Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (2024)

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (1)




( Oxford English for


Eric H. Glendinning John McEwan




Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (2)

Oxford English for


Eric H. Glendinning

John McEwan

Oxford University Press



Unit 1 8 Electronics in the home

8 Tuning-in

8 Reading Reading for a purpose

10 Reading Understanding diagrams

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11 Language study Describing block diagrams and circuits

12 Speaking practice

12 Writing Describing diagrams

Unit 2 14 Choosing a course

14 Reading Guessing from context

16 Language study Comparison and contrast, I

18 Word study Word stress

18 Writing Requesting information

Unit 3 19 Full-time student

19 Listening

20 Writing Comparing and contrasting. 1

Unit4 21 Componentvalues

21 Technical reading Resistor values

22 Technical reading Capacitor values

23 Technical reading Diode codes

24 Writing Linking facts and ideas, 1

Unit 5 26 Batteries

26 Tuning-in

28 Language study Describing components

29 Speaking practice

29 Word study Verbs and related nouns

29 Technical reading Battery charger

32 Writing Describing diagrams

Unit 6 33 Making a recording

3 3 Tuning-in

34 Language study Describing a process

3 5 Word study Topic sets, I

36 Writing Describing a process

Unit 7 38 Sound engineer

38 Listening

40 Reading Comparing sources

40 Language study Giving advice

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Unit 8 42 Remote control

42 Tuning-in

43 Reading information transfer

44 Language study Actions in sequence

45 Speaking practice

45 Writing Describing a system

46 Technical reading Remote control system

Unit 9 48 Alarm systems

48 Tuning-in

50 Language study If-sentences

51 Speaking practice

51 Word study Word pairs, I

52 Technical reading Alarm systems

53 Writing Explanations

Unit 10 55 Radio

55 Tuning-in

56 Reading information transfer

57 Language study Reduced time clauses

58 Speaking practice

59 Word study Word formation

59 Technical reading Radio

62 Writing Describing a process

Unit 1 1 63 Transistor characteristics

63 Tuning-in

64 Reading Locating and applying information

65 Writing 1 Describing transistor characteristics

66 Writing 2 Ordering components

Unit 12 67 Metaldetector

67 rruning.4n

69 Reading Linking what you read with what you know

71 Language study Grammar links

71 Word study Transitive verbs

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72 Writing Linking facts and ideas, 2

Unit 13 74 Music centre

74 Tuning-in

75 Language study Allowing and preventing verbs

77 Speaking practice

77 Writing Adding information to a text

80 Technical reading Stereo power amplifiers

Unit 14 81 Day release student

81 Listening

82 Language study Would

83 Word study Word pairs. 2


Unit 15 84 Drum machine

84 Tuning-in

85 Reading 1 Recognizing topic

86 Reading 2 Recognizing similar meaning

87 Language study -big forms

87 Word study Compound nouns, 1

88 Technical reading Sampling

Unit 16 90 Audio recording systems

90 Tuning-in

92 Language study Cause and effect, 1

92 Speaking practice

93 Writing Linking facts and ideas, 3

Unit 17 95 CDs

95 Listening

96 Language study Comparison and contrast, 2

Unit 18 97 Graphs

97 Reading Understanding graphs

97 Language study Describing graphs

100 Word study Common verbs in electronics

100 Writing Describing graphs

101 Speaking practice

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Unit 19 102 Test and repair instruments

102 Tuning-in

104 Reading information transfer

105 Language study Cause and effect, 2

105 Word study Compound nouns, 2

106 Technical reading Cathode ray oscilloscope

Unit 20 108 High definition television

108 Tuning-in

110 Language study Certainty

111 Technical reading Television display

113 Writing Linking facts and ideas, 4

Unit 21 114 Video cassette recorder

114 Tuning-in

116 Language study Change and result

1 1 7 Word study Technical and non-technical words

117 Speaking practice

118 Writing Comparing and contrasting, 2


Unit 22 119 Technician

119 Listening

120 Reading Search reading

121 Language study Necessity

Unit 23 122 Computers

122 Tuning-in

124 Language study Describing purpose

124 Word study Prefixes

125 Technical reading Combinational logic

128 Writing Explaining a process control system

Unit 24 129 Digital watch

129 Tuning-in

131 Language study Cause and effect, 3

1 33 Technical reading Divider circuits

1 3 3 Writing Linking facts and ideas. S

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Unit 25 136 Field engineer

136 Listening

Unit 26 139 Telecommunications

139 Tuning-in

140 Reading Reading and note-taking

142 Language study Simple Past versus Present Perfect

144 Technical reading Transmission lines

Unit 27 148 Cellphones

148 Tuning-in

149 Reading Recognizing topic, locating detail

1 32 Writing Linking facts and ideas, 6

Unit28 133 Datatransmission

153 Tuning-in

154 Reading Comparing sources

1 56 Language study Reduced relative clauses

1 57 Word study Short forms

1 57 Writing Describing transmission processes

1 59 Technical reading Communication services

Unit 29 162 Careers in electronics

162 Tuning-in

163 Reading Reading and sharing information

165 Speaking practice

165 Word study Topic sets, 2

165 Writing Describing career plans


Unit 30 166 Job ads

166 Reading Understanding job ads

168 Listening

1 70 Speaking practice

1 73 Writing Writing a CV and letter of application

174 Student A Speaking practice

181 Student B Speaking practice

188 Appendix I

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Glossary of electronic terms and abbreviations

206 Appendix 2

Circuit symbols


Task 1

Task 2

Electronics in the home


Make a list of things in your house which use electronics. Compare your list with that of another


Find out the meaning of these abbreviations. You can use Appendix 1 on page 188 to help you.

1 IC 2 CD 3 hi-il

Reading Reading for a purpose

In your study and work, it is important to have a clear purpose when you read. At the start of most

units in this book, you will find tasks to give you that purpose.

Read quickly through the text on the next page. Tick [ j any items mentioned in the list you made

in Task 1.




Task 3

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (9)

Electronics in the home

Electronics began at the start of the twentieth century with the invention of the

vacuum tube. The first devices for everyday use were radios, followed by televisions,

record players, and tape recorders. These devices were large and used a lot of power.

The invention of the transistor in 1947 meant that much smaller, low- powered

devices could be developed. A wide variety of electronic devices such as hi-fl units and

portable radios became common in the home.

It was not until 1958 that microelectronics began with the

io development of ICs (integrated circuits) on silicon chips. This led to a great increase in

the use of electronics in everyday items. The introduction of the microprocessor allowed

electronics to be used for the control of many common processes.

Microprocessors are now used to control many household items such is as

automatic washing-machines, dishwashers, central heating systems, sewing machines,

and food processors. Electronic timers are found in digital alarm clocks, water heaters,

electric cookers, and microwave ovens. Telephones use electronics to provide automatic

dialling and answerphone facilities. New entertainment devices have been developed,

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such as video recorders and CD (compact disc) players.

In the future, electronics are likely to become even more common in the home as

multimedia entertainment systems and computer- controlled robots are developed.

Điện tử bắt đầu vào đầu thế kỷ XX với các sáng chế của ống chân không.Các thiết bị đầu tiên sử dụng

hàng ngày được radio, tiếp theo là tivi, máy hát và thu băng.Các thiết bị này đã lớn và được sử dụng rất

nhiều điện.

Việc phát minh ra transistor vào năm 1947 có nghĩa là nhỏ hơn nhiều, các thiết bị thấp được hỗ trợ có thể

được phát triển.Một loạt các thiết bị điện tử như các đơn vị hi-fl và radio xách tay đã trở thành phổ biến

trong nhà.

Mãi cho đến năm 1958 rằng vi điện tử bắt đầu với

io phát triển của IC (mạch tích hợp) trên chip silicon.Điều này dẫn đến một sự gia tăng lớn trong việc sử

dụng điện tử trong các mục mỗi ngày.Việc giới thiệu bộ vi xử lý cho phép điện tử sẽ được sử dụng cho sự

kiểm soát của nhiều quá trình chung.

Bộ vi xử lý đang được sử dụng để kiểm soát nhiều vật gia dụng chẳng hạn như tự động-máy giặt, máy rửa

chén, trung tâm sưởi ấm

hệ thống, máy may, và bộ vi xử lý thực phẩm.giờ điện tử được tìm thấy trong đồng hồ báo thức kỹ thuật

số, máy nước nóng, bếp điện, và lò vi sóng.Điện thoại sử dụng thiết bị điện tử để cung cấp tự động quay

số và các phương tiện answerphone.New thiết bị giải trí có

được phát triển, chẳng hạn như ghi video và đĩa CD (đĩa compact) chơi.

Trong tương lai, điện tử có khả năng trở nên phổ biến hơn trong nhà như hệ thống giải trí đa phương tiện

và máy tính điều khiển robot được phát triển.

Task 4 Fill in the gaps in this table with the help of the text.

Task 5 Use the space below to make a list of ways in which you think electronics may

be used in the home in the future.



early 20th century


Applications In the home

— transistor .


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automatic washing-machines,



Reading Understanding diagrams

In electronics, you have to read not only texts, but also diagrams. You have to be able to combine

information from both diagram and text. This text introduces two kinds of diagrams often used in


Task 6 :Read the text below to find the answers to these questions:

What do we call the two types of diagrams shown in the text?

2 What do we call the approach to electronics which focuses on the function of units?

Understanding electronic diagrams

Although electronic devices may look complicated, they are made up of common

basic units (‘building blocks’) connected together. The function of each of these units and

the path of the signals between them can be shown in a block diagram. For example, the


diagram of a simple radio is shown in Fig. 1.


To understand how the radio works, it is more important to understand the function

of each unit than to know what components are used. This is known as a systems

approach to electronics. For example, in Fig. 1 the tuner selects the required signal, the


then separates off the audio part of the signal, and the AF amplifier (amp) amplifies it.

The connections and values of the components inside these basic units can be

shown in a circuit diagram using standard electronic symbols. Fig. 2 shows the circuit

diagram for the simple radio.

Sự hiểu biết sơ đồ điện tử

Mặc dù thiết bị điện tử có thể nhìn phức tạp, chúng được tạo thành từ các đơn vị phổ biến cơ bản

('khối') kết nối với nhau.Chức năng của từng đơn vị và đường dẫn của các tín hiệu giữa chúng có thể được

hiển thị trong một sơ đồ khối.Ví dụ, khối

sơ đồ của một đài phát thanh đơn giản được thể hiện trong hình.1.

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trên không

Để hiểu làm thế nào phát thanh công trình, nó là quan trọng để hiểu được chức năng của từng đơn

vị hơn để biết những gì các thành phần được sử dụng.Điều này được biết đến như một hệ thống phương

pháp điện tử.Ví dụ, trong hình.1 tuner sẽ chọn tín hiệu yêu cầu, các máy dò

sau đó tách ra khỏi phần âm thanh của tín hiệu, và khuếch đại các amp AF () khuếch đại nó.

Các kết nối và giá trị của những thành phần bên trong các đơn vị này cơ bản có thể được hiển thị

trong một sơ đồ mạch điện tử bằng cách sử dụng ký hiệu chuẩn.Hình.2 cho thấy sơ đồ mạch cho các đài

phát thanh đơn giản.

Task 7 How many of the circuit symbols in Fig. 2 can you identify? Use Appendix 2 on page 206

to help you.

Lang uage study Describing block diagrams and circuits

Look again at Fig. 1 above. We can describe it like this:

The radio consists of a tuner, a detector, and an AF amplifier.

is composed of

Using comprise, wie can start our description with the blocks:

A tuner, a detector, and an AF amplifier comprise I the radio.

We can describe the links between each building block using these expressions:

The tuner is connected to the detector.

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Is linked to

Look again at Fig. 2. We can describe the values of the components like this:

R 1 a two-hundred-and-twenty-kilohm resistor

C2 a hundred-picofarad (puff) capacitor

Task 8 Describe the value of these components:

I R2

2 CI

3 R3

4 C3

5 P1

6 Li

This table provides the terms you need.

Looking now at the basic units of the circuit, we can describe the volume control like this:

The volume control consists of a ten-microfarad electrolytic capacitor connected in series with a

five-kilohm potentiometer (pot). The positive terminal of the capacitor is connected to the output of

the AF amplifier and the wiper of the pot is connected to the power amp. The 5 third terminal of

the pot is connected to the zero voltage supply rail,

which isearthed.


giga Symbol


i09 Example


GHz gigahertz

mega M 10’ MQ megohms

kilo k kV kilovolts

deci d 10’ dB decibels

milli m 10 m1/V milliwatts

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micro t 1 0 tH microhenries

nano n i0- nF nanofarads

pico p 10 2 pP picofarads


Task 9 Fill in the gaps in this description of the tuned circuit shown in Fig. 2. Each gap represents

one word.

The circuit L __________ of a four hundred and seventy2

inductor which is connected in parallel with a capacitor. The

_________ can be varied between five and sixty-five . The

aerial is 6 - to the top end of the tuner. It is also connected to the

positive terminal of the in the detector. The bottom end of the tuner is connected to earth via the

zero voltage rail.

Speaking practice

Task 10 Work in pairs, A and B. Complete your circuit diagram with help from your partner.

Ask questions like these:

What kind of component is P1?

What’s the value of Cl?

What is connected between the collector of Q2 and the positive side of the battery?

If you don’t understand your partner, say:

I’m sorry. I don’t understand. Could you say that again, please?

Could you speak more slowly?

If your partner doesn’t understand you at first, try phrasing your answer in a different way. For


It’s a variable resistor. It’s a resistor which you can vary or change by turning the control. it’s

called a variable resistor.

Student A: Your circuit diagram is on page 174.

Student B: Your circuit diagram is on page 18 L

Writing Describing diagrams

Task 11 With the help of the diagram, fill in the gaps in the description on page 12. Each gap

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represents one word. The description should answer these questions:

What is the diagram of?

2 What does it consist of in terms of blocks?

3 How are the blocks connected?

4 What is the function of each bLock?


RFcarrier aerial

RF carrier

Fig. 3

‘-“\J’ AFsignal


Fig. 3 shows the block diagram of an amplitude-modulated (AM) radio transmitter. It L —

of a radio frequency (RF) oscillator, a

2 - _. an audio frequency (AF) amplifier, and an RF power amplifier.

The RF L_ generates an RF wave which is fed into thc


The microphone converts sounds into audio frequency signals which are amplified by the

AF L__ _____. The modulator then uses the amplified AF

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—— to modulate the RF carrier wave.

The power of the modulated carrier wave is increased by the RF _______ amplifier. The

strong modulated output signals are fed to the _____ which enables them to be transmitted over

long distances.


Hình.3 cho thấy sơ đồ khối của một biên độ-điều chế (AM) phát thanh truyền.Nó L - của một tần số radio

(RF) dao động, một _.một tần số âm thanh (AF) khuếch đại, và một bộ khuếch đại điện RF.

Các L_ RF tạo ra một làn sóng RF được đưa vào THC

điều biến.microphone Các chuyển đổi thành tín hiệu âm thanh tần số âm thanh được khuếch đại bởi các

L__ AF _____.điều biến sau đó sử dụng AF khuếch đại

- Để ngâm nga các sóng mang RF.

Sức mạnh của các sóng mang điều chế được tăng lên bởi bộ khuếch đại RF _______.Các tín hiệu điều

chế sản lượng mạnh được cho ăn đến _____ cho phép họ được truyền qua quãng đường dài.


Task 1

Choosing a course

Reading Guessing rorn context

You will not understand every word you read. Often you will have to guess the meaning of an

unfamiliar word using both your knowledge of English and your knowledge of the world. The text

which follows practises guessing from context. The topic is Studying electronics in the UK’.

Fill in the gaps in this text. Each gap represents one word. Compare your answers with your

partner. More than one answer is possible for many of the gaps.

In the United Kingdom, you’ study electronics at a college of

further education or a university.

A college of further education will 2 students who have completed

full-time4 colleges also offer day release classes’ -

people employed by local businesses who are given time ‘ work to attend courses. Colleges also

provide evening for full-time a minimum of four years secondary school. Most students study

workers and members of the local community want to study in their spare time.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (17)

Most university students will have completed six years of

secondary9 . Some will have completed four years and

taken a course at a college of further education.

From a college you can” a certificate or diploma. A diploma usually requires a longer period of

study a certificate. Universities give degrees. A Bachelor’s degree takes three to

four years of1 . A Masters degree usually requires a further

Task 2 i: Listen to the text and note the words used on the tape for each gap.

Task 3 Find out the courses your local college or institute offers in information technology. List

them and try to translate the course titles into English.

Task 4 Study this list of courses. Do any match the courses offered by your local college?

Course Guide

Information Technology

The following programmes are offered by Information


Code Course Title

IT 1 Full-time National Certificate Course for Women in


IT 2 Full-time National Certificate Course in Information


IT 3 Day release National Certificate in Information Technology

IT 4 Day release National Certificate in Electronics

IT 5 National Certificate evening classes in Electronics

IT 7 National Certificate evening classes in Electronics and

Computers in Music

IT 8 Autocad for Industry

IT 9 Evening classes in Autocad

Further information may be obtained on course provision by contacting the College Information

Centre and requesting the appropriate course leaflet by code number.

Information Centre

Stevenson College

Bankhcad Avenue


Edinburgh EH1 1 4DE

Telephone 031-453-2761

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Task 5: Which course would best meet the needs of these people? Answer using the course code.

Compare answers with another student.

A school leaver who wants a qualification in information technology. 2 A worker in a company

which makes electronic instruments and which is

willing to give employees time off each week to attend a course which would help their career.

3 A worker in an engineering company who wants to find a new job in the electronics industry.

4 A manager who wants to train a small group of technicians in computer-aided design (CAD).

5 A housewife who wants to go back to work and would like a job in the electronics industry.

6 A rock musician who wants to create new sounds.

Task 6 Study this information about two courses in electronics. Find three similarities and three

differences between these courses.

Course I

Introduction to Electronic Systems

Description This course provides a basic introduction to the world of

electronic systems for the complete beginner. It illustrates

how real-life problems can be solved by electronic means.

Award National Certificate

College Bankhead

Mode Evening

Duration 16 weeks x 2V2hours

Course 2

National Certificate in Information Technology

Description A two-year programme of electronics, control systems, and technical computing

modules for technicians in employment.

Award National Certificate

College Bankhead

Mode Day release

Duration 2 years of 39 weeks per year

Language study Comparison and contrast. 1

We can describe similarities like this:

1 Both courses are provided by Bankhead College.

2 Like Course 1, Course 2 deals with electronics.

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3 Course 2 is similar to Course 1 in that it deals with electronics.

We can describe differences like this:

4 Course 2 is much longer than Course I.

5 Course 2 is day release but Course 1 is an evening course.

6 Course 1 is for complete beginners whereas Course 2 is for technicians.


Task 7

Study the course descriptions below of two higher level qualifications.

Complete this table of differences between the courses.






Main subjects (unique)

3 years

Strathclyde and Bell electromagnetism, foreign language, engineering management, signals and






signal processing

Bachelor of

Technology (BTech)

in Electrical and

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Three years full-time

The Course

The degree resulting from this joint course between Strathdyde University and Bell College is

awarded by Strathclyde University. Over the three years, students spend about half of the course In

each Institution. The Btech is a balance or theory and practical skills. It will enable graduates to

attain the status of Incorporated Engineer after a period of industrial training and experience. It

bridges the gap between FIND and BEng Honours courses and there are transfer routes possible

between all these courses.


First Year -Mathematics;

Electrotechnology; Digital and Computer

Systems; Analogue Electronics; Software

Engineering; Engineering Applications.

Second Year-Mathematics; Digital and

Analogue Electronics: Electromagnetism;

Power Engineering; Microprocessor

Applications: System Principles; Circuit

Analysis; Electronic Design and

Production; Foreign Language.

Third Year-Electroteclmology;

Engineering Management; Signals and

Systems; Software Development:

Measurement and Control; Data

Communications Project.

Students will also choose from a range of options including CAD, Opteelectronies, Materials,

Power Plant, Signal Processing, arid others.

Higher National

Diploma in Electronic

and Electrical

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Two years full-time.

The Course

This is a new [INI) course, planned after market research among employers and former students.

This research Identified the kinds o(jobs. equipment, and management skills which holders of an

HNDmust have In addition to theIr technological abilities, From this information we were able

to plan the most appropriate course content. All students will study a broad range of subjects

before choosing the options which wifi best suit their intended career. The diploma is taught

and awarded by Bell College.


First Year—there will be a range of introductory subjects to help everyone become familiar

with new subject areas. These will be followed by:

Electrotechnology; Electronics; Computer Programming and Applications; Mathematics;

Complementary Studies.

Second Year—Electrotechnology; Computer Progmmining; Quality Management; Computer

Aided Design; Complementary Studies; Project; and a range of options coverIng electronics,

power and machines, data communications, control systeTna, and electronic production,

Using the completed table and the course descriptions, describe the similarities and differences

between the courses.

quality management

Task 8


Word study Word stress

Words are divided into syllables. For example:

COlfl. 1IIU. ui. ca. tion

Each syllable is pronounced separately, but normally only one syllable is stressed. That means it is

said more slowly and clearly than the other syllables.

The stressed syllable in communication is Ca. A good dictionary divides the important words into

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syllables and shows the stressed syllable. For example:

coin. mu. ni. ca. tion

Task 9 Listen to these words. Try to mark the stressed syllable.

college 4 diploma 7 management 10 technician

2 institute 5 information 8 engineering

3 university 6 electronics 9 technical

Writing Requesting irzJ’ornzation

In a formal letter, we can request information using expressions like these:

Please send me...

I would be grateful if you could/would send me.

Task 10 Write a letter to the college mentioned in Task 4 asking for a leaflet on a course i,,rhjch

interests you. Your letter should be set out like this:

21 Route de St Fargeau,

18900 Russe,


30 May 19__

- Infol-mat ion Centre,

Baird College,

Logie Street,



Dear Sir/Madam,

Please send me further information on your

Electronic Engineering Course, EE3 — Full—time

National Certificate Course in Electronic


Yours faithfully,




Full-time student

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (23)

You are going to hear an interview with Alan. a Scottish student of electronics at a college of

further education.

Task I

Here is Alan’s weekly timetable. Some of the information is missing. Before you listen, try to

answer these questions about the timetable:

1 What time does Alan start in the morning?

2 What time does he finish for the day?

3 What do you think happens between 10.15 and 10.45?

4 What other time does this happen?

S How often does he have maths?

6 When is the lunch break?

Task 2 ti

Now listen to the interview. Try to complete the information missing from the timetable. Compare

answers with your partner.



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday










Principles (5)


12.15 U) (2) Communications Computing (6)







(3) (4) + Maths





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4.30 Electronics

Listen to the tape again. Answer these questions:

Why did so many students drop out of Alan’s course?

Why does he dislike Communications?

Why is it hard to use the indoor stadium?

Why is there a problem with his motorbike?

Writing Comparing arid contrasting, I

Task 4 Write your own timetable in English.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday — Friday

Now complete this table. Note any similarities and any differences between

Alan’s week and your own.

Alan’s subjects Hours per week

Your subjects Hours per week

Maths 4.5

Task 6

Write a short comparison and contrast of your timetable and Alan’s using any of the ways in the

Language study on page 16 to describe similarities and differences.

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Task 3





Task 5


4 Component values

Technical reading Resistor values

Task 1 Fill in the missing colours in this table with the help of the text.


0 — black



3 — orange first di9it

4 - seconci digit

5 — number of zeros following

6 — tolerance — red 2%

7—violet gold 5%

8— _____ silver 10%

9 — white I I I I I I no band 20%

Reading the resistor code

Resistors are coded with coloured bands to ease the problem of

marking such small components.

The numbers corresponding to the ten colours used and the values per position are

shown above.

5 For example, 180,000 ohms is coded with the first digit brown, then grey and finally

yellow. The fourth band indicates the tolerance that the value has with respect to the

stated value. For example, silver indicates 10% tolerance, meaning that the 180,000

ohms could vary between 180,000 ± 18,000, i.e. 162,000 to 198,000.

10 These tolerances may seem to reflect poor manufacture but in most circuits they are,

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (26)

in fact, quite satisfactory. Relaxing the tolerance

enables the maker to sell them more cheaply.

Task 2 Find the values and tolerances of resistors banded as follows. Then compare your answers

with your partner.

r 1 1

1 red violet orange silver

2 blue grey brown gold

3 green blue red silver

4 red red green —

5 brown black orange —

6 orange orange brown gold

7 yellow orange red gold

8 brown green green —

9 violet green brown red

10 white brown red red


Task 3

Read this additional text. Answer the questions below, which refer to both texts.

Preferred values Tolerance

If the maker tried to produce and sell every ±5% ±10% ±20%

value of resistance that exists, there would 1.0 1.0 1.0

be chaos and the costs would be greatly 1 2

increased. The actual values made, 1:5 1:5 1.5

5 therefore, are limited to a range called the 1.6

preferred values. These are listed in the 1.8

table. 2:2 2.2 2.2

The values may seem illogical at first sight, 2:7 2 7

but this is not so. They stem from the fact 3.0

10 that the tolerance extremes of a value reach 3.3 3.3 3.3

the extremes of adjacent values, thereby

covering the whole range without overlap. 4:3

Values normally available stop in the 4.7 4.7 4.7

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (27)

megohm decade. 56 5 6


6.8 6.8 6.8




Why are resistors coded with coloured bands rather than some other form of marking?

2 What would be the effect of making resistors with a much higher tolerance?

3 Between which values might a resistor marked green. blue, orange, and silver vary?

4 Why do manufacturers make resistors in the preferred values shown rather than in equally

stepped values?

Technical reading Capacitor values

Task 4 Use the folLowing information to name the colour bandings of the capacitors below.

(Note: lnF l000pF). For example:

22OpF. 2.5%

Baud I red = 2 Band 3 brown = one zero

Band 2 red = 2 Btnd 4 orange = 2.5% tolerance

band 2 / band 1(1st digit)

(2nd digit)

band 3 (multiplier)

band 4

(tolerance) band 5


C280 capacitor colour coding. The first

three bands give the value (in pF) using

the same system as for the four band

resistor coding.

lOOpF, 20% 3 22nF, 5%250V

2 l8OpF. 10% 4 47nF, 20%


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (28)

Technical reading Diode codes

Task 5 Identify these diodes with the help of the text below.

1 BAX16 2 BY126 3 BZXS5C2V4 4 AA119 5 BPX6S

Diode coding

The European system for classifying semiconductor diodes involves an alphanumeric

code which employs either two letters and three figures (general purpose diodes) or three

letters and two figures (special purpose diodes). The first two letters have the following 5


First letter — semiconductor material:

A germanium

B silicon

C gallium arsenide etc.

10 D photodiodes etc.

Second letter — application:

A general purpose diode

B tuning (varicap) diode

E tunnel diode

15 P photovoltaic diode

Q light-emitting diode

T controlled rectifier

X varactor diode

V power rectifier

20 Z zener diode

In the case of diodes for specialized applications, the third letter does not generally have

any particular significance. Zener diodes have an additional letter (which appears afterthe

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (29)

numbers) which denotes the tolerance of the zener voltage. The following letters are


25 A±1%

B ±2%

C ±5%


Zener diodes also have additional characters which indicate the zener 30 voltage (e.g.

9V1 denotes 9.1V).


Identify each of the following diodes:

(I) AA113

(ii) BB1O5

35 (iii) BZY88C4V7

Diode (i) is a general-purpose germanium diode.

Diode (ii) is a silicon diode for tuning applications (sometimes referred

to as a varicap).

Diode (iii) is a silicon zener diode having 5% tolerance and 4.7V zener 40 voltage.


Writing Linking facts and ideas, 1.

Study these statements about resistors:

1 Resistors are elect ronic components.

2 Resistors are used to add resistance to a circuit.

We can link the statements like this:

Resistors are electronic components which add resistance to a circuit.

which add resistance to a circuit is a relative clause. This clause helps to define resistors. It is an

essential part of the sentence.

Study these statements.

3 Very accurate resistors are used in instruments.

4 These resistors are expensive.

We can link the statements like this:

Very accurate resistors, which are expensive, are used iii instruments.

which are expensive is also a relative clause, but it contains information that is not essential to the

sentence. Relative clauses that carry inessential information are separated from the rest of the

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (30)

sentence by commas.

Study these statements:

5 Each resistor is marked with colours.

6 The colours indicate the value of the resistor.

Statement 6 explains the purpose of the colours. We can link these statements like this:

Each resistor is marked with colours to indicate its value.

Task 6 Study this diagram of a carbon resistor and consider how it is made.

ceramic resistive element

housing (carbon rod)

L ________ connecting wire

end cap forced on end-sealing

to metal-sprayed end compound

Now join the following groups of statements to make longer sentences. Use the words printed in

italics above each group. You may omit words and make whatever changes you think are

necessary in the word order and punctuation of the sentences.


A resistor is a component.

A resistor is used to add resistance to a circuit.

2 which

Carbon resistors are made of compressed graphite.

The graphite is formed into small tubes.

3 to

A ceramic coating is applied over the graphite.

The ceramic coating insulates the graphite.


4 to

The ends of the graphite are sprayed with metal.

This forms contacts.

5 which

End caps are forced on the metal-sprayed ends.

The caps have connecting wires attached.


The ceramic is marked with colour bands.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (31)

The bands indicate the value and tolerance.

7 which

Resistors are made in a range of preferred values.

These values meet all the needs of circuit designers.



Task I



Study this statement:

Twenty billion batteries are sold every year.

Why do you think this is so? What different kinds of batteries are there? List some of the things

you use which contain batteries. Compare your list with someone else’s.


Now listen to the tape to check your answcrs

Task 2 Try to complete this table of the differences between two kinds of cells. Use these terms:

secondary manganese dioxide

nickel zinc

cadmium primary

portable phones torches

Task 3


Zinc -car bon cell NiCad cell

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (32)

Type of cell

Positive electrode .... .

Negativeelectrode ....• .. -——-.--.-

Example of use .. . ..

Now read this text. Note any further information about these cells.

Zinc-carbon cell

It has a zinc negative electrode, a manganese dioxide positive electrode, and the

electrolyte is a solution of ammonium chloride. The carbon rod is in contact with the

positive electrode (but is not involved in the chemical reaction) and is called the current

collector. The EMF is

5 1 .5V and the interna’ resistance about O.5Q. This is the most popular cell for low-

current or occasional use, e.g. in torches.

Nickel-cadmium cell (NiCad)

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (33)

The electrodes are of nickel (+) and cadmium (—) and the electrolyte is potassium

hydroxide. It has an EMF of 1 .2V and is made in the same sizes as primary cells, e.g.

HP2, PP3; button types are also available.

ic High currents can be supplied. Recharging must be by a constant current power supply

because of the very low internal resistance.

Label this diagram of a Zinc-carbon cell with these terms. More than one term can refer to the

same part of the diagram.

a zinc can

b current collector

c jacket

d carbon rod

e positive electrode

f electrolyte




Task 4

Task 5


Zinc-carbon cell NiCad cell



Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (34)

Language study Describing components

Task 6

Two questions we may need to answer when we describe components are:

1 What is it called?

2 What does it do?

In other words, we need to be able to:

1 label components.

2 describe their function.

We can use these ways of labelling components:

It is called a Zinc-carbon cell.

It is known as a NiCad cell.

We can describe the function of components like this:

A cell provides electricity.

Cells change chemical energy into electricity.

Here are some circuit symbols. Label them and describe their function. For example:

5 h It’s called a transformer. It steps AC voltages up or down.

This list of functions may help you.

a varies capacitance in a circuit

b rectifles alternating current

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (35)

c adds resistance to a circuit

d measures very small currents

e breaks a circuit

f protects a circuit

g varies the current in a circuit

h steps AC voltages up or down

I receives RF signals

j measures voltages















Speaking practice

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (36)

Task 7

Task 8

Work in pairs, A and B. You have some details, but not all, about two kinds of cells. Find out the

missing details from your neighbour so that you can complete your table.

Student A: Your table is on page 1.74.

Student B: Your table is on page 1.81.

Word study Verbs and related nouns

Each of these verbs has a related noun ending in -er or -or which refers to an instrument or

component. Complete the column of nouns. You have met these nouns in this and earlier units.


Example record



1 oscillate

2 transmit

3 transform

4 charge

5 rectify

6 process

7 amplify

8 collect

9 detect

10 tune

Technical reading Battery charger

Task 9

Study this circuit diagram of a battery charger and try to name all the components.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (37)

J 0<0






-o constant Current

p output


Now read this text to check your answers:

The power to drive an electronic circuit is normally provided by an AC mains power supply

but batteries are often used for portable equipment. Secondary cells can be recharged to

their original voltage and can therefore be used many times over.

5 Recharging is done using a battery charger which consists of a mains power supply with

a DC output slightly larger than the required battery EMF. A current is driven through the

battery in the opposite direction to its normal output current. The block diagram of a

battery charger is shown in Fig. 1.

AC I smoothing I I stabilizing I stabilized

mains .-e-ltransformer rectifier I—i.—. DC

input circuit circuit output

Fig. 1

10 The first stage consists of a transformer which steps down the voltage of the AC mains

(see Fig. 2).

Fig. 2

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (38)

The charger is switched on and off by a double-pole switch connected in series with the

mains input. A neon lamp, connected across the primary of the transformer, shows when

the charger is on. A fuse is

15 connected in the live side of the supply to protect the transformer.

The second stage is a bridge rectifier which converts the AC voltage to a DC voltage (see

Fig. 3).



ma ins


Fig. 3


Task 10

This can be made from discrete components but more usually consists of four diodes

contained in one package. It is mounted on an

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (39)

20 aluminium heatsink to keep the diodes from overheating.

The third stage is a smoothing circuit. It removes the fluctuations in the DC output of the

rectifier. It consists of a large electrolytic capacitor connected in parallel with the rectifier

as shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4


The final stage is a stabilizing circuit consisting of a transistor biased 25 by two resistors

and a zener diode. This prevents the output from

changing when the load varies. NiCad batteries have such a small internal resistance that

the charger must produce a constant current output (see Fig. 5).

Fig. 5

Constant Current output

Match each component or unit with its function in a battery charger. For example:

The transformer steps down the AC mains voltage.


I transformer

2 double-pole switch

3 neon lamp

4 fuse

5 rectifier

6 aluminium heatsink

7 smoothing circuit

X stabilizing circuit

Function in a battery charger

a steps down the AC mains voltage

b prevents the output from

changing when the load varies

c keeps the diodes from overheating

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (40)

d shows when the charger is on

e removes the fluctuations in the

DC output of the rectifier

f protects the transformer

g converts the AC voltage to a DC


h switches the charger on and off





Writing Describing diagrams

One way of planning your writing is to think of questions which your readers will want to know

the answers to. In the task which follows, base your description on the questions set for you.

Task 11 Describe the block diagram of the battery charger and the function of each

building block. Your description should answer these questions:

I What is the function of a battery charger?

2 What does it consist of in terms of blocks?

3 How are the blocks connected?

4 What is the function of each block?


6 Making a recording


Task I

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (41)









The sounds on the multitrack have to be mastered back through the mixer on to a

mastering machine.


are channelled

through the mixer

into a multitrack

tape recorder.

During this process reverb and other effects can be used to shape the sound.

2-track mastering machine

a Each microphone input, is mixed on a mixer. In a commercial recording studio this is done by a

sound engineer.

b The sounds on the muJtitrack are remixed until the musicians are happy with the sound.

c The output is recorded on a two-track mastering machine. The product is a master tape with two

stereo channels.

d The musicians play in a recording studio. Each voice and instrument is recorded using different


e The instruments are channelled through the mixer into a multitrack tape recorder.

f During this process. effects, such as reverb, are used to shape the sound.

Study this diagram. It shows the stages in making a recording. Try to match the short texts which

follow to each stage. Compare your answers with your partner.




Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (42)

multitrack machine

master tape


Task 2

Read this text to check your answers.

Making a recording

For professional recording, the process begins in the studio. Each vocalist,

instrument, or group of instruments is linked to a microphone. Each microphone is

plugged into one of up to 72 channels on a mixer or mixing desk.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (43)

The mixing desk allows the studio engineer to adjust the recording level for each

channel. This is shown by a VU meter or a bargraph where the indicator is a sequence of

lights. Too low a level results in background hiss; too high a level causes distortion. The

mixer also has EQ (equalization) controls which adjust bass and treble.


The output from each channel is fed to a track on a multitrack tape recorder. After

the music has been recorded on the multitrack, it is mastered down. This means that it is

fed back through the mixer to adjust the levels of vocalist and instruments in relation to

each other. At this time, effects can be used to alter the sound. One of the most common

is reverb (reverberation) which can make the music sound as if it was recorded in a very

large building or a very small room.

The edited sound is recorded on a two-track mastering machine to produce a

master tape. The master is then used to make records, cassettes, CDs, or MDs.

Làm một ghi âm

Đối với ghi âm chuyên nghiệp, quá trình này bắt đầu vào phòng thu.Mỗi ca sĩ, nhạc cụ, hoặc nhóm các

nhạc cụ được liên kết với micro.Mỗi microphone được cắm vào một trong lên đến 72 kênh trên một mixer

hoặc bàn trộn.

Bàn trộn cho phép các Kỹ sư phòng thu để điều chỉnh mức thu cho từng kênh.Điều này được thể hiện bởi

một mét VU hoặc bargraph một nơi chỉ là một chuỗi các đèn.Một kết quả quá thấp cấp trong hiss nền; mức

quá cao gây biến dạng.mixer cũng có EQ (cổ) điều khiển mà điều chỉnh bass và treble.


Kết quả của mỗi kênh là ăn để theo dõi một ngày một multitrack ghi âm.Sau khi âm nhạc đã được ghi lại

trên multitrack, nó là chủ xuống.Điều này có nghĩa rằng nó được đưa trở lại thông qua máy trộn để điều

chỉnh các mức của ca sĩ và nhạc cụ liên quan với nhau.Tại thời điểm này, các hiệu ứng có thể được sử

dụng để thay đổi âm thanh.Một trong những phổ biến nhất là reverb (vang lại) mà có thể làm cho âm nhạc

như thể nó đã được ghi lại trong một tòa nhà rất lớn hoặc một căn phòng rất nhỏ.

Những âm thanh edited được ghi trên một track-hai máy chủ để sản xuất một băng master.master sau đó

được sử dụng để lập biên bản, cassette, CD, hoặc MDs.

Language study Describing a process

In English. the passive is often used to describe processes. Study these exampLes:

1 Each instrwnent is recorded.

2 Special effects are used.

3 Copies can be made.

The passive is made using the verb to be (be, is, are, etc.) and the past participle of the verb. Most

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (44)

technical verbs are regular so the past participle is made simply by adding -cii (Example 1). Watch

the spelling of the past participle of verbs like control (controlled) and use (Example 2). The

passive infinitive is used in the same place as ordinary infinitives, for example after verbs like must

and can (Example 3).



Task 3 Complete this summary of how to make a recording. by putting each of the

verbs in brackets in the correct form. For example:

Each instrument (record) using a microphone.

Each instrument is recorded using a microphone.

Each instrument (record) using a microphone. The sound (feed) to a mixing desk. The recording


(control) and the EQ - (adjust) by the sound engineer. The output (record) on a multitrack. The

sounds from the multitrack (master back through the mixer. The tape Z_ (remix) until the

musicians are happy with the sound. Special effects can

(add) on the mixing desk. The remixed tape


(master down) to produce a master tape. This can (use) to

produce copies in many different formats.

Task 4 Listen to the -ed form of these verbs. Write the verbs in the correct column

according to the sound of their -ed ending.

record check adjust remix shape add

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (45)

use produce control master play

1 2 3


Examples: add use shape

Word study Topic sets, 1

One way of remembering new words is to group them into topic sets according to their area of

meaning. The words in Task 5 are all concerned with making a recording. They fall into three topic

sets: people. places, and equipment. Make your own topic sets for other units in this book.

Task 5 Write these words in the correct column:

studio sound engineer microphone multitrack recorder

mixer vocalist musician master tape

Making a recording


Places People Equipment

Task 6

Writing Describing a process

There are many stages involved in the production of CD discs. The more

important ones are shown in Fig. 1.

,IP )


press disc

with son



grind blank

wash and

spin dry

resist coat

oven cure

—s L— laser cutting :__-___--_-_

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (46)



protective plastic layer

punch centre hole

apply label



Fig. I


develop and

etch pits


silver coat


I 1


to make

nickel father



plate father




plate moth I

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (47)

With the help of the diagram opposite, complete the gaps in this description of the process. Each

gap requires one word.

Firstly, a blank perspex disc is’ and polished to optical flatness.

Next, it is and spin-dried. It is then with a thin

layer of photoresist and cured in an . After that, as the disc is revolved, a ___________ beam is

used to mark the audio information pattern on its surface. This process is ‘ as ‘cutting’ the disc. The


is then developed and ‘ to produce 8 in the disc’s

surface. These pits represent the digital audio pattern.

The disc is then given a thin coat to make it electrically

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (48)

conductive. Next, electroplating is used to make a series of positive and

10 copies of the master disc. The final negative copy is used to

___________ a large number of identical CDs. The surface of the CD containing

the pit marks is then with a 10mm layer oiL - —

followed by a protective layer of’4 . After ‘ the centre

bole, a is applied and the CD is packaged.


Task 1

Sound engineer

Steve is a sound engineer. He describes his work and how you can make your own recordings of

live music. The recording is in two parts:

Part 1 The job

Part 2 Making your own recording

Before you listen, try to match these specialist terms to their definitions. Compare your answers

with your partner.

1 compression

2 distortion

3 echo

4 reverb

a A complete unit of sound of any length is repeated.

b What happens to sound when the signal is too high.

c Weak signals are boosted and strong signals reduced so that the sound is compressed into a more

easily recordable range.

d Sound is reproduced in such a way that listeners feel they are in a room of a particular size.

As you listen to Part 1, answer these questions:

I Where does Steve work?

a college

b commercial radio station

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (49)

c recording studio

d mobile disco



1.2. .:.


Task 2


2 Where did he work previously?

a college

b commercial radio station

c recording studio

d mobile disco

3 When he was a school and college student. what interest did he have in sound?

a he had his own band

b he had his own mobile disco

c he used to make commercials

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (50)

d he recorded live music

4 What was he recording that day?

a a Japanese radio programme

b a tape compilation

c a self-study language tape

d a whisky commercial

Task 3 As you listen to Part 2, answer these questions:

I Which one of these is not required to make a recording?

a a mike

b a tape recorder

c a recording studio

d a room with good acoustics

2 What will allow you to make a proper recording?

a a Portastudio

b aVU meter

c a bargraph

d special effects

3 What does a Portastudio combine?

a special effects and a cassette deck

b a mike and a cassette deck

c a mixer and a cassette deck

d a VU meter and a cassette deck

4 Which one of the following is not a special effect?

a reverb

b echo

c compression

d distortion

5 What should you do before making the final copy?

a take a break

b check the recording levels

c add special effects

d run the tape backwards

Task 4 Listen again to the complete interview and answer these more difficult


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (51)

1 What was unusual about the recording made that day?

2 What’s the difference between a commercial mixing desk and a Portastudlo?

3 Why should you keep an eye on the bargraph or VU meter when recording?

4 How is mixing down like developing and printing a photograph?

S What’s the danger of mixing down without a break?

Reading Comparing sources

In work and study we depend on information from diffcrent sources, for example, what we hear

from lecturers and what we read in textbooks. In the exercise that follows, you are asked to

compare a listening text and a reading text.

Task 5 Read this advice on ‘Mixing down’. Listen again to Part 2. Then note the points in this text

which are additional to those given on the tape.

Mixing down

When mixing down, play back and listen to your master version through different

speakers. If it still sounds good on cheap speakers, it passes the test. If possible, mix

down on a later day to the recording. Have a break, as fresh ears hear things differently.

5 Similarly, do not mix on your own — someone else might point out things you have

missed. And do not keep turning the volume up ‘to hear things better’. Keep an eye on the

volume and, if necessary, turn everything down and have a break. It will seem loud

enough when you come back.

io Above all, always keep in mind the overall sound. Do not listen to one instrument at the

expense of others. Walk around the room while listening to a playback. Remember: sound

is flexible and can be changed by the slightest factor, so use your ears.

Language study Giving advice

The interview and the text mention things to do and things not to do when making your own

recordings. For example:

Things to do

Leave it for a bit before you make the final copy.

Things not to do

Make sure you don’t go into the red or you ll get distortion.

Here are some other ways in which we can give advice in an informal way. Note how we can make

the advice stronger.

Things to do

1 You should keep an eye on the recording level.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (52)

2 Always keep an eye on the recording level.

3 You must always keep cm eye on the recording level.

Things not to do

1 You shouldn’t put the microphone too close to the drums.

2 Never put the microphone too close to the drums.

3 You must never put the microphone too close to the drums.


Task 6 Write a list of things to do and things not to do when making a recording. Use infonnation

from the text and from the tape together with any information of your own. For example:

Things to do

1 You should listen to your master through different speakers.

Things not to do

2 Don’t keep turning the volume up to ‘hear things better.

When you have finished, exchange lists with your partner. Do you agree with the list your partner

has made? If not, discuss any disagreement with your partner.


Task I

Remote control

Which television and video recorder controls are operated by remote control buttons with these


Task 2

Read paragraph I of this text. How many of the controls you identified in Task 1 are named in the


The widespread use of television remote control units has turned the British into a nation

of couch potatoes*. Gone are all the fiddly knobs and buttons which once controlled

picture contrast, colour brightness, volume, and so on. Nowadays we can change

channel, adjust the sound and picture, and call up a range of services on the teletext

systems with the push of a button.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (53)

Việc sử dụng rộng rãi của các đơn vị truyền hình điều khiển từ xa đã biến người Anh thành một quốc gia

của khoai tây văng *.Đã qua rồi tất cả các núm gai khó sử dụng và các nút đó một lần kiểm soát hình ảnh

tương phản, màu sắc sáng, độ lượng, và vv.Hiện nay chúng tôi có thể thay đổi kênh, 5 điều chỉnh âm

thanh và hình ảnh, và gọi ra một loạt các dịch vụ trên hệ thống tin tức với một nút nhấn


* couch potatoes:

people who spend most of their time sitting on a couch (sofa) watching television


Reading information transfer

A useful way of remembering the main points of what we read is to translér the important

information into a different form, such as a table or a diagram. In this unit, you are asked to

transfer information from a text to a flowchart. Flowcharts are often used to describe processes.

Task 3 Now read paragraph 2 to complete the gaps in the flowchart, which shows how the remote

control transmitter works.


The remote control unit contains keys and electronic components 2 similar to those of a

calculator. The keys are connected by a matrix of wires which cross beneath each

individual key. Pressing a key

io completes an electrical circuit, and a signal is sent to a microchip which, in turn, sends

a series of on—off electrical pulses to a light- emitting diode (LED) at the front of the

handset. A code spelt out by the length and spacing of these pulses switches on the LED.

The LED flashes on and off to send an infra-red beam to the receiving

15 ‘eye’ on the television set.

3 A signal is sent to a microchip.


S These pulses switch on the LED.


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (54)


1 You press a key. 2


Language study Actions in sequence

Study this flowchart, which describes what happens when the signals are received from the remote


1 A photodiode picks up rays

from the remote control.


2 It feeds them into a decoding


We can link two stages in the flowchart to show the sequence of events like this:

1 + 2 When aphotodiode picks up rays from the remote control, it feeds them into a decoding


2 + 3 After it feeds them into the microchip, they are interpreted and verified.

3 + 4 Once they are interpreted arid verified, your instructions are carried out.

The part of each sentence beginning with a time word when, after, once — is

called a time clause.

When shows that one stage is followed immediately by the next stage.

After simply shows the sequence of stages — 1 comes before 2.

Once emphasizes that one stage is complete before the next stage begins.

Task 4 Go back to the flowchart you made in Task 3. Write sentences to link stages 1 and 2, 3 and

4. and 5 and 6, using time clauses.

land 2

3 and 4 _____

5 and 6 _____


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (55)



They are interpreted and verified.


4 Your instructions are carried out.

Speaking practice

Task 5 Work in pairs. A and B. Fill in the gaps in the block diagram and flowchart of a radar

system with the help of your partner.

Ask questions like these:

What does the transmitter consist of?

What does the oscillator do?

Where is the signal generated?

What generates the signal?

What happens next/after that?

Student A: Your diagram is on page 175.

Student B: Your diagram is on page 182.

Writing Describing a system

Task 6 You are going to write a brief description of the radar system. using the completed diagram

to help you. Your description should answer these questions:

1 What does the radar system consist of?

2 What are the components of the transmitter?

3 What does the receiver consist of?

4 Where is the signal generated?

5 What happens to it after that?

6 If a target is hit, what happens to the reflected signal?

7 How does the receiver process the signal?

8 What happens to both signals finally?

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (56)

The building blocks of texts are paragraphs. Each paragraph deals with a different question or set

of related questions.

Divide these questions into three sets, then write one paragraph for each set of questions.

paragraph 1

paragraph 2

paragraph 3


Technical reading Remote control system

Task 7 FilL the gaps in this diagram with the help of the text which follows.

Stage Function

audio oscillator

amplifies pulses to drive the LED


A remote control system

The block diagram of a simple remote control system is shown in Fig. 1. When the

transmitter is switched on, infra-red signals are sent from the transmitter to the receiver.

Pulsed signals are used to prevent interference from any constant infra-red background


I receiver FR r FR transmitter

diode LED ________ ________

L - -°c

Fig. 1

5 To obtain these pulsed signals, electrical pulses are first generated at a frequency in the

upper audio range by the audio oscillator in the transmitter. They are then amplified by the

buffer amplifier to enable them to drive the light-emitting diode (LED). Finally, the

electrical pulses are converted by the LED into pulsed infra-red radiation which

io is directed at the receiver. Almost no visible light is emitted from the


Task 8 Now fill in the gaps in this diagram with the help of the text which follows.


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (57)

Components Function

Id and amplifier



Cl ----

The circuit diagram of a remote control transmitter is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

In this circuit, both the oscillator and amplifier are combined in a single chip integrated

circuit (IC1). The frequency of the oscillator is

15 set by the external timing components Ri, R2, and C2. The current output of the

amplifier is controlled by the resistor R3 which is connected in series with the LED.

Decoupling of the DC supply from the pulsed output of the IC is provided by the

electrolytic capacitor Cl.



Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (58)

Task 1

Alarm systems


Listen to this radio news item and complete the table below.

The Government’s three-pronged attack on car crime aims to persuade:




Study the diagram at the top of the following page. Try to answer these questions:

1 What does this diagram show a circuit of?

2 JTow many detection devices does it show? Name them.

3 What warning device does it show?

4 Why is the control box switch operated with a key?

5 How does the system work?

6 What problem is there with this circuit?

Task 2


Group Action

motor manufacturers to fit --

car owners to be more vigilant about

insurance companuies to offer lower premiums for motori sts who install

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (59)


Task 3 Work in groups of four. Find out how one of these devices works by reading the

appropriate paragraph in this text. Your teacher will tell you which device to read about. Then

explain briefly to your group how the device works.

door switch

2 window foil

3 pressure mat

4 passive infra-red detector

Detection devices

Magnetic switches

These are used on windows and doors. A magnet mounted on the moving part of the

window or door trips a switch mounted on the frame when the window or door is opened.

Break detectors

These are fitted on the inside surface of glass in windows and doors. 5 Some use a thin

metal foil which is glued around the edge of the glass:

if the glass is broken the foil breaks too. Others are vibration sensors, and respond to the

shock of the glass being broken.

Pressure mats

These are fitted under the carpet — at the bottom of the stairs, for

example. The pressure of someone stepping on them causes two thin io metal plates

inside to come in contact, setting off the alarm. Because

they’re constantly being walked on, pressure mats can get ‘tired’ quite quickly, and should

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (60)

be regularly tested and replaced if necessary.

Motion sensors

These may use passive infra-red, ultrasonic, or microwave energy to detect movement

within their range.

switch control


Task 4

Task 5

How could the system shown in Task 2 be improved? Note your ideas. Now read this text to check

which of your ideas are described.

We can make the simple alarm circuit more effective by including

some of these features.

Entry and exit delays These mean you won’t set off the alarm when leaving or returning

to the house. On the better systems, the delays

5 are adjustable. An audible warning during the delay period is a useful reminder.

Automatic cut-off This will stop the alarm after it has sounded for a set time, so that the

noise doesn’t go on for hours if you’re not there to reset the system. In better systems, the

alarm automatically resets at

10 the end of the alarm time.

Tamper protection The control panel incorporates sensors which will trigger the alarm if a

burglar tries to force the box open.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (61)

Battery backup This means the alarm will continue to work in a power cut, or if an intruder

disconnects the mains supply.

Match each action with its consequence. Then identify the device or feature described. For


Action: Someone moves within its range.

Consequence: It detects the movement.

Device = motion sensor

1 A burglar disconnects the supply.

2 The glass is broken.

3 A door is opened,

4 A window is opened.

S You’re not there to reset the system.

6 A burglar tries to force the alarm


7 Someone steps on them.

a A magnet on the moving part

trips a switch.

b Tamper sensors trigger the alarm.

c The alarm continues to operate

on batteries.

d Two thin metal plates come in


e The foil breaks too.

f A magnet on the door trips a

switch on the frame.

g The alarm stops after a set time.

We can link action and consequence like this:

1 If a burglar tries to force the alarm open, sensors trigger the alarm.

2 If a burglar tries to force the alarm open, sensors will trigger the alarm.

3 Sensors will trigger the alarm if a burglar tries to force it open.


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (62)


Language study If-sentences Study this action and its consequence:



A burglar tries to force the alarm open. Sensors trigger the alarm.


Task 6 - Complete these sentences with a suitable action or consequence.

1 If pressure mats are constantly walked on

2 If you fit an exit delay

3 If your system doesn’t have an automatic cut-oil

4 If a burglar walks in front of a motion sensor

5 Vibration sensors will respond if....

6 Tamper sensors will trigger the alarm if....

7 A magnet on the moving part trips a switch if....

8 The alarm stops after a set time if....

Speaking practice

Task 7 Work in pairs, A and B. Find out from your partner how to perform the tasks

you have been set. Explain to your partner how to perform his/her tasks with

the help of the diagrams provided.


a b

Task: Operating a mercury switch.

Useful language:

How do you operate a mercury switch? You tilt it.

How does a mercury switch work? By tilting it.

Student A: Your tasks are on page 175.

Student B: Your tasks are on page 182.

Word study Word pairs, I

Task 8 Each word in column A often goes before one word from column B. For

example. integrated circuit (If). Find the other word pairs.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (63)


1 integrated a sensor

2 circuit b cell

3 alternating c switch

4 primary d supply

5 zener e diode

6 remote f circuit

7 reed g current

8 surface h bias

9 vibration i control

10 reverse j diagram

11 mains k wave


Technical reading Alarm systems

Task 9

Use information from the text below to complete the tables/answer the questions.

1 Complete this table.

5 How is the transistor in Fig. 2 protected from a large back EMF?

The three stages of a simple alarm system are shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

sensing device &ectronic switch output transducer

The first stage is a sensing device that changes its resistance when it detects a particular

form of energy. For example, a microphone may be used to detect sound, a thermistor to

detect heat, or an LDR (light5 dependent resistor) to detect light.

The second stage is an electronic switch. In its simplest form, this could be a single

transistor. The transistor switches between cut-off and saturation as the input resistance


The third stage is an output transducer which is switched off and on by

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (64)

10 the electronic switch. The output transducer could be a buzzer, a light, or a relay which

operates a more powerful circuit.






Sensing device -_____________ Used to detect



-- sound

What effect does light have on an LDR?

What is the purpose of RV1 in Fig. 2 on page 53?

Use words from the text to complete the following table:

Term Opposite

cut-off saturation

fixed resistor .


increases --


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (65)


to cause

forward bias

An example of a simple alarm circuit is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

The LDR forms a potential divider with the variable resistor RV1. When light falls on the

LDR, its resistance decreases. This causes the base

15 voltage of the transistor and the bias current to increase. The transistor switches on

and there is a rapid rise in the collector current until the transistor goes into saturation.

The increased current causes the relay to operate and switch on the output circuit. The

sensitivity of the input can be adjusted using RV1.

20 In a similar way, the relay is de-energized when the light source is removed from the

LDR. A large back EMF, which would destroy the transistor, could be generated across

the relay. To prevent this, a diode is connected in reverse bias across the relay.

Writing Explanations

Task 10 Explanations provide answers to Why? and How? questions. Try to answer these

questions about the diagram below.

What does the diagram show?

2 Why are the reeds sealed in a glass envelope?

3 Why does the envelope contain nitrogen?

4 How does it operate?

terminals \

reeds glass envelope filled

with nitrogen

A reed switch



Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (66)

Now study this explanation. which has been written to answer the questions on the previous page.

The diagram shows a reed switch. It consists of two reeds made of ferromagnetic

material. They are easily magnetized and demagnetized. The reeds are sealed in a glass

envelope to protect them. The envelope contains nitrogen, which helps to prevent 5

corrosion of the contacts. When a magnet is brought close to the

reeds, they are magnetized, attract each other, and close. When the

magnet is removed, the reeds open.


Explain what this diagram shows and how it operates. Your explanation should include answers to

these questions:

1 What are the components?

2 Flow are they connected?

3 What is the state of the system when the door is closed?

4 What happens if the door is opened?

5 Why does this happen?


Task 11 Study this simple circuit.


magnetic insert in door

reed switch arranged

to be normally closed


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (67)

hi fr


set-alarm switch

A door-alarm circuit

or buzzer



Task I



Study this diagram. Name five things, other than radio, which make use of electromagnetic waves.

wavelength about

wavelength about

m m wavelength wavelength

1 000 000 000 1 000 000 about 1 mm about 1 m


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (68)

Reading Information transfer

In Unit 8, you transferred information from text to flowcharts. Here you will practise transferring

information from text to tables and diagrams.

Read this text and complete Table 1 below.

Propagation of radio waves

Radio waves from a transmitting aerial can travel in one or more of three different ways.

Surface or ground wave This travels along the ground, following the curvature of the

earth’s surface. Its range is limited mainly by the extent to which energy is absorbed from

it by the ground. Poor conductors, such as sand, absorb more strongly than water, and

the higher the frequency the greater the absorption. The range is about 1500km at low

frequencies (long waves).

Tuyên truyền của sóng radio

Đài phát thanh sóng từ trên không truyền tải có thể đi trong một hoặc nhiều trong ba cách

khác nhau.

Bề mặt hoặc mặt bằng sóng này đi dọc theo mặt đất, theo các độ cong của bề mặt trái

đất.phạm vi của nó là hạn chế chủ yếu là do mức độ mà năng lượng được hấp thụ từ nó

bằng cách mặt đất.Nghèo nàn dẫn, như cát, hấp thụ mạnh hơn nước, và cao hơn tần số

càng hấp thụ.Phạm vi đó là khoảng 1500km ở tần số thấp (sóng dài).

Table 1

Task 3 Work in pairs, A and B.

Student A: Read the text on sky waves and complete your section of Table 2.

Student B: Read the text on space waves and complete your section of Table 2.

When you have finished, ask your partner for the information to complete the table.

Sky wave It travels skywards and, if it is below a certain critical

frequency (typically 30MHz), is returned to earth by the ionosphere. This consists of

layers of air molecules stretching from about 80km above the earth to 500km. On striking

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (69)

the earth, the sky wave bounces back to the ionosphere where it is again gradually

refracted and returned earthwards as if by ‘reflection’. This continues until it is completely


The critical frequency varies with the time of day and the seasons. Sky waves of high

frequencies can travel thousands of kilometres but at VHF and above they usually pass

through the ionosphere into outer space.

Sky sóng skywards Nó đi, và nếu nó là dưới đây một số quan trọng

tần số (thường là 30MHz), là trở về trái đất bằng tầng điện ly.Điều này bao gồm các lớp

của các phân tử không khí kéo dài từ khoảng 80km trên trái đất đến 500km.Trên trái đất

nổi bật, làn sóng bầu trời bị trả lại trở về tầng điện ly, nơi nó lại là khúc xạ và dần dần trở

lại earthwards như thể của 'phản ánh'.Điều này tiếp tục cho đến khi nó hoàn toàn suy


Tần số quan trọng thay đổi theo thời gian trong ngày và các mùa.Sky sóng tần số cao có

thể đi hàng nghìn km, nhưng tại VHF và ở trên họ thường đi qua tầng điện ly vào không

gian bên ngoài.

Task 2

Frequencies Surface wave


Travels - - —--



Space Wave For VHF, UHF, and microwave signals, only the space wave, giving line of

sight transmission, is effective. A range of up to 150km is possible on earth if the

transmitting aerial is on high ground and there are no intervening obstacles such as hills,

buildings, or trees. Space waves are also used for satellite communications.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (70)

Không gian Wave Đối với VHF, UHF, và các tín hiệu vi sóng, chỉ có sóng không gian, cho

dòng truyền tải tầm nhìn, có hiệu quả.Một loạt lên đến 150 km có thể trên trái đất nếu

trên không truyền tải được trên mặt đất cao và không có can thiệp trở ngại như đồi núi,

cao ốc, hay cây.Không gian sóng cũng được sử dụng cho truyền thông vệ tinh

Table 2

a transmitting aerial

b receiving aerial

c sky wave

space wave surface wave

Language study Reduced time clat.ises

Study these two actions:

1 Ground waves pass over sand.

2 Ground waves lose energy.

We can link these actions to make one sentence, using a time clause:

When ground waves pass over sand, they lose energy.

Because the subject of both actions is the same —ground waves — there is a shorter method we

can use to link the actions:

When passing over sand, ground waves lose energy.

When + -my shows that Action 2 happens during the same period as Action 1.

Task 4

With the help of Tables 1 and 2, label the diagram using these labels:

d e



Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (71)

Frequencies Sky wave Space wave

. -

Travels _____


Difficulties . _______


Now study these two actions:

1 The sky wave strikes the earth.

2 The sky wave bounces back again.

Again we can link these actions to make one sentence, using a time clause:

When the sky wave strikes the earth, it bounces back again.

We can also Link the actions in a shorter way:

On striking the earth, the sky wave bounces back again.

01, + -ing shows that Action 2 follows immediately after Action 1.

Task 5 Link these pairs of actions. Use short ways when this is possible.

1 a The switch is closed.

b Current flows through the primary of the transformer.

2 a The radar signal strikes a plane.

b The radar signal is reflected.

3 a A cell discharges quickly.

b A cell may become hot.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (72)

4 a The TV receives signals from the remote control.

b The TV follows your instructions.

5 a The radar receiver receives the reflected signal.

b The signal is compared with the transmitted signal.

6 a You choose a course in electronics.

b You think carefully about your future.

7 a Microwave signals strike a high building.

b Microwave signals are deflected.

8 a You make a recording.

b You should ensure the recording levels are satisfactory. —

9 a The alann detects an intruder. Ti

b The alarm triggers an audible warning.

10 a The remote control button is pressed.

b The television set changes channel.

Speaking practice

Task 6 Work in pairs, A and B. Fill the gaps in your table of frequency bands and their uses with

the help of your partner. Ask questions like these:

What does VLF stand for/mean?

What are very low frequencies used for?

What is the frequency range of very low frequencies?

Frequency band Some uses

Very low (VLF) communication

3kHz—3OkHz with submarines

Student A: Your table is on page 176.

Student B: Your table is on page 183.


Word study Word formation

Study the verb and two related nouns below. One noun is used for a component. The other is an

abstract noun used for a property.

amplify amplifier amplification

Task 7

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (73)

With the help of the reading passage, earlier units, and your own knowledge. fill the gaps in this




Noun (component)

Noun (property)





modulate reflect resist





Task 8

Task 9





Listen to the words in the table. Try to mark the stressed syllable.

Technical reading Radio

Explain these abbreviations. Check your answers by looking quickly through the text below.


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (74)




Radio frequency (RF) waves are used to carry audio frequency (AF) waves over long

distances through the air. The audio signals can be combined with the RF carrier wave in

such a way that it varies the amplitude of the carrier. This gives an amplitude modulated


carrierwave(see Fig. 1).

AF signal


RF carrier

Fig. 1

modulated RF carrier


In a frequency-modulated (FM) wave, the audio signal is combined with the RE carrier

wave to vary the frequency of the carrier (see

Fig. 2).

AF signal

rr carrier

FM carrier

Fig. 2

The block diagram of a radio is shown in Fig. 3 below. The tuner

io selects the required RF wave from those picked up by the aerial. The

selected RF wave is amplified and passed to the detector, which

separates the audio modulation from the RF carrier wave. The audio frequency amplifier

then amplifies the audio signal to make it strong enough to drive the loudspeaker.

amplified aerial modulated modulated

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (75)

Các sơ đồ khối của một đài phát thanh có hình.3 dưới đây.Các tuner

io chọn sóng RF yêu cầu từ những chọn của các từ trên không.Các

chọn sóng RF được khuyếch đại và thông qua các máy dò, trong đó

chia tách điều chế âm thanh từ các sóng mang RF.Các bộ khuếch đại tần số âm thanh

sau đó khuếch đại tín hiệu âm thanh để làm cho nó đủ mạnh để lái xe loa.

khuếch đại điều chế điều chế trên không

“i” RF carrier RF carrier AF amplified AF

I _______ -.y.j. ________ ____________ I d k

L[ner amplifier*demodulator f_mpFIfier’1 er



15 A typical radio tuner circuit consists of an inductor and capacitor

connected in parallel (see Fig. 4). The size of the aerial inductance coil can be kept small

by winding it on a ferrite rode core.

A radio tuner mạch điển hình bao gồm một điện dẫn và tụ điện

kết nối song song (xem hình 4)..Kích thước của các cuộn dây điện cảm có thể được giữ

trên không nhỏ bởi winding nó trên một cưỡi lõi ferit.

Fig. 4



The RF waves fed to the tuner cause the circuit to oscillate. The impedance of the circuit

is smallest and the oscillation is greatest at a

particular frequency known as the resonant frequency. This frequency is determined by

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (76)

the values of the inductance and the capacitance. By using a variable capacitor, the circuit

can be tuned to the required radio frequency, and the selected RF wave passed on to the

RF amp1 if le r.

Các sóng RF ăn để tuner nguyên nhân gây ra các mạch dao động.Trở kháng của mạch

dao động là nhỏ nhất và lớn nhất là tại một

đặc biệt là tần số được gọi là tần số cộng hưởng.tần số này được xác định bởi các giá

trị của điện cảm và điện dung.Bằng cách sử dụng một tụ điện biến, các mạch điện có thể

được điều chỉnh đến tần số vô tuyến cần thiết, và sóng RF được lựa chọn thông qua

ngày cho các amp1 RF nếu le r.

Task 10

Identify the waves. Use these terms:

1 FM carrier 2 AM carrier

3 AF signal 4 RF carrier






Task 11 Explain what happens at each stage in this flowchart, which shows how a radio works.

The first and Last stage are done for you.

Component Function

1 aerial

2 RF tuner

3 RF amplifier

4 detector

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (77)

5 AF amplifier

6 loudspeaker


receives weak RF signals






converts the audio signal into


Writing Describing a process

When describing a process. it can be useful first to make a flowchart like the one in Task 11,

showing the stages in the correct sequence. You can then expand the flowchart to include a brief

description of what happens at each stage.

The next step is to turn your flowchart into a written description. You can help your readers by

marking the order of the stages with sequence markers. The most common markers are:

Firstly, Next, Following that,

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (78)

Then, After that, Finally,

We can summarize this advice with a flowchart:

Make a flowchart showing the

main stages.

Add sequence markers to guide

your readers.

Task 12 Describe how a radio deals with a radio signal. Base your description on the flowchart in

Task 11.


Add a brief description of each stage.


Turn the flowchart into a full description.


I I Transistor characteristics

Task 1


Study this table from a suppliers’ catalogue of transistor characteristics. What do these

abbreviations mean? Compare your answers with your partner.

I V 2 mA 3 mW 4 MHz S AF

Table 1

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (79)

Typ r !spplication


Small-signal low-frequency silicon transistors

Type Price Case Material ‘(EO ‘FO lmax) P1 ‘Fyp hif

no. each style (max) (max) (max) mA (max) ä

V V V mW



B 20p








0 6 100



2mA 300 AFdrirer(comptoBCl77)


C 20p







0 5 100






General purpose )comp to



C 2Op







0 5 100



A 300




C 14p







0 5 100



A 85 Generalpurpose


C I4p







0 5 50



A 150 Hlghgain.lownoiseamp


L lop







5 5 200



iA 150 Generalpurpose)comptoBC2l3L)


L 12p







5 5 200



A 150




L lOp








200 30

>602mA 200 AFdriver(comptollCI82L)

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (80)

0 0


L lOp


2 PP









A 200 Generalpurpose)comploBCl83L)


L 12p






5 200



A 200



Reading Locating and applying information

Locating information about components quickly from a table and using that information to solve a

practical problem are useful skills for technicians and engineers. In the task which follows, note the

time you take to answer the

questions. Compare times within your class.

Task 2 Use Table 1 and these explanations of the column headings to answer the questions which


Heading Explanation

Case style transistor case and pin connections

V, (max) maximum value of collector-emitter voltage with base left open-circuit

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (81)

VCBO (max) maximum value of collector-base voltage with emitter left open-circuit

VEBO (max) maximum value of (reverse) emitter-base voltage with collector left open-circuit

I (max) maximum value of collector current

ToT (max) maximum total power dissipation

Typ hFE typical small-signal current gain (in common-emitter configuration)

@ I value of collector current at which the small-signal current gain is quoted

Typ T transition frequency (i.e. the frequency at which the common-emitter current gain falls to 1)

Application recommended use for the device

1 What’s the recommended use for a BC2 14L?

2 What’s the maximum collector current for a BC169C?

3 Which transistor can be used in a complementary configuration with a


4 Could you use a BC1O9C in a circuit where the collector-emitter voltage will be in the range :10

—30 volts?

5 What is the common-emitter current gain for a BC1 68C at a frequency of


Task 3 Working with your partner, try these more difficult questions. You have the

following transistors available: BC1 68C, BC1 69C, BC2 12L. BC2 14L. Which of them is most

suitable for use in a circuit:

1 with a collector current greater than lOOmA and a collector-emitter voltage between —WV and


2 with a common-emitter current gain greater than 100 and a collector current greater than


3 which requires a common-emitter current gain greater than 200 at a frequency of 100MHz?

4 which is a low noise preamp with a collector current greater than 8OmA?

5 with a collector current of 7OmA and a common-emitter current gain greater than 600?


Writing I Describing transistor characteristics

Task 4 Complete this description of a BC1O8C using the information in Table 1 on page 63 and

the explanations in Task 2.

The BC1O8C is an NPN transistor with a’ - style case. It can pass a 2

maximum collector current of - mA.

With the base left open, the collector-emitter junction would break down at

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (82)

_V. The collector-base breakdown with the emitter

disconnected, is 30V. The - junction breakdown voltage is 5V

when the collector is left open. These are the highest usable voltages for this transistor.

The transistor dissipates 6 ______ power of 300mW. When connected in common-emitter

configuration, the small-signal current gain is 520 measured

at a collector current of - mA. Typically, this gain would be

reduced to 1 at a frequency of .MHz. The transistor is a

-- device which can be used in complementary configuration with


Task 5 Now write your own description of a BC214L, based on the text you have just completed

in Task 4.


Writing 2 Ordering components

Task 6 Study this letter.

) Satex SpA.

Via di Pietra Papa

1 00146 Roma

Currie Electronics

P.O. Box 3





17 April 19.__

Dear Sir

Please could you supply the following components:

Description Quantity Price each Tota1/p

BD14O transistors 8 26p £2.08

dielectric trimmer

SW trim 10 pP £6.45 £6.45

Handling charge £1.00

TOTAL £9.53

I enclose a bank draft(no.1563526)for nine pounds

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (83)

and fifty-three pence.

Yours faithfully

Rino Rumiati

4 . ‘


:ft — 4

4 4


:$j 4_ I •2

Now write your own letter ordering transistors. using the information given in Table 1 on page 63.



Metal detector

Task 1

Study this newspaper headline. What do you think the story will be about?


Task 3

Now listen to a radio news item which refers to the same story and answer these questions:

How did Mr Swanston find the coins?

How does he know when his detector has found something made of metal?

Why did he ask his friends to help?

How many coins did they find?

How old are the coins?

What will happen to the coins?

Who will benefit from this?

Read the short text below, then discuss these questions:

How can you create a changing niagnetic field?

2 Flow can you detect a voltage created in a buried object?

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (84)

Metal detectors, despite their technical complexity, are based on a few very simple

principles. The most important is that of electromagnetic induction. This means that if an

object is placed in a changing magnetic field, an electrical voltage is created in the object.












Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (85)

Task 4

Check your answers to Task 3 with the help of the text and diagrams.

Alternating current (AC) is applied to the coil in the search head from the battery in the

control box. This creates an ever-changing electromagnetic field around the coil. An

electric current is induced in any metal object the coil passes near.


5 The current induced in the metal object produces its own magnetic field, which in turn

induces a voltage in the search coil, as the

alternating current changes direction.

The circuitry in the control box senses this reaction and converts the

voltage into an audible note, which is sent to the headset. As the metal

io object is approached, the sound in the headset becomes louder, or changes pitch.

metal object


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (86)

Task 5





Label each step in this flowchart with the correct letter from the list below. The first one is done for


a Magnetic field around the object

b AC voltage in the search coil

c Electric current in the metal object

d Induced voltage in the search coil

e Note heard in headset

F Magnetic field around the coil

Reading Linking what you read with what you know

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (87)

Not everything in a text is clearly stated. When reading. we have to make links between what we

read and what we already know about the subject.

Read this brief text and try to answer this question:

Can metal detectors be used to trace water pipes under a street?

Metal detectors can find buried metal. They were developed for military purposes to locate

hidden explosives. They operate on the principle of electromagnetic induction.

To answer the question, you have to link knowledge from the text and knowledge of your own.

From the text we know:

Metal detectors can find buried metal.

From your own knowledge you know:

Most water pipes are metaL They are buried under streets.

The more knowledge we have about our subject and about the world in general, the easier it is to

learn new things when we read.




Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (88)

Task 6 Read the text below, then look at these statements. Are they true or false? You may need

to use your own knowledge as well as information from the text.

1 Any metal detector can discriminate between gold and other metals.

2 Gold necklaces are found quite often.

3 The search coil is connected directly to a battery.

4 Metal detectors require a changing magnetic field.

5 The metal detector can only locate metals which contain iron or are magnetic.

6 Metal detectors are only used by treasure hunters.

7 Passing a current through the search coil and then switching it off, creates a pulse of magnetism

round the coil.

8 All metal detectors are fitted with a flashing light to show when an object has been found.

9 Large objects are easier to find than small objects.

10 A coin horizontal to the surface is more difficult to detect than one vertical to the surface.

A metal detector is essential for today’s amateur treasure hunter. But only the most

expensive detector can reveal the difference between worthless items, such as pull-ring

tops from soft drink cans or silver foil, and a rare find such as the gold necklace

discovered by one

5 enthusiast last year.

Electronic metal detectors use the principle of electromagnetic induction. This means that,

if an object is placed in a changing magnetic field, an electrical voltage is created in the

object. In a metal detector, an electrical current is passed through a coil of wire, called

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (89)

io the search coil, to create a magnetic field. An alternating current (AC) generator

converts the direct current (DC) from the battery into the AC needed to drive the coil. As

AC regularly reverses direction, it produces the necessary ever-changing magnetic field.

Currents are created in a metal object which comes within this

15 magnetic field by a process known as induction. This is because all metals conduct

electricity. When a current is induced in a metal object (for example, a buried coin), this in

turn produces its own magnetic fields. These magnetic fields are capable of inducing a

small amount of electricity in the detector’s search coil itself.

20 The simplest kind of metal detector is the pulse induction type. A powerful current is

passed from the battery through the search coil and then switched off. The pulse of

magnetism causes current to flow in any target objects below the ground. But unlike the

current in the search coil, the current in the object cannot be switched off; it has to

25 die away naturally. As it dies, the current in the object reactivates the search coil. This

voltage is then amplified to indicate with a sound or a flashing light that an object has

been found.

The effectiveness of a metal detector depends on the size and position of the object and

how far beneath the gound it is buried. For example,

30 a coin buried edge-on to the search coil is much harder to detect than the same coin

buried face up.


Language study Grammar links

Sentences in a text are held together by grammar links. Note the links in this paragraph:

r—*Leta1 detectors are used to locate hidden metal objects such as water pipes. containarch co and

a control box LThe cijis mounted in the search

head. When an AC voltage from the box is applied to the coil4agnetic field is created around it In

turn1hi induces a current in any metal object the head passes over.

This text illustrates some common grammar links:

Nouns become pronouns:

metal detectors becomes they.

Repeated nouns change from a to the and sometimes words are dropped:

a search coil becomes the coil.

Clauses and even sentences become this or that:

a magnetic field is created around it becomes this.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (90)

Task 7 Now mark the grammar links in this paragraph by joining the words in italics with the

words they refer to:

When an AC voltage is applied to the search coil. a magnetic field is produced around it. If there is

a metal object under the ground. thL’field induces an electric current in the object. The induced

current in turn creates a magnetic field around the obleM. This induces a voltage in the search coil.

The mduced voltage is converted into an audible note by the circuitry in the control box. This

sound guides the treasure hunter to the buried object.

Word study Transitive verbs

Note these verbs, which are used often in electronics:

generate induce detect

They are transitive verbs. This means they are followed by a direct object and can be used in the

passive (when the object becomes the subject).

Active verb:

The magnetic field induces a voltage.

Passive verb:

A voltage is induced by the magnetic field.

In electronics these verbs take a limited range of objects. Study the following examples from this


induce + a voltage/a noise/hum/a current

generate + electrical pulses/a large EMF/signals

detect + a movement/a voltage/a form of energy/sound/heat


Task 8 Complete each sentence with generate. induce or detect. Each sentence is from a text in

this book.

1 The magnetic field an electric current in the metal object.

2 A microphone may be used to - sound.

3 The oscillator pulses at a fixed frequency of 32 768 Hz.

4 The magnetic field a voltage in the search coil.

5 Noise is also — by the low-frequency mains supply.

6 Motion sensors may use microwave energy to movement within

their range.

7 Electrical pulses are first - - at a frequency in the upper audio range by the audio oscillator.

8 The first stage is a sensing device that changes its resistance when it a particular form of energy.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (91)

Task 9 Convert means to change something from one form to another. Study the

following example from this book.

An AC generator converts the DC from the battery into the AC needed to drive the


Identify the components from these descriptions:

1 It converts AF signals into sound waves.

2 It converts electronic pulses into infra-red pulses.

3 It converts digital signals into analogue signals.

4 It converts an electrical signal into a visual signal.

Describe the action of the following, using convert:

5 a rectifier

6 a microphone

7 an analogue-to-digital converter

8 an audio amplifier

Writing Linking facts and ideas, 2

Task 10 Link each pair of statements using the word or phrase provided. Omit

unnecessary words and make any other changes required.

I for

A metal detector is a device.

A metal detector locates hidden metal objects.

2 to... bi.Lt

The metal detector was developed for military purposes.

The metal detector was developed to find buried explosives.

Nowadays the metal detector is also used to locate pipes, cables and lost


3 to

Special detectors are used at airports.

Detectors are used to screen passengers for concealed weapons.


4 which

All detectors work on the same principle.

The principle is electromagnetic induction.


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (92)

An object is placed in a changing magnetic field.

An electrical voltage is created in the object.

6 when

An AC voltage is applied to the search coil.

An ever-changing electromagnetic field is created around the search coil.


The coil passes near a metal object.

An electric current is induced in the metal object.

8 which

The electric current produces a magnetic field around the object.

The magnetic field induces a voltage in the search coil.

9 when

The circuitry senses this reaction.

The circuitry changes the voltage into an audible note.

10 as

The coil approaches the object.

The audible note becomes louder and louder.

Task 11 Form your completed statements into an explanation of how metal detectors work. Your

explanation should consist of two paragraphs.



Music centre Tuning-in

Task I

Study this picture of a music centre.

1 What forms of audio input does it have?

2 What other forms of audio input might be added?

Read this text to check your answer to question 1 of Task 1.

Fig. 1 shows a music centre. It contains a number of audio input devices: a CD player, a

radio tuner, and a tape cassette deck. These allow the user to play music recorded in

different formats. All these devices share a common amplifier and speaker system. Each

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (93)

part of

5 the music centre is stacked one on top of the other.

Fig. 1

Task 2


Task 3 Read the rest of the text to find out:

the function of a pre-amplifier

2 the function of a power amplifier

3 the function of a graphic equalizer

4 the difference between a hi-fl and a midi -fi system

As Fig. 2 shows, the common amplifier is made up of two sections. The first section is the

pre-amplifier (pre-amp), which provides tone, volume, and balance controls as well as

amplification of the input signal voltages. The second section is the power amplifier


10 amp). This amplifies the power of the pre-amp signals to enable them to drive the

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (94)

loudspeaker system.


(output lOW)

signal voltage

(e.g. 9V(

Fig. 2

Some music centres also contain a graphic equalizer. This allows the user to adjust the

amplification of particular frequency ranges by moving an array of slider controls. In this

way the reproduced sound

15 can be varied to suit different acoustic conditions.

A music centre can be classified as a hi-fi (high-fidelity) system or a mid-fi system

depending on the quality of its sound


Language study Allowing and preventing verbs

What happens as a result of...

closing the switch?

opening the switch?

Closing the switch: _____________________

We can describe the result using these verbs:

Closing the switch allows current to flow through the coil.



Note that verbs like allow are followed by to and the infinitive.

Opening the switch:

We can describe the result using these verbs:

Opening the switch prevents current from flowing through the coil.


Note that verbs like prevent are followed byfrom and the -ing form.

signal voltage (1—2 mV(

pre-amplifier power amplifier


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (95)

Now fill in the gap in each sentence with an allowing or preventing verb. Also put each verb in

brackets in the correct form.

1 A graphic equalizer

frequency ranges.

2 A fuse - — a sudden rise in current (damage) equipment.

3 A mixing desk the sound engineer (improve) the quality of the sound recorded.

4 A heatsink output transistors (overheat).

5 A surge suppressor. -- — large current fluctuations (damage) computers.

6 Special effects like reverb . the engineer (alter) the sound of the recording.

7 Different inputs on the music centre the user (play) CDs. cassettes, and MDs.

8 A safety tab the user (erase) the tape by accident.

Task 5 Study this circuit of a burglar alarm. It contains a relay. The relay is shown in its

unenergized form.

contacts on closed

doors and windows



Now fill in the gaps in this description with appropriate verbs like allow or prevent, and put each

verb in brackets in the correct form. Compare your answers with your partner.

Closing the main switch _____ current (pass) from the battery through

the bell. As a result the bell rings. Pressing the reset button

current (flow) through the relay coil. This energizes the coil so that switch I

closes and switch 2 opens. Opening switch 2 current (flow)

through the bell.

Task 4

the user (adjust) the amplification of different


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (96)

When any contact on a door or window is opened, this __ current

(pass) through the relay coil. As a result switch 1 opens and switch 2 closes.

This - current (flow) from the battery to the bell, and the alarm rings.

Speaking practice

Task 6 Work in pairs, A and B.

When choosing an amplifier for a particular system, it is important to know about the following


voltage gain input impedance

frequency response output impedance

distortion supply voltage

S/N ratio

By the end of this task, you should be able to understand general amplifier


Student A: Your task and text are on pages 176—177.

Student B: Your task and text are on pages 18 3—184.

Writing Adding information to a text

Study this brief text about noise.

Noise can be a problem with amplifiers. There are several types of noise. One is crackle

and another is hum.

Study this additional information:

Noise is any unwanted signals.

Crackle is produced randomly inside circuit components.

Hum is induced by the mains supply.

We can add the additional information like this:

Noise, which is any unwanted signals, can be a problem with amplifiers. There are several types

of noise. One is crackle, which is produced randomly inside circuit components, and another is

hum, which Is Induced by the mains supply.

When the information is additional, it is put in commas. For example:

Noise, which is any unwanted signals, can be a problem with amplifiers.

Without the words in bold, the sentence makes good sense.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (97)

Noise can be a problem with amplifiers.

When the information is essential to the meaning of the statement, commas are not used. For


Noise which is produced inside components is called crackle.

Without the words in bold, the sentence would not make sense.


Task 7


loudspeaker (tweeter)

Thissends out

high-frequency sounds of 3000Hz and upwards.

Crossover network

paper cone or diaphragm

This receives mid-frequency signals from the crossover circuit and sends out

mid-frequency sounds.

Sound baffles

In order to maximize the effect of the air movement created as the front of the

loudspeaker cone moves, sound baffles are used inside the loudspeaker cabinet. These

absorb the sound created as the back of the speaker cone moves and prevent it

cancelling out the sound created by the front of the cone.

Look at the diagram below and read the text opposite. Add information from the diagram to the

text. The information added should answer the questions in brackets within the text. The first

paragraph is done for you as an example.


sound waves have the same frequency as the audio signal

This sends out low-frequency (bass) sounds.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (98)


audio signal from AF amp

This divides up the sound signal into high, mid, and low range frequencies and sends

them to the correct loudspeaker.

Mid-frequency loudspeaker (squawker)

Low-frequency loudspeaker (woofer)



The loudspeaker is the last important component of a music centre. It converts signals from the AU

amplifier into sound waves (What is the frequency of the sound waves?).


The loudspeaker is the last important component of a music centre. It converts signals from the AF

amplifier into sound waves which have the same frequency as the AF signals.

A loudspeaker consists of a cone (What is the cone made of?), a coil, and a fixed magnet. The coil

(What is the coil attached to?) is free to vibrate within the magnet. As AC signals from the

amplifier pass through the coil, they create an alternating magnetic field. The interaction of this

field with the fixed field of the magnet causes the coil to vibrate. The cone also vibrates and

produces sound waves. The bigger the signal from the amplifier, the larger the vibration of the

cone and hence the louder the sound.

Speakers for hi-li systems usually contain up to three individual units: a tweeter (What kind of

sounds does it send out?). a squawker (What kind of sounds does it send out?), and a woofer (What

kind of sounds does it send out?). These are served by a crossover network (What does it do?).

They also contain sound baffles (What do they do?).


Technical reading Stereo power amplifiers

Task 8 Try to answer these questions about amplifiers, then read the text to see if you are correct.

What is meant by complementary transistors’?

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (99)

2 What prevents power transistors from overheating?

3 What is stereo sound?

4 What is the purpose of a balance control?

Power amplification is required to drive low impedance loudspeakers. Many power

amplifiers use a pair of complementary transistors, i.e. one transistor is a PNP type and

the other is an NPN type. The characteristics of these transistors must be carefully

matched. This

5 matched pair is connected in a push—pull configuration as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

This arrangement causes TR1 to be turned on and TR2 to be turned off during the

positive half-cycle of the input signal. During the negative half-cycle, TR2 is turned on and

TR1 is turned off. This means that the

10 input signal is alternately ‘pushed’ and ‘pulled’ through the

loudspeaker. Because power transistors dissipate a lot of heat, they

must be attached to large heatsinks.

For stereo sound, two identical amplifiers are used (see Fig. 2).

One channel amplifies the signals for the left-hand speaker and the

15 other channel amplifies the signals for the right-hand speaker. In this case, a balance

control is required to adjust the relative amplification of each channel.

+ Vs




+ 9V


Fig. 2


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (100)


Day release student

Shirley Sutton is a day release student. She talks here about her studies, her work, and her

ambitions. The interview is in four parts. You are going to listen first for Shirley’s opinions, then

for details.

Task I

Before you listen to Part 1, find out what day release means. With a partner try to list the

advantages and disadvantages of such a form of study.

Now Listen to Part 1 of the interview. Note any advantages and disadvantages of day release which

Shirley mentions.



Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (101)

Do you think electronics is a good career for women? Give reasons for your answer.

Now listen to Part 2 to find what Shirley’s views are.

Shirley’s views


Task 2


Task 5

Find out what an assembly line is. Would you like to work on one? Give reasons for your answer.

Now listen to Part 3 to find out what Shirley’s views are.

Shirley’s views

What are your ambitions? What would you like to do at the end of your course?

Listen to Part 4 and find out what Shirley’s ambitions are.

Shirley’s ambitions

Listen to the tape again. This time listen for detail. Try to answer these questions:

Part I

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (102)

1 Name of course

2 Length (years)

3 Study (days per week)

Part 2

4 Class size

5 Number of males

6 Number of females

Part 3

7 What does her company make?

S How long has she worked there?

9 What did she assemble?

10 What did she need before she could get promotion?

Part 4

What will she become at the end of the course?

How much extra experience does she need to become a test engineer?

What other route is there for promotion to test engineer?

Why does she reject the idea of full-time study for her HNC?

Language study Would

Study this extract from the interview. The interviewer asks Shirley what she wants to do after the


Why doesn’t he ask, What will that involve?’?







Well, I hope to become a test engineer. A test engineer. What would that involve?


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (103)





Later he asks Shirley about her possible plans to take a Higher National Certificate course.

Shirley: I would like to think that I would go on and do an HNC.

Interviewer: Would that be full-time?

Shirley: No. day release. If I were to leave my job. I wouldn’t get it back.

Why doesn’t he ask, Will that be full-time?’?

Why doesn’t she answer, 1f I leave my job, I won’t get it back.’?

Would is used to show that the events described are not real at this time. They may happen in the

future, but at present they are only possibilities. Would implies a hidden if. For example:

What would that involve? (if you became a test engineer)

Would that be full-time? (if you took the HNC course)

Task 6 Here is part of an interview with another student, Philip. Fill in the blanks with will or

would or the reduced forms ‘Il and ‘d where appropriate.

I What 1 you do when you leave college?

P I hope to work in locaL television.


I What kind ol work ____________ you like to do

3 . .. 4

P I ___________ like to be a sound technician. That give me a chance to work with a camera

team on location.

I Is there any other kind of work you enjoy?

P Maybe working for a recording studio. But it all depends on my exams.

I When you take your finals?

P InJune.

I And how soon after that you start applying for jobs?

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (104)

P I’ve already started.

Word study Word pairs, 2

Task 7 Find one word which can pair with each of the following words. For example:

alternating/direct + current

I carrier/ground/surface/sky/space +

2 zener/tunnel/light-emitting +

3 primary/secondary/NiCad +

4 audio/power/radio-frequency +

5 balance/tone/remote/volume + ________

6 mercury/double-pole/reed + _________ -

7 tuned/integrated/printed +

block/circuit +


15 Drum machine

l)iscuss these questions:

What do you think a drum machine does?

What do you think these keys refer to on a drum machine?

kick snare closed hat open hat

Task 2 Match each text on the following page to the correct step in the process of sampling and

reproducing the sound of a drum digitally.



(( [SNA]>] ‘VvM




Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (105)





a When the drum pad is pressed, the stored information is decoded and produces

an electronic signal.

b The signal is sliced into many ‘samples’, each one a snapshot of the strength of

the signal at one particular moment. This information is converted into binary

code and then stored in the machine’s memory.

c When the drum is hit, it produces sound waves.

d The signal is turned into sound waves through an amplifier, and the drum

sound is heard.

e The sound waves reach the microphone and are converted into an electrical


Reading I Recognizing topic

A useful reading skill is skimming. which is to be able to recognize quickly which part of a text

deals with a particular topic. Paragraphs usually deal with one topic or sub-topic.

Task 3 Read through the text quickly to find which paragraphs describe:

a analogue recording

b what quantize means

c the advantage of digital sound

d what happens when one of the drum buttons is pressed

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (106)

e how sound samples are stored in a drum machine

f in brief what the machine does

A drum machine stores sound which has been recorded digitally. The machine’s read-

only memory (ROM) stores sounds which have been pre-recorded from the original

instruments. By pressing the pads which correspond to particular sounds, you can create


5 own songs and rhythms without ever touching a drum kit. Each

sound can be played at any seed and in thousands of different

corn bin atio ns.

When we hear sound, our ears are detecting changes in air

pressure. These changes in pressure, which might be caused by

io vibrating a guitar string or banging a drum, are sound waves. To record these, the wave

patterns in the air are converted by a microphone into electrical signals. The voltage and

frequency of these signals correspond exactly to the fluctuations in pressure of the

original wave. This is called analogue recording.

Drum machine para


, ,

-‘ ..,

I \ ‘ ‘

I .-——-.‘

I . . ‘.,.

V ____

I ___ __ /

___ ..




Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (107)


15 Instead of recording the sound waves continuously, a drum 3

machine is programmed with sounds that have been ‘sampled’

from the electrical signals produced by the microphone. This

means that measurements are taken at frequent regular intervals

and then recorded as binary code.

20 The advantage of digital sound is that it has only two electrical 4 conditions: on and off.

Sounds recorded in this way remain


When you press one of the drum pads, a signal is sent to the 5

microprocessor inside the machine which tells it which button is

25 being pressed. How hard you press and for how long, tells the

microprocessor how loud and at which tempo the sound should be.

The sounds are then stored in the memory blocks. This means that

you can repeat a pattern of drum sounds as many times as you like.

The digital-to-analogue converter changes the binary signals back 6

30 into electrical impulses so that they can be played back through an

amplifier. The machine can also quantize, or shift the sounds being

played, so that each is rhythmically perfect. If you hit a note a little

ahead or behind the beat, the machine will automatically place the

drum hit right on the beat.

Reading 2 Recognizing similar meaning

In English the same idea can be expressed in many different ways. Choose the statement, a, b, or c,

which is closest in meaning to this statement from the text:

When we hear sound, our ears are detecting changes in air pressure.

a Changes In the pressure of the air around us are what we hear as sound.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (108)

b hearing is really only changes in air pressure.

c Our hearing depends on the pressure of the air around us.

Task 4 Find sentences in the text above which are similar in meaning to the following statements.

Compare your answers with your partner. Try to reach agreement on the right answer.

1 You don’t need to play drums to make drum music; you need only touch the switches which

match the sounds you want.

2 The memory of a drum machine contains pre-recorded sounds from drum kits.

3 A microphone records sound by converting changes in air pressure to electrical signals.

4 The patterns of the sound waves are matched by the characteristics of the electrical signals.

5 Signals are sampled regularly and often, and stored in binary form.

6 Digital sound stays true to the original.

7 Pressing one of the buttons indicates to the processor the loudness and speed of the music to be


8 You cannot make a mistake with the beat because the drum machine corrects any errors by itself.


Language study -ing forms

Words which end in -ing and sometimes behave like nouns are called -lug forms’. They often refer

to actions, processes and activities. Examples from the text on pages 85—86 are:

pressing touching vibrating banging recording

They are often used when there are no ordinary nouns available. For example:

This receiver has very sensitive tuning.

They are used after prepositions. For example:

Without touching a drum, you can make any drum sound you like.

Task 5 Use the correct form of the word in brackets in each of these sentences:

1 With a drum machine, you can play any drum sound by (press) the right


2 You can create drum music without (play) a drum.

3 What we hear as sound are (change) in air pressure.

4 These are converted to electrical signals by (use) a microphone.

5 The information contained in the drum machine memory consists of (sample)

of these electrical signals.

6 A drum machine contains (record) of sound taken at measured intervals.

7 This process is called (sample).

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (109)

8 The functions of a drum machine include (pan) and (tune).

9 Panning means the (position) of the drum sound in stereo.

Word study Compound nouns, 1

Study these examples of compound nouns and their meanings:

a silicon diode = a diode which contains silicon

a smoke alarm = an alarm which warns of smoke

a car radio = a radio for use in a car

Task 6 Explain each of these compounds:

1 a burglar alarm

2 a clock timer

3 a mercury switch

4 acar phone

5 a germanium diode

6 a ground wave

7 a block diagram

8 an assembly line

Some compound nouns have become single words, for example. a voltmeter —

an instrument for measuring voltage. Explain the meaning of these words:

9 a fuseholder

10 a wavemeter

1 1 a cellphonc

12 headphones

13 an ammeter

14 a handset


Technical reading Sampling

Task 7 Read the text and answer these questions:

Is a sine wave an example of an analogue wave or a digital wave?

2 How many voltage levels does a digital signal have?

3 What is an ADC?

4 How frequently must an analogue signal be sampled when converting it to a digital signal?

5 What term means a ‘binary digit?

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (110)

6 What effect do rounding errors have on a signal when it is converted back to an analogue form?

The magnitude of an analogue signal varies gradually with time over a range of values.

Fig. 1 shows an analogue signal in the shape of a sine

Modern electronic circuits, however, often use digital signals because 5 they can be

processed more easily. The magnitude of a digital signal

has only two levels, high and low, which can be represented by the binary digits 1 and 0

respectively (see Fig. 2).

00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 0 0

Fig. 2

The analogue signals produced by transducers can be changed into digital signals using

an analogue-to-digital converter (ADC).

io Because the analogue signal is constantly varying, samples of the original signal must

be taken at successive intervals of time. The magnitudes of the samples are changed into

digital values by the ADC. This process is known as sampling (see Fig. 3).

















Fig. 3

analogue signal

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (111)



The higher the frequency of the analogue signal, the more often it 15 must be sampled.

However, it is usually adequate to sample a signal

at twice its highest frequency.

Each binary digit used to show a binary value is known as a bit. The accuracy of

conversion is limited by the number of binary bits used by the ADC. If the conversion is

made using a four-bit ADC, only sixteen

20 different binary values can be produced. The smallest value is 0000 and the largest is

1111. If an 8-bit ADC is used, then 256 (28) different digital values can be produced.

When a measurement of the analogue signal does not coincide with one of these binary

values, it must be rounded up or down (see Fig. 4).


Fig. 4

25 This leads to inaccuracies in the digital measurements. If the resulting digital signal is

converted backto an analogue signal using a digital- to-analogue converter (DAC), these

rounding errors will cause the analogue signal to suffer some distortion as shown in Fig.


Fig. 5

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (112)

Although low-quality transmission systems such as digital telephone 30 networks can

operate successfully using 8-bit ADCs, it is necessary to

use 12, 14, or 16-bit ADCs in high quality music systems.








this sample is rounded down

rounded down


rounded up


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (113)

16 Audio recording systems

Try to answer these questions:

What problems are there with records?

What other recording systems are there?

What do these abbreviations mean?

a LP

b CD

Task 2 Read quickly through this text to check your answers to Task 1,

Audio recording systems

For a long time hi-fi recordings have been produced on vinyl gramophone records.

Records use an analogue recording system, which stores patterns by cutting a continuous

groove in a vinyl disk. The shape of the sides of the groove represents the audio pattern.


5 sound can be reproduced by spinning the record and using the movement of a metal

needle in the groove to produce varying magnetic fields (see Fig. 1). These magnetic

fields are then processed to produce the sound. A typical LP (long-playing record) has a

recording capacity of about 45 minutes.








Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (114)

Task 3

The stylus vibrates in the groove and recreates the recorded souncV’

groove ‘

10 A digital recording system, known as a compact disc (CD) system, was introduced in

1982. This uses a laser optical mechanism in which a laser beam reads marks on the

surface of a specially prepared perspex disc. It gives near-perfect reproduction of sound

and the sound quality does not deteriorate with use. Some of the problems associated


15 vinyl records are eliminated such as ‘crackle’ caused by dust and static, and ‘jumping’,

due to scratches on the recording surface.

In a CD system, a recording is made by electronically sampling the sound 44,100 times

every second. The electronic samples are used to control a laser beam, which makes a

pattern of very small pits in the

20 surface of the perspex disc. The audio pattern is represented by the length of the pits

and the distance between them. The pits are arranged in circular tracks. A typical CD has

about 20,000 circular tracks and a maximum recording capacity of 74 minutes.

To play back the recording, the disc is made to revolve at a constant 25 speed and a laser

beam is directed at its surface. The varying

reflection of the laser beam is fed into a digital-to-analogue converter (DAC). This

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (115)

produces the electronic signals, which are amplified to drive a loudspeaker.

Use the text above to complete this table of differences between LPs and CDs:


1 Recording system analogue

2 Sound quality

3 Access serial

4 Audio pattern

5 Material

6 Playing mechanism mechanical

7 Durability

8 Size 12 inches

9 Playing time


Fig. 1


poorer than the original

random pits perspex


easily damaged


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (116)

Language study Cause and effect. 1

Study this sentence:

Dust on records causes crackle.

It contains a cause and an effect. Identify them.

We can link a cause and effect as follows:


Dust on records

causes leads to results in is the cause of



Task 4

We can also put the effect first:

is caused by dust on records.

results from

is the effect of

Is due to

Items in List 1 can be causes or effects of items in List 2. Match the pairs. Compare your answers

with your partner. For example:

mains frequency interference


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (117)

1 distortion

2 noise generated within


3 overheating a transistor

4 dirty heads

5 a build-up of oxide on the head

6 jumping

7 unwanted signals

a interference on radios

b too high a recording level

c the tape rubbing against the head

d scratches on records

e hiss

f damage

g poor recordings

Task 5

Write sentences to show the relationship between the pairs you linked in Task 4. For example:

Mains frequency interference results in hum.

Speaking practice

Work in pairs, A and B.

Student A: Read the text on page 177 to find out about DCCs. Student B: Read the text on page

184 to find out about MDs.

Complete your section of the table at the top of the following page. Then find out enough

information from your partner to complete the other section of the table. When you have finished,

read each other’s texts to check you have completed the table correctly.

Ask questions like these:

What recording system do MDs i.se?

What’s the sound quality like?

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (118)




List 1

List 2

Task 6



1 Recording system

2 Sound quality

3 Access

4 Medium

5 Playing time

6 Advantages

Writing Linking facts and ideas, 3

Task 7 Study this diagram, which explains the operation of automatic doors. Then turn to the next

page and link each set of statements using words or phrases oF your own to make your own

explanation. Omit unnecessary words and make any other changes required.

sensor moni changes in the pattern of returning microwaves produced as a beam by the

transmitter horn. Movement through the beam changes this pattern and, as an object or

person approaches and disturbs the pattern, a signal is sent for the door motor to start.

will not close.

there is a person space, the door



Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (119)

I Automatic doors are used in places such as airports, supermarkets, and hospitals.

Traditional doors would be a nuisance in these places.

2 Automatic doors are fitted with a microwave sensor.

The sensor detects movement.

3 The doors are switched on.

A microwave transmitter sends out a microwave beam.

4 The beam is in a semicircular pattern.

The doors open when you approach from any angle.

5 The microwaves are reflected back to the sensor.

The reflected microwaves are analysed by a microprocessor.

6 A person or object moves towards the doors.

The waves are reflected back to the sensor at a different frequency.

7 The microprocessor detects this change.

The microprocessor instructs the motor to open the doors.

8 The doors are fitted with a time-delay mechanism.

The doors remain open for about four seconds before closing again.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (120)

9 A person remains standing in the doorway.

A safety beam prevents the doors from closing.




Sales of LPs are falling very quickly in the UK. In 1992. one major supplier of popular music

announced that it would no longer sell LPs. However, specialist shops continue to stock vinyl

records and some music lovers prefer them to other forms of recording. On this tape, you will hear

an expert giving his opinion on which form of recording is better: LPs or CDs.

As you listen, answer these questions:

I Why do some people prefer LPs?

2 What is the expert’s choice?

3 What are the advantages of CDs?

4 What is the ditTerence between analogue and digital recording?

5 Why does digital recording produce better quality sound?

6 What disadvantages of CDs does he give?

7 What does he mean by marketing?

8 What might be the effect of so many people having CD players?

9 Which audio system does he favour?

10 What’s his longterm forecast?

1 1 What would be the advantage of such a system?


Task 1


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (121)

Task 2 ii Here is the completed table of differences from Unit 16. Listen again to the tape. Tick the

differences the expert mentions.


I Recording system analogue digital

2 Sound quality poorer than the like the original


3 Access serial random

4 Audio pattern grooves pits

5 Material vinyl perspex

6 Playing mechanism mechanical laser

7 Durability easily damaged does not deteriorate

8 Size 12 inches 12cm

9 Playing time 45 minutes 74 minutes

Language study Comparison and contrast, 2

In Unit 2. we studied some ways of describing similarities and differences in

English. In this unit we will examine some other ways to describe differences:

to make contrasts.

On the tape the expert contrasted:

1 LPsandCDs

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (122)

2 analogue and digital recording

3 CDs and newer systems

Here are some of the things he said:

They (CDs) use laser light rather than a needle.

LPs are analogue recordings while CDs are digital.

It (an analogue signal) can have any value. . but in digital the signal is either on or off.

You can process a digital signal with greater accuracy than a constantly varying signal.

Here are some other expressions used to make contrasts:

differ from is/are d Werent from in contrast to whereas unlike

Task 3 Look back at the table of differences in Task 2. Contrast LPs and CDs for each point in the

table. Use the expressions from the examples listed above. For


1 Unlike LPs, CDs use a digital recording system.




Reading Understanding graphs

In electronics, graphs are a common way of giving information. They allow a great deal of data to

be presented easily in visual form. Mostly this information is technical, but we start with a non-

technical example.

Task I

This graph shows the sales of singles in the UK over a seven-year period some time ago. This was

a period of considerable change in people’s choice of format when buying recorded music.

United Kingdom

Write a sentence to describe sales for these periods:

The figures include 7” and 12’ vinyl singles as well as CD and cassette singles.

1983—1984 —

1986—1988 -

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (123)

1988—1989 —____________________________

Language study Describing graphs

Look at the period 1983—1984 on the graph. We can describe sales of singles in two ways:

1 Sales of singles rose.

2 There was a rise in the sales of singles.

We can make our description more accurate like this:

3 Sales of singles rose slightly.

4 There was a slight rise in the sales of singles.

Study this table of verbs and related nouns of change. The past form of irregular verbs is given in


millions 100


1984 1985 1986 1987 1988

1989 1990





80 ———-———-——-

60 — —

40- — — — -

20- — — — — — —

n. — I — — —

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (124)




Up climb

go up (went up)


rise (rose)

dip dip


fall (fell)

go down (went down)

not change

remain constant

decline decrease



increase rise

decline decrease



no change

These adjectives and adverbs are used to describe the rate of change:

Adjective Adverb

slight slightly

gradual gradually

steady steadily

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (125)

steep steeply

sharp sharply

sudden suddenly

fast fast

Task 2 Study this graph, which compares the sales of LPs, cassettes, CDs, and singles over the

same seven-year period.


United Kingdom

The figures include 7” and 12” vinyl singles as well as CD and cassette singles.



Write a sentence to describe sales for these periods:

1 Cassettes 1983—1986 ____ _____

2 Cassettes 1989—1990

3 LPs 1983—1988

4 LPs 1988—1990 -

5 CDs 1983—1984

6 CDs 1984—1985 _____

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (126)

7 CDs 1985—1986 _______ __________

S CDs 1986—1990 _____ _____ ______-

Task 3 — Make comparisons of sales of different products for these

periods. For example:

CDs and singles 1986—1988

Sales of CDs rose steeply, but/while sales of singles fell steadilij.

As sales of CDs rose, sales of singles fell.

1 CDsandLPs 1986—1988

2 CDs and cassettes 1986—1988

3 SinglesandCDs 1983—1984

4 CassettesandLPs 1983—1986

5 Singles and LPs 1989—1990 _______

Task 4 Try to explain the changes on the graph. List your reasons. Then compare your ideas with

this text:

In 1989, sales of compact discs (CDs) exceeded sales of long-play albums (LPs) for the

first time. By 1990, CD sales were more than double those of LPs. Cheaper CD players

and the introduction of mid- p rice and budget-price discs have been partly responsible for


5 increase in CD sales.

Sales of LPs fell by 35 per cent between 1989 and 1990 to less than 25 million, and

cassette sales also fell. Despite this, cassettes still accounted for over a third of all items

sold. Their continued popularity is partially due to the increase in ownership of personal



Word study Common verbs in electronics

These verbs are often used in electronics:

conduct emit rectify sample

dissipate process record suppress

Fill in the gaps in these sentences with an appropriate verb from the list above. Make sure the verb

is in the correct form.

1 Computers data.

2 You can _________ sound on tape or disc.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (127)

3 A bridge circuit is used to alternating current to produce direct current.

4 All metals, and some non-metals such as carbon, -— electricity.

5 To prevent radio interference, you must any sources of interference such as car ignition systems.

6 Power transistors ___________ heat. Therefore they must be mounted on a heatsink.

7 The electron gun in a CRT ___________ a stream of electrons.

8 When recording a CD, sound is 44,100 times every second.

Writing Describing graphs

Task 5

Task 6 Study this graph which shows what happens when a voltage is applied across a silicon PN

junction diode.




reverse voltage IV)

60 40 20

forward voltage IV)













Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (128)

Now complete the spaces in this text with reference to the graph. Each space represents several

missing words.

The first quadrant shows the characteristics of the diode when it is forward biased. When the

voltage is increased, at first the current 1

When the voltage reaches about 600mV there is 2 - _______ . The

currentcontinues to rise as __________________ but eventually a point is reached where the

diode would be destroyed by heat.

The third quadrant shows what happens when the diode is reverse biased. There is almost no

____________ The diode is therefore a good rectifier. It conducts well in one direction and

almost not at all in the other. However, there is ________ reverse current. This leakage current

6 until what is known as breakdown voltage. At this point

there is _______________ in the reverse current. This sudden increase is called the Zener effect.

Speaking practice

Task 7 Work in pairs, A and B. Give your partner sufficient information about your graph so that

he or she can sketch it. When you have finished, compare the graphs you have drawn with the


Student A: Your graph is on page 178.

Student B: Your graph is on page 185.



Test and repair instruments


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (129)

Task I

Task 2


List as many instruments used for testing and repair in electronics as you can. Compare your list

with that of another group.

How many of these instruments can you identify? Can you explain their use?



red LED

green LED


powered by circuit under test


function selector

frequency range selector switches

77 frequency adjust (bnc connector)


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (130)




-j, - 0



. 0M

‘ ) QOrnA




2OQO” oov MAX

IXedb *

Task 3 Check your answers to Tasks 1 and 2 by reading this text:

The following instruments are commonly used for the test and repair of electronic circuits.


This instrument can be used to measure a number of different electrical quantities, such

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (131)

as voltage, current, and resistance, i.e. it is a

5 combined voltmeter, ammeter, and ohmmeter. Multimeters can have analogue or digital

displays and can be switched to different

measuring ranges.

Logic probe

This instrument is used for measuring voltage levels and pulses in digital logic circuits.

When the probe is placed on the pin of a logic IC,

io small coloured LEDs light up to indicate if a pulse is detected or whether the pin is at a

high or a low logic level.


This instrument is used to measure fast-moving signals. It shows how a signal varies with

time or relative to another signal. It uses a cathode ray tube to display the waveform of the

measured signal on a screen.

Function generator

15 This instrument contains a triangular wave oscillator which can be switched to produce

triangular, square, or sine waves over a range of frequencies. It is used to test and adjust

a variety of electronic equipment such as audio amplifiers. The function generator

provides a known signal which can be injected into a circuit. Often it is used

20 with an oscilloscope so that a visual display of the waveform can be seen.

Which of the instruments would you use to do the following?

to check a fuse

2 to determine the frequency response of an audio amplifier

3 to test for the presence of a control signal on the output pin of a computer chip

4 to determine the value of the current through a transformer

5 to measure the frequency of an oscillator

I- -


- - -



AsI4 rn,,gm rollEon


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (132)

40,., IIm&cm V..bbeaIpO..AO40b000SIIpOAbion

S0IIkXfl.E0fl SIob.IitY T, rIe..I

Task 4


Reading Information transfer

Task 5

r1he task which follows provides further practice in combining information from a diagram and a

text when reading.

With the help of this diagram, complete the gaps in the text.


filament grid Gi


electron gun section:

cathode plus intensity

and focusing system deflection



A CRT is really a large vacuum tube valve. It has L — main sections.

The first section is an electron 2 which emits a stream of electrons.

The electron gun contains an electron lens which the electrons

into a narrow electron

The second section is a ___________— system, which allows the beam to be

moved 6 or horizontally. Oscilloscopes use charged metal

to give deflection, whereas television sets use

electromagnetic coils to give electromagnetic

The last section is a screen with a coating. The electron beam hits the screen, making the phosphor

glow and causing a spot to be displayed. The colour of the spot depends on the type of phosphor


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (133)

first accelerating anode Al

cathode C


pins for electrical connections

Aquadag coating


anode A2

final anode A3

phosphor coating on inner side of screen


metal or glass screen

envelope face

CRT construction

Fig. 1

Cathode ray tube

Televisions as well as computers, radar systems, arid oscilloscopes use a cathode ray tube (CRT) to

produce an output display. The construction and operation of the CRT is similar in each case but

the simplest type of CRT is found in oscilloscopes.



Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (134)

Language study Cause and effect, 2

Study these statements:

1 The electron beam hits the screen.

2 The phosphor glows.

Why does the phosphor glow? What is the relationship between statement (1) and (2)?

Statement (1) is a cause and statement (2) is an effect. We can link cause and effect statements in a

number of ways. Study these ways, which use cause and make.

The electron beam hits the screen causing the phosphor to glow.

The electron beam hits the screen making the phosphor glow.

Now study these cause and effect statements:

3 The phosphor glows.

4 A spot is displayed.

The effect is in the passive. We can link cause and effect like this:

The phosphor glows causing a spot to be displayed.

Task 6 Link each of these cause and effect statements to make one sentence:

I a A magnetic field is set up in the speaker coil.

b The coil vibrates.

2 a The coil pushes and pulls the speaker cone.

b Sound waves are produced.

3 a A voltage is applied to a quartz crystal.

b The quartz crystal expands and contracts.

4 a A voltage is applied to the Y-plates.

b The electron beam is deflected.

5 a Current flows through the filament.

b The heater glows.

Word Study Compound nouns, 2

Task 7 Study these examples of compound nouns:

a signal generator = equipment for generating signals

a cassette player = equipment for playing cassettes

a battery tester = equipment for testing batteries

What do we call equipment for

1 playing CDs?

2 receiving radio (signals)?

3 charging batteries?

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (135)

4 amplifying aerial (signals)?

5 filtering (out) noise?

6 synthesizing speech?

7 cleaning cassette heads?

8 amplifying (the) power (of a signal)?

9 sensing vibration?

10 scanning (the human) body (for disease)?


Technical reading Cathode ray oscilloscope

Task 8 Work in groups of three: A, B. and C.

Student A: Read Electron gun and take notes.

Student B: Read Deflection system and take notes.

Student C: Read Phosphor screen and take notes.

Using your notes and Fig. 1 on page 104. explain to the others in your group how your section of

the CRT works. A should start. B may use Fig. 2 as part of the explanation.

Electron gun para

A stream of electrons is released from the surface of the cathode (C) when it is heated by

the heater filament. The electrons are accelerated towards the screen by a set of three

positively-charged cylindrical anodes (Al, A2, A3). Each anode has a higher charge

5 than the one before. As the electrons move towards the anodes, they pass through a

hole in a negatively-charged metal disc. This disc is known as the control grid. By

adjusting the intensity control on the oscilloscope, the charge on the grid can be varied.

This allows the number of electrons reaching the screen, and therefore

10 the brilliance or brightness of the spot on the screen, to be adjusted.

The three anodes Iorm the electron lens. The oscilloscope focus 2 control allows the

voltage on the second anode (A2) to be varied and causes the stream of electrons to be

focused into a narrow beam. If the oscilloscope has an astigmatism control, it is used to

15 vary the voltage n the third anode (A3). This allows the shape of the spot on the screpn

to be adjusted to make it perfectly round.

Deflection system

After leaving the electron gun, the electron beam is deflected by 3 two pairs of parallel

metal plates. The pairs of deflection plates are situated at right angles to each other.

20 The signal to be measured is amplified by the Y-amplifier in the 4 oscilloscope, then

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (136)

applied to the first set of deflection plates, known as the Y-plates. This causes the

electron beam to be deflected vertically in proportion to.the magnitude of the input signal.

The oscilloscope has a timebase generator which produces a 5 25 sawtooth wave output

as shown in Fig. 2.




S j •__ time —+

s = sweep time f= flyback time

Fig. 2.



This is fed into the X-amplifier of the oscilloscope, then applied to 6 the second set of

deflection plates, known as the X-plates. This causes the electron beam to be deflected in

the horizontal direction in such a way that the spot moves from left to right across the

30 screen at a steady rate. When it reaches the right side of the screen, it rapidly returns

to the left side again. This allows the screen to show how the measured signal varies with


Phosphor screen

The X and Y deflections of the electron beam cause the signal being 7 measured to be

displayed in the form of a wave, with the

35 magnitude of the signal being given on the vertical axis and the time variation on the

horizontal axis. A piece of transparent plastic known as a graticule is attached to the front

of the screen. This has a grid of horizontal and vertical lines marked on it and allows

accurate measurements of the signal to be made.

40 A large build-up of negative charge could be caused by the electron s beam hitting the

phosphor screen. To help prevent this, the inside of the CRT, between the deflection

system and the screen, is coated with a carbon compound known as Aquadag. This is

attached to the high voltage anode (A3) to provide an escape path for the excess

45 electrons.

The CRT is enclosed in a metal casing made from an alloy of nickel, 9 known as mu-

metal. This has a very high magnetic permeability and prevents external magnetic fields

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (137)

from causing unwanted beam deflections.



High definition television

Task 1

Carry out a survey to find out the viewing habits of your class and their ideas on future

developments in television. You may add extra questions of your own.

I How many hours of television do you watch each week?

2 When do you watch television?

3 Vhat sort of programmes do you watch?

4 Which television station do you watch most/least often?

5 How do you think television will change in the future?

Compare viewing habits for your class with the viewing habits of people of your own age group in

the UK. Are there any differences?

United Kingdom



Age groups



ion view


ing (hour


s/mins pc


r week)


4—15 years 16:10 19:59 20:35 19:14 18:34

16—34years 18:16 21:36 21:10 20:03 20:36

35—64 years 23:24 28:04 27:49 27:25 27:17

65yearsandover 29:50 36:35 36:55 37:41 37:25

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (138)

Allaged4yearsandover 23:03 26:33 25:54 25:25 25:21

Task 2 Study these graphics. Note ways in which high definition television will be

different from existing sets. Compare your answers with your partner. For

no. of lines 625

Existing High definition


Existing European television pictures are made up of 625 lines, with a total of about 120

000 dots.


This means your viewing range will be expanded from 10 to 30. As a result you will have a

much greater sense of reality, and may feel that you are there as the action unfolds.

HDTV offers you three-dimensional sound, as it uses more speakers than today’s sets.



Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (139)


The aim of high definition television (HDTV) is to provide the viewer with more realistic

images than are offered by today’s television sets.


rn comparison an HD picture consists

i of 1 250 lines and is composed of four times as many dots.This gives greatly

v increased detail and enhanced colour reproduction.

d Viewing and listening conditions The optimal viewing distance for HDTV is three times

the height of the screen comparedwith times the present televisic

Normal TV


For HDTV the width/height ratio of the screen has been changed from 4:3 lasin

conventional TV) to 16:9, [ike the screens in cinemas.From corner to corner it measures

100—125 cm.


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (140)

Task 3 Now search this text for further differences to add to your list.

In Europe, the USA, and Japan, the race is on to produce a new generation of television

sets. These new sets will be larger than today’s models, possibly with 100-centimetre flat

screens. Picture quality will be excellent, crisp, and without flicker, as good as those we

5 are used to seeing in the cinema. Sound quality too will be superb, thanks to digital

multitrack transmissions. By the turn of the century such sets may be offering

programmes in a choice of languages as they will be equipped with eight sound tracks.

In Europe, the term HDTV is used. In the USA, the more generic term 10 ATV, Advanced

Television, has been adopted. The Japanese, who

were the first to start work on the new technology, in 1974, called their system Hi-Vision.

Whatever name is used, these new sets share certain features.

The picture is displayed using more lines per frame. This means that 15 they provide

clearer, more detailed, high quality images. The picture

can be displayed on large, wide screens which are flicker-free. They also provide very

high quality three-dimensional sound output.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (141)

A wider range of frequencies can be used to transmit each HDTV

channel. This is because they can be transmitted at high frequencies 20 which are

virtually unused at present. These wide frequency ranges

make it possible to transmit digital, rather than analogue signals. Digital processing can

then be used in the receivers to provide almost perfect pictures even when the strength of

the input signal is low. A computer could also be used to produce special effects.

25 Since not everyone is convinced of the need for such high quality TV systems, the

move towards HDTV is likely to be very gradual. The first HDTV receivers will need to be

able to process both the old and the new transmissions and, throughout the world,

agreement will have to be reached on new transmission standards.

Language study Certainty

The text describes possible future developments in television. The writer is confident about some

developments and less confident about others. What difference can you see between these


1 By the turn of the century such sets may be offering programmes in a choice of languages.

2 Picture quality will be excellent.

3 The move towards 1IDTV is likely to be very gradual.

We cannot measure certainty in language with precision. but the following table provides a guide

to how certain a writer is about a future development.


Cert ainty

(%) Verb Adjective



100 will certain

85 likely unlikely

75 probable probably


50 could/may possible possibly

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (142)

Task 4 i Listen to this expert on audio systems. recorded in 1992. Note his predictions for each

format and the certainty expressions he uses. Do you share his views? Has the situation changed

today? Discuss in groups.

Task 5 how likely are these developments in the next five years? Make statements about each

development using the certainty expressions in the table on page 110. Compare your answers. The

graph on page 98 may help you with some of the statements. For example:

Most houses in your country will be cleaned by electronic robots.

I think it’s unlikely that most houses in my country will be cleaned by electronic robots. It’s

possible that some houses will use them.

I Vinyl records will not be made.

2 Ordinary audio cassettes will not be made.

3 Most families in your country will have CD players.

4 Most families in your country will have MD players.

S Most families in your country will have DCC players.

6 Computers will understand and respond to your spoken language.

7 Cars will be electronically guided through cities.

8 Most teaching will be done by computers.

9 No manual labour will be done in factories in your country.

10 Most families in your country will have HDTVs.

Technical reading Television display

Task 6 Find the answers to these questions by studying the text and diagrams on the following


I What controls the movement of the spot of light across a television screen?

2 What name is given to the rapid movement of the spot back across the screen to the start of the

next line?

3 How many lines are used to build up a frame in present European television systems?

4 What happens to a screen if the frame is not scanned at least forty times per second?


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (143)

LPs Prediction Ce rtai nty expressions

. .

Cassettes -

MDs .


Television pictures

A television picture is built up gradually by moving a spot of light across and down a

screen in a raster pattern (see Fig. 1).

— ..-—--------

Fig. 1

The video signal causes the brightness of the spot to vary in

proportion to the intensity of light in the original image. The

5 movement of the spot across the screen is controlled by the line scan signal. Each time

the spot reaches the right side of the screen, it is blanked and moved rapidly back to the

left side ready to start the next line. This rapid movement back to a starting position is

known as flyback. Each complete image or frame requires a minimum of 500

10 lines to give a picture of acceptable quality. The present European TV system uses

625 lines per frame.

The movement of the spot down the screen is controlled by the field scan signal. When

the spot reaches the bottom of the screen, it is blanked and moved rapidly back to the top

of the screen. The frame

15 must be scanned at least forty times per second to prevent the screen from flickering.

The present European TV system has a frame scan rate of 50 Hz.

The video signal contains line and field sync pulses to make sure that the TV receiver

starts a new line and a new frame at the same time as

20 the TV camera (see Fig. 2).

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (144)

picture brightest


picture darkest


— sync (blacker than black)

To allow the video signal to be transmitted using a smaller range of frequencies, each

frame is transmitted in two separate halves, known as fields. The first time the spot travels

down the screen it displays the first field, which consists of the odd-numbered frame lines.


25 second time the spot travels down the screen it displays the second field, which

consists of the even-numbered frame lines. Combining two fields in this way is known as

interlacing. Although the fields are displayed one after the other, it happens so quickly that

the human

- eye sees them as one complete picture.

video signal

Fig. 2

line sync pulses (during line flyback)






_ :

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (145)

Writing Lirzki rig facts and ideas, 4

Task 7 rink each set of statements, using words or phrases of your own to make an

explanation of how a television picture is composed. Omit unnecessary words and make any other

changes required.

1 A television picture is built up gradually.

This is done by a moving spot.

2 The spot strikes the television screen.

The phosphor coating on the screen emits Light.

The light varies in brightness according to the intensity of the original image.

3 The spot reaches the right side of the screen.

The spot is blanked.

The spot is moved rapidly back to the left side in a movement called ilyback.

4 The present European system sweeps the screen in a series of lines. There are 625 closely-spaced


Using 625 lines ensures a good quality picture.

5 The movement across the screen is controlled by the line scan signal. The movement down the

screen is controlled by the field scan signal.

6 The scan rate must be greater than 40Hz.

A lower scan rate would cause the screen to flicker.

7 Sync pulses are added to the video signal.

The sync pulses ensure that the TV camera and TV receiver start a new line and frame at the same


8 The build-up of the screen happens so quickly.

The eye sees only a complete picture.

Task 8 Now divide your completed statements into two paragraphs. Give your text a suitable title.


Video cassette recorder

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (146)


Read this newspaper article:

High-tech machines leave many owners baffled, according to a survey by electrical retailers.

Nearly a third of those with video recorders and 57 per cent of

camcorder owners do not use all the functions. The 16-24 age group understood the technology

best, with 70 per cent saying they were the family expert.


Task I

High-tech mystery

A recent survey of video ownersfound that over 70% could not set their timers


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (147)

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (148)

Survey your group. Ask these questions:

Does your family have a VCR?

2 What is it used for?

3 Who knows how to set the timer?

4 Does your family have a camcorder?

S What functions are not used?

Task 2 You are going to hear a short talk. The speaker will explain some of the

differences between conventional audio and video recording. Before you listen.

note down any differences you already know.

Task 3 Now listen and complete this table to show some of the differences between

audio and video recording.

Audio Video

Medium magnetic tape magnetic tape

Tape width 1/4 inch

Type of heads

Speed (cm/sec) 2.3 39 (VHS)

Scanning linear

Data recorded in 1 sec. _________ 25 complete separate


Task 4 Read this text and match each change in VCR design with its result, as in the

example below.

The step from recording sound on magnetic tape to doing the same with video signals is

one of increased band width. Early reel-to-reel machines used one-inch wide tape and

made the most of the available band width by moving the tape past the head at high


5 Unfortunately, this meant that the transport mechanism had to be built to a high


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (149)

Improvements in magnetic tape and the use of helical scanning meant that far more data

could be crammed into a smaller area. By spinning the head at a high speed, the rate at

which the data could be stored or

io retrieved was increased. Aligning the head at an angle to the tape laid down the

information as a series of slanted tracks. This allowed the cassette tape to be narrower

and move at a slower speed, giving rise to the modern video cassette recorder.

Early VCRs were playback-only, but by building in a full-colour TV

15 tuner, programmes could be recorded from the air while another channel was being

viewed on a normal TV. The inclusion of a timer meant that recordings could be made and

viewed at a later date. Early timers only switched the tape on at a certain time, leaving the

VCR running until the tape finished. The latest machines allow a large

20 number of on/off programmed times to be set so that viewers can go on holiday and

not miss a single episode of their favourite soap opera.


Design change Result

Example moving the tape past the head at The transport mechanism had to be

high speed built to a high specification.

improvements in magnetic tape and a The information was laid down as

the use of helical scanning a series of slanted tracks.

2 spinning the head at a high speed b The modern VCR could be

3 aligning the head at an angle to the produced.

tape c Far more data couLd be crammed

4 recording information in slanted into a smaller area.

tracks d Recordings could be made and

S all these improvements viewed at a later date.

6 the inclusion of a timer e The rate at which the data could

be stored or retrieved was


I The cassette tape could be

narrower and the tape could

move at a slower speed.

Language study Change and result

Study this design change and its result:

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (150)

spinning the head at a high speed The rate at which the data could be

stored or retrieved was increased.

We can link a change and its consequence in two ways:

1 Spinning the head at a high speed meant that the rate at which the data could be stored or

retrieved was increased.

2 As a result of spinning the head at a high speed, the rate at which the data could be stored or

retrieved was increased.

We can use these methods when the change is a noun or a noun phrase.

Task 5 Link the other changes and results in Task 4, using both these methods.

Task 6 Label the numbers in the diagram on the following page using the terms in italics from the

text below. One has been done for you.

The transport mechanism

Out of the machine, the reels of a VHS tape are locked and the tape is covered by a flap.

Once in the machine, the reels become unlocked and the tape guard lifts up to expose the

tape. Pressing the play or record buttons causes the tape-loading rollersto pull a length of


5 from the cassette and wrap it around the head drum. Guide rollers then steer the tape

from the feed reelto the take-up reel and information is transferred to or from the tape. On

most machines audio information is transferred via a static audio head which puts

information on a separate track from the video signal —this is one

io reason why an option to record sound separately is generally



Task 7

pinch roller

full tape erase head

Word study Technical and non-technical words

The talk you listened to in Task 3 contained some less technical language than the texts you have

read. Try to match the non-technical words and phrases in List 1 with their technical equivalents in

List 2.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (151)

Speaking practice

Work in pairs. A and B.

Student A: Using the troubleshooting chart on page 1 79, try to help your partner solve his/her

VCR problems. Your own problems are listed

on the same chart.

Student B: Using the troubleshooting chart on page 186. try to help your partner solve his/her

VCR problems. Your own problems are listed

on the same chart.

Useful language:

What’s the likely cause?

What should qou do if...

Try... -lag.

What’s probably wrong with it?

What doldo if...

It could be that.







video cassette



List I (non-technical) List 2 (technical)

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (152)

1 diagonal stripes

2 afixedhead

3 information

4 tilting the drum

5 spinning the heads

a data

b rotating the heads

c a static head

d aligning the head at an angle

e slanted tracks

Task 8


Writing Comparing and contrasting, 2

Task 9 With the help of this diagram and the table you completed in Task 3, compare

conventional audio recording and VHS video recording. Describe the similarities and differences.

Explain the differences where possible.

two tape heads - -

mounted on opposite -

sides of spinning drum audio track

drum spins fast

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (153)

control and

audio head

tape moves slowly

control track to


recording and

playback speed

each stripe contains the signal for one picture (one scan of the TV screen(

tape erase head

VHS video4ecorder mechanism




Peter is a technician at a large college. On the tape he describes his work.

Task I

As you listen, decide whether these statements are true or false. Then compare answers with your


I Electronics was Peter’s main hobby at school.

2 His father forced him to take up a career in electronics.

3 His first employer did not provide him with training in electronics.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (154)

4 Owners can clean their own VCR heads.

The rewind motors wear out because the VCR is not being used properly.

6 Sticking broken tapes together with Sellotape is not a good idea.

7 In his present job, Peter finds that operator errors are more common than machine faults.

8 Students sometimes put sandwiches in the VCR machines.

9 Professional cameras allow broadcast-quality tape to be produced.

10 The loss of quality when editing videos is significant.

1 1 He would like to work for the BBC as a technician.



Task 2 i Now listen again to each section of the tape. This time, listen for detail.

Compare answers with your partner.

Part 1

1 What sort of things did Peter make at school?

2 Which company does his father work for?

3 What did the first company that Peter worked for sell?

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (155)

4 When do rewinding mechanisms start to go wrong?

5 What happens when the plastic drives slip?

Part 2

6 When did he come to the college?

7 What equipment does he maintain?

8 What do students sometimes do with equipment left in the classrooms?

Part 3

9 What equipment does he use to film course material?

10 How is the professional camera different from the domestic camcorder?

11 What do they normally work to when they film a scene?

12 In addition to a recorder and player, what piece of equipment does he use when editing?

13 What quality of tape does he use?

14 What part of his work does he enjoy most?

Reading Search reading

In a number of units you have practised searching a text for specific detail. This involved matching

the topic of your search with words in the text. In the task which follows you are asked to find

examples of a category: equipment for fault-finding. Before you start your search, think of the kind

of examples you may find — tools, instruments. etc. This will help you locate the items more


Task 3 In this text a service technician describes the equipment required for fault finding Make a

list of the equipment he mentions.

For fault-finding you must have at least a multimeter, either analogue or digital. An

oscilloscope is not absolutely essential but you will find yourself very restricted without

one. It’s like trying to repair a car while wearing a blindfold.

5 For audio equipment, a signal source is needed. Clearly a function generator is useful

but simpler and cheaper alternatives work well in most cases. You only need a fixed

frequency source, say 400 or 1000 Hz sine or square wave. For cassette recorders a tape

with a constant 400Hz wave recorded on both channels is adequate for most fault-

10 finding. However, for checking playback levels and frequency

response and aligning the tape head, proper test tapes, which are

expensive, are required.

For serious work, a collection of test leads and audio connectors is

essential. Most modern audio equipment uses phono sockets so it’s 15 worthwhile

investing in cables which terminate in phono plugs. For

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (156)

other types of sockets, adaptors are available.


Task 4 Complete the table of equipment to match each of the necessity expressions.

Equipment How necessary?

multimeter must have

is not absolutely essential but you will

be very restricted without one

____________________ ________ is needed

is useful

is adequate for most fault-finding

___________________________ are required

_______________________________________ is essential

Language study Necessity

Study these ways of showing how necessary something is:

100% positive is essential/necessary

is needed/required

you must have

50% is useful (but not essential/necessary)

100% negative is not necessary

is not needed/required

you need not have

Task 5 Describe how necessary the following equipment is for fault-finding, according to the

service technician. Use appropriate expressions from the list above.

1 multimeter

2 oscilloscope

3 signal source

4 function generator

5 test tapes (for checking levels etc.)

6 test leads and audio connectors


23 Computers

Task I

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (157)

Make a survey of your class to find out how many have access to computers. Use questions like


Do you have access to a computer?

Where? At home? At work? At college or university?

What do you use it for?

What kind of computer is it?

You may add other questions of your own.

Can you explain what these abbreviatidns mean?




4 I/O


Task 2


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (158)

Check your answers by reading quickly through this text:

Microcomputer systems

The block diagram of a microcomputer system is shown in Fig. 1.



Fig. 1

The I/O (input/output) unit consists of one or more ICs, which are used to control the data

going in and out of the computer.

The ROM (read-only memory) and RAM (random-access memory)

5 units consist of a number of special digital logic chips which can store programs and

data. The small ROM provides some permanent storage and the RAM is used for

temporary storage. Unlike the ROM, the contents of the RAM is constantly changing, but it

only operates while the computer is switched on.

io The CPU (central processing unit) is a microprocessor. It is the main part of the

computer, which controls the rest of the system and

performs all the arithmetic and logic operations on the data.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (159)

Sets of connectors known as buses are used to carry the internal

signals between each unit. The data bus is used to transfer data

15 between all the units. The control bus is used to send control signals from the CPU to

the other units. The address bus is used to send signals from the CPU which indicate the

memory and I/O locations to be used.

Task 3 Fill in the gaps in this table with the help of the text.

Component Purpose

I/O unit controls data going in and out of the computer


temporary storage

controls the system, performs all arithmetic and logic

operations on the data

Data bus

Control bus

sends signals from the CPU which indicate the memory

and I/O locations to be used


Language study Describing purpose

Study these ways of describing the purpose of random access memory:

RAM is used for the temporary storage of programs and data.

RAM Is used for storing programs and data temporarily.

RAM is used to store programs and data temporarily.

Task 4 Identify each of the electronic components or pieces of equipment described below.

Compare answers with your partner.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (160)

1 It’s used to change AC voltages from small to large or from large to small.

2 It’s used for measuring very small currents.

3 It’s used to check the logic levels in the pins of 1CS.

4 It’s used as part of a burglar alarm to detect movement.

5 It’s used for the transmission of RF signals.

6 It’s used for protecting circuits from a surge in voltage.

7 It’s used to master down different recordings to make a master tape.

8 It’s used to find buried metal.

Task 5 Look again at the sentences describing the purpose of RAM. Describe the purpose of each

of the other components listed in your completed table in Task 3.

Word study Prefixes

Study this term from electronics:


We can divide it into three parts:

semi conduct or

Semi is a prefix which means ‘half’, while or is a suffix added to the verb conduct to make a noun.

From this we can work out that a semiconductor is a component which half conducts, i.e. it

conducts in one direction only.

Knowledge of common prefixes can help us to work out the meaning of some unfamiliar terms in


Task 6 Study this table. Try to think of other examples to add. Compare your examples with those

of another group.

Explain to the other group the meaning of any terms which they are unfamiliar with.

Prefix Meaning Example Others

de- reverse the action decouple

dis- opposite of discharge

micro- small microchip

multi- many multimedia

tele- far television

trans- across transmitter


Technical reading Combinational logic

Task 7 Answer the following questions about the text below.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (161)

What terms are used in the text for each of the following?

a a digital switching circuit

b the output of each gate depending on the combination of its inputs

c the number of ICs used in a computer

d an indication of the number of components used in an IC

2 What is shown by

a a truth table?

b a pin-out diagram?

3 What is another name for a NOT gate?

4 What are the two common families of logic ICs?

5 What do these abbreviations stand for?





6 Which of these statements are true for CMOS ICs?

a They contain bipolar transistors.

b They contain field effect transistors.

c They are particularly suitable for use in battery-operated portable


d They are particularly suitable for use in large. high-speed computers.


The decision-making circuits used in modern computers are mainly composed of

combinations of digital switching circuits known as logic gates. Fig. 1 shows the logic

symbols and truth tables for some basic gates.

A out

NOT 0 1

1 0

AB out

00 0

OR 01 1

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (162)

10 1

11 1


Fig. 1























5 The output of each gate depends on the combination of its inputs. This is known as

combinational logic. The output for all possible inputs is shown using a truth table. The

truth tables show that the output of an AND gate is only high (i.e. logic level 1) when all its

inputs are high. The output of a NAND gate, however, stays high

10 unless all its inputs are high. The output of a NOT gate (also known as an inverter) is

always the opposite of its input.

Computers use ICs which contain a number of logic gates on one 3 chip. An IC pin-out

diagram shows the arrangement of the gates and the function of each pin on the chip (see

Fig. 2).

Vcc 4B 4A 4Y 3Y 3B 3A


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (163)


1A lB 1Y 2Y 28 2A GND

Fig. 2

quad 2 input NAND gates

TTL 7400 (CMOS 4011)

15 The number of ICs used in a computer, i.e. the chip count, can be reduced by

connecting NAND gates together to form other types of gates (see Fig. 3).



How NAND gates can be used to make basic logic gates








The number of components in an IC is indicated by its scale of 5 integration as shown in

Table 1. The IC shown in Fig. 2 is an SSI

20 device but microprocessors used in computers are VLSI or SLSI devices.

Table 1

There are two common families of logic ICs used in computers. TTL (transistor—transistor

logic) ICs use bipolar transistors to form each gate whereas CMOS (complementary metal

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (164)

oxide semiconductor)

25 ICs use field effect transistors (FETs). The different characteristics of each family

determine which will be used in a particular computer (see Table 2). For example, TTL

ICs are used in large, high-speed computers and CMOS ICs are better for battery-

powered portable computers.

Table 2

Task 8 Completc these statements with the help of the truth tables in Fig. 1 on page 125. For

example. in the case of an AND gate:

a Vhen A and B are low, the output is low.

b When A is low and B is high. the output is low.

I AND When A is high and B is low,

2 NOT ___________________ , the output is high.

3 OR WhenAandBarehigh, — --

4 NOT When A is high -________

5 NAND ____— _____ ____ , the output is low.

6 NAND When A is high and B is low,

7 AND ____________________ . the output is high.

8 NAND When A and B are low, _____ —


Scale of integration Abbreviatio


No. of active


SSI MSI ito 10 lOto 102

Small-scale integration

Medium-scale integration LSI 102 to io

Large-scale integration Very large-scale

integration VLSI SLSI iO to iO iO to i05

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (165)

Super large-scale integration

Properties TTL CMOS

Supplyvoltage +5V±0.25%

mA +3Vto÷15V

Supply current






speed fast high


impedance low

Writing Explaining a process control system

Task 9 Study this diagram. It shows how an industrial process is controlled using logic gates.

With the help of the diagram, complete the blanks in the explanation which follows. Each blank

may be one or more words.

A motor controlling the flow of aluminium blanks to a hydraulic press is switched on only under

these conditions:

1 Thepowerison.

2 The supply voltage is’___________

3 There are2 aluminium blanks in the hopper (store).

4 The in the hydraulic press is correct.

Information on these four conditions is fed into an as all four conditions must be satisfied for the

motor to run. When ___. , the output from the AND gate is high. This is fed into the store input of

the 6 unit to provide a continuous signal to operate the motor.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (166)

The motor must stop if any one of these conditions occurs:

1 The power is __ ______

2 The 8 rises.

3 The hopperis9


4 The _______- drops.

In formation on each of these conditions is fed through a When

the input is low, 12 . The output from each NOT gate is fed to an

13 . When any of the four inputs to the OR gate is high, the output

14 -. When this is fed to the memory reset, it interrupts the

continuous signal to the motor. The motor is switched ‘. - and the flow of aluminium blanks to the

press is thus 16


24 Digitalwatch

Task 1

Study this diagram of a watch. How many functions can you list?

Digital watch

Instead of using the complicated

springs, cogs, and wheels of a mechanical watch, the digital watch uses a vibrating crystal

to keep time. It is accurate to one second in 10 years.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (167)





liquid crystal display


digital time display

Buttons enable watch to display time and date, buzz several daily alarms, count down

from 24 hours, and act as a stopwatch with an accuracy of 1/100th second.


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (168)

Task 2 Make a survey of your class to find out how many are wearing digital watches and which

functions these watches can display.

Some questions to ask:

the day and date?

a 12/24-hour option?

an alarm?

a reminder?

Can you use it as a stopwatch?

Does it count down from 24 hours, etc.?

Task 3 Label each step in the flowchart below, which explains how a digital watch works. The

first step has been labelled for you.

Quartz chip

The voltage applied to

a quartz chip makes it

expand and contract.



Power source

The power to make the

quartz chip vibrate comes

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (169)

from a battery which lasts

at least one year.

Vibrating crystal

Inside vacuum capsule,

the quartz chip vibrates

at a steady frequency

of 32 768 vibrations a



The frequency is halved

15 times, resulting in one

pulse per second.

contacts for side switches

Liquid crystal display (LCD)

Each pulse advances

the display in one-second


Does it show Does it have




quartz crystal

quartz chip E I





a The pulse is fed to an LCD.

b The display advances in one-second intervals.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (170)

c The quartz crystal expands and contracts.

d The frequency is halved fifteen times by a microchip.

e A voltage is applied to a quartz crystal.

f This results in a frequency of one pulse per second.

g The crystal vibrates at a frequency of 32,768 per second.

1 30

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (171)

Task 4 Read this text to check your answers. Then compare answers with your neighbour.

Digital watch

The traditional mechanical wristwatch uses a balance wheel and hairspring to keep time.

In a digital watch these mechanical parts have been replaced by a vibrating quartz crystal

controlled by minute electronic circuits.

5 Quartz is a naturally occurring mineral and one of its major sources is Brazil. However,

to avoid impurities, the crystals used in watches and clocks are usually created (or

‘grown’) under controlled conditions. One of the advantages of quartz is that it is very


The artificial quartz crystals used in digital watches are designed to io vibrate upto 32,768

cycles per second when the current from a battery

is passed through them.

These vibrations produce electric pulses. As the pulses travel through the electronic

circuits of the microchip, their rate is gradually halved. The result creates a pulse rate of

one per second.

15 Each one-second pulse triggers the microchip to send signals to the digital display to

advance the numerals by one second.

The pulses are also used to control different functions such as the hour display, date and

alarm signal.

Most modern quartz watches display the time in digits on a liquid

20 crystal display (LCD). This is a thin film of liquid which reacts to electrical charges

placed between two sheets of glass. The bottom

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (172)

layer is reflective glass.

Transparent electrical conductors separate the crystals into segments. Each digit is

formed from segments — up to seven are normally used.

25 The liquid crystals rearrange their molecules according to whether or not they are

charged by electricity.

When the conductors carry no charge, light is reflected out again, so the display will be

blank. When the conductors are charged by an electric pulse, the molecules in the

charged segments realign and

30 twist the light away from the reflective surface, appearing black. Together, the charged

segments therefore appear as figures.

Language Study Cause and effect, 3

Here are the statements from Task 3 in the correct sequence. What is the relationship between


A voltage is applied to a quartz crystal.

2 The quartz crystal expands and contracts.

3 The crystal vibrates at a frequency of 32,768 per second.

4 The frequency is halved lifteen times by a microchip.

5 This results in a frequency of one pulse per second.

6 The pulse is fed to an LCD.

7 The display advances in one-second intervals.


These statements form a cause and effect chain. Note how we can form the links in this chain.

Link 1. In Unit 19, we studied cause and effect links with make:

1+2 A voltage is applied to a quartz crystal making it expand and contract.

Link 2. In Unit 12, we studied transitive verbs like produce. Often these verbs can be used to form

a cause and effect link:

1 + 2 + 3 A voltage is applied to a quartz crystal making it expand and contract, producing

vibration at afrequency of 32.768 per second.

Link 3. In Unit 16, we studied how to use result in to link a cause and effect when both are noun

phrases. Note how this verb is used here:

4+5 The frequency is halved fifteen times by a microchip resulting in a frequency of one pulse per


Link 4. When can also link a cause and effect, as in the example which follows. But be careful: one

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (173)

action happening after another does not always indicate that the first action causes the second.

6+7 When the pulse is fed to an LCD, it advances the display in one- second intervals.

We can describe the complete chain as:

A voltage is applied to a quartz crystal making it expand and contract, producing vibration at

afrequency of 32,768 per second. The frequency is halved fifteen times by a microchip resulting in

a frequency of one pulse per second. When the pulse is fed to an LCD, it advances the display in

one-second intervals.

Task 5 Study this circuit, which provides a means of monitoring pressure in a system. Changes in

pressure trigger a warning.


Output to


device ______


With the help of the circuit, put these steps in the correct sequence to form a cause and effect chain.

Then link the steps to make a description of the chain.

a The diaphragm is pushed out.

b The oscillator output frequency changes.

c The pressure increases.

d The ferrite core rises.

e The frequency of the tuned circuit changes.

f The inductance of L1 alters.

g There is an audible warning.



Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (174)

Task 6

Technical reading Divider circuits

When you have read this text. you should understand:

1 The function of the units which make up the electronics of a digital watch.

2 How dividers work.

Read lines 1—11 quickly and note the names of the units which make up the electronics of the

watch. Then read the rest of the text to understand 1 and 2 above.

The electronics of a digital watch may be contained in a single integrated circuit. However,

we can think of the chip as a number of separate units, each performing a different

function. This can be shown in a block diagram (see Fig. 1).


Fig. 1

5 The oscillator generates pulses at a fixed frequency of 32768Hz. This frequency is

determined by the natural oscillation of the quartz crystal. The divider circuits perform

binary division on the pulses to reduce their frequency to one pulse per second. A binary

count of these pulses is made by the counter circuits and the decoders convert the

io binary output into signals which light up the appropriate segments of the digital display.


Dividers form one of the main components of this system. They consist of circuits which

switch between two stable states and are known as bistables or flip-flops (see Fig. 2).

j Qoutput



Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (175)

— natO

K Q output


Fig. 2


15 Each time a pulse is applied to the clock input of a flip-flop, its outputs change their

logic state from high (logic 1) to low (logic 0) or vice- versa. This means that two clock

input pulses cause one pulse to be output from the flip-flop at output Q, as shown in Fig.


Fig. 3

2nd pulse

1st pulse

clock input

Q output

The frequency of the clock input pulse is therefore divided by two at 20 the 0 output, i.e.

the flip-flop is acting as a binary frequency divider.

If the 0 output of the flip-flop is fed into the clock input of another flip- flop, the pulse

frequency is again divided by two (see Fig. 4).

Ji output

Fig. 4

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (176)


clock input pulses

The output of one flip-flop is connected to the input of the next, i.e. they are connected in

cascade. The output frequency at 2 is one

25 quarter of the input pulse frequency at CK1.

The frequency of the oscillator pulse in a digital watch can be reduced from 32 768Hz to

1Hz by using fifteen cascaded flip-flops.

Task 8 Take turns at explaining to each other in your group or to your teacher what

these terms mean:

I a flip-flop

2 connected in cascade

3 a bistable circuit

4 logic states


of state

Read the text again to match each unit to its function.

Unit Function

oscillator divider counter decoder


a divides the frequency 1 5 times

b produces signals to operate the LCD

c displays the time

d produces fixed frequency pulses

e makes a binary Count of the pulses



Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (177)







Writing Linking facts and ideas, 5

Task 9 Study this diagram which explains the operation of liquid crystal displays. Then link each

set of statements using words or phrases of your own to make your own explanation. Omit

unnecessary words and make any other changes required.

Liquid crystal displays

Liquid crystal displays work by blocking light by polarization the same effect as rotating

one lens of a pair of polaroid sunglasses in front of the other. A small electric charge

across the two bits of glass changes the polarization of the liquid crystal in between and

blackens the display.

2 An LCD is a thin film of liquid.

It reacts to electrical charges.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (178)

3 It is placed in a glass sandwich.

The sandwich has a top layer of plain glass and a bottom layer of reflective glass.

4 Transparent electrical conductors separate the crystals into segments. The segments form each


5 Any digit can be formed.

Up to seven segments are used.

6 The crystals are charged.

Their molecules are arranged in one way.

7 The crystals are not charged.

Their molecules are arranged in another way.

8 The conductors carry no charge.

Light is reflected out again.

The display is blank.

9 The conductors are charged.

The molecules in the charged segments twist.

They block light from the reflective surface.

They appear black.

10 The charged surfaces appear as figures.

Now divide your completed statements into two paragraphs:

Paragraph 1 will describe what an LCD is.

Paragraph 2 will explain how it works.

Give your text a suitable title.

1 A liquid crystal display (LCD) works like sunglasses. An LCD blocks light by polarization.

Task 10


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (179)


Field engineer


John is 24 and a recent graduate. He’s just been appointed as a trainee field engineer with an

American oil services company.

The interview is in three parts:

1 Thejob

2 Qualifications and training

3 Work placement

Part 1 The job

Task 1

Before you listen, try to guess what kind of work a field engineer with an oil services company

might do, and where he or she might work.

J As you listen, answer these questions:

How long has John had this job?

a a few months

b three months

c two months

d six months

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (180)



Task 2


2 What does he have to find out about when an oil company is drilling?

a the rock

b the oil

c the sea

d the drill

3 What kind of data do the sensors provide?

a the depth of the hole

b the resistivity of the rock

c the quantity of oil

d the hardness of the rock

4 Where has he been working most recently?

a on-shore (on land)

b on an oil tanker

c off-shore (at sea)

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (181)

d in a laboratory

5 What is a ‘dog hous&?

a a laboratory

b a computer

c a winch

d a workshop

Listen again and try to answer these questions:

What use can the oil company make of the data he provides?

How are the electronic sensors put in position?

What does he enjoy about the work?

Why does he have to work under pressure?

How is his operation totally ‘self-contained’?

What do you think telemetry means?

Part 2 Qualifications and training

As you listen, answer these questions:

What degree does he have?

a a Master’s in Electronics

b a Bachelor’s in Electronics

c a Master’s in Electrical Engineering

d a Master’s in Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Task 4


2 How many trainees did the company appoint?

a ten

b eight

c eighty

d eighteen

3 What does the company provide for all trainees?

a training for a degree

b work placements

c a three-month course

d off-shore work

4 What did he like most about his study?

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (182)

a his work placement

b being in Glasgow

c working flat out

d getting a holiday job in Germany










Part 3 Work placement

Task 6


As you listen, answer these questions:

How long was his work placement?

Where was it?

What did the company make?

Were all his workmates German?

What language training did he have for his placement?

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (183)

Listen again and try to answer these questions:

1 Why did he go to Germany?

2 Could he choose any European country?

3 Why did he have language problems to begin with?

4 In what way did his German improve?

5 What element of his German still required improvement?









26 Telecommunications

Task I

— Put these developments in telecommunications in the order in which they were invented.

Compare your answer with your partner.

a telex

b communication satellites

c modems

d telegraphy

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (184)

e television

Now check your answers with Fig. 1 below.





communication satellites

Fig. 1


long-distance, short-wave telegraphy (Marconi)





1990 to all digital 1840 services

optical fiL

telegraphy (18441


first telephone


levision (TV) (1937)



data communications

(modems-telephone lines)

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (185)


Task 2 Answer these questions with the help of Fig. 1.

1 Who invented the telephone?

2 What important development in telecommunications took place in the 1960s?

3 What prediction is made about developments in the 1990s?

4 When was telex introduced?

5 What form of telecommunications uses PCM?

Reading Reading and note-taking

Taking notes is a good way of remembering the important points in your reading, for either your

study or work. When you take notes, you must:

I identify the main points

2 record them in note form

3 organize your notes so that you can understand them easily when you read

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (186)

them again

A table is one way of organizing notes for easy access.

Task 3 Take brief notes from the text on the significance of the developments in

telecommunications during one of the periods listed below. Your teacher will

tell you which period to read about. Write your notes in the correct section of

the table on page 142.

1 Nineteenth century

2 1901—1945

3 1946—1980

4 l98Oson

Telecommunications: a brief historical review


The first true telecommunications system using electrical signals to carry messages

started in the 1840s with machine telegraphy. Samuel Morsefirstdevelopedthetelegraph in

1832 butitwas not until the mid-1840s that the system was put into practical use — 5

sending coded electrical messages (Morse Code) along the wires.

The telegraph became a rapid success, its speed quickly outdating

the Pony Express for long-distance communications.

The next major step forward came in 1878 with the invention of the 2 telephone by Bell.

This enabled speech to be transported as

10 electrical signals along wires and revolutionized personal


In 1886, Hertz verified experimentally that electrical energy could be 3 radiated and thus

proved the existence of electromagnetic waves. This opened the way for the free-space

transmission of information

15 without wires. This provided the basis for all radio and TV


In 1901, Marconi established long-distance telegraph 4 communication by transmitting

between England and Canada. Although he did not realize it at the time, he achieved

such long

20 distances by reflecting radio waves in the ionosphere (layers of ionized gases and

electrons existing in the earth’s upper

atmosphere at heights of 50—500 km). This overcame the problem of transmitting round

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (187)

the earth from one side of the Atlantic to the other.



25 With the discoveries of the diode and therm ionic valve in the early 5

part of this century, advances were made in both receiver and

transmitter design with an associated impact in telegraphy,

telephony, and civil and military communications. Radio

broadcasting soon followed, with powerful transmitters serving to

30 communicate over wide areas. Television (TV) was first established

in 1937. Radar (radio detection and ranging) was also developed

from the 1930s and played a vital role in aircraft detection and

navigation in World War II.

As further advances in technology took place (e.g. the invention of 6

35 the transistor in 1947 and the subsequent development of microelectronic integrated

circuit technology), new applications became feasible, and new systems were developed.

Data communications — the transmission of coded data (e.g. text, graphics, financial

information) between ‘intelligent’ terminals and

40 computers —was first established in the early 1950s using modems, equipment which

enables the telephone network to convey data as well as speech. Other improvements in

materials and devices also led to the transmission of information via cables. Much of

today’s long-distance telephone traffic is by submarine cable.

45 The space race led to yet another means of long-distance 8 communication, via fixed

and mobile earth stations to satellites. Today, several hundred satellites orbitthe earth,

and satellite links provide all forms of communication and related services such as

telephony, data, TV, navigation, meteorology, and surveillance.

50 One of the very latest developments is the optical fibre cable — a tiny 9

glass fibre which can be used to convey signal information by light

pulses. Optical fibre cable with extremely low loss at low cost has

now been developed with very high data-carrying capacity. Several

thousands of telephone messages can be carried down a single

55 fibre.

Perhaps the greatest change which has occurred in the last twenty 10

years is that from analogue to digital methods of information

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (188)

transmission. The very first commercially employed

telecommunication system, telegraphy, was and still is a digital

60 system. However, telephony, radio, and TV all started as analogue

systems. Today, the general trend is strongly towards the digital,

and within the next ten years the vast majority of

telecommunications systems will be digital. Problems of noise and

interference can be combated much more successfully in a digital

65 system.

The advances in microelectronics and the merging of 11

communications with computers have led naturally to the digital

transmission mode with its advantages of computer control,

automatic error checking of signals, excellent memory storage

io facilities for data, and intelligent terminals. The market need for

vast quantities of information transmission and processing at very

high speed can only be reliably catered for by using digital

techniques. In fact the most rapidly growing field is almost certainly

in data communications employing high-speed digital techniques.


Development Significance

Nineteenth century

telegraphy (Morse)

telephone (Bell)

existence of electromagnetic waves -

proved (Hertz)


long-distance telegraphy via




1946— 1980

transistor _________________

data communications ____________

communications satellites ______________

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (189)

1980s on

optical fibre cable __________

change to digital systems

digital transmission mode —___________

Task 4 Exchange information with the others in your group to complete all sections of

the table. Check with the text if there are any points you do not understand.

Language study Simple Past versus Present Perfect

Look at paragraph I of the text on page 140. Which tense is used most often? Why?

Now look through the text for examples of the Present Perfect. In which paragraphs do you find

them? Why is this tense used here?

Study these sentences.

1 Engineers developed opticalfibre cables ui the 1 980s.

2 Opticalfibre cables have improved the telephone system immensely.

3 Morse first developed the telegraph, a digital system. in 1832.

4 Digital systems of information transmission have replaced analogue systems in the last 20 years.

Why is the Simple Past used in 1 and 3 and the Present Perfect in 2 and 4? We use the Simple Past

for events which took place in the past and are

complete. Sometimes a day, date or time is given, e.g. in 1832, on Tuesday. We use the Present

Perfect for past events which have present results. This tense links the past with the present.

Sometimes we use expressions such as in the last twenty years, since the var, now to show the link.

Using the Present Perfect shows that we think the past events are of current relevance.


Task 5 Put each verb in brackets in the correct tense and form.

Alexander Graham Bell L. (invent) the telephone in 1878. He

2 (be) a Canadian whose family (come) from

Scotland. Since then, telephone systems4 (grow) dramatically; in

the UK alone there (be) now over 24 million lines. Formerly, the

UK system 6 (be) analogue. Many changes (take

place) in recent years. Almost the entire UK network 8 (be) now

digital. Fibre optic cables9 (replace) the old copper lines.

Previously, telephone exchanges ‘° (use) banks of electromagnetic

relays for switching. Today, they (have) computer-controlled

units. The new network _._ (be) fast and reliable, allowing users

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (190)

access to many other communications services.

Task 6 Study these diagrams of old and new phones. Make a list of any differences. Compare

your list with your partner.

carbon microphone

rotary dial


older type telephone using rotor dialling, which generates pulses to code digits defining


electret microphone telephone transmitter (microphone.


felephone socket (for plugging in jack)

bell/buzzer and push-button

tone generator dialling

signalling circuits

within main casing

typical push-buttontYpetelePhofle (fasterdialling using buttons, which codedialled digits

into voice frequency tones to signal destination number).


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (191)

Task 7 In this description of the changes which have taken place in telephone design, put each

verb in brackets in the correct tense and form.

Many changes 1 — (take place) in telephone design in recent years. Formerly, telephones —

(have) rotary dials. A pulse _ (signal) each dialled number. Now, push-buttons (replace) dials.

Each button (trigger) a different audio-frequency tone. This 6 (know) as multi-frequency dialling.

Also, the handset (change). Old models (contain) carbon microphones, which (be) inexpensive and

robust but noisy. Today, moving-coil and electret devices

10 (replace) the old microphones.

Advances in technology L _______ (allow) additional features to be added to phones. Most now

)2 (contain) memories to store frequently- used numbers. Some telephone manufacturers 1L (add)

LCDs which

14 . . 15

(display) dialled numbers and (indicate) the

duration of calls.

Technical reading Transmission lines

Task 8 Write down any types of cable and transmission lines used in

telecommunications that you can think of.

Now read the text to find answers to the following:

Why are wires sometimes twisted together in transmission lines?

2 What is the purpose of the dielectric material in coaxial cable?

3 What frequencies can be carried by the following types of transmission lines? a coax

b waveguides

4 What are the advantages of optical fibre cable?

Transmission lines

Telecommunications involves the transmission of information, including voice, data, TV,

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (192)

and radio over long distances. The transmission medium can be free space (ground,

space, and sky waves), or the information can be guided between transmitters and

5 receivers using transmission line cables of various kinds. These


Parallel wires

This is the simplest type of transmission line consisting of a pair of insulated copper wires

running side-by-side and covered by a plastic sheath (see Fig. 1). It is prone to

interference and is only used to carry

10 information over small distances such as telephone connections within a building.


plastic insulating jacket

Fig. 1

Twisted pair


copper conductor wire insulator

Two insulated copper wires are twisted together to reduce interference effects and are

enclosed in an insulating polyethylene sheath (see Fig. 2). Because the wires are twisted,

unwanted stray

15 signals picked up by one tend to be cancelled by similar signals picked up by the other.

They are used for communications over longer distances, for example to connect

telephones to their local exchange.

insulator (e.g. polyethylene)


Fig. 2

-. copper wire conductors

insulator (e.g. polyethylene)

covering wire

Coaxial cable (coax)

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (193)

Flexible coax has a copper wire core surrounded by copper braid. The core and braid are

insulated from each other by a dielectric material

20 such as polyethylene and covered by a PVC sheath (see Fig. 3).

Fig. 3

inner conductor


The braid helps to screen the signals from interference. Coax can carry

a large number of signals over long distances at frequencies up to

1 000MHz. It is used to connect telephone exchanges and for cable


copper braid

PVC sheath (outer conductor)



25 Microwaves can be guided along rectangular copper ducts by a series of reflections

from the inner walls (see Fig. 4).



connecting flange

__________ — ______________ power flow

(a) rectangular waveguide for microwave transmission


of waveguide


8 propagation

(b) guiding’ of electromagnetic waves in a waveguide

Fig. 4

The exact dimensions of the ducts are determined by the frequency to be transmitted.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (194)

Suitable frequencies are between 1 GHz and 300GHz. Wavegu ides are used to carry

microwave signals between dish aerials

30 and receivers.

Optical fibres

An inner core made from very pure silica fibre is surrounded by a similar glass sheath,

known as cladding. This is covered by a protective plastic sheath. Non-visible light from

lasers or LEDs can travel along the fibre by reflection from the surface where the core and

35 cladding meet (see Fig. 5).

light reflected at core/cladding


_cladding -


Fig. 5

Although the optical fibre has a smaller diameter than a human hair, it can be used to

transmit tens of thousands of signals at high speed with very low loss and no interference

from other signals. Optical fibre cable can be used in corrosive environments and is light,

flexible and

40 cheap. This type of cable is gradually replacing conventional copper wire for

connecting telephones and computer networks.

- 1O0m


Complete this table using information from the text.

Task 9

Transmission line

Component materials

Examples of use

telephone connections within buildings

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (195)

twisted pair

copper wire, plastic insulation

copper wire, copper braid, polyethylene sheath

trunk telephone lines. cable television

Task 10

copper ducts

optical fibres

Using information from the text on transmission lines and from Unit 10, note the transmission

medium which could be used for each of the numbered links on this diagram.



ground station

ground station



caller exchange



Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (196)


Celiphones 4

Task 1

Study this diagram of a cellphone. Note the buttons marked:

a SND c PWR e CLR g tCN


built-in antenna

external antenna socket



built-in speaker and microphone




Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (197)


Which buttons would you press for these operations? Justify your answers. 1 switching on or off

2 using one of the programming functions

3 deleting mistakes or individual numbers

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (198)

4 finishing your call

5 starting your call after keying in the number

Task 2 Check your answers to Task 1 by reading quickly through this text.

Making a call

• Press PWR to turn the P3 on.

To prevent the phone being turned on or off

accidentally, you need to hold down the PWR key to

operate it.

• Keyinthenumber.

• Press SND.

If you make a mistake when keying in a number and

you want to delete the last digit:

• Press CLR briefly.

If you hold down CLR,the whole number will be

deleted and the P3 will go back to standby.

You can dial a number of up to 32 digits, although

only the last sixteen will be shown on the display at

any time. To look at the first part of a number longer

than sixteen digits:

• Hold down FCN.

When you have finished the call:

• Press END.

Reading Recognizing topic, locating detail

When you are reading to find specific detaiLs, it is helpful if you can first identify the part of the

text most likely to contain the details you want. If you can identify the best area to search, you have

a better chance of finding the details quickly.

Task 3 Glance quickly through the text on the following page to identify which paragraph deals

with the following:

a cellphone networks

b how signal levels are controlled

c how the MSC locates a cellphone

d limitations of mobile phone systems

e frequency distribution within cells and clusters

f the development of mobile phones

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (199)

g how cellphones link with other cellphones and with the telephone system


Task 4 Decide which paragraphs are most likely to contain answers to these questions. Compare

your decisions with our partner, then search for the answers.

1 Who uses mobile phones?

2 What does the MSC register of celiphones contain?

3 What is the difference between a mobile phone and a cellphone?

4 Why is a celiphone called a cellphone?

S How large is a cell?

6 I-low does the MSC prevent interference due to too strong a signal level?

7 What’s the best number of cells to form a cluster?

8 When were radiophones developed?

9 HOW does an MSC ensure that a cellphone is using the right frequency for a call?

10 What is the MSC permanently connected to?



Radiophones, using the VHF band, were developed during the Second World War to

provide communications for ships and aeroplanes. At the end of the war they were further

developed as mobile phones for use by the emergency services and other

5 services such as taxis.

With mobile phone systems, all communications take place 2 through a central control

base station. Mobile units normally do not communicate directly with other mobile units.

They send messages to the control base station and the base station controller relays the

10 messages to other mobile units. Although mobile phones can be moved, they must

stay within fixed areas. This type of system is limited by the fact that there are not enough

VHF frequencies available for large numbers of communications between individual


15 The problem of a lack of suitable frequencies can be overcome by 3

using a cellphone network. A cellular phone (cellphone) is a

lightweight, portable radio transceiver which can transmit and

receive telephone calls anywhere in the cellular network area. In the

network, the same frequencies can be used for many different

20 telephone calls at the same time. To achieve this, each

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (200)

communications area is divided into a number of hexagonal-

shaped cells, as shown in Fig. 1.

7 cell

cell clusters

Fig. 1

21 cell

1 5()



Each cell is allocated a number of frequency channels for communications. Although the

frequencies used in any one cell are

25 not used in its neighbouring cells, the same frequencies can be used in cells further

away without causing interference. The size of the cells vary between 1 km to about 30

km across, depending on the output power of the cellphone transmitters. Each area can

have a different number of cells, but a cluster of seven cells gives a good

30 compromise between the number of frequency channels available in each cell and the

interference between communications in different cells.

Each cell has a small electronic base station situated in a public place such as a car park

or shopping centre. All the base stations for

35 a cluster of cells are permanently connected to a main switching centre (MSC). This

contains a computer to select suitable frequencies and control the communications for

that cluster of cells. The MSC is also connected to other MSCs and to the public

telephone exchange, allowing celiphones to make calls or receive

40 calls from other cellphones and fixed telephones throughout the whole telephone

system (see Fig. 2).

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (201)

Fig. 2

The MSC keeps a register of cellphones indicating their cell position. If the cellphone

moves to another cell, its new position is signalled to the MSC. In this way, the MSC

knows where to send

45 signals to contact each cellphone. When a call is made to a cellphone, the MSC first

checks the registrations to find the position of the cellphone. It then pages the cellphone

and causes it to tune to the allocated frequency channel. The cellphone then begins

sending an 8kHz signal to the base station. When the user takes the

50 call, the 8kHz signal is discontinued and the speech channel is enabled.

The base station constantly monitors the signal level of a call. If the signal level becomes

too strong it will cause interference to other users. To prevent this, the power level of the

cellphone is

55 automatically reduced. If the signal level becomes too weak, the MSC tests the signal

strength from neighbouring base stations and switches the call to another base station

and speech channel if necessary. This may cause a period of silence of up to about 400

ms while the switching takes place.

mobile arid fixed networks


Writing Linking facts and ideas, 6

Task 5 Study these statements about making a celiphone call. Link them into longer sentences.

You may omit words and make whatever changes you think are necessary in the word order and

punctuation of the sentences.

1 A call is made from a celiphone.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (202)

2 The celiphone scans the available frequencies.

3 The celiphone finds the strongest signal to the nearest base station.

4 The cellphone detects that the base station is idle.

5 The cellphone transmits the required dialling code.

6 If the code is received,

7 .. . the base station sends a signal back to the cellphone.

8 The signal indicates a suitable frequency channel for the call.

9 The celiphone tunes to the allocated channel.

10 The celiphone user hears the ringing tone.

11 The call is answered.

12 The user can speak and listen using the cellphone, as with a normal telephone.

13 The call is finished.

14 The celiphone signals to the base station.

15 The celiphone sends a short burst of signal at 8 kHz.

16 If the code is not received,...

17 ... the celiphone abandons the call.

18 ... the celiphone tries again later.



Data transmission

Study this diagram, which shows how a document can be sent from one fax machine to another.

Task 1



thermal head hot dots

image appeanng on paper


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (203)

Now try to answer these questions.

How are fax machines linked?

2 How is the image transferred from the document to a microprocessor within the fax?

3 In what form is information sent down the lines?

4 In what form is information fed to the thermal head in the receiving fax?

5 How does the thermal head create images on paper?

Task 2 Read Text I to check your answers to Task 1 and to find the answers to any questions you

were unable to answer from the diagram.

Text I

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (204)

1 A document is fed into the fax machine, face down.

2 It passes over a fluorescent tube which bounces light off the paper, reflecting the image

on to a lens.

3 The lens passes the light on to a microprocessor which breaks the image down to a

series of horizontal lines (7.7 lines to a millimetre).

4 Another microprocessor converts each line to a series of black and white dots, which

are then coded, usually as ‘0’ for black and ‘1’ for white (binary code). This is in turn

converted into digital information.

5 A third microprocessor (or modem) converts this information into signals, called

analogue tones, which can be sent down telephone lines.

6 At the receiving machine, the analogue tones are converted back into binary signals and

fed into a thermal head.

7 The thermal head is a mechanism containing a line of dots which heat up or cool down

(in blocks of eight) depending on the electrical current supplied to them by the binary


8 The chemically treated paper reacts to heat along this line by forming black dots. As it

passes across the thermal head, an image is formed corresponding to the information

supplied by the binary code.

Reading Comparing sources

When trying to understand a difficult explanation, it is often use[ül to look at more than one source.

There are a number of reasons for this:

Some sources are easier to understand than others.

2 By combining information from several sources, we can obtain a more complete explanation.

3 By reading about the same topic described in different ways. we can improve our understanding

of written English and widen our vocabulary.

In this example, we are interested in how fax machines operate.


Task 3 Work in groups. A and B.

Group A: Compare Text 1 on page 154 and Text 2 below. Underline any points which help you to

understand how a fax operates which are

only found in Text 1. Compare your answers within your group.

Group B: Compare Text 1 on page 154 and Text 2 below. Underline any points which help you to

understand how a fax operates which are

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (205)

only found in Text 2. Compare your answers within your group.

Text 2



Facsimile machines only came into widespread use in the late

1970s when international standards were set by the Comité

Consultatif International Telegraphique etTelephonique (CCITT), a

body based in France. Before this, machines could only

5 communicate with those made by the same manufacturer.

Since then, facsimile technology has become increasingly 2

sophisticated. The latest machines, which must be linked to a special digital phone line,

can send a document to several places at once for the price of one phone call.

io Facsimile transmission involves sending a document along a 3

telephone line and converting the received signals into a

reproduction of the original. ‘Fax’ machines can now send an A4 document, containing

images as well as words, inlessthana minute.

15 When you feed a document into the machine, a fluorescent lamp 4

reflects the image on to a series of mirrors which reduce its size so that the whole

document can be reflected on to a camera lens. The lens can only read the image in black

and white. This information is converted, via a microprocessor, into binary information.


20 machine records black as 0 and white as 1.

Another microprocessor then converts the binary data into digital 5

information, which allows more data to be stored on the microchip.

But, because most telephone systems cannot read digital

information, this is again changed, via another microprocessor

25 (modem), into analogue tones, or pitches of noise. The first

machine transmits these tones to the second.

The receiving machine converts the analogue tones back into 6

digital and then binary information. It sends a signal (in binary

code) to the thermal head, or printer. This turns heated elements on

30 or off according to the pattern of Os and is contained in the signal.

The pattern of black and white is then printed on to heat-sensitive


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (206)

Fax machines send information at the rate of 9,600 baud, or bits of 7

information per second.A few seconds’ interference on the phone

35 line can make several lines of a document illegible. If the line is

noisy, the sending machine will slow down to reduce the amount of information lost.


Task 4 Which lines in Text 2 contain similar information to the paragraphs in Text 1? Text 1

paragraphs Text 2 lines









Task 5 Work in pairs. Discuss which text contains the best explanation. Which is the easier to


Task 6 Find the references in Text 2 for each of the following:

1 a body based in France (lines 3—4)

2 those made by the same manufacturer (line 5)

3 The latest machines (line 7)

4 This information is converted (lines 18—19)

5 converts the binary data into digital information (lines 2 1—22)

6 The first machine transmits these tones (lines 2 5—26)

7 It sends a signal (in binary code) (lines 28—29)

8 If the line is noisy (lines 3 5—36)

Language study Reduced relative clauses

One way of adding extra information to an explanation, or any other text, is to use relative clauses.

For example:

1 The thermal head is a mechanism.

2 The head contains a line of dots.

1+2 The thermal head is a mechanism which contains a line of dots.

We can make this sentence shorter by omitting which and using an Winy clause:

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (207)

The thermal head is a mechanism containing a line of dots.

Study this example:

1 The microprocessor converts the information into signals.

2 The signals are called analogue tones.

3 The signals are suitable for telephone transmission.

1+2+3 The microprocessor converts the information into signals, which are called analogue

tones, which are suitable for telephone


We can make this sentence shorter by omitting which + to be:

The microprocessor converts the information into signals. called analogue tones, suitable for

telephone transmission.


Task 7 Shorten this summary of the technical reading passage in Unit 26, pages 144—6, by

reducing the relative clauses where possible.

Transmission lines

The lines which connect telephones within a building are the simplest type of transmission

line, which consists of parallel wires. Those which link telephones to a local exchange

may be twisted pairs, although these are being replaced. Coaxial cable, which is formed

5 from a copper core which is surrounded by a copper braid, is used to carry a large

number of signals over long distances. The cables which provide connections between

telephone exchanges are often coaxial. Waveguides, which are made of copper, are used

to carry microwave signals between dish aerials and receivers. They are suitable for

io frequencies which are between 1GHz and 300GHz. Optical fibres, which are made from

very pure silica fibre, are the form of

transmission line which is most often used these days.

Word study Short forms

Some technical words have common short forms. In some cases the short form is used much more

frequently than the full form. For example:

Full form

a facsimile message

What are the short forms for these terms?


video recorder

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (208)



coaxial cable

What terms are represented by these short forms?






Study Flowchart 1, which describes in note form what happens when a document is fed mto a fax


Complete Flowchart 2 to describe how the data is received by the receiving machine. Use the

diagram on page 153 and Texts 1 and 2 (pages 154 and 155) to help you.

Short form a fax

Writing Describing transmission processes Task 10 Look at the flowcharts on the following










Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (209)








Flowchart I


3 Image reflected to a lens.

Flowchart 2


6 Microprocessor 2 converts

each line into series of

binary-coded dots.


7 Dots converted into digital information.


8 Modem converts digital

information into analogue

tones for transmission.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (210)

Use the information contained in both flowcharts to write your own description of how documents

are sent by fax.

Task 11


I Document fed into machine.

2 Passes over fluorescent tube.





Lens passes image to microprocessor.


5 Microprocessor 1 breaks image into series of horizontal lines.


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (211)

Technical reading Communication services

Communications service










Type of signal transmitted

a high-quality text, graphics


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (212)

b video, speech

c simple text, punctuation

d messages

e radio signal, beep

f text, graphics, photographic images

g speech

h interactive information. e.g. travel,

shopping, banking

i general information. e.g. news, sports results

Telephones, connected by a network of cables, are commonly used for the two-way

transmission of speech. The signals are switched from one line to another at switching

centres known as telephone exchanges. Lines in a small area are switched by local


5 local exchanges are connected through trunk exchanges, and trunk exchanges are

connected to other countries by international exchanges. Such a system is called a Public

Switching Telephone Network (PSTN) (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1

Modern digital telephone networks can use videophones to transmit io video images as

well as speech. The telephone network is used by

video-conferenCiflg services to interconnect small television studios. In this way, business

people can hold conferences at a distance.

Public telephone networks are used by many other data

communications services. One of the oldest is the telex system. This 15 enables

messages, typed on teletype terminals, to be automatically

printed by distant teleprinters. Telex can only transmit simple text containing capital letters

and punctuation marks. It is also slow— about 100 words per minute (see Fig. 2).

Task 12

Read the text and then match these services with the given types of signal.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (213)










Communications services

local trunk

international exchange

international exchange

trunk local

international transmission link


printer for display of




for data input

Fig. 2 Example of a teleprinter or teletype terminal

A newer, more advanced telex system, known as teletex, is also

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (214)

20 available. This uses VDU terminals to transmit a variety of text and graphics

characters. High quality formats can be used and it is much faster than telex, operating at

speeds up to 2,600 words per minute (see Fig. 3).

CRT display of data

keyboard for data entry

A facsimile (FAX) system allows the transmission of text, graphics and 25 photographic


Contacting people on the move is possible using a radiopaging service. By carrying a

small radio receiver called a radiopager, people can be contacted wherever they are.

Keying their number in on a telephone causes the pager to beep. The person then goes to


30 nearest telephone to get in touch with the caller.

A telephone network can be used to connect personal computers to an electronic mail (e-

mail) system. Messages sent from a personal

Fig. 3 A typical VDU-type data terminal


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (215)

computer are stored on a central computer. Users can read and reply to these messages

using their own computer.

35 Videotex or viewdata systems transmit pages of text and graphics through the PSTN to

be displayed on a viewdata terminal or television screen. The data comes from a central

computer. It is an interactive system, allowing the user to send messages back to the

computer using a keyboard. The user can perform various tasks from home such

40 as ordering goods and controlling bank accounts.

A similar data communications service, known as teletext, uses the television

broadcasting system rather than the PSTN. Text and graphics are transmitted as part of

the television video signal. The user can switch between pages on the screen using

special keys on a

45 remotecontrol unit. Unlikeviewdata,teletext is not interactive but does provide a

similarly wide variety of useful information, such as news and travel information. Fig. 4

shows a teletext screen.

4P100CEEFAX 100 Tue 18 Jan 182917


NEWS IN DETAIL .... 119 169 I






CITY NEWS .... 121-139 I



SPORT PAGES . 140—159 I

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (216)


FOOD GUIDE 161 193—5


Fig. 4

An Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) is gradually being

developed which uses telephone networks with microwave links and 50 satellite

communications to interconnect all types of data

communications services throughout the world.

Task 13 Which type of communications service would best meet these needs?

A travelling salesman whose office needs to contact him from time to time.

2 A company which wishes to hold a nationwide sales conference without

bringing all its sales people to their headquarters.

3 Scientists in different universities who want to exchange ideas about their


4 A company which wishes to monitor and control its bank accounts without

having to go to the bank every day.

5 Someone who wants instant access to sports results.

6 A reporter who wants to send a story to her newspaper from a remote location.

7 A police officer who wants to send a picture of a suspect as fast as possible to a

police station at a distance.


29 Careers in electronics

Task 1


List the areas of employment that you know of in electronics, for example, Broadcasting. List the

types of jobs which are available in these areas. for example. Maintenance.

Fill in the gaps in this text. Each gap represents one word. Compare your answers with your

partner. More than one answer is possible for many of the gaps.

Careers in electronics

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (217)

We are now -- the midst of the technological revolution which

started2. -

the introduction of the microchip in the 1970s. More and

electronic goods are being sold, especially computers, radio

telephones, and leisure products. At the

time, new applications

Task 2


for electronics are’ found. Most domestic appliances now

6 some form of electronic control. Petrol ‘ the filling

station and cash at the bank 8 dispensed by electronic means.

Electronically-controlled pumps measure out drugs the

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (218)

chronically ill. Electronic ignition and fuel management

standard on cars.

All of this means 11 career opportunities in electronics are growing.

More engineers are 12 to design. plan. manufacture and install.

Service engineers are particularly’ demand although for the most

part they now replace panels ‘ than individual components. For

today’s college and university graduates in electronics, 1’ future is bright.

Reading Reading and sharing information

Task 3 The text which follows gives information on seven areas of employment. Read the

sections your teacher selects for you. Then explain to the others in your group the career

opportunities in those fields.

Using the information from the text and your own knowledge. discuss in your group the

advantages and disadvantages of each field of employment.

Areas of Employment

I Avionics

Aircraft electronic equipment has to be maintained to a very high standard with rigorous

checks at set intervals. Service engineers are required to maintain on-board equipment

such as radio, radar, and automatic flight path plotting equipment. Air traffic control


5 is maintained on the ground.

2 Computing

This is an area where competition between companies is considerable and technology is

moving very quickly. With the increasing numbers of computers used in the office, the

home, and as part of industrial and communications equipment, there is a growing need

for engineers to

io design these as well as service them. On the software side, there is always a demand

for programmers to design software for business use and for leisure.

Almost every large business organization, like banks and insurance companies, runs

several local area networks (LANs). These require

15 network managers and maintenance and software support.

3 Defence

The reduction in political tension in recent years has meant cuts in the defence industry.

Nevertheless, many countries are still developing


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (219)

sophisticated defence systems both for home use and for export.

These systems require not only engineers to design them, but highly- 20 skilled operators

to man them and maintain them. Thus the armed

services recruit and train numbers of electronics technicians and

engineers.The major fields of defence electronics are:

1 early warning systems, e.g. radar

2 detection systems

25 3 ranging, using radar and computers

4 weapons guidance, using computers

5 communications

4 Industrial electronics

Industrial electronics started with transducers which allowed remote monitoring of

processes, especially those which involved high

30 temperatures or dangerous substances. Further developments

allowed processes in a whole range of industries — from food and drink production to

garbage recycling —to be fully automated.

The development of robotics has led to widespread application in the car industry in

particular. Everything from assembling to spraying the

35 completed car can now be done without human assistance. Tedious and unpleasant

jobs have disappeared. Automation has led to savings forthe manufacturer but has also

contributed to unemployment.

Electronics engineers are required to design and service industrial circuits, including

control panels.

5 Leisure products

40 Society expects a wide range of leisure electronic items. This can be gauged by sales

of radio, hi-fi equipment, television sets, compact disc players, video recorders, satellite

receivers, etc. Engineers and technicians are required not only to design and manufacture

these, but also to maintain them.

6 Telecommunications and broadcasting

45 People today expect to be able to get in touch with each other at any time and in any

place. The communication of speech, text, and other data by cable and radio is a growing

field of employment. Cellphones are an area of recent expansion.

Engineers are employed to manufacture, plan, install, commission,

50 and maintain telecommunication equipment. National and local radio

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (220)

and television stations employ broadcasting and sound engineers.

7 Medical equipment

Recent years have seen a sharp increase in equipment for patient care. This ranges from

body scanners to electronic stethoscopes. While the operation of this equipment is the

responsibility of the medical team,

55 engineers are required to work with medical experts in the design of such equipment,

in the installation of larger equipment, and in

maintenance. Job satisfaction in this area can be high.


Speaking practice

Task 4 - Work in pairs, A and B. Note any advantages and disadvantages for each type

of employment using information from your partner and from your texts. You

may add any opinions of your own.

Student A: Your texts are on page 180.

Student B: Your texts are on page 1 87.

Type of employment Advantages Disadvantages








Research & Development

Word study Topic sets, 2

Task 5 Group these technical terms into the topic sets below.

base station flicker microprocessor

cell Ilyback program

counter LCD quartz

data logic gate raster

divider MSC scan

Topic sets:

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (221)

digitaL watch

2 cellphones

3 computers

4 television display

Writing Describing career plans

Task 6 Write a brief description of your career plans, using information of your own

and from this unit.


30 Job ads

Y1h iit:d Ii: i’I’J j :]1 j1’i’j 3 .h

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i r

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I!(.I.tJ.:I r (.Jp’AiILi.I!I.1if: i.iIiii’j .Iiii.FtiiiiiiII

.i £i



I]Ii]•]Ii’I’A’k1 i:i;i

Reading Understanding job ads

Task I Study the job advertisem*nt above. Answer these questions:

1 What is the name of the company?

2 What are its activities?

3 Where is the company based?

4 Flow many posts are vacant?

5 Which posts are available to those without experience?

6 Flow do you apply for a post?

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (222)

7 Who is Mr Clark?

8 What salaries are offered?


Task 2 Charles Dunkin decides to apply for one of the Trainee Service Engineer posts. Look at his

CV below and his letter of application on the following page.

Imagine you are Mr Clark of Communicate (UK) Limited. List Charles’ strong points and his weak



Personal details Name: Charles Dunkifl

Date of birth: 30 May 1974

Address: 44 Maxton Street, Bath, BL14 6FH

Marital status: Single


1991—present Maxwell College of Further Education, Bath

Ordinary National Certificate in Electronics

I will complete my ONC studies in June. I have

already successfully completed modules in:

Digital Electronics 1 & 2

Analogue Electronics 1 & 2




Communication Skill5

1985—1990 Bath Secondary School

General Certificate of Education

Physics A

4athematicS B

English B

Geography C

French C

Other qualifications Clean driving licence.

Work experience

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (223)

Summer 1992 Service technician,Baird Audio—visual

products, Bath

This vacation job gave me experience of

servicing domestic television sets,

VCRs, and radios

1990—1991 Trainee Mechanic, Dunkin’s Garage, Bath

Summer 1989 Waiter, Western Hotel, Bath

Robbies/intereats Motorcyle maintenance

Football-college 2nd XI

Referees Academic Work

Dr John Coulter Ms Jean Cadmus

Head of Department of Head of Personnel

Electronics Baird Audio—Visual

Maxwell College of Products

Further Education Farrer Lane



Applicant Charles Dun kin

Strong points

Weak points

44 Maxton Street


8L14 6FH

Mr Clark

Head of Personnel

Communicate (UK) Limited

Tradescant House

Lewis Avenue

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (224)


NW3 18R

3 April 19__

Dear Mr Clark

Re: Trainee Service Engineers

I would like to apply for the post of Trainee Service

Engineer, as advertised in the April issue of Electronics

Today. I enclose my CV with the names of two referees.

I consider I am well qualified for this post. I will shortly

complete my ONC in Electronics and will be available for

employment from the end of June. My college work has been good.

and I have completed all my modules successfully to date.

On leaving school, I worked for one year in the family garage.

Although I decided not to continue with this career, it gave me

useful work experience, Last summer I spent two months of my

vacation working for a small company which repairs electronic

equipment. This provided valuable experience in servicing

television sets, radios, and VCRs. I feel confident that my work

experience, together with my college qualification, make me well

suited for the post.

I have a clean driving licence and enjoy good health.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Charles Dunkin


Task 3 Study Fig. 1. It shows the organizational structure of Communicate (UK) Ltd. Try to guess

some of the functions of the different departments.

Fig. 1


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (225)

Task 4 Mr Clark of Communicate (UK) Ltd, briefs a new trainee. Work in pairs, A and B.

Listen to the tape and find out the function of these departments:

Student A Student B

Production Engineering

Stock control R and D

Sales Quality control

Purchasing Accounts


Note your findings in the table below. When you have completed your section of the table, share

your findings with your partner so that you can both complete the table.

Functions of departments in Communicate (UK) Ltd.

Production Administration

Production Sales

Engineering Quality control

Stock control Purchasing

R and D Accounts



Speaking practice

Task 5

Discuss in your group what you should and should not do when invited for interview by a

company. Write out your advice in note form like this:

You should:

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (226)






You should not:





Task 6

Task 7

Exchange your notes with another group. Compare their advice with yours.

This table lists the commonest cause of failure at interviews, as reported by four UK companies

employing electronics graduates. How many of the problems listed did your group identify?


Commonest cause of failure at interview

AB Electronic Products Group

Mars Group

NE Technology Ltd

Rolls Royce plc

Lack of awareness of how AB operates. Inability to communicate in straightforward non-jargon


Lack of preparation. Interviewees are often unaware of the range of qualities required and react

badly to unexpected general questions which have not been properly considered beforehand.

Inability of applicants to apply their academic knowledge to practical problems. Subjects studied

are understood only in theoretical terms. Applicants are often unable to express themselves

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (227)

effectively to demonstrate their particular abilities, perhaps because of lack of preparation.

Candidates are inadequately prepared — not only in their knowledge of the work and products of

Rolls Royce plc, but in their own attributes and experience.

Task 9

Work in pairs, A and B.

Student A: Play the part of Mr Clark. Write five questions to ask Charles Dunkin at his interview.

Student B: Play the part of Charles. Write five questions you think Mr Clark might ask you at your

interview. Prepare suitable answers.

Conduct the interview.

Study the job advertisem*nts on the following pages and try to find suitable jobs for these


I A technician with experience in servicing hospital equipment.

2 An engineer who would like to work in broadcasting.

3 Someone who wants a job which provides a car.

4 Someone who wants a job with a lot of travelling.

An engineer who wants to work in the USA.

6 Someone who wants to work in developing countries and who does not require a large salary.





7 A technician with experience in servicing all kinds of communications


8 An electronics engineer who wants to work in Europe and who speaks English. Italian. and


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (228)


Compare your choice with your partners.

Trainee Location


This company has two vacancies for people to train as Location Engineers working on Broadcast

and corporate programmes. Successful applicants would be joining one of America’s foremost

suppliers of location video crews. Once trained, they can Look forward to interesting work which

includes travel both in the USA and abroad.

Applicants should have a suitable qualification in Electronics. Telecommunications, or similar. A

clean driving license and preferably some practical experience of domestic VHS machines and

televisions would be an advantage.

Please supply contact telephone number with application

in writing to:

Joan Berridge

General Manager

Sunset Film & Video Limited

4900 University Avenue





Eiectronic Engineers

Extremely competitive salaries.

If you would like to hear about outstanding opportunities in Europe to work in the

expanding area of personal communication systems, write to:

Euroengineer Ltd

Austin Street



Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (229)

Enclose your CV and the names of two referees. Applicants should have a degree or

equivalent in electronics or a related discipline. A good command of foreign languages

woud bean advantage.



Wanted urgently

Practical people for the Third World I

We seek practical people with skills to pass onto the developing world. You can help to

link up the developed and the developing world.

Conditions of work:

• Pay based on local rates

• Posts are for a minimum of 2 years

• You should be without dependants

• Many employers will grant leave of absence

Studio Electronics Engineer I’m interested. I have the following training,!


Refrigeration/Radio! TV Engineers

[I Hospital Electronics Engineers

Electrical Engineers for instruction! installation

Electronics Instructors

LI Lecturers in Power and Communication

Maintenance and Repair Technician

Angel. Recruitment

Radiocomm Systems

Repair and service RF and VHF

communications equipment.

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (230)

Salary negotiable +car


Medical Equipment

Maintain and fault-find x-ray and

scanning equipment.

Salary negotiable +car

South Coast

Data-Processing Support

Provide technical support on disk

drives throughout Europe.

Salary negotiable.


Paging Systems

Service and repair of pocket pagers.

Travel within Birmingham and

surrounding area.

Salary negotiable +car


Microprocessor Systems

Complex fault-finding of digital and micro systems. Extensive travel in UK and overseas.

Salary negotiable.


Write to: Karen Crawley. BSc.

Angel Recruitment, Winchester

Hampshire S019 iQB

For more details, please write to:

LINK, 10 Summer Gardens, London, SW142LH.

If you can fill one of these vacancies, contact us at once.

Current requests include:


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (231)



























Linking the developed and developing worlds


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (232)

Writing Writing a CV and letter of application

Task 10 Complete your CV.


p.raonal detail.


Date of birth


Marital status —


Work experience

Bobbies and interests


Academic Work

Task I I Write a letter of application for one of the jobs advertised

in this unit. Base your letter on the one shown in Task 2 on page 168.


Task 10

Student A

Speaking practice

Unit I


Type primary

Output voltage 1.3 5V


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (233)

hearing aids, watches, calculators

backup for computer RAM memories,

Usual size

button and small cylindrical cells


small size hut high energy

high voltages, last for long periods at low currents


lithium is poisonous, used cells should be disposed of carefully


01 is BC 477(PNP)

Unit 5

Task 7




Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (234)

Unit 8

[iie signal is generated _J signal is amplified J

is hit..

This information should help you to advise on your partner’s problems.


Task 5





Task 7

Unit 9

— Find out from your partner how to:

1 measure the current in this circuit.

2 check a fuse.


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (235)


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (236)

Unit 10

Task 6 Frequency band Some uses

Very low (VLF)


Low (LF) long-wave radio and

? communication over

large distances

Medium (MF)

300kHz— 3MHz

? (HF) short-wave radio and

3MHz—3OMHz communication, ?

Very high (VHF) FM radio, police,

3OMHz—300MHz meteorology devices

? (UHF) TV (bands 4 and 5) and

300MHz— 3GHz aircraft-landing


Super high (SHF) radar, communication

(microwaves) satellites.

Unit 13

Task 6 Find out from your partner the missing values in these amplifier specifications. Ask him or

her to explain items 4—7.

Provide the information your partner requires. Explain with the help of the passage below what

items 1—3 mean. Your partner also has Figs. 1 and 2.

voltage gain 40dB

2 frequency response 20Hz to 20kHz at —3dB

3 distortion less than 0.1% THD

4 S/N ratio

5 input impedance

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (237)

6 output impedance

7 supply voltage


Amplifiers are used in almost all electronic circuits. In audio systems, the very small signal

voltages produced by microphones, tape recording heads, magnetic pickup heads, etc.

are amplified by a preamp. A power amp is then used to enable the signals to drive a 5


The gain of an amplifier is measured by comparing its output with its input. If a logarithmic

scale is used, the gain is expressed in decibels (dB). In a pre-amp we are interested in the

voltage gain, but in a power amp the power gain is more significant.

10 The gain of an amplifier is almost constant over a range of input signal frequencies.

However, because of capacitance effects, the gain falls by 3dB at the upper and lower

cut-off frequencies, as shown in Fig. 1.


voltage gain A mid-band

0.707Am:x 3rzzzm,

band width


lower cut-off frequency—. upper cut-off

frequency Li frequency f2

Fig. 1

The useful frequency response of an amplifier is the range of

frequencies between these two —3dB cut-off points. The size of this 15 range is known as

the band width.

Ideally, the output signal will be an enlarged copy of the input signal. However, when the

input signal level becomes too high, an amplifier no longer behaves in a linear fashion and

distortion of the output signal occurs (see Fig. 2). This normally occurs when the output

20 voltage is greater than half the supply voltage.





Fig. 2

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (238)

Such clipping of the output signal causes the generation of a number of unwanted

harmonic waves in the amplifier. The overall effect of this phenomenon for the whole

amplifier is known as the total harmonic distortion (THD). The percentage THD is obtained

by comparing this

25 distortion with the maximum amplifier output.

Unit 16

The Digital Compact Cassette (DCC) (1992) was developed by Philips. Like ordinary audio

cassettes, this system uses magnetic tape but packaged in more robust form like a mini CD box.

Unlike ordinary cassettes, digital recording is used with the result that the sound quality is as good

as CDs — much better than ordinary audiotape. A major advantage over CDs is that the DCC can

be re-recorded.

An attraction of DCCs is backwards compatibility’. This means that you can play conventional

audio cassettes in the same machine as DCCs. There is no need then to throw away your cassette

library. With a double-deck machine, you can re-record your cassettes in digital form. DCCs have

several hours recording capacity.


Task 6


Unit 18

Task 7 Describe this graph in sufficient detail for your partner to sketch it. If you have problems,

the text which follows may help you

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (239)

As a forward bias is applied to a germanium diode, the forward current remains negligible until a

voltage of about 0.1 SV is reached. The forward current then begins to rise and, beyond 0.2V, it

rises steeply. The forward current must be limited by resistance in the circuit to keep the diode

within its power rating.

When a reverse voltage is applied, there is a very small reverse current (note the difference in the

scale on the reverse axes). As the reverse voltage is increased to iVy, the reverse current rises

steadily to 2tA. Between a reverse voltage of 10—100V, the reverse current is almost constant,

only rising by about 1 A. Any further increase in reverse voltage causes the diode to break down

and there is a very steep increase in reverse current. If not prevented, this will cause permanent

damage to the diode.

Use this matrix to help you sketch your partner’s graph.


forward bias

reverse bias



E 1.0




•o 0.6


reverse voltage (V) 0.2

0.2 0.1

0.1 0:2 0:3 0.4 0:5 0:6

0.2 forward voltage V)

0.4 m


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (240)





Unit 21

Power is on but unit doesn’t operate.

TV programmes cannot be recorded.

Timer recording doesn’t work.

Timer Record Function is set to OFF.


Connect mains lead to the mains outlet.

Turn off On/Off switch and disconnect mains cord. rfhefl reconnect and switch on again.

Set Timer Record Function to ON.

Clock is flashing 0:00.

Set clock time and perform timer setting.

Playback picture is not in colour.

Playback picture has large amounts of ‘snow.

TV set is not properly tuned to the video playback channel of the


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (241)

Retune TV set.

Video heads are clogged with dirt.

Use new tape.

Task 8

Symptom - ________ Power doesn’t turn on.




Mains lead is not



Safety devices are


Unit 29

Task 4

1 Manufacturing

Manufacturing includes making anything from individual components or printed circuit

boards to complete pieces of equipment such as televisions. In the case of the latter, it is

usual to break down the equipment into modules and manufacture these separately. For

5 instance, television sets are manufactured in this way with each set consisting of up to

seven individual modules. When the modules come off the assembly line, they are passed

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (242)

to groups of testers and troubleshooters to check for faults. The various modules are then

assembled to produce the complete unit. The disadvantage of this

10 kind of work is the monotony and the time pressure of assembly line work.

2 Planning

Firms with large communications networks require planners. For instance,

telecommunications network providers need to know where to place exchanges for

maximum switching capability, and microwave

15 towers for minimum interference. They also need to know the sizes of cables to handle

traffic growth.

Rapidly springing up everywhere from a number of different suppliers are the radio

mobile, cellular, and paging networks. All these require careful planning and field surveys

to prevent mutual interference. Job

20 opportunities will grow in this sector.

3 Installation

There is a wide range of installation work required, for example, installing exchanges,

LANs, and medical equipment. Such work involves cabling and may require some

knowledge of mechanical engineering if special racks and even entire rooms have to be

25 constructed to accommodate equipment. Installation work usually involves travel which

can be overseas depending on the product


4 Commissioning

Once equipment is installed, it needs to be commissioned, i.e. put into operation.

Problems often emerge at this stage which have to be

30 ironed out. This work is usually done by engineers with long

experience in the type of equipment being commissioned.


Task 10

Student B

Speaking practice

Unit I

Unit 5

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (243)

Usual size Advantages


but high energy

button and?

long storage life, high voltages, last for long periods at low currents



used cells should be disposed of carefully


02 is 2N 3053 (NPN)


Task 7 Cell Mercury - Lithium

Type primary

Output voltage 3V

Applications cameras, hearing aids. watches, photographic equipment

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (244)

Unit 8

Task 7 Find out from your partner how to:

1 measure the voltage drop across R2 in this circuit.

2 check the value of this resistor.

both signals are displayed

This information should help you to advise on your partner’s problems.

Task 5




is hit...


Unit 9

I R2

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (245)






rectified ]


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (246)

Unit 10

Task 6 Frequency band Some uses

Very low (VLF) communication

with submarines

Low(LF) ? and

3OkHz—300kHz communication over

large distances

? (MF) medium wave, local

300kHz—3MHz and distant radio

High (hF) short wave radio and

communication, amateur

and CB radio

Very high (VHF) . police,

30MHz—? meteorology devices

Ultra high (UHF) TV (bands 4 and S) and


? (SHF) ? , communication

(microwaves) satellites, telephone

above 3GHz and TV links

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (247)

Unit 13

Task 6 Find out from your partner the missing values in these amplifier specifications.

Ask him or her to explain items 1—3. Explain to your partner with the help of

the passage below what items 4—7 mean. Your partner also has Figs. 1 and 2.

voltage gain

2 frequency response ?

3 distortion

4 S/N ratio greater than 6 5dB

5 input impedance 50 kilohm

6 output impedance 600 ohm

7 supply voltage +9V to +12V


Amplifiers are used in almost all electronic circuits. In audio systems, the very small signal

voltages produced by microphones, tape recording heads, magnetic pickup heads, etc.

are amplified by a preamp. A power amp is then used to enable the signals to drive a

5 loudspeaker.

Any unwanted signals in an amplifier are known as noise. Unfortunately, noise is

randomly produced inside most circuit components such as resistors, capacitors and

semi-conductors. This type of noise is amplified and heard through the loudspeakers as


io and crackle. Noise is also induced by the low frequency mains supply. This may be

heard through the loudspeaker as hum. The ratio of noise to signal power is known as the

S/N (signal-to-noise) ratio and is


normally expressed in dB. For hi-fi sound reproduction, the S/N ratio must have a value

greater than 70dB. Tape cassette recorders can only

15 achieve this S/N level by using special noise reduction systems such as Dolby or Dbx.

To prevent voltage and power loss, the input and output impedance of an amplifier must

be matched to the other parts of the system. These impedances are measured in ohms.

For minimum voltage loss, an

20 amplifier’s input impedance should be high and its output impedance should be low.

Unit 16

One recent recording system is a magneto-optical system called the MiniDisc (MD) produced by

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (248)

Sony. It uses a combination of a laser and a magnetic field to read and write data on plastic discs

almost half the size of a CD. One advantage of this system over digital tape is that it gives random

access to individual tracks rather than serial access, i.e. it can immediately jump to any part of the

recording rather than having to play from the beginning to the end.

In the Ml) system, as in CD systems, the sound is sampled at 41. 1kHz but the data is compressed

by 20% to give a 74-minute recording capacity. Because of the low power requirement of the laser,

the system can be operated from a battery. making it compact and portable. It is also shock-proof.

The MiniDisc can be re-recorded and, as with other digital systems, there is almost no quality loss

when discs are copied.


voltage gain A mid-band


O.7O7Avmax bandwidth


(f2—f1) I

kwer cut-off frequency —+ upper cut-off

frequency f1 frequency f2

output signal

Fig. 1.



Fig. 2.

Task 6


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (249)

Task 7

Unit 18

Describe this graph in sufficient detail for your partner to sketch it. If you have problems. the text

which follows may help you.

reverse voltage (V

The graph shows the characteristics of a tunnel diode. As the forward voltage is increased, the

current increases steeply until point P is reached. This is the peak point. The peak voltage for a

germanium tunnel diode is about 0.05 volts. After P the current falls sharply until V. V is the valley

point. From P to V the diode has a negative resistance. The forward voltage at V is about 0.3 volts.

After the valley point, the current increases steadily with increased voltage and the diode behaves

like a normal diode. When a reverse voltage is applied. however, the reverse current rises steeply.

unlike other diodes.

Use this matrix to help you sketch your partner’s graph.


ibo —50







Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (250)

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 VF/V








0.2 0.1

0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

forward voltage (VI


Unit 21

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (251)

Power is on but unit doesn’t operate.

TV programmes cannot be recorded.

Timer recording doesn’t work.

Recording start or stop tune setting is incorrect.

Set recording start and stop time correctly.

Clock shows incorrect time.

Adjust clock to present time.

Playback picture is not in colour.

Playback picture has large amounts of ‘snow’.

Reception channel was not adjusted correctly during recording.

Readjust reception channel.

Tape is old and/or defective.

Consult qualified service personnel.

Task 8


Power doesn’t turn on.




Timer is set to ON.


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (252)

Aerial lead is not


Set Timer to OFF.

Connect aerial lead


Unit 29

Task 4

5 Maintenance

As electronic equipment has become more complex, so maintenance technicians have

become more specialized. For instance, technicians who used to service both radio and

television may now specialize in either radio and audio equipment or television sets and


5 recorders. Similarly, technicians now specialize in servicing computers,

telecommunications equipment, medical equipment, industrial robots, and so on. Testing

and fault-finding equipment has become more sophisticated. Oscilloscopes are

commonplace on workbenches, and programmable analysers are available for carrying

10 out a full range of diagnostic tests on particular types of equipment. Although these

save a great deal of time, they can make the work of the service technician less

challenging. Service men and women are always in demand.

6 Sales

Sales staff too require specialist knowledge — not so much of how the 15 equipment

works, but what it is capable of and the differences

between similar types of equipment. They also have to know the advantages of their

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (253)

company’s products over those of their rivals. Although selling ability is more important

than technical expertise, it is not unusual for service technicians to transfer to sales.

20 Most salespeople work on a commission basis. In addition they usually have use of a

company car. They can earn high salaries and are crucial to the success of a company.

Selling usually involves a great deal of travel and can be stressful.

7 Teaching

Colleges and universities employ substantial numbers of graduates in 25 electronics.

Colleges prefer teaching staff who also have experience in

industry or business. Universities look for teaching staff with research experience.

Salaries in education tend to be lower than in industry. Technicians are also employed in

educational institutes in laboratories and workshops to assist with research and to provide


8 Research and Development

30 Large companies run their own R & D departments. Exciting opportunities exist for

creative engineers in the design and testing of new products. Such opportunities are

limited. Most R & D work is carried out at the company’s headquarters. Many electronic

companies are multinationals, so the R & D work may not be done in the country where

the product is assembled.


Appendix I

Glossary of electronic terms and abbreviations

The definitions in this glossary refer to words only as they are used in this book. The meanings of

certan words will vary according to context. As the texts in this book are authentic and come from a

variety of sources some inconsistency in hyphenation and spelling is inevitable.

How to use the Glossary


channe’ /‘tfrnl/ i 1 [6] group of

part of speech

frequencies used for communica1ions

2 [13] one side (left or right) of a

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (254)

stereo system \ definition of headword

___________________________ number of definition


/ unit in which headword first occurs

dielectric /,dar’1ektrik/ [11, 26] insulating

material used to separate the ates of

a capacitor unit which refers to headword in detail

Abbreviations used in the text

Ii— flOUfl

v — verb

adj adjective

absorber /b’s:ba(r)/ [101 device which takes in energy

absorption /bs:p$n/ [10] process of absorbing

AC lei si:/ [5] alternating current acoustics /a’ku:stiks/ [7] measure of how

well sounds can be heard

adaptor /adpt(r)/ [22] device for changing one type of socket into another type of socket

ADC fei di: si:/ [15] analogue-to-digital converter

A/D converter /eI di: kan,v3:t(r)/ analogue-to-digital converter

address bus /dres bAs/ [231 set of parallel conductors in a computer for carrying address

signals from the CPU to the memory and I/O devices

Advanced Television /d,va:nst telavl3n/ [201 name for new American television system which

provides clearer, more detailed, high quality images and very high quality sound

aerial /‘eoril/f 11 device for collecting or sending out signals being transmitted through free space

AF /et ‘ef/ [1, 11] audio frequency align /a’Iain/[21] bring into line with


alternating current f:1toneIllq ,kArnt/ [5] current which regularly changes direction backwards

and forwards

aluminium /lu’minjm/ [5, 231 light metal (Al) used to make heatsinks

AM lei em! [10] amplitude-modulated ammeter/’emmi:t,(r)/[15, 191 electronic instrument for

measuring current

amp /amp/ [11 see amplifier

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (255)

amplification /,emplifi’kei5n/1101 increase in the magnitude of voltage or power

amplifier /‘emplifai(r)/ [11 electronic circuit for increasing the size of a signal

amplify 1mp1Ifai/ [51 make bigger (e.g. voltage or power)

amplitude /mplftju:d/ [101 size of a wave at any given time

amplitude-modulated /,mplitju:d ‘modjuleitid/ [1, 101 with the size of the carrier wave varied

according to the changing size of the signal being carried

analog /‘nlog/ see analogue

analogue inIog/ [3] able to take on any

value between an upper and lower limit

analogue-to-digital converter

/,enIog t ,did3itl kn’v3:t(r)/ 1121 electronic circuit which changes analogue signals into digital


analogue tones /‘nlog tannz/ [281 audio signals produced by a modem for sending through

telephone lines

AND gate /‘cnd geit/ [23] digital logic gate which only has a high output when all its inputs are


anode /‘nud/ [19] positive electrode which attracts electrons

answerphone /‘a:nsfann/ [1] telephone with a built-in tape recorder to allow messages to be


antenna /n’ten/ [8] see aerial Aquadag /kwdg/ [19] carbon

compound used to prevent a voltage build-up on an oscilloscope screen

arithmetic and logic operations

/,nOmtik nd lod3ik np,reiSnz/ [231 mathematical processes carried out by the CPU in a computer

array /reI/ [13] see matrix

assembly line /‘sembli lain! [141 production area of a factory where the parts of a product are

put together in a series of stages

astigmatism control /‘stIgmtIzm kntroui/ [191 control to adjust the sharpness of focus of a

beam making the spot in a cathode ray tube round rather than oval

attenuate /‘tenju:eit/ [101 reduce the magnitude of a signal

attenuator /‘tenju:e1t(r)/ [101 electronic circuit for reducing the magnitude of a signal

ATV /,el ti: vi:! [201 Advanced Television audible /,:dibl/ [9] able to be heard

audio /‘:dian/[1] to do with sound audio amplifier /:diu ‘mplifai(r)/ 1121 device for increasing

the volume of sound signals

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (256)

audio frequency /,:dian fri:kwnsi/ [101 sound signal frequency between 1 5Hz and 20kHz

audio-visual /,:dian vI3ul/ [30] to do with both sound and graphics

Autocad/’znukied/ [2] name of a popular computer drawing and design program

avionics !,eivion’ks/ [29] application of electronics in aircraft


back EMF /bk I: em ‘ef/ [91 voltage induced in an inductor in opposition to the original voltage

back-up I bk Ap/ a [9] substitute kept in reserve for emergencies

balance control fbbns kntranl/ [131 control for adjusting the relative amplification of the left

and right channels of a stereo signal

balance wheel /‘blans wil/ [241 small wheel which controls the timing in a watch

band width 1bcndwitO/ [211 difference between the lowest and highest frequency in a group of


bargraph /ba;gra:f/ [61 electronic meter which shows the power level of a signal using columns

of lights (usually LED5)

base /beis/ a [9] electrode of a transistor which is used to control the flow of charge carriers

between the collector and the emitter

base station /‘beis ,steijn/ [271 transmitter and receiver which controls all the mobile radio

communications in a particular area

bass /beis/ [61 low frequency sounds battery/’bvtri/[1, 5] combination of cells

for providing electrical energy battery charger Ibatri ,tIa:d3(r)/[51

device for recharging a battery

baud /bD:dI [281 bits per second: measure of the rate of transmission of digital signals

beam /bi:m/ [6, 8] narrow, straight path for electrons or radio waves

bias /bais/ [51 apply a DC voltage to a component (e.g. a transistor) to control its operating point

binary /bainri/ [3, 151 counting system using only two digits, 0 and 1

binary digit /‘bainri ,did3it/ [15] one character in a binary system, either 0 or 1

bipolar transistor /,baipul trn’zTst(r)/ [231 transistor containing two PN junctions forming

either an NPN or a PNP type of transistor


bistable /,baistoibl/ [241 electronic circuit which can be switched between two stable states

bit/bit, [15] binary digit

blank /bheijk/ v [201 make a video signal blacker than black

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (257)

blank /blk/ adj [24] not showing anything

block /blok/ 111 see stage

block diagram /.blok ‘daignem/[11 drawing showing the different electronic stages which make

up a Circuit

body scanner /bodi ,skn(r)/ 1291

medical electronic device for building up a

video image of the internal organs of a


braid /breid/ [26, 281 conductor loosely woven from metal threads

bridge (circuit) /brld3 (s3:kit)/ [18] balanced circuit made from four components

bridge rectifier /brld3 rektifai(r)/ [5] circuit made up of four diodes for converting both the

positive and negative parts of an AC voltage to DC

brightness fbraitns/ [8, 191 strength of light

brilliance 1brilins/ [19] see brightness broadcasting /bm:dku:stitj/ 129] transmitting radio or

TV signals

broadcast quality fbr:dku:st kwolti/ 1221 of a high enough standard to be used for a

professional radio or TV broadcast

buffer /bAf(r)/ [8] electronic circuit for isolating two circuits from each other and matching the

signals going between them

burglar alarm /b3:gbr 1o:m/ 113] system for detecting when someone tries to break into a

building and steal something

burst /b3:st/ [271 sudden explosive pulse bus /bs/ [23] set of parallel conductors for

carrying signals between the various internal parts of a computer system

button Ib6tn/ [8] small push switch (usually round)

buzzer/bAz(r)/ [9] device which uses an electrical signal to produce a buzzing sound

cable fkeibl/ [26, 291 insulated wire or set of wires used for carrying electrical curreni or signals

cable television /,keibl telIvI3n/ [26] system which transmits video signals using cables

cabling /keiblirj/ [271 insulated electrical wiring

CAD /kd/ [2, 3] Computer Aided Design:

technical drawing and design using a computer

cadmium fkedmim/ [51 chemical

element (Cd) used in some batteries calculator /klkjo,le1t(r)/ [81 electronic

device for doing mathematical calculations camcorder ikm,kD:d(r)/ [211 portable

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (258)

hand-held camera for recording and playing video images

capacitance /k’pesftns/ [51 ability to store charge

capacitor /kpsIt(r)I [1, 4] electronic component which stores charge

carrier wave /kari welv/ 11] radio wave used to carry audio or video signals

cathode /k)ud/ [191 negative electrode which emits electrons

cathode ray oscilloscope ikeOud rel o,sibskoup/ [191 electronic instrument for measuring and

displaying changing signals on a screen using a cathode ray tube

cathode ray tube /kaOud rel tju;b/ [19] large thermionic valve used to produce a display by

firing a beam of electrons at a phosphor-coated screen. Used in oscilloscopes and television sets

CB radio/,si:bi: reidiu/ [10] amateur mobile radio system

CCITT /,si: si: ai ii: ti:! [281 Comité Consultatif International Telégraphique et Téléphonique

CD /,si: ‘di:/ [1, 161 Compact. disc

cell /sel/ 115] component which changes a form of energy (usually chemical) energy into

electrical energy 2 [271 subdivision of a communications area in a cellular phone network. Each

cell has its own base station and set of transmission frequencies

cellphone iselfun/ [15, 27] see cellular phone

cellular phone /seljub fon/ [271 mobile telephone which communicates through base stations

situated in areas called cells

central processing unit /,sentrl prusesifl ju:nn/ [231 IC chip at the centre of a computer for

controlling the system and processing the data

ceramic /s’rmik/ [41 material commonly used as an insulator

channel 1t$nl/ v [61 guide into channels channel /tJnl/ ii 1161 group of

frequencies used for communications 2 [13] one side (left or right) of a stereo system

characteristics /,kcrktristiks/ [111 relationships between quantities which show how a

component responds in different situations

charge IISa:d3/ v [5] put an electrical charge into a component such as a battery or a capacitor

charge /t$o:d3/ n [191 basic property of electricity, either positive (+) or negative (—)

chip ItlipI [81 see microchip

chip count /t$Jp kaont/ [231 number of IC chips used in a circuit


circuit /‘s3:klt/ [1] closed path around which a current can flow

circuit diagram /,s3:klt daigrm/ [1] drawing using standard symbols to show how electronic

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (259)

components are connected together

circuitry /s3:k)trI/ [121 collection of electronic circuits

cladding fkldiij/ [261 glass sheath surrounding the pure silica fibre core of an optical fibre cable

clipping fklipiij/ [13] distortion in which the tops of a signal are cut off

cluster/klAst(r)/[271 group of cells in a cellular telephone network

CMOS /si:mos/ [231 complementary metal oxide semiconductor

coax /koksI [261 coaxial cable coaxial /kueksil/ [281 made from two

conductors with the same central axis coaxial cable /kuksil ,keibl/ 126, 28]

solid copper wire surrounded by copper braid which has very low losses when used for

transmitting high frequency signals

coil /kDili[1O1 spiral of wire used as an inductor

collector /k’lekt(r)/ [1] electrode of a transistor which collects charge carriers travelling from the


combinational logic /,kDmbinei1nl lod3Ik/ [231 system which obeys mathematical rules of

logic in which the output is dependent on the combination of the inputs

Comité Consultatif International Télégraphique et Telephonique /komi’tei konsu:ltti:f

antenLesio’nl telegrfl:k e telefoni:k/ [281 committee based in France which sets standards for

international communications

commission fkmISn/ v [291 bring a piece of equipment into operation

common-emitter configuration /,komn jmit knfig,reI$n/ [111 connection of a transistor so

that the emitter is part of both the input and the output circuit

compact disc /,kompkt disk/Il, 161 plastic disc used to store high quality sound recordings as a

pattern of pits on its surface

comparator /kmprft(r)/ (81 electronic circuit for comparing two signals

compilation /kompilei$n/ [71 collection of recordings grouped together

complementary configuration

/komplimentri knfig’rei1n/ [11, 13] connection of a matched PNP and NPN transistor in a push-

pull circuit

complementary metal oxide semiconductor /komplimentri metl uksaid ,semikndAkta(r)/

[231 family of integrated circuits containing

combinations of field effect transistors

complementary transistors

/,komplimentri tnenzistaz/ [131 matched pair of PNP and NPN transistors used in a push-pull

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (260)


component /kmpunnh/ 11] basic part of a circuit

compression /kmpre$n/ [7] amplification of weak audio signals and reduction of strong audio

signals to limit the sound range

computer /kmpju:t(r)/ 1231 general purpose electronic device that uses a program to process data

computing /kmpju:Eij/ [29] study and application of computers

conduct /kndk/ v [10) allow current to flow

conduction /kndAk$n/ [101 process of conducting

conductive /kndAktIv/ [61 allows current to flow

conductivity /kondAktIvti/ [101 property of a material which indicates the ease with which a

current can flow through it

conductor fkndAkt(r)/ [10] material which allows current to flow

cone /kun/[131 conical shaped stiff paper part of a loudspeaker which vibrates to produce sound


contact ,PkontektI [131 connection point contrast /kontra:st/ ri [8] difference

between light and dark areas of a video image

control bus /kn’trul bAs/ [231 set of parallel conductors for carrying control signals from the

CPU to the other parts of a computer system

control grid /kntrul grid! [191 charged metal plate which uses varying voltages to control the

number of electrons reaching the anode in a thermionic valve and the brightness of the display in a

cathode ray tube

control panel /kntrul ,pn1! [291 unit which contains the circuits and knobs used for controlling

and adjusting a machine

controller /kntrul(r)! [271 person who operates a mobile radio base station and controls the


convert /kflv3:t! [121 change from one form into another

copper core !kop k:(r)/ [26, 281 central solid conductor

counter /kaunta(r)! [241 electronic circuit for counting pulses

CPU /,si: pi: ju:I [231 central processing unit crackle [knekl/[13, 161 noise heard

through loudspeakers which is randomly produced inside electronic components or caused by dust

and static on the surface of a vinyl record

critical frequency !kritikl fri:kwnsi/ [101 particular frequency at which there is a significant

change in the response

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (261)


CR0 I, si: a:r au/ cathode ray oscilloscope crossover network fkrnsuv netws:k/

1131 electronic circuit for dividing an audio signal into high, medium, and low frequencies and

sending them to the appropriate loudspeaker

CRT/,si: a: ti:/ [18, 19] cathode ray tube current /k/krnt/ [51 flow of electrons current

collector /kArnt k,lekt(r)/ [5] the carbon rod in a zinc-carbon cell

cut-off frequency /kAt of fri:kwnsi/ [131 frequency at which the audio output of an amplifier

falls by 3dB from the midrange value

cycle /saikl/ [13] one complete part of the

repeating pattern of a wave


D/A converter /,di: ei knv3:t(r)/ digital-to-analogue converter

DAC /,di: ci si/ [15, 16] digital-to-analogue converter

data fdeit/ [18, 23] information to be processed

data bus fdeit bAs/ [23] set of parallel conductors for carrying data signals between the various

internal parts of a computer System

data comms fdeit komz/ data communications

data communications /,den

kmju:nrkei$nz./ 126, 28] transmission of information by electronic means

dBfdesibel/ [131 decibel

Dbx/,di: bi: eks/[13] audio noise reduction System

DC /,di: si:/ [5] direct current

DCC /,di: Si: si:f [16] digital compact cassette: digital magnetic tape cassette used for high quality

reproduction of sound

de-energize /di:’end3a1z/ [9] remove the energy from

decibel fdesibl/ [13] tenth of a bel:

logarithmic ratio for comparing power. Used to measure sound.

deck /dek/ [7] recording mechanism decode /,di:kud/ [8] convert a digitally

coded signal back to its original form decoder /,di:kod(r)/ 124] electronic

circuit for converting digitally coded signals back to their original form

decouple /,di:’kApI/ [23] provide an escape path for unwanted signals

decoupling /,di:kApllrj/ [8] process of shorting unwanted signals to earth

defective /difektiv/ [211 faulty

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deflect /diflekt/ [10] cause to move away

from a straight path

deflection /diflek$n/119] movement away from a straight path

deflection system /di’flekjn s1stm/ [19] metal coils or plates in a cathode ray tube which use

varying voltages to change the

direction of the electron beam and move it to different positions on the screen

demodulator /di:’modjulet(r)/ 11] electronic circuit for separating a signal from its carrier wave

detect /ditekt/ [12] discover the presence of detector/di’tckt(r)/[1] see demodulator device

/divars/ [9] piece of equipment

which performs a particular function diagnostic test Idaignostik test! 127]

test to find out what is wrong with a piece of equipment

dialling code /‘dailiij kud/ [27] coded telephone signal which is transmitted to establish contact

with a particular telephone

diaphragm /daifrem/ [24] thin plate which moves easily when a small amount of pressure is

applied to it

dielectric /dai’lektrik/ [11, 26] insulating material used to separate the plates of a capacitor

digit fdld3It/ [15] one character in a number system

digital /did3itl/ [1, 2] having only discrete levels (usually two levels)

digital logic fdid3itl ‘lod3Tk! [19] electronic system in which the inputs and outputs can switch

between two states (high and low) and always obey fixed mathematical rules of logic

digital-to-analogue converter /didjitl tu: ,enlog knv3:t(r)/ [15] electronic circuit for changing

digital signals into anologue signals

diode /‘daiud/ [1, 4] semiconductor component which only allows current to flow in one direction

direct current /,dairekt kArnt! [5] current which flows in one direction only

disc/disk,’[l, 16] seecompactdisc disk /disk! [6] thin flat circular component

used to store data

disk drive [disk draiv/ [30] computing device for reading and writing on magnetic disks

discharge /dlstSa:d3/ v [10, 23] remove or lose electric charge

discete component /di,skri:t kmponnt/ [5] separate component rather than being part of an

integrated circuit

dish aerial [diJ ,erial/ [26, 28] hemispherical device used for collecting and sending out

microwaves for transmission through free space

dissipate fdisipeit/ [11] gradually release energy

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (263)

distortion /dist:$n! 16,7] unwanted change of shape of a signal

divider fdivaido(r)/ [24] electronic circuit which reduces the frequency of a signal to a

submultiple of the original frequency

dog house [dog haus/ [25] a workshop on an off-shore drilling platform


Dolby/dDIbI/ [131 common audio noise reduction system

domestic appliance fdo,mestik o’plaions/ [291 device used in the home

double-deck machine /‘dAbl dek mo’$i:n/ [1 61 two tape recorders combined in one unit and

sharing a common amplifier

double-pole switch /,dAbl pool swill! [5] switch with two sets of contacts which can be used to

connect and disconnect two circuits (or parts of a circuit)


drive /draiv/ [221 wheel, controlled by an electric motor, which forces the tape rollers in a tape

recorder to turn and move the magnetic tape

drum kit/drAm kit! 1151 set of drums drum machine !‘drAm mo,fi:n! [15]

electronic device for automatically producing drum sounds

duct /dAkt! [261 hollow rectangular tube

earpiece / Iopi:s/ 1261 part of a telephone which contains a small loudspeaker and is held against

the user’s ear

earth /3:0/ ri [ii common zero voltage pomt in a circuit

earth /s:0/ v [11 connect to a zero voltage point

earth station /3:8 steifn! [26] satellite communications transmitter/receiver base positioned on


electret microphone /i,lektret ‘maikrofoun/ [26] capacitor microphone which contains a

permanently charged insulating material known as electret

electricity /ilek’trisoti/ [51 supply of electric current and voltage

electrode !i’lektroud/ [51 positive or negative connector which collects or emits a charge

electrolyte /i’lektro,lait/ [5] chemical which aids the flow of current between electrodes

electrolytic capacitor /ilektro,litik kopsTto(r)/ [1, 5] capacitor which uses an electrolyte to give

large values of capacitance. It must be connected with the correct polarity.

electromagnetic field

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (264)

,,lektroumieg,netik ‘fi:ld/ [12] area around a conductor in which electromagnetic force has an


electromagnetic induction

!ilektroumg,net1k Jn’dAk5n/ (121 the production of a voltage caused by a changing

electromagnetic field

electromagnetic wave

/i,lektroumgnetik welv/ [10] travelling wave which displays electrical and magnetic properties


/i,lektrou’mgnotizm/ [21 magnetism caused by an electric current

electron !i’lektron/ [18, 191 negatively charged particle

electron gun /i’lektron gAn! [18, 19] part of a cathode ray tube which accelerates electrons

towards the display screen

electron lens !ilektrnn lenz/ [191 part of a cathode ray tube which focuses the electrons into a

narrow beam

electronic !elek’tronik/adj [1] todo with electrons

electronic mail !elektron’k mejl/ [28] communications system which uses a central computer

and computer terminals for the transmission of messages

electronics /elck’troniksf ii [2, 3] the science and technology of electrons and electronic devices

electronic engineer/elek,tronik

end3l’nio(r) [29] person who is professionally qualified in the study of electronics

electroplating /ilektrou’pleituj/ [6, 17]

process using electricity to cause a

chemical reaction which deposits a

metallic surface on an object electrostatic charge !i’lektrousttik

‘tja:d3/ see static

electrotechnology /I,lektroutek’nobd3T/ [2] the technology of electrical systems

e-mail/i: meit! [281 electronic mail EMF li: em ‘ef/ [51 electromotive force:

voltage produced by an electrical source (e.g. a battery)

emit limit! [8] give out

emitter /T’mIto(r)/ [12] electrode of a transistor which gives out charge carriers

energize /enod3alz! [13] provide energy to EQ /‘i: ‘kju:/ [61 equalization equalization

/,i:kwoli’zeiln/ [61

amplification of different frequencies of a signal by different amounts

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (265)

erase head /I’relz hed! [21] magnetic tape recorder head for removing the magnetically stored

data from the tape

exchange /Ikstlelnd3/ [261 see telephone



facsimile machine /fek’sjmoli: moji:n/ [28] electronic device for sending documents and

graphic images over long distances

fader /‘feido(r)! [61 electronic circuit which allows the volume of a sound recording or the

brightness of a video recording to be gradually reduced

fax /fks/ 1281 1 see facsimile machine 2 the document sent through a facsimile machine or the

communications service which uses facsimile machines to transmit documents over long distances


feed reel f fi:d ri:I/ 1211 video recorder reel which holds and gives out the magnetic tape before

it passes the heads

ferrite (rod) core /,ferait (rod) k3:(r)/ [10, 241 solid cylinder of metal oxide insulating material

placed in the centre of a coil to concentrate the magnetic field

ferromagnetic /feranmgneHk/ [9] exhibiting the same magnetic behaviour as iron

FET /.ef I: ti:/ [231 field effect transistor field /fi:ld/ [20] one half of a video frame field effect

transistor /fi:ld ileki trnz1st(r)/ [23] transistor in which N-type and P-type semiconductors are

used to form a channel through which the current must flow. The current is controlled by voltages

which change the width of the channel.

field engineer /,fi:ld end3I’n1(r)/ [25] engineer who works at the site of an installation rather

than in an office or factory

field scan signal /fi:ld skarn signl/ [20] part of a video signal which controls the movement of

the spot down a television screen

field sync pulse /fi;ld si0k pAls? [201 part of a video signal which adjusts the timing for the

display of a frame on a television screen

filament [filmnt/ [191 very thin wire which gives oil’ heat or light when a current is passed

through it. Used in lamps and as a heater element in thermionic valves.

filter ffilta(r)/ [8] electronic circuit for removing unwanted signals

flicker /‘fllka(r)/ [201 unsteadiness of a video picture

flip-flop [flip flop? [241 digital electronic logic circuit in which the output changes from one

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (266)

stable state to another when a pulse is applied to its input

fluctuation /,flsktlu’ei$n/ [5] small change above or below a fixed level

fluorescent lamp /fluresant hemp! [28] lighting device which uses a glass tube filled with a gas

which emits light when struck by electrons

fluorescent tube /flua,resont ‘tju:b/ [28] gas filled glass tube used in a fluorescent lamp

flyback/flaibek/ [20] rapid movement of the spot on a CRT screen back to its starting position

FM /,ef em! [101 frequency-modulated focus I f*cks/[19] concentrate to give a

clearer image

focus’control /f*cks kntraul/ [19] control for making an image clearer

foil Iftl/ [91 thin metal sheet

forward bias /f:wad ‘baias/ [9] DC control voltage which causes a component to pass more current

frame /freim/ [20] complete picture in a video display consisting of two fields

frame scan rate /‘freim sken reit/ [20] number of times per second that a video frame is

displayed on a screen

frequency ffri:kwansi/ [1] how often a pattern is repeated every second (measured in hertz. Hz)

frequency band ffri:lcwansi bend/ [1 0] group of frequencies

frequency distribution /‘fri:kwnsi distribju:In/ [27] spread of frequencies

frequency-modulated /frikwansi modjuleitid/ [101 with the frequency of the carrier wave

varied according to the changing size of the signal being carried

frequency response [frhkwonsi rI,spons/ [131 range of frequencies for which the audio signal

level of an amplifier does not drop by more than 3dB

function generator /fAJ)k5n d3enreita(r)/ [3, 19] electronic device for producing various types

of output signals (e.g. triangular, square. and sine waves) which can be used for the test and

measurement of amplifiers

fuse /fju:z/ [51 electrIcal component used as a safety device which heats up and melts. breaking

the circuit when the current becomes too large

fuseholder ifju:z,hauldr)/ Li 5] device for holding an electrical fuse


gain /gein/ n Fill amplification, measured by comparing the magnitude of the output of an

amplifier with the magnitude of its input

generator /‘d3en.re1t(r)/ [121 device which produces electrical energy

germanium /d33:meinmrn/ [16] chemical element (Ge) used to make semiconductor components

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (267)

germanium diode /d33meinim ,daiud/ [15] electronic component made from germanium (Ge)

which only allows current to flow in one direction

G Hz fd3igah3:Is/ I 10] gigahertz (1 o cycles per second)

glow/glau/F19]Iight given off by an object gramophone [gnemfaun/ [16] see record


gramophone record /grmafoun ,rekD:d/ [16] vinyl disc used for storing audio recordings

graphic equalizer /gneftk ‘i:kwlaiz(r)/ [13] electronic device which has slider controls for

controlling the level of amplification of different frequencies

graphite /grfaitJ [4] carbon material used in some resistors


graticule f’grtikjul/ [19] plastic grid placed over the display screen of an oscilloscope to allow

measurements of the waveform to be made

ground /graund/ [1] see earth

ground wave /‘graund weiv/ [101 radio

wave which travels along the surface of the earth

handset /hndset/ [8, 151 electronic device which can be held in one hand

harmonic wave /ha:,monik welv/ [131 part of a signal with a frequency which is a multiple of

the basic fundamental frequency of the signal

HDTV /,eItj’ di: ti: vi:! [20] High Definition Television

head /hed/ 112, 161 component where a

magnetic or electric field is concentrated

(usually for reading or writing to a

magnetic tape or disc)

head drum /hed drAm! 1211 metal cylinder which holds the magnetic tape as it passes the

record/playback head in a video recorder

headphones /hedfunzf [15] device worn on the head which covers each ear with a small


headset /‘hedsetf [12] attachment for holding headphones (and sometimes a microphone) on the

user’s head

hearing aid /‘liiruj eidl [] amplifying device which makes it easier for people with hearing

difficulties to hear

heatsink /hi:tsirjk/ [5] piece of metal used to allow the heat to escape from a component such as a

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (268)


Heaviside Layer, the Iô ‘hevisaid ,lei(r)/ see ionosphere

helical scanning /,helikl sknirjI 121] movement of a recorder head across the magnetic tape in a

helix or corkscrew shaped path

hexagonal /heksaiçpnl/ [27] six-sided HF !,enJ ef! 110] high frequency: frequency

between 3MHz and 30MHz

hi-fl !hai faIl Li, 131 high-fidelity: high quality sound reproduction which is true to the original


hi-tech /hai ‘tek/ [21] highly technical Hi-Vision f,hai v13fl/ 120] name for new

Japanese television system which provides clearer, more detailed, high quality images and very

high quality sound

high logic level /hai lod3ik ,levllIi9l highest operating voltage of a digital logic circuit

High Definition Television [hal defi,nijn telIvI3n/ 1201 name for new European television

system which provides clearer, more detailed, high quality images and very high quality sound

hiss /his/ [6, 131 background noise produced by magnetic tape or randomly produced inside

electronic components

hopper / hvp(r)/ 1231 container used to hold materials and gradually feed them into a processing


hum fhAm/ [12, 131 unwanted signals caused by induction from the power supply

hydraulic press fhaidrnlik pres/ [23] machine operated using fluid pressure for cutting and

shaping metal

Hz /h3:ts/[12] hertz (cycles per second):

basic unit of frequency


IC la’ si:! Li, 81 integrated circuit impedance /Tmpi:dnsl [101 combined

resistance to AC and DC

impulse !ImpAls/ [151 a sudden rise or fall of voltage or current

in cascade /itj kieskeid/ [241 connected so that the output of one circuit acts as the input to the

next circuit

in parallel fin prlelf [ii connected across each other

in series fin siriz/ [1] connected end to end

inch !lnt$/ [211 British measurement equal to 2.54 centimetres

induce/indju:s/[10, 121 produce an electric or magnetic effect at a distance

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (269)

inductance findAktns/ [10] resistance toAC

Induction flndAkJril 110, 121 production of an electric or magnetic effect at a distance

inductor f1ndAkt(r)/ [1] coil which resists changes in voltage and current information

technology !,infmeiJn tekno1d3l/ [21 the science of information, usually with regard to

electronic systems and computers

Infra-red /,infr’redf [8, 9] range of electromagnetic waves with wavelengths a little longer than

that of red light (i.e. between 700nm and 1mm)

input [input! n [51 signal going into a circuit

Insulated [insju,leitid/ [261 covered by a material which does not conduct electricity

insulator /‘insju,leit(r)/ [261 material which does not allow current to flow

integrated circuit f,inugreitid ‘s3:kItl [1,81 electronic circuit containing many components on a

single silicon chip

Integrated Services Digital Network f,intigreitid s3:vlslz ,did3Ttl

netW3k/ [28] system which interconnects all types of data communications networks throughout

the world


intelligent terminal /IntelLd3nt t3:mlnh/ [26] computer terminal which is capable of carrying

out some processing on the data

intensity /IntenstI/ [19, 20] see brightness interference /mtfirns/ [8] unwanted


interlacing 1Int,le1sBJ/ 1201 combining of video fields to make a frame by displaying the odd

numbered lines of the frame followed by the even numbered lines

internal resistance /In13:nl rI’zistans/ [51 the resistance inside a cell

international exchange /intne5nl Ikst5elnd3/ [28] telephone switching centre for connecting

telephone lines between different countries

inverter /in’v3:to(r)/ [23] see NOT gate I/O fat ‘u/ [23] Input /Output in computer

and data communications systems ionized /ainaizd/ [261 divided into

charged particles

ionosphere, the lot aionas,fi(r)/ [10] layers of ionized gases and electrons in the earth’s upper

atmosphere which reflects radio waves

ISDN /ai es di: en/ [28] Integrated Services Digital Network

IT /a’ ti:/ information technology

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (270)

jack (plug) /d3ak (plAg)/ [261 type of plug used for making connections to telephone networks

dnd audio circuits

jacket fd3akit/ [261 protective outer covering

jumping Id34mpqj/ [16] sudden lifting of gramophone needle from one record track to another

key /ki:/ n [271 push switch

key in /ki: ‘mi v [27,28] press keys in the correct sequence

kHz /kibhs:ts/ [10] kilohertz (thousands of cycles per second)


LAN /ln/ [29] local area network

LCD /,el si: di:! [24] liquid crystal display

LDR /,el di: a:(r)/ [91 light dependent resistor

lead /li:d/ a [22] insulated wire for making a connection to an electrical device

leakage current ili:kid3 ,kArnhJ [181 unwanted current in a transistor

LED/eli: di:/ [19] light-emitting diode LF id ‘ef/ [101 low frequency: frequency

between 30kHz and 300kHz

light-dependent resistor /,lait di,pendnt riztst(r)I [9] electronic component which varies its

resistance depending on the amount of light falling on its surface

light-emitting diode /lait i,mmti damod/ [8] semiconductor which converts electrical energy into


line scan signal 11am sken ,signl/ [201 part of a video signal which controls the movement of

the spot across a television screen

line sync pulse/lain sIIJkpAls/[201 part of a video signal which adjusts the timing for the

display of a line on a television screen

linear /lmnm(r)/ [21] varying in equal steps producing a straight line graph

liquid crystal display /likwid ,cristal displei/ [241 thin film of liquid which displays different

characters when a charge is applied to different parts of it

lithium /liOim/ [5] chemical element (Li) used in some batteries

live /lamv/ ad] [5] connected to the positive supply voltage

load /lud/ a [5] component or device

which Is connected across the output of a

circuit and dissipates power (e.g.

loudspeaker, motor)

local area network /,bukl ,erm

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (271)

netw3:k/ [29] interconnection of computers and terminals in a small area

local exchange /,laukl ikstjelnd3/ [28]

telephone switching centre for connecting telephone lines in a small area

location engineer /lu,keiSn end3In1(r)/ 1301 engineer who works on filming outside a studio

logarithmic scale flogariOmik skell/ [131 scale of measurement which indicates the

mathematical power to which a basic unit is raised

logic family I lod3mk fmli/ [23] set of logic gates made from a particular type of semiconductor


logic gate flod3ik gelt/ [231 electronic switching circuit that operates according to mathematical

rules of logic

logic level I lod3Ik ,levl/ [19, 23] see logic state

logic level 0 /,lod3Ik ,levl zmruI [23] see low logic level

logic level I /lod3lk levi ‘wn/ [231 see high logic level

logic probe flod3Ik prub/ [19] electronic instrument used for detecting pulses and determining

the logic level on the pins of logic chips

logic state /‘lod3Ik steitj [24] one of two stable voltage levels of a digital circuit (i.e. 1 or 0, high

or low)

long wave f lrnj weiv/ [101 range of radio signal wavelengths of more than one kilometre


long-play album /,lwj pie! lbm/ [181 collection of recordings on a vinyl disc which plays for up

to 45 minutes on each side

long-playing record I,lmj plelir) ‘rekD:d/ [16] vinyl record which stores up to 45 minutes of

audio recording on each side

loudness /‘laudnas/ [151 see volume loudspeaker /,laudspi:k(r)/ [11 device for

converting electrical signals into sound low logic level /,lu lod3Ik levi! [191

lowest operating voltage of a digital logic circuit

LP /el pi:! [16, 17] long-playing record LSI /.el es all L231 large scale integration:

between 100 and 1000 active components contained on one IC chip

mA /milimps/ [11] milliamps

magnetic field /mgnetik fi:id/[12] area

around a magnet in which the magnetic force has an elTect

magnetic pick-up (head) fmgnetik p1k A (hed)/[13] part of a record player which uses

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (272)

electromagnetic induction to convert the movement of the gramophone needle into an electrical


mdgnetic tape /magnetik telp/ [211 plastic material coated in magnetic oxide used in thin strips

for the magnetic storage of sound recordings

magnetism /megntizniJL121 magnetic effects

magnetize /megnta1z/ L91 make a material magnetic

magneto-optical system /meg,netu opnkl ,sistm/ [161 recording system which uses magnetism

to store the data and laser light to guide the read/write head

magnitude /mgnitju:d/L15] size given as a positive value

main switching centre [mein switjiq sent(r)/ [271 cellular phone control station which uses a

computer to control clusters and to connect them to the public telephone network

mains (supply), the /& meinz (s,pla0/ [51 common source of high voltage AC electricity

provided throughout most buildings

mains cable /meLnz keibl/ see mains lead mains cord[meinzkz,:d/[2lIsee mains lead

mains lead /melnz li:clJ [211 cable which connects an electrical device to the high voltage AC


mains outletfmeinz ,autlt/[21j wall

socket for connection to the main high voltage AC electricity supply

maintain /melnteln/ 122, 29] keep in good working order

maintenance /memtanns/ [291 cleaning and adjusting of equipment to keep it in good working


master I ma:st(r)/ n [6] main recording which is used to produce many other copies

master /‘ma:st(r)/ v [6] adjust the relative levels of each track when making an audio recording

master down /ma:st daun/ [6] feed a multitrack recording back through a mixer to adjust the

relative levels of each track

mastering machine /ma:strliJ m[i:n/ [6] machine used for producing master recordings

matrix (p1 = matrices) [meitriks (meitrsi:z)/ [8j complex arrangement of wires which cross over

each other at 90°

MD fern di:/ [6, 16] MiniDlsc

medium wave 1mi:dim welv/ [10] range of radio signal wavelengths between approximately I

0Gm and 1 000m

memory/memrt/[15] electronic circuit for storing information

mercury switch 1m3:kjuri switjj [91 electrical switch which uses the movement of mercury to

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (273)

make or break the contacts

metal detector /metl ditekta(r)/ 1121 electronic device for indicating the presence of metal

objects under the ground

MF fern ef/ [101 medium frequency:

frequency between 300khz and 3MHz MHz I megh3:ts/ [10, 111 megahertz

millions of cycles per second)

micro system / maikro .s1stm/ [30] system which uses a microprocessor

microchip Imaikrut1ip/ [8] small electronic component which contains an integrated circuit on

one piece of silicon

microcomputer /,maikrukmpju:t(r)/ [23] small personal computer

microelectronics /maIkruelektronlks/ 11] electronics using integrated circuits

millihenry fmIlIhenri/ [11 one thousandth of a henry (mH): measure of inductance

microphone fmaikrfun/ [1, 61 device for converting sound waves into electrical signals

microprocessor /maikrauproses(r)/ [1, 231 Ic chip at the centre of a computer for controlling the

system and processing the data

micro system /‘maikru s1stm/ [301 microprocessor system: system which uses a microprocessor

microwave /maikruweIv/ [9]

electromagnetic wave with very short

wavelength (i.e. between 13 5cm and a

fraction of a millimetre) mid-fl system/mid fai ,sistm/[13]

medium quality sound reproduction


mike /maik/ [7, 28] see microphone milliammeter imili’emit(r)/ [51

electronic instrument for measuring small currents (i.e. thousandths of an amp)

MiniDisc/’mini disk! [16] small magneto- optical disk used to digitally store high quality sound


mix /miks/ [6] combine input signals from different sources

mix down /miks ‘daun/ [7] see master down

mixer /miks(r)/ [61 electronic circuit for combining input signals from different sources

mixing desk fmiksiij desk! [6] desk containing electronic circuits for combining signals from

different sources

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mobile phone /,mubail fun/ [27] portable radio telephone that can be used while the user is


modem [mudem/ [26, 281 modulator demodulator: electronic device used by computers for

converting outgoing signals from digital to analogue form and incoming signals from analogue to

digital form

modulate [modjuleit/ [11 combine a signal with a carrier wave

modulation /‘modju,lei$n/[lO] shaping of a carrier wave by combining it with a signal to be


modulator /‘modju,leit(r)/ [11 electronic circuit for combining a signal with a carrier wave

Morse code, the / mD:s ‘k,ud/ [261 early system of coded signals consisting of short and long

pulses (dots and dashes) for transmitting messages by telegraph

mouthpiece imauOpi:sf 1261 part of a telephone which contains a small microphone and is held

near the user’s mouth

MSC fern es ‘si:/ [27] main switching centre

MSC register /.em es si: red3Ist(r)/ [27] stored inlorination indicating the position of each


MSI fern es ‘a’! [231 medium scale integration: between 10 and 100 active components on one IC


mu-metal /‘mju: mcii! 1191 alloy of nickel (Ni) with a high magnetic permeability. Used as a

casing for cathode ray tubes to prevent interference from external magnetic fields.

multi-frequency dialling [mAlti ,fri:kwnsi ‘dailiijf [261 system used on modern digital

telephones for dialling a number in which each telephone pushbutton generates an audio signal of a

different frequency

multimedia /rnAlu’mi:dla/ [1] system which uses a combination of different media (e.g. sound,

graphics, video)

multimeter /mAlu,mi:t(r)/ [19] electronic

instrument for measuring various electrical quantities including voltage. current and resistance

multitrack /‘rnAltI,trk/ [61 sound recording in which the different sounds which make up the

recording are recorded on separate tracks

music centre l’mju:zik ,sent(r)/ [131 unit containing a combination of sound reproduction

devices such as a tape deck, a radio tuner, a CD player, an amplifier, loudspeakers etc.

mW f’miliwots/ [111 milliwatt (thousandths of a watt): measure of power

NAND gate [nnd geitj [23] digital logic gate which has a high output unless all its inputs are high

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (275)

natural frequency /,net$rl ‘fri:kwnsi/ see resonant frequency

neon lamp f,ni:on ‘lmp/ [5] electrical component which gives off light when a voltage ionizes the

neon gas inside

network /‘netw3:kj [261 system of interconnected devices

network manager /,netw3:k ‘menid3(r)/ [29] person in charge of the operation of a computer


NiCad fniked/ [5] nickel cadmium (NiCd):

chemical used is some batteries noise /nTz/ [8, 131 see interference noisy /‘nzizI/ 28] affected

by unwanted


NOT gate [not geft/ [23] digital logic gate which has a high output when its input is low and vice


NPN transistor /en pi: ‘en tren,zlst(r)/ [1, lii type of transistor made from a thin layer of P-type

semiconductor material between two thicker layers of N-type semiconductor material

ohm /‘urn/[1] unit of resistance C) ohmmeter/’ummj:t(r)/[19j electronic instrument for

measuring resistance

op amp lop emp/ [11 see operational amplifier

open fupn/[11] unconnected operational amplifier /,opreiJn1 ‘empljfai(r)/[11 an extremely

high gain analogue IC amplifier

optical fibre f,optikl ‘faib(r)/ [26, 281 strand of silica for guiding light waves

optical flatness /,optikl ‘ffietns/ 16] flat enough to give accurate deflection of light

optoelectronics /,optuelek’rroniks/ [21 the study and use of optical components in electronics


OR gate i:(r) geft/ [231 digital logic gate which has a high output when any of its inputs are high

oscillate /‘nsileit/ [10] move backwards and forwards between two different states

oscillator /‘osileit(r)/ [1] electronic circuit which produces a repeating signal

oscilloscope /osibskup/ [191 see cathode ray oscilloscope

outer space /aut ‘spels! 110] region beyond the earth’s atmosphere

output iautput/ fl 11] signal coming out of a circuit

page /peld3/ v [27] send a signal to indicate that a message is waiting to be communicated

pager /peId3(r)/ [28, 301 see radiopager paging system /‘pcId3BJ ,sistm/ [30] mobile

communications system which uses pager devices to contact people

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (276)

panning /‘pn1/ [151 steady movement of the apparent source of sound across an area

parallel wire cable /,prlel ‘wa1 ,kebl/ L26i transmission line consisting of two wires running

side-by-side and covered by an insulating material

passive infra-red detector /,psIv infr’red ditekt(r)/ 19] device which detects the presence of

heat given off by a body

PCB /,pi: Si: bi:/ printed circuit board PCM /pi: si: ‘em! [26] pulse code

modulation: modulation system which sends a differently coded train of pulses to represent each

size of sampled signal

PD I,pi: di:? potential difference: see voltage drop

peak point /pi;k pmt/ 1181 highest turning value on a curved graph

permeability /,p3:mI’bJltI/ [191 property of a material which measures the ratio of flux density to

magnetic field strength

personal stereo /,p3:snl ‘steriu/ [18] small portable cassette tape player with stereo sound

designed for use by one person

perspex fp3:speks/ [6, 161 tough transparent plastic material used to make compact discs

phone /fun/ [26, 281 see telephone phones /funzI 128] see headphones phono socket

?‘funu ,sokit/ [221

common type of connector used on audio devices

phosphor /‘fosb(r)/ 119] metal compound which gives off light when hit by a stream of electrons

photodiode /,futu ‘daiud/ L4, 81 semiconductor which is sensitive to light causing a reverse

current to flow when light shines on it

photoresist /futurizist/ 16, 171 chemical lacquer which is sensitive to light and Is used in making

compact discs and printed circuit boards

picofarad Ipiku’fardI 111 iO-9 of a farad (pF): measure of capacitance

piezoelectric crystal /,pi:zuilektrik ‘kristl/ see quartz crystal

pin 1pm! [191 input or output connector of an IC chip

pin-out diagram /,plnaut ‘daigrm/ [231 diagram showing the function and signal level of each

pin of an IC chip

pit/pit/16, 161 hollow area produced on the surface of a compact disc by a laser beam

pitch /pitj’I [281 frequency level plate /plen/ American term for anode playback /pleibk/ [7]

playing of a


PN junction /,pi: en ‘d3Akn/ [18] surface where a layer of N-type and a layer of P-type

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (277)

semiconductor meet

PNP transistor /,pi: en pi: tnen’z1st(r)/ [1, 111 type of transistors made from a thin layer of N-

type semiconductor material between two thicker layers of P-type semiconductor material

pole /polI [51 positive or negative terminal polyethylene /polie0lin1 [261

translucent plastic insulating material used as a dielectric in coaxial cable

polythene fpohiOi:n/ see polyethylene Portastudio /‘p:tstju:dmu/ 171 portable

recording studio

pot/pat! [1] see potentiometer potential difference /p,tenl difrns/ see voltage drop

potential divider /p,tenf I di’vaid(r)/ [91 part of an electronic circuit which divides a voltage into

two or more smaller parts

potentiometer /p3,tensl’ omIt(r)/ [1] variable electronic component for dividing a voltage into

two smaller parts

power amp / paur emp/ [1, 131 see power amplifier

power amplifier /paur ,mplifaI(r)/ [131 electronic circuit used to increase the power of audio

signals to enable them to drive loudspeaker systems

power cut /paua ki.t/ [91 sudden failure of the main power supply

power dissipation /pau ,disi,peiSn/ 1231 gradual release of energy over a period of time

power rating 1pau reitm/L 181 manufacturer’s recommended maximum operating power for a


power transistor 1pau trn,z1st(r)/ 1131 large transistor used in a power amplifier for increasing

the power of a signal

pre-amp /pri:mp/ [11] see preamplifier preamplifier /pri:mpl!faI(r)/ 1131

electronic circuit used to increase audio signal voltage


preferred values /prlf3:d ,vlju:z/ [4] set of standard values from which all other values can be


pressure mat tpref mat/ 19] rubber mat switch used in alarm systems to detect a change of

pressure caused by someone stepping on the mat

primary /praimri/ 11 [5] transformer input coil

primary cell /praImrI sell [5] energy source which cannot be recharged

printed circuit /printid ‘s3:klt/ Li 4] circuit with conductors printed and etched on a copper


Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (278)

program 1prugrm/ n 123] set of instructions for controlling a computer

programme iprugrml n [20] television/ radio show

programmer l’prugrm(r)/ [29] person who writes computer programs

propagation /prop,gei$n/ [101 movement of a signal through a medium such as air or water

PSTN l,pi: es ti: en/ [28] Public Switching Telephone Network

Public Switching Telephone Network lpAbIilc ,switiij ‘telfun ,netw3:kJ [281 national system

of interconnected telephone lines for use by the general public

public telephone exchange l.pAblik tebfmin Iks,tlemnd3l [27] switching centre in a public

telephone network which switches the signals from one line to


puff /pAfl [1,28] see picofarad (pF) pulse /pAlsl [121 a sudden increase then

decrease in voltage or current

pulsed lpAlst/ [81 in the form of a rectangular wave with short duration

push-pull configuration /poj pi.il knfTgreiJn/[13] circuit arrangement in which each half of the

circuit is 180° out of phase with the other half. It allows the complete cycle of a signal to be used

for driving loudspeakers.

PVC /,pi: vi: si:l [26] polyvinyl chloride:

plastic insulating material used to protect some cables


quartz crystal /kw3 ts ,knstol/ [191 naturally occurring silicon oxide crystal which vibrates at a

fixed frequency when an AC voltage is applied to it. It is used in oscillators to produce a very

stable resonant frequency.

R and D /.a:r n di:/ [291 research and development

radar /reido:(r)/ [8, 261 radio detection and ranging: electronic system which uses the reflection of

microwaves to detect the presence of an object and measure its distance and position relative to the


radiate fremdiert/ [261 give out rays in all directions

radiation /,rerdlellnl [81 electromagnetic wave sent out in all directions

radio (set) 1 reidiu (,set)/ [11 device for receiving radio frequency signals

radio frequency l’reidmu fri:kwnsi/ [10] frequency between 100kHz and 300GHz

radio phone f reidiu ,fun/ [27] telephone which transmits and receives radio frequency signals

radio receiver freIdmu rIsi:v(r)l see radio (set)

radio tuner freidmau ,tju:no(r)l [13] part of a radio receiver for selecting the desired radio

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (279)


radlopager /reidmu .peId3(r)l [281 mobile radio communications device which beeps to let the

user know that someone is trying to contact them

radiopaging 1re1dIupeId3Ig/ 1281 communications service using radio pager devices which

beep to let the user know that someone is trying to get in contact with them

radiopaging system /.reIdiu ‘perd3Imj slstom/ see paging system

RAM /rm/ [23] random-access memory random access l,randnn kses/ [16, 23]

access to any area of a recording without having to go through other recorded areas

random-access memory /rndm ‘iekses ,memr1/ [23] Ic chips used in computers for the

temporary storage of programs and data. Data can be both written to and read from them.

range /relnd3l n 1 16] selection between an upper and lower limit 2 1101 the maximum distance a

wave can travel

ranging [remd3lnj n [291 process of calculating how far away an object is

raster pattern irstpetanl [20] scan path of an electron beam going across arid down the screen of

a television receiver

ray /reil [19] narrow beam of light read-only memory lri:d ‘ounli ,memorl/

[15, 231 IC chips used in computers for storing fixed programs and data. The user’s data can be

read from them but not written to them.

realign lri:’lain/ [24] go back into line with receiver lrI’si:v(r)l [8] electronic circuit

for receiving signals

reception /rT’sepjnj 1211 receiving of transmitted signals

recharge /,ri:’t$a:d3/ [5] restore the charge or energy to a battery

record freko:d/ n [6, 161 see gramophone record


record /rib:d/ v [6j make a recording record player /rekxd ,p1ei(r)/ [1] device

for playing vinyl record recordings recorder /rjkd(r)/ 161 machine use to

record sound or video signals on magnetic tape

recording /rik:duj/ [61 sound or video signals stored on a disc or tape

recording studio /rTkD:dnj ,stju:diu/ [14] place where recordings are made

rectifier /‘rektifai(r)/ [5] electronic circuit for changing AC Into DC

rectify /rektifai/ [5] change AC into DC redial /,ri:dail/ (26] memory function on

modern telephones which can be used to automatically dial a telephone number again

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (280)

reed switch /‘ri:d swlt$/ [91 small electrical switch enclosed in a glass tube which operates when

a magnet Is brought close to it

reel /ri:l/ 121] circular holder for magnetic tape

reel-to-reel machine /ri:l t rid mj’i:n/ [211 tape recorder which moves the magnetic tape off one

reel on to another reel as it passes the heads

reflected wave /riflektid welv/ see sky wave

reflection /riflekn/ [10] change of direction of a wave after hitting a surface

reflective /riflektiv/1241 causing reflection reflector /riflekt(r)/ [10] device that

reflects energy

relay In:lei/ a [9] electromechanical switch operated by an electromagnet

relay /rileI/ v [271 pass on a signal remote control (unit) /rimut kntrul (ju:nlt)/ [8] device for

controlling equipment from a distance

reset /,risetI v [9] restore to starting condition

resistance /rIzlstans/ [5] opposition to the flow of charge

resistivity /,rizs’tiviW [24] resistance property of a material which depends only on the type of

material and not on its size

resistor/rizist(r)/[1, 4] electronic component for opposing the flow of charge

resonant circuit /reznnt sa:kitf see tuned circuit

resonant frequency freznent fri:kwnsi/ [101 frequency at which a tuned circuit will naturally


reverb /ri:v3:b/ a [6, 71 see reverberation reverberation /ri’va:b,rei$n/ [6, 7]

artificial echo effect produced by electronically delaying the sound signal

reverse bias /rI,V3:S ‘baIs/ [91 DC control voltage which causes a component to pass less


(reverse) breakdown voltage /(rIv3:s) breikdaon ,voltld3/ [181 see zener voltage

rewind motor /ri’wajnd mant(r)/ 1221 electric motor for winding back the

magnetic tape in a recorder RF/,a:r ef/ [1] radio frequency ringing tone Iriijiij tun/ [27] telephone

sound which indicates that a line has been connected and the system is waiting for the person

receiving the call to lift up the phone

robot 1robotJ 111 machine controlled by a computer

robotics /rao’botiks/ [29] study and application of computer-controlled machines

ROM /rom/ [15, 231 read-only memory

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (281)


SIN ratio /es en reiSiu/ [13] sIgnal-to- noise ratio

sample [sa:mpl/ n [151 the part of a signal which is measured at a particular instant of time and

used to convert analogue sound signals into their digital equivalent

sample I sa:mpl/ v [151 measure a signal at particular moments of time

sampling/sa:mpli/L15] method of measuring the magnitude of an analogue signal at different

points of time to enable it to be converted to an equivalent digital signal

satellite /‘setlait/[10, 26] telecommunications device which circles the earth to receive, amplify,

and retransmit signals around the world

satellite receiver fstlait risi:v(r)/ [291 electronic device for receiving microwave signals

transmitted from a satellite

saturation /‘stju,re1$n/ [9] state of a component in which it can produce no further change in

response when the controlling signal continues to change

sawtooth waveform /s:tu:Q ‘welvf3:m/ [19] waveform with each cycle having the shape of a


scale of integration I,skeil v IntIgrel$n/ [231 measurement of the number of active components

contained on one IC chip

scan /skn/ v [19, 201 move a signal steadily across an area

schematic /skimtikJ American term for circuit diagram

scope /skop/ see cathode ray oscilloscope screen /skri:n/ a [12, 19] surface on which

an image is displayed (e.g. display area of a cathode ray tube)

screen /skri:n/ v [261 shield from electrical interference

search coil fs3:t kMl/ [12] coil of wire for detecting a change in an electromagnetic field due to

the presence of a metal object

secondary cell J,sekndri sel/ [5] energy source which can be recharged


self-contained /,self kn’teind/ 1251 complete in itself without the need for outside help

semiconductor /,semIkandAkt(r)/ [231 component made from a material which changes from

being an insulator to being a conductor when certain impurities are added to it

sensor / sens(r)/[9, 16] device which produces an electrical signal when it detects a particular

form of energy

serial access/,siriI ekses/ [16] access to one recorded area after another in order starting with the

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first recorded area

service /s3:vls/ [291 carry out routine maintenance

sheath /Si:O/ [261 close-fitting protective covering

SHF /,es en5 ‘ef/ 110] super high frequency:

frequency above 3GHz

short wave /Jct wciv/-f 101 range of radio signal wavelengths between

approximately 1Dm and lOOm signal I’signl/ [ii pattern of electricity

used to send information

signal generator /signl d3enrerta(r)/ [19] electronic device which produces various signals used

in the test and measurement of amplifiers

signal-to-noise ratio /.signl t ‘niz ,rei5io/ [131 comparison of the level of the wanted part of a

signal with the unwanted part

silica /silikf [261 silicon dioxide (Si02):

used to make optical fibre cables silicon fsi1ikn/ [1] chemical element (Si)

used to make semiconductor components silicon diode /silikon daiud/[15]

electronic component made from silicon (Si) which only allows current to flow in one direction

sine wave /‘saln welv/ [15] wave in the shape of a smooth curve which shows the relationship

between an angle and its mathematical sine ratio

single (record) /srgI (rekD:d)/ [18] vinyl record with only one piece of music recorded on each


sky wave f skai welv/ 110] radio wave which travels upwards to the ionosphere where it is

reflected back down towards Earth

slanted /‘sla:ntid/ [211 at an angle to slider /slaith(r)/ [13] see wiper

SLSI /es el es all [231 super large scale

integration: between 1O and lO active components contained on one IC chip

smoke alarm /smuk ,la:m/[15] device which gives a warning when it detects smoke

smoothing circuit Ismu:ôi s3:klt/ [5] electronic circuit for removing fluctuations inDC

snow /snu/ [211 interference to a video signal which causes small marks to appear

across the displayed image software /softwe(r)/ [29] programs and

data used in computing

sound baffle /‘saund bfl/ [13] wall within a loudspeaker unit for absorbing the sound coming

from the back of the loudspeaker cone to prevent it cancelling out the sound coming from the front

of the cone

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (283)

sound track /saund trk/ [20] magnetic area where the sound signals are stored on a recorded tape

space wave / speis welv/ [10] unguided wave which travels in a straight line through free space

speaker /spi:k(r)/ [13, 19] see loudspeaker

speaker system /spi:k ,sistml 1131 set of loudspeakers and their associated electronic circuits

spec /spek/ see specification

specification /spesifikeifn/ [21] design detail

spot/spot? [19, 201 small circle of light which is moved across a cathode ray tube screen to build

up a video image

square wave /skwe welv/ [191 waveform with each cycle having the shape of a square

squawker /skwD:k(r)/[13] medium-sized loudspeaker used for medium frequency audio signals

SSI /,es es a’? [231 small scale integration:

up to 10 active components contained on one IC chip

stabilising circuit Isteiblaizij ,s3:klt/ 151 electronic circuit which prevents the voltage level from


stable /steibl/ [24] in a balanced state stage /steld3/ [5] circuit block: section of

an electronic circuit with a specific function

standby / stendbai/ [27] mode in which a device is waiting to receive a signal

static /stetik/ n 1161 electric charge produced by friction due to rubbing

static /‘stuk/ adj [211 fixed, not moving step down /step daun? [5] reduce in


step up /step ApI 15] increase in magnitude stereo 1 sterlau/ [6] having signals for the

left- and right-hand speakers recorded as two separate channels

submarine cable /,sAbmri:n keibl/ 126] transmission line laid under water on the ocean floor

supply rail lsplai ‘reil/ [1] conductor for feeding the supply voltage to components in a circuit

suppress /spres/ 118] prevent a signal getting through

surface wave /s3fls welv/ [9, 10, see ground wave

surge Is3:d3/ [23] sudden increase in amplitude of current or voltage


surge suppressor /S3:d3 spres(r)/[13] electronic circuit for smoothing out sudden large changes

in current or voltage

switch /swnj/ [51 electrical component for opening and closing a circuit

switchboard /swlt$bD:dI [26] telephone switching centre where a person controls the switching

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of lines

sync /siijk/ [20] synchronization:

adjustment of the timing of signals so that they are in step with each other (i.e. they start at the

same time)

systems approach 1 slstomz protJ/ [11 way of considering a circuit by focusing on the function

of each stage

take-up reel /‘teik p ril/ [21] tape recorder reel which gathers the magnetic tape after it has passed

the heads

tamper sensor ftmp(r) ,sens(r)/ [9] device which detects when someone is interfering with a

piece of equipment

tape-loading rollers [teip ,ludiij ,rulz/ [21] small metal or rubber cylinders in a recorder for

pulling magnetic tape past the heads

tape recorder Iteip ri,k:da(r)/ [1] machine for recording sound using magnetic tape


/,tehkamju:nikeiSnz/ [26] transmission and reception of signals over long distances

telegraphy /tlegrfr/ [261 transmission of coded electrical signals over long distances

telemetry /tolemtriJ [251 electronic measurement at a distance

telephone /telifun/ [1, 26]

communications device which enables one person to speak to another over long distances

telephone exchange /telifun ikstSelnd3/ [28] switching centre for switching signals from one

telephone line to another

telephone line /telifun lain! [26, 281 set of cables used to carry telephone signals

telephone network ftelifun netwsk/ [1 51 system of interconnected telephones

telephone traffic itelifaun trfik/ [261 signals travelling along telephone lines

telephony /tDlefnrJ L26] transmission of speech over long distances

teleprinter /teli,printo(r)/ [28] device used for printing received telex messages

teletex /teliteks/ [281 modern telex communications service for transmitting text and graphics

over long distances

teletext /telitekstf [8, 28] communications service which transmits text and graphics

over long distances as part of a television video signal

teletype terminal f telitaip ,t3:mlnal/ [281 device used for sending telex messages

television ftellvl3n/ [1, 14] communications system for the transmission and reception of video

images over long distances

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (285)

television (set) ftellvI3n (set)! [20] electronic device for receiving video images over long


television receiver I telivi3n rrsi:v(r)/ [20] see television (set)

television station /telIvI3n ,steiSn/ [201 television channel

telex fteleks/ [26, 281 communications service for transmitting simple text over long distances

terminal /t3:mlnal/ 1 [1] part of an electronic component or circuit where leads can be attached 2

[261 input/output device connected to a computer network

THD /ti: eItI di:/ [131 total harmonic distortion

thermal fO3:ml/ [281 to do with heat thermionic valve /,Os:mionik vlv/ 126] electronic

component which was commonly used before the invention of semiconductor devices such as

transistors. A small heater drives electrons from the surface of an electrode inside a vacuum glass


thermistor 103:mlsto(r)/ [91 resistor made from a semiconductor material which is very sensitive

to heat, decreasing its resistance as it gets warmer

tilt/tilt/v [9] move to a sloping position by lilting one end

timebase generator ftaimbeis ,d3nrcit(r)/ 1191 electronic circuit which produces a sawtooth

wave to control the speed of the spot across the screen of a cathode ray tube

tolerance /tolarens/ [4] amount of acceptable variation

tone /toon/ [261 audio signal of a particular frequency used in modern digital telephone systems

for dialling a telephone number

tone control / Lun kn.troul/ [13] control for adjusting the range of frequencies to be amplified

tone generator /taun d3enreIt*)/ [261 electronic circuit for generating coded audio signals which

are used in modem digital telephone systems for dialling a number

torch /t3:tJ/ [5i portable electrical device for producing a beam of light

total harmonic distortion /,tautl ha:monik drsb:$n/ [13] overall effect of the generation of

unwanted harmonic waves in an amplifier by such effects as clipping

track /tnekJ [6] narrow area on a disc or tape where recordings are stored


transceiver /trnsi:va(r)/ [27] device which is a combined transmitter and receiver

transducer /trnz’dju:s(r)/ [9] component which converts energy from one form to another

transformer /trnsfD:ma(r)/ [5] component consisting of two or more coils of wire for increasing,

decreasing or isolating an AC supply voltage

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (286)

transistor /trnz1sta(r)/ [1]

semiconductor component with three electrodes (emitter, base and collector) used for switching or

amplifying an electronic signal

transistor-transistor logic /trn’z1st tran’zIst ,lod3lk/ [23] family of integrated circuits

containing various combinations of bipolar transistors

transmission /trnzm1n/ [15] signal sent from one point to another

transmission line /trnzmI1n lain! 126, 281 cable or duct for guiding signals between two points

transmit /trn.zmit/ [51 send a signal transmitter /trnz’mlt(r)/ [1] electronic

circuit for sending out signals

transparent /trnsprnt/ [19] allowing light to pass through

transport mechanism /transp:t ,meknizm/ [211 mechanical device for moving the magnetic

tape in a recorder

treble /trebl/ [6] high frequency sounds triangular wave /traiijgjuhi welv/ [19]

waveform with each cycle having the shape of an equilateral triangle

trigger /‘trIg(r)/ [91 short signal which causes a process to be started

trimmer 1 trIm(r)/ [111 small, preset, variable capacitor or resistor for making fine adjustments in

a circuit

trip (a switch) /trlp ( switS)/ v [9] cause a switch to operate

troubleshooter /trAblJu:t(r)/ [27] person whose job it is to solve problems quickly

troubleshooting chart itrAbl$u:tll) t$a:tI [21] diagram to help find and solve the cause of a

problem in a piece of equipment

trunk exchange /‘trAOk Iks,tj’elfld3/ [28] telephone switching centre for connecting local

exchanges to each other and to international exchanges

trunk telephone line /,trAlJk telrfun lam! [26] main telephone transmission line connecting one

local exchange to another

truth table /tru:O ,teibl/ [23] table showing the output of a logic gate for all the possible

combinations of its inputs

TTL /,ti: ti: elI [23] transistor—transistor logic

tune /tju:n/ [5, 15] adjust a circuit to oscillate at a particular frequency

tuned /Lju:nd/ [10] adjusted to oscillate at a particular frequency

tuned cIrcuit ftju:nd ,s3:klt/[1]electronic circuit which oscillates at a particular resonant

frequency when fed by an AC signal

tuner /tju:n(r)/ [1, 10] part of a receiver circuit consisting of an aerial and a tuned circuit (may also

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (287)

include a demodulator)

tunnel diode /EAnl daioud/ 114] PN lunction semiconductor which oscillates when suitably

biased. Used as a low power microwave oscillator for radar.

turntable /t3:ntelbl/ [13] circular revolving surface in a record player on which a vinyl record is


TV /,ti: vi/ 120] television

tweeter/twi:t(r)/[13] small loudspeaker used for high frequency audio signals

twisted pair /twistid pe(r)/ [26, 28] transmission line consisting of a set of two insulated copper

wires twisted together to keep unwanted signal noise to a minimum

UHF jju: elt$ ‘ef! [10] ultra-high frequency:

frequency between 300MHz and 3GHz ultrasonic /,Altr sunik/ [9] having a

frequency which is just above the audible range (i.e. between 20kHz and 5MHz)

unenergized/,Anend3aIzd/[13] with no energy having been provided

V!vi:I[4, 11] volt

vacuum tube / vaikju:m tju:b/ [1] American term for thermionic valve

valley point fvli pDlnt/ [18] lowest turning point on a curved graph

valve !vlv! [1] see thermionic valve variable capacitor !veriabl kpsit(r)! [1] capacitor with a

capacitance that can be changed mechanically

variable resistor /veribl rizist(r)I 15] resistor with a resistance that can be changed mechanically

VCR !,vi: si: u:(r)/ [21] video cassette recorder

VDU /,vi: di: ju/ [28] visual (or video) display unit: computer terminal with a video screen

VDU terminal /,vi: di: ju: ,t3:mInlI [281 device with CRT screen and keyboard used for sending

teletex messages

verify /‘verjfai/ [8] test for accuracy VHF /,vi: enS efl [10] very high frequency:

frequency between 30MHz and 300MHz VHS tape lvi: eft]’ ‘es teipl [211 most

common type of video tape cassette used in video recorders


vibrate /vaibreit/ [131 move rapidly backwards and forwards

vibration sensor /vai’breiSn sens(r)/ [9] device for detecting small movements

video /‘vidio/ adj [1, 201 to do with the transmission and reception of images

video cassette recorder /vidiu kset rik:d(r)/ [21] device for playing and recording video

Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (288)

images using magnetic tape

Video8 %vidiu euh 122] common size and type of magnetic tape cassette used in camcorders


/,vIdIukonfrns1D/ [28] communications service which uses the transmission of video signals

through the telephone network to allow groups of people in different locations to have discussions

with each other

videophone /vidioofun/ [28] telephone which transmits video images as well as speech signals

over long distances

video recorder fvIdIu ri,k:d(r)/ [1, 21] see video cassette recorder

videotex /vidiuteks/ [28] viewdata viewdata /vju:deito/ [281 interactive

communications service which uses the public telephone network for the transmission of pages of

general information in the form of text and graphics for display on a television screen or viewdata


viewdata terminal /vju:deit ,t3:m1nl/ [28] device consisting of a CRT screen and keyboard

which is used for receiving and transmitting viewdata communications

vinyl /‘vainl/ [16, 17] polyvinyl: plastic material used in making audio records

VLF /,vi: el ef/ [10] very low frequency:

frequency between 3kHz and 30kHz VLSI /vi el es al! [23] very large scale

integration: between 1O and iO active components contained on one IC chip

volt /voltJ [4] unit of voltage (V) voltage /‘voltld3/ [11 measure of electronic

force (measured in volts. V)

voltage drop /voltld3 drop! [91 difference in voltage between two points in a circuit

voltage gain /‘voItId3 gem/Ill] voltage amplification: comparison of the magnitude of the output

voltage of an amplifier with the magnitude of its input voltage

voltmeter fvoltmit(r)/ 15, 19] electronic instrument for measuring electrical voltage

volume ivolju:m/ [1] level of sound volume control ivolju:m kn,trul/ [131

control for adjusting the loudness of an audio signal

VU meter/vi: ju: mi:t(r)/ [6] volume-unit meter: electronic meter for measuring the power level of

an audio signal

Walkman iw:kmnI [51 trade name of a popular type of personal stereo cassette player

waveguide /weivgaid/ 126, 28] metal duct for guiding microwave signals

wavemeter/wefvmit(r)! [151 electronic instrument for measuring the frequency of a transmitted


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window foil f wmdu f,il/ [9] thin metal tape used in alarm systems to detect the breaking of a

glass window

wiper 1waip(r)/ [1] moving contact in a variable component such as a

potentiometer or variable resistor wireless /wails/ see radio (set) woofer Iwofa(r)/ [131 large


used for low frequency audio signals workmate fw3:kmelt/ [251 person with

whom you work

work placement fw3:k pleismnt/ 1251 relevant job experience as part of training

workshop /w3:kJop/ [251 building where

things are repaired


X-ampl ifier /‘eks mp1ifai(r)/ [191 electronic circuit for increasing the signal controlling the

horizontal movement of the electron beam in a cathode ray tube

X-plates /eks pleits/ [191 pair of metal plates in a cathode ray tube which use voltages to deflect

the electron beam horizontally

Y-amplifler /wai mplifam(r)/ [191 electronic circuit for increasing the signal controlling the

vertical movement of the electron beam in a cathode ray tube

Y-plates /wal plefts! 119] pair of metal plates in a cathode ray tube which use voltages to deflect

the electron beam



zener diode /zirn ‘daiud/ [4, 5] semiconductor diode which works in reverse bias and is normally

used to stabilize a voltage

Zener effect, the /ô zi:nr ifekt/ [18] sudden increase in the reverse current of a diode at the zener

breakdown voltage

zener voltage /,zi:na volnd3/ [4] reverse breakdown voltage of a diode at which the zener effect


iA /maikromp/ [18, 231 microamp (millionth of an amp)

1W fmaikruwot/ [231 microwatt (millionth of a watt)


Appendix 2

Circuit symbols

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I A number of variations of circuit symbols are commonly found. For example,

—AAA_is still often used although it is no longer the international symbol for a resistor.

2 Some symbol details are often left out in circuit diagrams. For example, the ‘a’ and ‘k’ labels and

the circle on diodes are not always shown.

Component Common symbols

1 fixed resistor —c::i—- or —iV——

2 variable resistor or or

3 po1entiomeer or

4 thermistor or —2

5 LDR or

6 capacitor ______________ or III + _______________

fixed electrolytic variable

7 inductor —‘-— or —‘‘—

air cored dust cored iron cored

8 transformer ] [ or ] [

air cored dust cored iron cored


9 aerial

10 earth

1 1 cell/battery




14 fuse

I microphone

16 loudspeaker

17 bell



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or __or

18 relay

19 lamp

20 electric motor





relay with coil resistance of 100 ohms with n contacts



21 crystal


12 meter

13 switch








single pole



-oThodouble pole

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____ a

22 diode k a k

LED zener

23 bipolar



24 opamp

25 J-K flip-flop

26 logic gate



Tieng Anh Chuyen Nganh - [DOC Document] (2024)
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