's edge.

It was thought that a suicide had occurred at the spot. Later on it was learned that the same bundle of clothing had been seen concealed under an old tarnaulin on the top of the bank yesterday. It White, in this city, left yesterday for home, accompanied by Miss Pes Joff-rion, of Delmar plantation, who will be their guest for some time. (From Wednesday's Daily.) Mrs. J.

V. Bonnette has been very ill for the past few days. Mr. G. C.

Robertson, of Ball, is in tho city today. Dr. J. L. Kelley and mother, of Melrose, are in the city today.

Mr. Eugene Kirkpatrick, of Glen-mora, is a visitor here today. Mr. Henry Landry, of Eunice, Is in the city today. Miss Clio Williams, of Natchitoches, is the guest of Miss Maud Garnier.

Miss Ella Maude Covington has returned from a pleasant visit of several days in New Orleans. Miss Eulo Dove of Pollock, Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. L. C. Thomas in Pineville.

Miss Ella Thomas of Pineville, has returned from a visit to her aunt Mrs. C. A. Dove in Pollick. Mr.

Maurice Forest, of Cottonport, Ib visiting Mrs. Edgar Rabalals cf this city. Mrs. H. L.

Craham, of Shreveport, is the guest of Mrs. Marx Levy in this city. Mrs. Dave Davis, of Bunkie, will arrive this afternoon to visit Mrs. Marx Levy.

Misses Emma Cavender and Montez limning returned last night from a visit to relatives in Kentucky. Mr. T. B. Roberts and sons, C.

J. and L. E. Roberts, of Pineville ward, were in the city yesterday. Mr.

and Mrs. Ben Stratton spent a few days last week with their son, i Hugh, in Shreveport. Mrs. L. C.

Thomas of Pineville, expects to leave tomorrow for Pollock to visit her sister, Mrs. C. A. Dove'. Messrs.

Chas. Williams and Tom Neal, of Boyce, were the guests yesterday of Mrs. Victor Garnier, Misses Dee and May Beverly Randolph are visiting relatives in Shreveport. Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Hayes, who have been the guests of Mr. Hayes' mother, Mrs. Wm. Polk, left last night for their home in Greenville, Texas. Dr.

and Mrs. H. A. Price are spending the holidays in Houston, Texas. They expect to return home in a few days.

Mrs. R. A. Price after, a very pleasant visit to friends left this afternoon for Brownsville, Texas, to resume her position with the legal firm of Kibbe George Polk of that place. Mr.

A. H. Donald, of Evergreen, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edwards, in Polk street.

Mrs. Donald has been here some time visiting her daughter, Mrs. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs.

C. 11. Lemoine were called yesterday to Many, by the death of Mrs. Josephine Hubley, mother of Mrs. Lemoine.

She died on Tuesday morning and was buried today, Mrs. WV J. Slusher, son and daughter, of Boyce, were the guests of Mrs. Jos. D.

James and family in Park avenue yesterday. This is the first time Mrs. Slusher has visited Alexandria in sixteen years. (From Thti'sdaVa Dally.) Mr. Pleas Beebe, of Boyce, is in the city on business tonight.

Mr. John P. Kelsoe, of Boyce, is in the city today. Mr. and Mrs.

P. A. Gilham left last night for New Orleans to visit friends. Mr. T.

M. Clark, of Effle, was a visitor to Alexandria yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. John Marler and children are spending a few days with relatives at Milford, La.

Mrs. E. K. Calhoun has moved to this city and is located at Mrs. Wolf's, 4 Clliolt street.

Mr. Earl Roberts, cashier of the Bank of Colfax, Colfax, was a business visitor in the city today. Mrs. S. J.

Songy, of Evergreen plantation is spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I Roche. Mrs. Mattie Roberts and child, of Simsport, are visiting relatives in this city.

Mr. H. J. Roche, of New Orleans, who has been the guest of his parents, left yesterday for a trip through California and the West. Mr.

and Mrs. C. D. Dugas have moved from the Alexander house In Lee street to the Choppin house in Jackson avenue. Editor W.

G. Moblcy of the Louisiana Democrat, who has been ill for some time, is able to be out on the streets today. His many friends are glad to see him out. Miss Mary Bandy who has been spending, the holidays with Miss Carrie Coulon in this city, expects to return to her home, Lake Charles, next Sunday. Mr.

Marvin Ixtspelch, of Morris-town, a nephew of Mr. J. M. Harle, of this city, arrived here a few days ago. Lotspeich will manage his uncle's plantation on the north side of Red river this year.

Mr. Edwin French, is home spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. French.

He expects to go to New Iberia in a few days where he will join Congressman Broussard and return to Washington. He is sec retary to Congressman Broussard. CHRISTMAS AM) NEW TEAR. Get your pictures taken to send to your friends far and near. Make prices reasonable to all.

Outside and interior work. I have a first class man, operator and finisher. M. L. Johnson, Rapides Studio, corner Third and Jackson streetB.

Adv. (12-11-lmdlmw) X0T1CE! Thomas Sasser, aged 17 years, left his home near Holloway, on December 29th. bis father, Chas. Sasser, object and warn any parties in Parish of Rapides or State of Louisiana not to employ or take care of said boy under penalty of the law. CHARLEY SASSER, Box 25, Pineville, La.

Adv. (12-30-ltd-ltw) held by the police pending his return to Alexandria, in connection with a get-rich-qulck scheme he is allege to uave worsen succpssruny anil icnsive.iy in mat cuy. With Merrill Tuesday Glynn arrested John J. Miltenbergej at Canal street and University Pac'e The latter waa fined $25 or thirty dayi by the First Recorder Fogarty. Merrill is alleged to have placed a number of advertisem*nts in the news- papers at Alexandria, soliciting Rales- men for the lieorge w.

Clows Conioanv of Philadelphia, Pa. When prospective salesmen answered the advertisem*nts he would exact a deposit from them ot eacn. HUB CITY CAFE MOTES. The Hub City Cafe, which has been conducted at the corner of Second and Lee streets will be ready for business in its new location, corner Second and wasnington streets on January l8t. The best, or service continued.

All patrons will take notice of tho chanee of location. Adv; NAMES OF THOSE WHO mil ISr.K Vr. tUK THE E.WIXG TEAR. (From Wednesday's Dally) Phoenix Lodge No. 58, I.

0. 0. held a large meeting last night and elected officers 'for the year as fol lows: H. B. Chase, N.

G. D. B. Show-alter, V. 0.

II. J. Rush, Secretary. J. Evans, Treasurer.

W. P. Hudson, representative to Grand Lqdge. C. W.

Ward, representative to Grand Ix)dge. S. T. Duprlea and D. P.

Ilolcomb, alternates. W. P. Hudson, recommended to. Grand Ixidge for District Deputy.

The lodge will hold a public Installation on Tuesday night, January 6th. The public will be invited. '4 REWARD for the arrest and conviction of person or persons that stole horse and buggy from Kees' lot In Pineville the night of Dec. 22, 1913, and drove same about 16 miles down the Marksville road. John D.

Moore, Ball, La. (12-29-2td-4tw) APPALllNfi NUMBER END 11VES I DURING 1113. By Associated Press. Chicago, Dec. 31.

There were suicides in 1913, according to figures compiled here. Last year's figures are 12.9S1. The ratio of niales to females is aimost two. to one. 'i 1 0--' THE BOARD OF PARDONS RECOM-31 ENDS FREEDOM FOR TWO PRISON New Orleans, Dec.

30. Disregarding the communication of Attorney General Pleasant opposing the granting of pardons to Will Miller, of Ouachita parish, convicted of burglary, and Charles Jones, a negro of Natchitoches, sentenced to life imprisonment for murder, the board of pardons, at a recent meeting, recommended that the men be given their freedom. A number of other applications were before the board, but only these two were acted upon definitely. tf. C.

J. B. ROBERT Attorneys and CossselloM at Ian. Practice in all the Courts the State and in the Federa Court. OfficM.

Ift2 Albert BJ GIVE THE OLD AS to ELL AS THIS NEW AJDI)Rfc Do not writs ana ass us to ebant the address of Your Weekly Tov Talk unless you give as the old well as the ner address. We pay attention to the letters unless bet the old and new addresses are glv Our weekly list Is so large tht would require many hours of patle fearch to find a name on the list less we know the postoffice wber oaper has been going a4tt vl44y OVER 65 EARS' IL. EXPERirNCC Designs Copyrights Ac. Anronsnondliig lie(ch and description mav nnlckly uaccrtiiiu our opinion Irea whether an invent Inn Is prohnblT piUentiiblft. Communion I Ioim nt icl lr romldeiit ijil.

HANDBOOK on Patent! jent free. Oldest oiiencjr (or securing putents. l'iiicnts taken tnrouitli Ilium ft Co. reoelre iptrtal notice, without ohnrue, la the Scientific American. A handsomclf lllnstmted weekly.

I.nnrest circulation of nnj ecieutlUc tournal. I'ornis, t'-i A renr: tour months, fL sola kui newsuemert. Cfl381Bro.dw.,.NpWYnrk Uraucb Offlce. 625 St. Washington, IX, C.

Dr. R. F. Hnrrell Offlce Medical Building AlATsnrlrla PRACTICE LIMITED TO EYE, EAB NUB IS Alill THKOAT Glasses Pitted. Residence dd one 611 drop W.

Whittington, S' UTORNEY AT LAW Notary Public ALEXANDRIA. LA. Trade Marks 1 Little Miss Pearl Paughit, of West End, who has been seriously ill for the past seseral weeks, is now much Im-, proved. Miss Winnie Roberts who hns been the guest of Miss Virgie Johnson during the holidays, leaves this afternoon for her home in Colfax. Dr.

and Mrs. King Rand, of New Orleans, are guests during the boll-days of Hon. and Mrs. H. H.

White in this city. Mr. J. L. Baker, a prominent merchant of Norih Ixiuisiana, is visiting hiB daughters, Mrs.

Cottingham and Mrs. L. L. Ilrice, in PIneville. Mr.

and Mrs. M. Wansker, of Galveston, Texas, will arrive this evening to be tho guests of their brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. M.

Weiss. Judge R. P. Williams, a prominent attorney of Lake Charles, stopped over In the city today to visit friends. He is on his way to Rayville, where he formerly resided.

Miss Lydia Cragan, who attends Sllliman Institute at Clinton, is spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. C. V. Cragan in this city. Mr.

Willie Berlin, of Dallas, Texas, after spending several days with relatives in this city expected to return home today, accompanied by his sister, Miss Ruth. Miss Norma Lashlee, one of the teachers in the high school at Oberlin, who has been spending the holidays with Mrs. H. Vanderford, in Polk street, has returned borne. Mrs.

G. R. Mitchell and Mr. Andrew Bowman have returned from New Orleans, where they went to accompany Mrs. Ingram, who is enroute to her home in Virginia after a visit to her sister, Mrs.

Mitchell, in this city, Messrs. G. R. Carpenter, of Anson-ville, N. and J.

A. Woolf, of Guthrie, are the guests of Mr. Hilton Bragg in Pinevllle. Thest gentlemen left this morning for a month's hunt on Black River. The following invitation has been issued: "Mr.

and Mrs. John Wllbert request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Ophelia to Mr. Ashton McLoy Hickman on the evening of Wednesday, the fourteenth of January, 1913, at five o'clock, St. John's Church, Plaquemlne, La." Mr. Hickman is a son of the late Geo.

W. Hickman and Mrs. Rosa Hickman of this city. (From Monday's Daily.) Mr. Ed Hochendel is in St.

Louis on business. Mr. L. C. Thcmos, of Pinevllle ward, was In the city today.

Mrs. C. B. McNeil and little son, of visitors to this city today. Mr.

Dawson McNeeley, of Boyce, was In the city yesterday. Mr. J. A. Colvin, of Pinevllle, left yesterday for Mansildd on business.

Mr. John W. Ward, cf Magda, wns in the city today. Mrs. Drew White, of Pine Bluff, is the guest of her sister, Mrs.

G. M. 1 lardy, in St. James street. Messrs rover C.

Walker and Jas. P. Turner, have returned from a trip to Pallup, X. M.Mr. George Baker, of New Orleans, is the guest of his daughter, Mrs.

Fred Pefferkorn, in this city. Miss Bunnie Hayes left Saturday night for Shreveport to spend some time. Mr. Wm. Tully has been quite ill at the Terminal Hotel for the past several days.

Mr. Aaron Rosenthal returned last night from a short visit in Shreveport. Mr. Walter Baker, of Boyce, was In the city yesterday and returned home laBt night. f1- Mr.

P. C. Taylor 'Saturday afternoon for Pensa vM a iause Dr. knurs se Dr. King m' uusmesH uip.

most juuge j. rusn uuu mr. iava, wempie arrived in trie city last nigtn. from Shreveport. Messrs.

H. L. Melder, of Boyce, and J. F. Melder, of Melder, were in the city today and called.

Miss Bettle Maddox arrived home today from Lake Charles, where she was the guest during the holidays of Mrs. Waddell Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. J.

G. Ewing, of Glen-mora, and Mr. and Mrs. G. G.

Ewing, of Welch, are visiting relatives in this city. Mrs. George Statham and daughters, Helen and Anna, of Lake Charles, are the guests of Mrs, P. J. Jordan In this city.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Spotten left yesterday for their home, Pawnee, after spending the holidays with their parentsin Pineville. Misses Dora Flower, Euphrasia Leonard and May Leonard, of Colfax, are the guests of Miss Ellen Ward iu Magda.

Mrs. Ruth Stokes, nee Hoffman, of Galbraith, has been spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Hoffman, in Pinevllle. Mrs.

F. P. Stubbs and baby of Monroe, are guests of Mrs. Stubbs' parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Chas. Flower, at Flower-ton. Col. Stubbs spent Sunday here, returning home today. Miss Helen Baker, one of the teachers in the Pineville school, returned yesterday from Boyce.

where she had been spending the holidays with hrr parents. Senator J. R. Thornton, who is enjoying the Christmas holidays with his family in this city, expects to visit Mrs. James Jeffries in Shreveport, before his return to Washington.

Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hathorn will return to their home at Richland, tomorrow evening, after spending the holidays with Mrs.

Hathoru's mother, Mrs. P. J. Jordan. Mr.

R. E. Stuckey, of Boyce, was in the city yesterday. He came here with his two little nephews, Pat" and "Yat," who were en route to their home at Pollock, after spending the holidays w-th relatives at lioyej. Misses, Lucile and Ella Hickman, of Boyce, were in the city yesterday en route to Pollock, where they are teaching In the public schools.

They had been Bpending the holidays with their parents at Boyce. I'UIIHMS il VVIMIIKI1 lllium aim. IH UiaO tl Hints juunt'l liuniu'u land flowered kimona Jack Berry, an aged colored man, well-known by many of the oldest citizens, died this morning, after an illness of two days. The funeral will take place tomorrow from Shlloh Baptist Church, and interment will be made in the Pineville cemetery. "Jack" was for the past quarter of a century yard man for the Jarreau family, and was regularly employed for many years to wheel the mail from the Town Talk office to the postoffice.

He was always of a cheerful disposition, was good hearted and counted everybody as his friend. "Jack will be missed by bis white friends as well as his colored friends. He was ft member of Shiloh Baptist Church, and the funeral services will be conducted by his pastor, Rev. Israel Thomas. (From Tuesday's Daily.) The names of Mr.

and Mrs. Robt Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Hoff man were unintentionally omitted from the published list of those who attended the Jones-Schwartzenberg reception, in Pineville, on Sunday night. Mr.

Smith assisted with the music. Work John W. Ball's handsome residence on lower Front street in Pineville, is progresing slowly. This is going to be one of the best constructed houses in the Parish of Rapides, and will be well finished nnd furnished. It will be electric lighted, steam heated and thoroughly modern in every respect.

The contractor is Mr. E. T. Elam of Pineville'. A horse attached to a buggy ran down Front street at noon, turning the vehicle over in front of the court house, and continued its course down the river road at a rapid rate, leaving the buggy where it was turned over.

The shafts of the buggy were broken and the dash board also. A number of articles in the buggy were dumped out In the street. The owner could not be found for some time. He came along later and after making an investigation had the vehicle taken away. The bundle of clothing which was found under the river bank on Monday evening has been turned over to Chief of Police, J.

W. Buie, and is now at the police station on Iee street. The owner can have same by calling there. A white man who was injured by a train at or near Oakdale at an early hour this morning was brought here on the Watkins passenger train today at noon and transferred to the L. A.

train and sent on to the Shreveport hospital. A subscription was taken up at the union depot with which to pay the man's fare to Shreveport Mrs. L. M. Wade of this city, recovered yesterday through the efforts of Chief of Police J.

W. Buie, a valuable set of furs which she lost from a vehicle about two years ago, while she was out It seems that Mrs. Wade saw a girl in the country wearing the furs that she lost, and bad Chief Buie to investigate. He found that a relative of the girl had picked up the furs on the public road some time ago and gave them to her. The girl readily gave them up to the officer when he explained to her that they belonged to Mrs.

Wade. In a recent issue of the Danville, Register, in an account of a concert given at Randolph Macon Insti tute there appears the following very complimentary notice about Miss An nie White Randolph, who attends that splendid school. The Register Bays: "Miss Annie Randolph was one of the vocalists. She made a fine impression. She has a strong, melodious voice of good range and quality, promising fine results with cultivation." Miss Ran dolph is at present spending the hol idays with her parents Dr.


Lake Charles, Dec. 31. That Gilbert Hennigan of Merryville narrowly escaped being lynched by a mob at DeQuincy last Sunday developed here today, when he was acquitted on charges of carrying concealed weapons. Hennigan was a member of the Citizen's League at De Quincy last summer that deported four I. W.

W. strike leaders. He was recognized on his visit Sunday and a mob of about thirty men gathered, cursing and threatening him. Mayor J. B.

Brice and Town Marshal Lyons, with revolvers drawn, held off the crowd at the depot while Hennigan escaped on a train. LAND FREE I have 150 acres of land, nine miles from Alexandria, on Bayou Rapides, that I will let out in 50 acre lots for the year 1914 to good tenants with teams, free of rent. J. L. LACROIX, Alexandria, Phone 622.

Adv. (1-1-I0td2tw) ALEXANDRIA PREFERS CHARGE THAT CAUSED HIS IN. CARCEKATIOX. The New Orleans States of this morning tells of the arrest of Georee W. Merrill in New Orleans on a complaint from Alexandria.

Edwin Chan-nell of this city swore out an affidavit for the arrest of Merrill on the following grounds: "Obtaining by false pretenses from him, the sum of twenty dollars by falsely pretending to represent the George G. Clows Company, and as their agent signing a traveling managers contract with him, Channell, with intent to defraud him." The States says: George W. Merrill, COLDS LaGRIPPE 5 or 6 doses 666 will btak any case of Chills Fever, Colds LaGrippe; it acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not grips or sicken. Price 25c..

Weekly Town Talk from Alexandria, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.