方舟:生存进化 v293.103升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版 - 只狼103升级档 - 办公设备维修网 (2024)







更新v293.103:-在大基地附近传送时的固定档位-在大垒附近比赛时固定挂接装置-修复了在mods(s+,其他…)中捕捉的问题更新v293.100:S+变异系统-添加了结构变量系统来循环结构的视觉效果结构拾音器-启用以下结构的拾取:-电梯平台-电梯轨道-发电机烤架-工业锻造-工业研磨机化学实验台制造者TEK发生器-TEK复制器-TEK发射机-蜜蜂蜂箱的残废收集-添加了serversettings ini config选项structurepickupholidduration以允许非官方人员配置(或通过设置为0禁用)快速取货保持时间-将快速拾取的默认值更改为0.5秒(从1秒)结构添加-增加“平滑”侧壁变型(如石头基础)到股票广场基础[土坯,金属,石头,泰克,茅草,Wood ]-三角基础[土坯、金属、石头、泰克、木材]-三角天花板[土坯、金属、石头、泰克、木材、温室]-三角屋顶[土坯、金属、石头、泰克、木材、温室]-大(4倍高)墙[土坯、金属、石头、泰克、木材]-柔性管[石头、金属]-柔性电缆-楼梯(带可自由更换的坡道变体)【土坯、金属、石材、泰克、木材】-双门框【土坯、金属、石材、泰克、木材】-双开门[土坯、金属、石头、泰克、木材]-tek专用存储(tek结构,允许存储大量单个资源)-围栏支撑(允许您沿顶部水平建造围栏)【土坯、金属、石头、砖、木头】漂砾返工-分类kibble-生物喜欢他们的拼字游戏或更高级别的游戏。-生产-异龙-优势-甲龙-普通-始祖鸟-简单-argentavis-高级-重子糖-普通-巴斯里斯克-例外-雷龙-例外-Carbonemys-常规-普通卡公证员-Compay-简单用法-双甲鱼-基本-二甲川酮-普通-二吗啡酮-简单-梁龙-普通- dodo-Basic-羽绒服-基本款-gallimimus-简单用法-巨龙-例外-Glowtail-基本-Hesperonis-非凡-鱼刺-简单-伊瓜农-简单-凯鲁库-基础-Kaprosuchus-常规-Kentrosaurus-普通-Lystrosaurus-基础-螳螂-高级-巨蓝-高级-巨舌龙-高级-微型猛禽-简单型-Morellatops-简单用法-Moschops-高级-Oviraptor-简单用法-雪猫头鹰-高级-大头龙-简单-厚鼻龙-普通-Parasaur-基本-Pegomastax-简单用法-Pelagornis-常规-翼手龙-简单-普通木耳-Quetzalcoatlus-例外-猛禽-简单-雷克斯-例外-岩石德雷克-非凡-肉瘤-常规-棘龙-上-剑龙-普通-Tapejera-高级-恐怖鸟-普通-Therizinoaurus-特殊-刺龙-普通-Titanboa-高级-三角恐龙-简单-特洛顿-常规-维罗纳索-常规-秃鹰-基本-怀文-非凡-尤泰那努斯-例外-优选-异龙-优势-钓鱼-普通-甲龙-普通-Araneo-简单用法-始祖鸟-简单-argentavis-高级-重子糖-普通-巴西龙-例外-Beelzebufo-常规-雷龙-例外-Carbonemys-常规-普通卡公证员-Castoroides-高级-大田-高级-双甲鱼-基本-二甲川酮-普通-二吗啡酮-简单-双腔-简单-梁龙-普通-迪雷巴尔-高级-迪雷沃尔夫-高级- dodo-Basic-杜迪库鲁-普通-Dunkleostus-高级-gallimimus-简单用法-气囊-高级-巨型蜜蜂-简单-巨猿-普通-巨龙-例外-格里芬-非凡-鱼刺-简单-鱼龙-简单-伊瓜农-简单-凯鲁库-基础-Kaprosuchus-常规-卡基诺斯-例外-Kentrosaurus-普通-淋巴-普通-猛犸象-高级-Managarmr-例外-巨蓝-非凡-Megaloceros-简单用法-巨脉-高级-巨舌龙-高级-高温-高级-中胚层-基性-Morellatops-简单用法-摩萨苏鲁-例外-甲骨文-简单-雪猫头鹰-高级-大头龙-简单-胸膜旁-上-Parasaur-基本-Pegomastax-简单用法-Pelagornis-常规-Phiomia-基础-蛇颈龙-高级-翼手龙-常规-普通木耳-普洛维亚-普通-Quetzalcoatlus-例外-猛禽-简单-雷克斯-例外-岩石元素-非凡-Sabertooth-常规-肉瘤-常规-棘龙-例外-剑龙-普通-Tapejera-高级-恐怖鸟-普通-Therizinoaurus-特殊-刺龙-普通-类囊虫-非常-三角恐龙-简单-维罗纳索-常规-毛犀牛-高级-尤泰那努斯-非凡

中心-修复与筏相关的漏洞更新v291.102:-启用匹配选项-默认情况下禁用恐龙交配(不可追溯)-修复导致UI不正确反映匹配状态的错误更新v291.100:管理器-冰呼吸伤害现在按到目标的距离缩放-改善海牛出没的情况-哨声跟随或哨声停止将命令海牛停止其活动能力并返回地面。-减少冰呼吸冻结量-冻结调试之间的时间增加功勋-修复与筏相关的开发-修复与Tek手套相关的漏洞-修复与猫头鹰和婴儿有关的漏洞-修复与OWL相关的漏洞-修复与沙漠泰坦闪电相关的漏洞灭绝-环境内存改进-SM4渲染改进冰巨人-让冰河巨人把更多的目标当作可以跳跃的敌人沙漠巨人-修复沙漠巨人有时冻结/拒绝移动在老板的战斗。-修复沙漠泰坦偶尔飞出世界边界-未驯服的沙漠泰坦地面目标闪电攻击现在有一个可变的延迟-移除闪电场对敌人的燃烧效果泰坦减少近战攻击对结构的伤害交配-在恐龙的行为转盘下添加了“启用交配”-将dino hover ui改为“启用漫游或交配以交配”,而不是“启用漫游以交配”。用户界面-将聊天室下移到左下角库存-将项目符号/箭头堆栈大小从50增加到100。炮塔-减少自动/重型炮塔库存约40%,以适应弹药堆的变化(导致他们可以储存的最大子弹数略有增加)部落-完成部落群等级从5到10的增加-除非是部落管理员,否则玩家不能接受联盟邀请。-联盟邀请和新加入或从联盟中删除的部落现在记录在部落日志中。低温冷冻器-工具提示现在包含恐龙的统计信息-交配定时器现在在低温舱中前进,除非低温舱被转移,然后它被重置以尊重新服务器的MatingInterval乘数。-婴儿老化在冷冻舱中暂停-婴儿印记在冷冻舱中暂停-当进入冷冻舱时,婴儿怀孕中止。空调-减少空调SFX半径植物Y-不再影响奎兹和卡基诺斯植物Z-眩晕冷却时间比恐龙增加,5秒->7.5秒古巨蜥-鱼雷减半率博拉-你现在很难更快地离开博拉实验-添加了[服务器设置]itemstacksizemultiplier以允许增加或减小项目堆栈大小-添加了[/script/shootergame.shootergamemode]配置goverrideItemMaxQuantity以允许手动覆盖每个项目的项目堆栈大小网格内存优化- Doedicurus-半人马座- Rex Saddle-索氏鞍-各种粒子网格粒子内存优化- Dino Leash更新v289.101:

-固定项目未显示在ARK数据中(上传/下载/传输)当前服务器版本:289.100管理器-现在的结构阻挡了俯冲损伤-修正了潜水伤害不能被装甲降低的问题-向后瞄准和对侧瞄准时,冰呼吸不应再经过海牛座。功勋-修复涉及椅子的漏洞-修复涉及梯子的漏洞-修复涉及Tapejara的漏洞-修复涉及螃蟹的漏洞补体第四成份-不能再将C4放在平台鞍座上泰克桥-修正了桥梁错误识别其他结构为敌方结构的位置问题。终点站-修正玩家在访问一个终端时,在他们的贡品库存中有太多断开连接(成就奖励)炮塔-修复炮塔损伤计算,使损伤在低帧速率下保持一致望远镜-现在可以在装备时按N打开十字线键绑定-在keybindings选项中添加whistle-land-flyers命令,以便对其进行绑定服务器稳定性-修复罕见的崩溃轨道供应下降-修复一些腐败恐龙在板条箱完成/销毁后被卡在攻击位置童子军-修复被你自己的炮塔在产卵时摧毁的侦察兵维拉纳鳄-呼吸效果仅在维罗纳索体力不足时出现甲乙酮-在低fps摆动时启用命中暂停-修理消耗元素粉尘的MEK泰坦-改进冰原和森林泰坦健康棒的放置-鞍座物理改进闲聊-使用嵌入的URL修复名称的格式设置低温冷冻器-改进的部落日志报告灭绝-修复提升跳过保存游戏的电影-火山口森林中的固定产卵-重新加载时修复圆顶过渡问题-堵塞了许多地图孔-更新禁地产卵器-更新了结构预防量,以允许在城市沟渠东部的下水道管道/建筑中进行建筑。-在沙漠洞穴中阻止飞行者-清除漂浮的树叶-修复了玩家可能被卡住的多个位置-修复荒地清理错误-更新了几个杀伤屏障的位置-修复错误的网下传送点-在火山口森林下清除了不必要的网格焦灼的地球-固定多个地图孔岛上-固定地图孔网格内存优化:-Titanomyrma(爬行和飞行版本)-陶土桩烟雾手榴弹-蛇怪熊陷阱皮衬衫- Wooden Cage-卡诺鞍-化学实验台- Chitin Boots- Chitin Gloves- Chitin裤子- Chitin Shirt-集束手榴弹营火腐败的裤子弩弓-多爪龙鞍-鱼龙鞍-巨型动物下降火炬- Dung Beetle-灭绝-提升道具-灭绝-火山口森林元素柱-灭绝-火山口森林-消光-火山口地形-灭绝-沙漠巴特-消光元素脉带-灭绝-禁区卷须-灭绝-冰岛冰川-灭绝-冰岛山峰-消光-天坑-消光-雪洞岩-消光-硫池-灭绝-荒地岩石筏板-棒-泰坦王奖杯头像皮靴皮手套皮裤-猛犸象鞍-巨脉鞍金属屋顶-轨道供应下降-降落伞安全带-半人马座-腓肠肌鞍-木屋屋顶猛禽-雷克斯-布伦托猎枪侦察兵遥控器-烧焦的火把皮弹弓-倾斜茅草屋顶-倾斜茅草墙-斜木墙矛-植物种类X- Stone Pick-斯蒂戈-动物标本平台大-小型动物标本平台-TEK屏蔽发电机-中心-海沟生物藤-岛-外星人科技专栏-岛元素柱-岛-冰洞-岛-冰柱墙-岛上——红杉倒下了-这个岛-泰克·鲁恩斯-岛-水下峡谷-岛-珊瑚礁-岛岩组-岛-生物藤-Therizino鞍座火炬三轮车-碳纤维鞍座-默认生存服木柱- Wooden Roof-拉链式线束更新288.114:单元静脉-修复清除中的错误冬季仙境-加查克劳斯战利品更新288.113:冬季仙境!- Raptor Claus-在游戏中在上午0点到凌晨2点之间飞过任何地图(启用事件)-丢弃节日礼物- Gacha Claus-在所有地图上都能找到半人马的地方产卵-有节日色彩,戴着圣诞帽-无法驯服-不喜欢靠近其他野生恐龙-接受煤炭*以节日为回报*滴恐龙糖*把这个喂给驯服的恐龙以获得奇怪的效果-接受槲寄生*提供物品作为回报- Colorization-20%的野生恐龙会用节日的颜色产卵。-使用ActiveEvent系统-activeEvent=冬季仙境-空调后清理


Update v293.103:- Fixed stalls during teleporting near large bases- Fixed hitches when playing near large bases- Fixed issue with snapping in mods (S+, others...)

Update v293.100:S+Variant System- Added Structure variant system to cycle visuals for a structure

Structure Pickup- Enabled pickup of the following structures:- Elevator Platforms- Elevator Tracks- Electric Generator- Grill- Industrial Forge- Industrial Grinder- Chem Bench- Fabricator- Tek Generator- Tek Replicator- Tek Transmitter- Disabled pickup of Bee Hives- Added ServerSettings ini config option StructurePickupHoldDuration to allow unofficials to configure (or disable by setting to 0) the quick-pickup hold duration- Changed default for quick-pickup to 0.5 seconds (from 1 second)

Structure Additions- Added 'Smooth' sidewall variants (like the stone foundation) to the stock square foundations [Adobe, Metal, Stone, Tek, Thatch, Wood]- Triangle foundations [Adobe, Metal, Stone, Tek, Wood]- Triangle ceilings [Adobe, Metal, Stone, Tek, Wood, Greenhouse]- Triangle roofs [Adobe, Metal, Stone, Tek, Wood, Greenhouse]- Large (4x height) walls [Adobe, Metal, Stone, Tek, Wood]- Flexible pipes [Stone, Metal]- Flexible electrical cables- Stairs (with freely swappable ramp variant) [Adobe, Metal, Stone, Tek, Wood]- Double door frames [Adobe, Metal, Stone, Tek, Wood]- Double doors [Adobe, Metal, Stone, Tek, Wood]- Tek Dedicated storage (Tek structure that allows storing a large amount of a single resource)- Fence supports (allows you to build fences that are level along the top) [Adobe, Metal, Stone, Tek, Wood]

Kibble Rework

- Categorized Kibble- Creatures prefer their category of Kibble or above- Produced- Allosaurus - Superior- Ankylosaurus - Regular- Archaeopteryx - Simple- Argentavis - Superior- Baryonyx - Regular- Basilisk - Exceptional- Brontosaurus - Exceptional- Carbonemys - Regular- Carnotaur - Regular- Compy - Simple- Dilophosaur - Basic- Dimetrodon - Regular- Dimorphodon - Simple- Diplodocus - Regular- Dodo - Basic- Featherlight - Basic- Gallimimus - Simple- Giganotosaurus - Exceptional- Glowtail - Basic- Hesperornis - Extraordinary- Ichthyornis - Simple- Iguanodon - Simple- Kairuku - Basic- Kaprosuchus - Regular- Kentrosaurus - Regular- Lystrosaurus - Basic- Mantis - Superior- Megalania - Superior- Megalosaurus - Superior- Micro Raptor - Simple- Morellatops - Simple- Moschops - Superior- Oviraptor - Simple- Snow Owl - Superior- Pachycephalosaurus - Simple- Pachyrhinosaurus - Regular- Parasaur - Basic- Pegomastax - Simple- Pelagornis - Regular- Pteranodon - Simple- Pulmonoscorpius - Regular- Quetzalcoatlus - Exceptional- Raptor - Simple- Rex - Exceptional- Rock Drake - Extraordinary- Sarcosuchus - Regular- Spinosaur - Superior- Stegosaurus - Regular- Tapejera - Superior- Terror Bird - Regular- Therizinosaurus - Exceptional- Thorny Dragon - Regular- Titanboa - Superior- Triceratops - Simple- Troodon - Regular- Velonasaur - Regular- Vulture - Basic- Wyvern - Extraordinary- Yutyrannus - Exceptional

- Preferred- Allosaurus - Superior- Angler Fish - Regular- Ankylosaurus - Regular- Araneo - Simple- Archaeopteryx - Simple- Argentavis - Superior- Baryonyx - Regular- Basilosaurus - Exceptional- Beelzebufo - Regular- Brontosaurus - Exceptional- Carbonemys - Regular- Carnotaur - Regular- Castoroides - Superior- Daeodon - Superior- Dilophosaur - Basic- Dimetrodon - Regular- Dimorphodon - Simple- Diplocaulus - Simple- Diplodocus - Regular- Direbear - Superior- Direwolf - Superior- Dodo - Basic- Doedicurus - Regular- Dunkleosteus - Superior- Gallimimus - Simple- Gasbags - Superior- Giant Bee - Simple- Gigantopithecus - Regular- Giganotosaurus - Exceptional- Griffin - Extraordinary- Ichthyornis - Simple- Ichthyosaurus - Simple- Iguanodon - Simple- Kairuku - Basic- Kaprosuchus - Regular- Karkinos - Exceptional- Kentrosaurus - Regular- Lymantria - Regular- Mammoth - Superior- Managarmr - Exceptional- Megalania - Extraordinary- Megaloceros - Simple- Megalodon - Superior- Megalosaurus - Superior- Megatherium - Superior- Mesopithicus - Basic- Morellatops - Simple- Mosasaurus - Exceptional- Onyc - Simple- Snow Owl - Superior- Pachycephalosaurus - Simple- Paraceratherium - Superior- Parasaur - Basic- Pegomastax - Simple- Pelagornis - Regular- Phiomia - Basic- Plesiosaurus - Superior- Pteranodon - Regular- Pulmonoscorpius - Regular- Purlovia - Regular- Quetzalcoatlus - Exceptional- Raptor - Simple- Rex - Exceptional- Rock Elemental - Extraordinary- Sabertooth - Regular- Sarcosuchus - Regular- Spinosaur - Exceptional- Stegosaurus - Regular- Tapejera - Superior- Terror Bird - Regular- Therizinosaurus - Exceptional- Thorny Dragon - Regular- Thylacoleo - Extraordinary- Triceratops - Simple- Velonasaur - Regular- Woolly Rhino - Superior- Yutyrannus - Extraordinary

Exploits- Fixed exploit related to water well- Fixed exploit related to Titan downloads- Fixed exploit related to Velonasaurs- Fixed exploit related to Platform Saddles

Crashes- Fixed crash related to shoulder pets- Fixed crash related to Taxidermy

Managarmr- Fixed issue with Managarmr breath causing flyers to teleport- Fixed Managarmr's forward dash not triggering consistently when spamming it- When Managarmr freezes a dino with a rider, the rider will no longer be dismounted but rather frozen for 1 second- Character frozen visual effect should change more smoothly- A player frozen either standing, crouching, or prone can no longer change that state- Duration of frozen for player characters is now a function of health and armor rating- Duration of frozen for player characters is significantly reduced overall- Cheat spawning a dino should no longer cause you to get stuck on that dino - if it dies while being frozen by Managarmar Ice breath- Reduced Managarmr ice breath damage ~25%- Added new freeze immune icon

Environments- Fixed buildable space outside of bounds- Fixed multiple holes and meshing locations- Moved Desert Titan player spawn point to an area inside the structure prevention zone- Fixed climbable trees in Extinction

Kairuku- Base affinity increased by 30% now that it has a preferred kibble

Ice Wyverns- Fixed creature icon being blank

Item Stacks- Fixed ConfigOverrideItemMaxQuantity issue with RawPrimeMeat

Giganotosaurus- Increased damage required to enrage a giga by 55%

Corrupted Heart- Fixed item to use correct icon

Mind Wipe- Characters can be respeced once every 24 hours

UI- Improved search filtering on inventory and crafting menus

Elevators- Set Primitive Elevator Platforms and Tracks to be craftable by wood instead of requiring fungal wood

Update v292.103:

- Fix for unharvestable Trike- Disabled follow on creatures when release from cryopod

Update v292.100:

Valentines Day Event!- Auto Activates from 2/12 - 2/18 for non-TCs- Run with ActiveEvent=vday to toggle manuallyEvent Rates:- 2x Mating/Mate boost Range- 3x Mating Speed/Mating Recovery- 3x Baby/Egg Maturation Speed- 1/3rd Baby Food ConsumptionEvent Details:- Dino color spawns: Creatures have a 20% chance to spawn with holiday themed colors- When mating, creatures have a 25% chance to drop an item. That item has a 50/50 chance to be one of the following:- Valentines Chocolate: Restore full HP, or knock 40% off a Dino's Tame Bar- Valentines Candy: Random dino colors

Managarmr- Fix bug causing Managarmr to die randomly- Potential fix for client crash- Ice breath is no longer stopped by a Dino Leash- Potential fix for Managarmrs floating away- Whistle Stop and Whistle Follow will interrupt the current ability- Increased time between freeze buffs- Ice breath freeze amount is now more significantly reduced by distance- Clamped forward dash movement to horizontal plane

Cryopods- Now show gender in the tooltip- Tribe log displays the name of the cryopod owner who's cryopod broke- Fix for dino owner not transfering when stealing a cryopod with a dino in it

Trike- Fixed infinite trike ramming bug

Movement- Fix for players getting stuck when walking off foundations

Bear TrapsBear traps are now placeable again!

Tek Dinos- Now drop electronics/metal as intended

Exploits- Fix exploit related to Tek Sword

Desert Titan- Reduced tamed Desert Titan total hp by 1/3

Item Stack Config- Only apply the global multiplier ItemStackSizeMultiplier to items that are intended to stack. This doesn't affect ConfigOverrideItemMaxQuantity entries.

Scorched Earth- Removed the Ruins of Nosti gate

Extinction- Fixed a meshing location- Reduced shadow cost of some meshes- Defenders are harvestable for light robotic materials

The Center- Fix exploit related to Rafts

Update v291.102:- Enable Mating Option- Disable mating on dinos by default (not retroactive)- Fix bug that caused the UI to improperly reflect mating state

Update v291.100:

Managarmr- Ice Breath damage is now scaled by distance to the target- Improvements to situations where Managarmrs float away- Whistle Follow or Whistle Stop will order the Managarmr to stop their active ability and return to ground- Reduced Ice Breath freeze amount- Increased time between Freeze Debuffs

Exploits- Fix for exploit related to Rafts- Fix for exploit related to Tek Gloves- Fix for exploit related to Owl and babies- Fix for exploit related to Owl- Fix for exploit related to Desert Titan lightning

Extinction - Environment memory improvements- SM4 rendering improvements

Ice Titan- Have Ice Titan consider more targets as a leapable-enemy

Desert Titan- Fix Desert Titan sometimes freezing/refusing to move during boss fight- Fix Desert Titan occassionaly flying out of world bounds- Untamed Desert Titan ground targeted lightning attack will now have a variable delay- Removed Burning debuff that the lightning field puts on enemies

TitansReduced damage to structures from melee attacks

Mating- Added "Enable Mating" under Behavior dial on Dinos- Change dino hover UI to read "Enable Wander or Mating to Mate" instead of "Enable Wander to Mate"

UI- Move chatbox down to lower left corner

Inventory - Increase Bullet/Arrow stack size to 100 (from 50).

Turrets- Reduced Auto/Heavy turret inventory size roughly 40%, to accommodate ammo stack change (results in slight increase of max # of bullets they can store)

Tribes- Finish increasing tribe group rank limit from 5 to 10- A player can not accept alliance invites unless they are tribe admin- Alliance invites and new tribes added or removed from alliances is now logged in the Tribe Log.

Cryopod- Tooltips now contain the stats of the dino- Mating timer now advances while in a Cryopod unless the Cryopod is transferred, then it is reset to respect the new server's MatingIntervalMultiplier- Baby aging is paused while in a Cryopod- Baby imprinting is paused while in a Cryopod- Baby gestation is aborted when entering a Cryopod

Air Conditioner- Reduced Air Conditioning SFX radius

Plant Y- No longer affects Quetz and Karkinos

Plant Z- Stun cooldown increased vs dinos, 5 seconds -> 7.5 seconds

Megalania- Halve torpidity decrease rate

Bola- You can now struggle to get out of bola faster

Experimental- Added [ServerSettings] ItemStackSizeMultiplier to allow increasing or decreasing item stack size- Added [/script/shootergame.shootergamemode] ConfigOverrideItemMaxQuantity to allow manually overriding item stack size on a per-item basis

Mesh Memory Optimizations- Doedicurus- Parasaur Saddle- Rex Saddle- Sauropod Saddle- Various Particle Meshes

Particle Memory Optimizations- Dino Leash

Update v289.101:

- Fixed items not displaying in ARK data (uploading/downloading/transferring)

Current Server Version: 289.100

Managarmr- Structures now block dive damage- Fixed issue with dive damage not being reduced by armor- Ice breath should no longer go through Managarmr when aiming backwards and aiming for the opposite side

Exploits- Fix for exploit involving chairs- Fix for exploit involving ladders- Fix for exploit involving Tapejara- Fix for exploit involving Crab

C4- Can no longer place C4 on platform saddles

Tek Bridge- Fixed issue with placement where bridge incorrectly identified other structures as enemy structures

Terminal- Fix for players getting disconnected when accessing a terminal with too much in their tribute inventory (achievement rewards)

Turrets- Fix turret damage calculation so that damage is consistent at low framerate

Spyglass- Can now press N to turn on crosshair while equipped

Keybinding- Adding whistle land flyers command into the keybindings options so that it can be bound

Server Stability- Fix for rare crash

Orbital Supply Drop- Fix for some corrupt dinos being stuck in attack in place after the crate is completed/destroyed

Scout- Fix Scout being destroyed by your own turret on spawn

Velonasaur- Breath FX appears when Velonasaur is on low stamina only

Mek- Enabled hit pause on low fps swings- Fix for Meks consuming Element Dust

Titans- Improved placement of health bar for Ice and Forest titans- Saddle physics improvements

Chat- Fix formatting of Names with embedded URLs

CryoPod- Improved tribe log report

Extinction- Fix for Ascension skipping cinematics for saved games- Fixed spawning below world in Crater Forest- Fix for dome transition issue on reload- Plugged numerous map holes- Updated Forbidden Zone spawners- Structure prevention volume updated to allow building in the City Trench eastern sewer pipe/building.- Prevented flyers in Desert Cave- Floating foliage removed- Fixed multiple places where players could get stuck- Fixed erroneous Wasteland debuffs- Updated several placements of kill barriers- Fixed erroneous undermesh teleport spots- Removed unnecessary meshes under Crater Forest

Scorched Earth- Fixed multiple map holes

The Island- Fixed a map hole

Mesh Memory Optimizations for:- Titanomyrma (both crawling and flying versions)- Arkaeology Soil Pile- Smoke Grenade- Basilisk- Bear Trap- Hide Shirt- Wooden Cage- Carno Saddle- Chemistry Bench- Chitin Boots- Chitin Gloves- Chitin Pants- Chitin Shirt- Cluster Grenade- Campfire- Corrupt Pants- Crossbow- Doedicurus Saddle- Ichthyosaurus Saddle- Meganeura- Dropped Torch- Dung Beetle- Extinction - Ascension Props- Extinction - Crater Forest Element Column- Extinction - Crater Forest Butte- Extinction - Crater Terrain- Extinction - Desert Butte- Extinction - Element Vein Ribbon- Extinction - Forbidden Zone Tendrils- Extinction - Iceland Glaciers- Extinction - Iceland Mountain Peaks- Extinction - Sinkhole- Extinction - Snow Cave Rock- Extinction - Sulfur Pools- Extinction - Wasteland Rocks- Raft- Glowstick- King Titan Trophy Head- Hide Boots- Hide Gloves- Hide Pants- Mammoth Saddle- Megalodon Saddle- Metal Roof- Orbital Supply Drop- Parachute Harness- Parasaur Saddle- Phiomia Saddle- Ragnarok - Wooden Roof- Raptor- Rex- Bronto- Shotgun- Scout Remote- Scorched Torch Skin- Slingshot- Sloped Thatch Roof- Sloped Thatch Wall- Sloped Wooden Wall- Spear- Plant Species X- Stone Pick- Stego- Taxidermy Platform Large- Taxidermy Platform Small- Tek Shield Generator- The Center - Ocean Trench Biolum Vine- The Island - Alien Tech Column- The Island - Element Column- The Island - Ice Caves- The Island - Icicle Wall- The Island - Redwood Fallen- The Island - Tek Runes- The Island - Underwater Canyon- The Island - Coral Reef- The Island - Rock Formation- The Island - Biolum Vine- Therizino Saddle- Torch- Trike- Carbonemys Saddle- Default Survivior Clothing- Wooden Pillar- Wooden Roof- Zipline Harness

Update 288.114:

Element Veins- Fix for bug in cleanup

Winter Wonderland- Tweak to GachaClaus loot

Update 288.113:

Winter Wonderland!- Raptor Claus - Flies over any map between 0am and 2am in-game (with event enabled) - Drops Holiday Gifts - Gacha Claus - Spawns where you'd find Parasaurs on all maps - Has holiday colors and wears a Santa Hat - Cannot be tamed - Doesn't like being near other wild dinos - Accepts Coal * Gives Holiday Items in return * Drops Dino Candy * Feed this to a tamed dino for a strange effect - Accepts Mistletoe * Gives Items in return - Colorization - 20% of wild dinos will spawn with Holiday colors- Uses the ActiveEvent system - ActiveEvent=WinterWonderland - Cleans up after ActiveEvent is reset - Auto applies to all non-TC sessions from 12/18-1/7 (UTC) - Run with ActiveEvent=None to disable

Extinction- Fix for King Titan environmental effects starting again after boss despawned- Fix for other bosses interrupting King Titan environmental effects- Cave entrance cooldown display bug fix- Increased radius of city meteor shield- Improvements to dome shaders- Reduced meteor impact damage to 750- Improvements to height fog in desert biome

Titans- Increased Mek sword damage to tamed titans approximately 9x- Increased Mek pistol damage to tamed titans approximately 3x- Increased turret damage multipliers to tamed Titans- Changes to Titan downloading- Titan is disabled for 15m after download- Titan takes increased damage during this time - Increased Titan download cooldown to 6+ hours- Fix typo in vertical Can't Damage message

Orbital Supply Drop- Buffed Legendary Drops in difficulty and quality of loot- Can now be claimed by a tribe in PVE- Only that tribe can disable shield, eject items, gather loot- Fixed bug that eventually only allowed 1 event at a time in a session- Improvements to shield behavior on low FPS servers- Improvements to attacker pathing and behavior- Legendary crates must be completed to wave 7 to eject items

Element Vein- Can now be claimed by a tribe in PvE- Only that tribe can harvest element- Fixed bug that eventually only allowed 1 event at a time in a session- Improvements to attacker pathing and behavior

Desert Titan- Increased damage when it strikes itself with lightning- Improvements to Desert Titan follow to address flying away- Fix for flocks not defending properly- Improvements to tail attack accuracy- Made tail attack damage consistent- Disabled cryoing the flock- Fixed encumbered movement when walking on a Desert Titan

Dropped Items - Improvements to dropped item interpolation on low fps servers (less poking -through ground)- Prevented dropped items from falling through structures on load- Prevented dropped items from ghosting through structures if thrown close to them

Eggs- Improvements to egg interpolation on low fps servers (less poking through ground)- Prevented eggs from falling through structures on load- Prevented eggs from ghosting through structures if thrown close to them- Fix for invisible Rock Drake and Wyvern eggs

Velonasaur- Increased accuracy of AOE attack- Reduced AOE damage to compensate for increased accuracy- Wild Velonasaurs will no longer shoot for too long- Fix for Wild Velonasaurs not doing damage in PvE- Improvements to desyncs between spines and damage- Reduced hovering when walking- AOE attack will no longer loot victims

Managarmr- Fixed anim bug related to Ice Breath- Fixes for several orientation desyncs- Fixes for desyncs when moving on low fps server- Minor buff to landing damage- Improvements to ice breath targeting- Added message when you are unable to dive- Slowed down baby Managarmrs

Enforcer- Fixed instances where Enforcer could teleport to a non-existant wall- Fixed instances where it could jump back to its last jump position

Scout- Improved Scout tagging accuracy- Improvements to player inspection mechanic- Scout will now show floating damage text when damaged

Item Balloon - Fixed instances of it not going to the correct destination- Fix for cases where balloons didn't explode after landing- Improvements to weight calculation

Gacha- Fix for unclamped loot quality- Fix for incorrect UI when taming is interrupted

Ice Titan- Fix for broken dino animations related to Ice Breath- Increased collision radius for shoulder Corruption

Flyers- Improved flyer following when in water- Added Whistle Land Flyer command - Commands a flyer to land nearby

CrashFix low frequency crash

Manticore- Improvements to landing logic

Performance- Improvements to server performance

Map Markers- Add support for decimal values

Snow Owl- Slowed down baby food consumption rate

Daedon- Disable healing when frozen

Update v287.124:

- Fixed exploit related to structure pickup


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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.