The Day the Candle Burnt Out - Chapter 6 - daemon_slays - 화산귀환 (2024)

Chapter Text

“T-Those… Those bastards!!

Jo Gul screamed with rage, seeing the absolute chaos that was displayed before him.

He had just come back from running an errand for the tea shop down in Hua Um Prefecture. There had been many heavy items needing to be moved into storage and he was the most suited for the task; although Yoon Jong had also forced him into the errand.

So imagine his surprise when he comes back to an empty sect, with the boarding house full of-

Of his beaten fellow disciples!!


Rushing towards the body he had identified as Yoon Jong, he turns over the limp man.

There were bruises and injuries coated all over his face, blood dripping from his head. Shaking Yoon Jong by the shoulders, Jo Gul cried out for him to answer.

“Sahyunggg!! Who did this to you?! Was it that bastard Chung Myung? Ah... I’ll beat him in your stead-!”

Before he could continue, Jo Gul received a vicious smack to the head. Yoon Jong had awakened due to the rough shaking.

Jo Gul lit up quickly, but then soon shrank back at the scary eyes directing their glare to him.

“Jo Gul.. Shut your mouth… Useless bastard.

The words were raspily grumbled out in frustrated annoyance as a shaky sigh left Yoon Jong.

“Aaahhh- Sahyung is dying!!”

“I’m not dying! And I already said to shut your damn trap-!!”


With another slap to his skull, Jo Gul rubbed at his head, being reprimanded severely. Yoon Jong annoyedly got up from his spot of lying down on the floor.


“Gul, what do you want..?”

Jo Gul hesitated to ask due to the harsh tone from the other, but finally spoke up.

“Uhm-… What exactly happened?”

A heavy sigh left Yoon Jong while he shakily sat up, pieces of the wall falling to the side as he did so.

“…I- I don’t know anymore.”

Dropping his head into his hands, Yoon Jong looked immensely defeated, as he recalled the memory of yesterday evening.

“I blacked out after that-..that crazy Elder threw me through the walls of the White Lotus Hall…”


Jo Gul blinked in shock at the sudden words.

..Did the hit to his head cause his Sahyung to lose his mind?

“Elder Hyun Young and Yu Iseol... They’ve both gone insane.”

With a frown Jo Gul glances around, but pauses when he notices that two other individuals from the group were missing; aside from the two that had been named.

“..Where’s Soso and the Monk?”

His tone held a level of concern within as he scanned the perimeters, finding the two were indeed missing.

“Did they also leave with the other two?”

His fists clench at the thought as he clicks his tongue in dissatisfaction.

“Tsk. The traitors…”

Jo Gul turns his attention back onto Yoon Jong.

“Have the Elders and Sect Leader been made aware of this… situation?”

He asks while looking over the piles of disciples, they were unable to return the gaze, keeping their heads down.

“Some of us are just starting to come to, how the hell would we manage to do that in our conditions?”

Yoon Jong remarks in annoyance, causing Jo Gul to frown, looking around the damaged structures and walls of the White Lotus Hall and indeed saw that only a handful of disciples were arising in agony.

“Ah-! What about Sasuk?!”

Yoon Jong shot up suddenly at Jo Gul’s panicked words and looked around quickly for Baek Cheon.

“Sasuk? The last I saw of him, he was…”

Memories of the cruel beating play through his mind as horror and dread fill his body, his face paling at the reminder.

A sinking feeling was left within his chest.

Although relief quickly replaces the previous emotions that swarmed them as they saw a familiar figure limping over, resting their hand on their head…


The disciples that were conscious immediately cover their mouths, averting their gazes from Baek Cheon who appeared to still be dazed and in pain, as he held his sleeve to the spot the pain was generally in.

“…What’s so funny?”

His tone is cold as he glares amongst his Sajaes and Sajils, as if silently threatening them to try and continue their laughter.

The threat was ineffective.

In fact the serious look seemed to make them laugh even more…


“S-Sasuk, you-!”

“Ah.. Sasuk, you should go to Shaolin now!”

“Yes, yes.. What are you doing in this taoist sect? Join the monks-! Pfffttt.”

Baek Cheon looked baffled at the comments, the disciples weren’t even able to look at him without beginning their fits of laughter!

‘...What are they going on about..?’

Yoon Jong, seeing the confused expression on his Sasuk’s face, desperately tried to hold in his laugh, calming it down into a choking fit instead. He then grabbed a mirror from the bedside of a disciples “open” room; in actuality the walls were just destroyed.

“Sasuk.. Here you go- hrk!!”

Yoon Jong handed the mirror over slowly, covering his eyes while shaking. The mere sight of his sasuk would probably have him on the floor if he wasn’t trying his best to hold himself back.

Baek Cheon stares at the sight from the reflection in utter shock and horror as he raises his hand, inspecting the now horribly bloodied bald spot on his scalp.

“W-What the hell did they do to me?!”

The outraged cry just made the disciples fall to the floor in laughter, clutching their stomachs in pain.

Aha- Ahahah!!”

“Sasuk, Sasuk! You should be glad Hye Yeon isn’t here now!”

“Yes, that monk may recruit you back to Shaolin!!”

“No everyone, he still has some hair left! There’s only a bald spot there!!”

“Ahhh I suppose he’s not a monk then?”

“No, it’s more like he has the deteriorating hairline of an old man!”


Baek Cheon’s cheeks trembled, his face reddening with humiliation. His authority as a sasuk could do nothing in the face of this… Embarrassment , it seemed.

“E-Everyone, calm down! Sasuk must be very hurt by these… Words.”

Turning to his sajil, eyes lit up in hope, Baek Cheon saw Yoon Jong trying to soothe the hysterical disciples.

Truly... He did have someone he could rely on!

“Yoon Jong, you-!”



Yoon Jong’s gaze hardened, as he resolutely turned away from the approaching Baek Cheon.

Shaking, he held a hand up towards his Sasuk, to keep a distance.

“Sasuk, please don’t look at me. I’ll burst into laughter. Spare me, alright?”


‘This.. This backwards sect..!’

Baek Cheon simply slumped to the ground, giving up on scrounging the last few scraps of his dignity.

“Kekeke.. Ahh- is he even Baek Cheon anymore..?”

“Of course not!”

“Bald Cheon then??”


“Yes, yes!!”

“How are you today, Bald Cheon Sasuk? Pfftt!!”

“I’m- I’m dying!

“Bald Cheon Sasuk, you.. You seem different today? Did you change your look..?”

“Stop, I can't-!! I can’t breathe…

The banter seemed neverending, as Bald- Baek Cheon just crouched down, hugging himself with an accepting smile on his face.

Even Yoon Jong, who had tried his best to aid him, ended up joining the crowd.

Well, that is until…

“What exactly is going on here?”

All laughter came to a halt, as the Sect Leader, alongside Hyun Sang, Un Gum and Un Am, stepped inside the shambled room.

“S-Sect Leader.”

“What’s all this commotion about? And why is the White Lotus Hall destroyed like this-?! Uhm.”

Hyun Jong had scanned around the room, before his gaze landed on the defeated Baek Cheon.

“S-Sect Leader…”

“…Yoon Jong, what happened here?”

He chose to ignore the bizarrely gruesome appearance of Baek Cheon, focusing on the problem at hand.

Though that bald spot did peak his curiosity…

“Sect Leader… We were betrayed.”

“What? What nonsense… By who?!”

“Elder Hyun Young.. As well as Yu Iseol Sago.”

Shock coloured the sect leader’s face at these words. He had indeed been wondering where the two were, but to think they’d… Betrayed the sect?

Hyun Sang and the first class disciples by his side were equally as gobsmacked at the words, realising the absence of the elder and second-grade disciple.

Hyun Jongs gaze hardens as he folds his arms, glancing amongst the disciples before his eyes settle on Baek Cheon.

“Explain.. Thoroughly.”


The air Chung Myung had held within his lungs before was quickly knocked out as something flops down on top of him from the side of the bed.

A pained groan escapes his lips as his eyes begrudgingly open to find the face of Seol So-Baek in front of him.

Heavily sighing, Chung Myung closes his eyes once more, resting an arm over his face in an attempt to feign unconsciousness.

“Dojang-nim! It’s breakfast time!!”

The young prince giggles cheerfully as Chung Myung continues to lay still, hoping the younger will go away.

“Let me rest, you.. Little sh*t.”

He drowsily grumbles out an irritated complaint.

“You just talked!! Dojang, that means you’re awake!”


Chung Myung groaned as Seol So-baek grabbed his arm and pulled him into an upright position on the bed.

“Uuup. Up Dojang, come on!”

“Hrrnngghhh.. Noooo…”

Before Chung Myung could grab the blanket again to cover himself and sleep peacefully, he suddenly felt the absence of the bed under him.

“..Ah-?! Maeng So, what the hell are you doing?!!”

The burly man who had easily grabbed Chung Myung from the scruff of his clothes laughed boisterously at the sight of the shorter one, rapidly trying to escape from his grip.

“Let us go Divine Dragon, it’s time for a feast!”

“What..? It’s like… 7 in the morning.”

Tiredly giving up his resistance, Chung Myung submitted to the forceful transport, choosing to simply complain on the trip there. The young ice prince as well chose to follow the two by their side with a pleased smile.

“Right! So it’s breakfast time now!!”

“No- but… Why would I go and eat so much after what you all forced down my throat just a few hours ago..?”

“Well we wouldn’t have had to do that if you had eaten during those two weeks…”

“...I was fine though? No- You all are just being too much.”

A heavy sigh left Chung Myung as he deflated in defeat, knowing he wouldn’t be able to escape Maeng So’s grasp; he could do many things, but attempting to escape this man was a difficult task due to the difference in size.

Maeng So begins walking as Seol So-baek clings to his right leg, Chung Myung still dangling like a cat grabbed by the scruff of his neck as Maeng So takes them all to the dining hall.

Carefully setting the Divine Dragon into his seat like a ragdoll, Maeng So seated himself by his side, Seol So-baek by his opposing side.

“Ah, uhm- Ma’am?”

Tentatively calling a nearby servant over with shy eyes, Seol So-baek pointed at the empty table before him.

“..Can me and my friends get some breakfast?”

The servant, in response, perks up. Her eyes lighting up as she nods, lowering her head momentarily. Her heart warmed at the adorable request of the young ice prince.

“Of course young master, right away.”

With those few words she heads off to fetch food for the group of esteemed guests.

‘Why did I have to get stuck with these two of all people..? It was actually quite- peaceful with just me and Baek-ah…’

Chung Myung, although he sometimes enjoyed their company, they were acting out way too much for his liking. He could barely breathe without them shoving something down his throat or sticking to him like a certain leech bastard.

Soon the servants had come out, batches of food in their hands for the three seated at the dining table, two of which eagerly awaited the feast.

“Ahhh… An appetizing meal fit for us all! A shame that the Poison King is busy with his work…”

“Tang Gunnak sir can join us for lunch and dinner!”

“Ahaha! You’re right, you’re right. My, how mature for your age!”

“What about that.. Sickly man?”

“Bandit King? He’s still collapsed in the infirmary, hah!”

As the two chatted on and on about whatever came to mind, enjoying their dishes, Chung Myung was stiff in his chair looking at the ceramic bowl in front of him.

It contained a fragrant aroma wafting in the air, the miso soup inside shaking a little from the earlier movement of being set down.

Chung Myung gripped the ends of his seat as he edged away slightly.

A dull buzz drowned in through his ears, black spots slightly filling his vision as he drifted off to a memory faraway from here.

“If you can’t appreciate what’s given, you shouldn’t have anything at all! How dare you be so ungrateful for the food provided for you, you brat!!”

Chung Myung was at a standstill. He didn’t want to be as ungrateful as before.. Allowing Hyun Young’s point to be proven correct, as well as disrespecting the generous Tang Family.


He couldn’t help the fact that when he even tried so much as to reach for the bowl, the harsh onslaught of berating voices crept their way into his mind.

The world around him seemed to slow, as he continued to look at the dish with a complicated expression, trembling fingers gripping the spoon tightly, as if grounding himself.

Chung Myung took a deep breath, internally criticising himself for his irrational behaviour.

It was just soup.

He could handle some soup.

He’s the Plum Blossom Sword Saint for f*cks sake, he beheaded the Heavenly Demon! He’s fought in a war, seen his fellow disciples and comrades brutally mutilated and massacred, even been covered by the same blood of those around him due to how brutal the onslaught had always been.

This was nothing to him, so why..?

Why can’t he just eat?

A loud clatter of ceramic against an oak table resounded throughout the room, snapping the other two seated there out of their own conversation.

“..Divine Dragon? What’s the matter with you-?”

But Chung Myung couldn’t hear them anymore, the memories from long back flashing through his mind, setting him into a daze. His breathing sped up, almost hyperventilating as he clutched his chest tightly.

“Dojang… Do you want something else to eat?”

Seol So-baek worriedly approached Chung Myung with a few toasted slices of bread, however didn’t recklessly touch him, concerned it might set him off.

Chung Myung’s legs moved.

As he removed himself quickly from the chair causing the furniture itself to tumble to the floor, clattering against the tile while Chung Myung took a shaky step back.

And then another, faster and faster, away from the damned bowl on the table, his vision only able to see the sight causing him this intense pain. The grip he held on his own robe tightening as the seconds passed by, his breath coming out more and more shakily.

Maeng So quickly grabbed his shoulder before he could fully run out of the room, but was met with a fast slap to the hand from the smaller.

“Divine Dragon..?”


Before Chung Myung could finish his panicked words, his eyes gained focus again as he looked at the concerned Maeng So.


His gaze wandered as he saw the fallen chair, and spilt soup strewn on his side of the table.

The nearby servants who had heard the short yell came into the room, looking fearful at the silence. Seol So-baek came closer with the toast still in his small hands, tears pricking his eyes.

“Dojang it-it’s okay if you.. Don’t want the soup. But just eat..?”

And now there was a teary eyed child, desperately trying to get him to take the bits of food offered to him.

Chung Myung’s eyes were dull as he held a single slice in his hands, his mouth drying at the sight.


He knew he shouldn’t have come out of his room, he was causing trouble.

Of course he was, he always did- He made Seol So-baek cry .

What the f*ck is wrong with him?

He needed to get out, he needed to leave he-

He needed to go back to isolation.

“…I.. I have to.. Go.”

Loosely holding the bread in his hands, Chung Myung tried to run back to the isolation cave his room, needing the silence, the dampness it was his punishment-!

But suddenly he felt himself again lifted into the air, not a word being said as he was carried back to the table.

Maeng So, again, cautiously set him down in his chair, placing an empty plate in front of him. The miso soup had disappeared completely from the room.

Seol So-baek scrambled over quickly, opening his stubby little hands to drop some nuts and berries he’d taken quickly from the pantry.

They then both took a seat by his side, the same as before not too long ago, except there was a thick silence as they waited for him to react.

Chung Myung simply stared blankly at the food, blinking slowly, much to their worry.

“D-Dojang.. Is it bad food, like the soup? I’ll remove it-!!”

“…No. It’s- it’s nice. Thank you.”

Softly smiling, Chung Myung slowly ate a few of the berries, to the happiness of the others.

Relief coloured on their faces as they went back to digging into their own food, Chung Myung included this time.

Although it didn’t bring on the same reaction within him as the soup had, the bitter thoughts still remained as the smile quickly faded from his lips, a shaky sigh leaving them.

“..Sorry for accidentally slapping your hand. That-“

Before Chung Myung could fully apologise to Maeng So, the other quickly interrupted.

“No, no. There’s no need to apologise. I shouldn’t have laid a hand on you while you were in your own thoughts. That was on me . Not you.”

“He’s right, Dojang-nim! None of this is your fault, please don’t feel bad. We’ll try our best to do better for you, so you don’t have to relive those memories!”


Chung Myung’s expression was blank as he had stopped eating, silently staring down at the plate before him.

Eventually, a short and light, yet broken hearted laugh left his throat.


“You both-… Are really too good for me..”

The words were choked out as he tried his best to collect himself, but his body still shook.

Maeng So’s and Seol So-baeks eyes light up at hearing Chung Myung’s voice speak such praise towards them.

Seol So-Baek is quick to hug his side while Maeng So gently pats Chung Myung’s shoulder.

“No, no. This is to be expected! You deserve much more as compared to this, Divine Dragon! This is barely anything as compared to what I’d like to do for you for all that you’ve done!!”

Maeng So’s voice was full of pride and joy as he spoke.

“Mhm! Mhm! Dojang-nim deserves the best after all!!”

“Hah. I’ve gone through hell and back, yet I feel so pathetic making you brats all worried over me.. Especially over something as measly as a damn soup…”

Chung Myung moves to pat their head, a heavy sigh leaving his lips.

“No, no! That soup must have caused you lots of harm! So we’ll give Dojang other things instead! It’s a very very bad soup, it doesn’t deserve to even be in your incredible presence, Dojang-nim!”

“The young ice prince is correct, Divine Dragon. No soup shall ever be in your vicinity again!”

Maeng So and Seol So-Baek happily berate the soup, wanting to help Chung Myung feel better; especially since he didn’t deserve any of this to begin with…

“Hah.. Now you both are being too much again.”

Chung Myung lowers his hands as the two continue to try and reassure him that his reaction was fine.

“Let’s just get back to-… Eating. Can’t have you both stop eating like Baek-Ah did.”

They both perk up at his words.

“Baek-Ah stopped eating? Is it because you stopped..?”

A heavy sigh leaves Chung Myung as he stares down at the berries and nuts on the plate in front of him.

“I-… I didn’t tell her to stop, she did so of her own accord, but I tried to get her to eat. She just wouldn’t.. That damn marten is so stubborn sometimes.”

‘You both really are quite alike in that regard.’

The two thought to themselves while softly smiling at Chung Myung, causing him to feel a bit awkward from their expressions as he clears his throat.

“…Just focus on eating.”

With that seemingly being the final words said, the three had gone back to doing just so. Chung Myung silently munches on the toast, nuts and berries, simply just staring off once more with a blank expression on his face, a small frown resting upon his lips.

‘What is wrong with me..?’

Much to no one's notice, Baek-ah dragged a large clump of messy white feathers down the halls of the residence with a… Strangely human expression of annoyance and jealousy on her face.

A low growl managed to leave her maw as the horribly beaten snow owl was dragged across the ground in utter defeat, making no attempt to struggle as it whimpered softly in pain; trembling and shaking in pure fear.

With no care for the others' health, Baek-ah continued to drag the other off to the medical ward, simply tossing her to the side as the servants stared in confusion at the sight.

Once her task is complete, Baek-ah brushes off her paws in a human-like gesture before heading off as the snow owl looks to the servants and medics desperately for help.

…Why were the animals so- human?

The thought was unsettling.

Waking up with a start, Hye Yeon rubs at his eyes, attempting to remove the exhaustion from them. The other two were already wide awake, having already cleaned up their spaces they had slept on.

There wasn’t much they had brought along with them, so they were all ready to head off as Hyun Young returned the key for the room, thanking the young woman at the front desk before the group heads off.

While the group headed back for the Tang Family residence, Hyun Young continuously counted the coins within his hands, making sure he hadn’t lost a single precious piece that Chung Myung had given them.

Yu Iseol simply stared off, seemingly within her own thoughts while Hye Yeon sighed in defeat, unsure on how to feel about what had taken place yesterday.

Not even realising it, the group had already reached the gates as they sat themselves outside, worried thoughts of concern and regret filling their minds.

As the three finish up with their meal, a white marten rushes in, leaping up onto Chung Myung as it happily climbs up his arm, now seated on his shoulder.

“Ah! What the hell-“

He looks over at his shoulder but pauses in confusion, seeing the white feathers Baek-Ah was happily holding out towards him…


If martens could roll their eyes, Baek-ah would have. She insisted on trying to shove the feathers into his hold.

“A gift? …Well- At least it’s better than the leaves.”

Chung Myung softly yet jokingly remarks as he accepts the feathers within his hand, inspecting them with furrowed brows.

“You beat up that owl for these, didn’t you? What did that owl do to upset you, you punk?”

He turns his attention back onto Baek-Ah as she simply huffs, folding her furry arms in a human-like gesture of dissatisfaction.

“Are you annoyed now? Ahh, come on, why?”

Baek-ah simply avoided his teasing gaze, instead looking at the young ice prince who’d been attached to his side this entire time with an annoyed glare.

Maeng So saw the sight from an outsider’s perspective, so he clearly understood the small marten’s intentions.

‘…Was she jealous of the young prince?’

…Maeng So gave an apologetic prayer to the snow owl in the infirmary, guilty for its lack of protection against the feral marten.

If it could, the owl would be bitterly cursing at his face.

Chung Myung’s brows furrow slightly before a soft sigh leaves his lips while he gently pats the martens head

“First it’s the people, now you’re also starting to pick fights? Tch. Why is it that everyone around me is so troublesome.”

Although the words left his lips, he couldn’t hide the gentle smile from his face.

“…Thank you for the gift I suppose.”

Although Chung Myung didn’t know the sad truth of exactly why Baek-ah acted this way, he was happy and appreciated the small gesture of goodwill.

Seol So-baek in the meanwhile gave a jealous pout, as Baek-ah secretly looked at him with a smug grin plastered on her expression.

‘Tsk… This means war marten.. War.’

His eyes blazed with a fire unheard of in Northern Ice Sea citizens, as he now held a grudge towards the little animal for trying to take away his Dojang’s affections.

The so-called ‘Dojang’ meanwhile, looked between the two with a befuddled look on his face, as sparks flew from their respectives glares.

Glancing towards Maeng So in curiosity, looking for some assistance to understand what the hell was going on, he simply saw the man shaking his head with a regretful look on his face.

‘…I will not question it.’

Chung Myung has given up on this group. There’s no point in looking for answers anymore.

As he was about to pull the marten back from Seol So-baek, hoping she wasn’t angry enough to actually attack the child, the sound of a door opening was heard.

Tang Gunnak stepped into the room with a polite smile on his face, gesturing inside towards his office.

“Apologies for the long wait everyone… Please come in.”

He turned to Chung Myung with complicated worried eyes, as he spoke again with a composed voice.

“It’s time to hear more about what’s been hidden from us, isn’t it Divine Dragon?”


Maybe he should have just let a fight escalate.

The group was seated in the office, anticipation coloured on their faces, as they awaited the reveal of even more intricacies which had been hidden to them.

Chung Myung hesitated, the words getting stuck in his throat, and his gaze flitted away from the alliance, much to their worry.

“..Well, let’s start with something a bit simpler. So you feel comfortable telling us more.”

The other two nod along in agreement to the suggestion as Chung Myung softly exhales, but doesn’t deny the request.

“Mmm.. Alright. What do you suggest we start with then?”

“..Why does soup cause such a bad reaction for Dojang-nim..?”


Tang Gunnak’s brows furrow slightly in confusion at the mention of soup.

Maeng So saw the befuddled expression on the other’s face, giving a reassuring gaze, allowing Chung Myung to explain everything.


A heavy sigh leaves his lips as he scratches the back of his neck.

“..They had started cutting my meals, and in all honesty I- I hadn’t noticed. Until I had a particularly gruelling training session.. And I needed more nutrients in my body. So then I asked about the lessened food. It just so happened to be soup that night…”

Chung Myung began, before quickly silencing any possible sound of complaint from the three.

“Just let me finish before anyone interrupts. And no burning any sects or harming anyone from the sect, please. Or else I won’t be so open with what else took place.”

The words hadn’t gone on deaf ears as it caused the three figureheads to quickly silence themselves, just before they could open their mouths.

“Hah… You three are a pain.”

Chung Myung mumbles slightly, annoyed he even had to forewarn them before continuing.

“Anyways. The food was taken and I was told I was being greedy and- selfish, that the sect was more important so I should be.. Happy with what I was given.”

The anger within the room was palpable as hands were clenched into fists, teeth gritted as the air was thick with malic..

Although, from Chung Myung’s gaze alone the three quickly settle down. Albeit hesitantly, their fists and teeth still tight in fury.

But the questions must continue… After all, this is the most information they’ve received from him thus far about what had taken place.

Maeng So is the first to clear his throat through his clenched fist before speaking.

“Please… Tell us- What happened back then, Pl-… Divine Dragon..?”

Tang Gunnak is the next to speak up, wondering just what his daughter did that had been much worse than- This.

“Just what exactly did my daughter do to you?”

Seol So-Baek stares at Chung Myung with eyes full of worry and concern while the two held eyes of burning fury.

A heavy sigh leaves Chung Myung’s mouth as he scratches the back of his head.

“You all know they were acting off. I-…”

He averts his gaze, unable to look at their worried gazes.

“-Thought it might have been something I did wrong, So Baek-Ah thought of giving someone a gift to hopefully change their thinking. This was before the whole soup incident..”

They blink in surprise at the words.

‘…How exactly did you get advice from a marten..?’

A small frown of worry rests upon their lips.

‘He actually spent the time making a gift..? Why have we never seen this side of him before?’

“I made a wooden dagger and hand carved the Mount Hua’s Sects symbol onto the material, to give to your daughter.”

As Chung Myung continued, his hands grip on the wooden sword at his side tightened.

‘A gift from Dojang? How nice! But, what happened to it..?’

As Seol So-baek tilted his head in confusion, realisation slowly begins to settle in as Maeng So looks to Tang Gunnak with a serious expression, as if to silently say, ‘We can’t let this slide’.

Feelings of bitterness swarmed the room.

“Hah. She-… Smashed it to pieces, saying I should have bought her an.. ‘actual dagger’ and that a wooden one is useless in battle.”

Although the words had been mumbled out, the message was clear as day.

The room had gotten colder as the sound of clay breaking fills the air.

Tang Gunnak had smashed his cup of tea within his hand as the pieces fell to the ground, the tea itself dripping, anger was evident on the faces of those who had been listening. The cup had already been close to breaking prior from the previous news, but this had taken their anger over the edge.

“My apologies for letting my temper get the better of me, but after this discussion is over I’ll be having a… talk with her.”

He was no longer addressing the other as his daughter as he felt his fury boiling to the surface.

Maeng So quickly followed soon after, slamming his hands on the table as it shakes beneath the suddenly harsh pressure.

“This is too much! How could you not tell us all of this before, Great Pl-… Divine Dragon?

“Ah, I…-”

“Dojang didn’t need to!”

Immediately rushing to Chung Myung’s side, Seol So-baek formed a protective stance in front of him, making the others blink in confusion.

“He told us eventually, so it’s fine! Don’t blame him for it…”

“…Young ice prince..”

“Instead we should blame that terrible witch in the infirmary!”

The boy turned his attention onto Tang Gunnak as he quickly added,

“No offence- uhm, Tang Gunnak, sir.”

“None taken, I agree.”

“Wh-?! Hey now, hold on!!”

Chung Myung sputtered, trying to ease the situation, but apparently even he couldn’t stop the madness of these three individuals.

“H-hey now you all promised me you wouldn’t hurt any of the Mount Hua disciples, r-right?!”

“But Divine Dragon that girl… As her father I must discipline her, right? Yes it’s only fair…”

‘That does normally make sense, but look at you, you demon! You look like you’re going to erase your entire bloodline!’

“W-Would you all calm dow-“

Baek-Ah pulls herself out of Chung Myung’s robes, leaping onto the table with a…

It was the shattered wooden dagger in her maw…

This was the start of a horrible conflict.

Gently setting it down atop the table she softly huffs, resting her paws on the wood material as she glances around.

Although the three had been confused previously as to how Chung Myung had gotten advice from a marten, it made sense now. As Baek-Ah gestured to the splintered pieces of wood she’d placed on the table, all three nodded in understanding.

“Right… We break her bones just like the dagger was broken!”

“No?! What- are you all insane?!!”

Chung Myung shrieked immediately at the brutish thought, seriously paling at the image.

His resistance to gore in the battlefield was incredible, surpassing most of his seniors as well, but to see a Mount Hua disciple in that state…

Ack- Urk- no- These… Agh-

Chung Myung gripped at his throbbing chest, going into a fit of coughs and harsh hacking while he lurched forwards, clutching the table with his other hand, attempting to stabilise himself.

“Ahhh, Dojang!!”

“I… I can’t believe these yangban- S-Sahyung…”

“Plum- Divine Dragon!!!”

“-And this f*cker keeps mistakenly calling me that old title.. Urgh…”

“P-Please, calm down-“

“Calm down- Calm down?! I feel as if i'm having a damn heart attack each time I say something to you three- Urk-“

Leaning more against the table he feels his head begin to swim.

Chung Myeong tries to remain focused as he looks towards Tang Gunnak, taking note of what the other was trying to do behind his back.

“And you! Stop trying to take your own daughter off of medical support, you bastard!!”


Tang Gunnak, who had begun whispering the command to a nearby servant, quickly called off the order, though with reluctance.

“…As her father-!”

‘As her father’ she’ll die you bastard! Argh - you leech… How badly have you influenced your family, huh..?”

Chung Myung grumbles beneath his breath, wanting to clutch at his head in frustration as his grasp on his chest tightened in pain.

‘Hyung-nim, it’s more you influencing me and my family…’

Shut up!!!”

The three flinch back at the sudden and unwarranted shout from Chung Myung, surprised by the sudden outburst.

“Goddamn it all- If that bastard was here I’d be beating some sense into him to teach his kids better- I can’t… I’m too old for this.”

‘But I’m not a Tang..?’


‘Did the Sword Saint and Dark Saint end off on bad terms or something? Why is he so aggressive towards him??’

Chung Myung wanted to rip out his hair due to the overwhelming stress these brats were causing him.

“…Dying from a heart attack.. Urgh- Sahyung and that brat would be laughing in mockery at such a thing.”

‘Please stop saying such concerning things…’

‘Mock? Why would they mock you?’

Finally finding the strength in him to look back at the chaotic trio he’d somehow befriended, he saw them obediently waiting for his quick recovery.

“You brats- Are you trying to put me in the grave-… Again?”

There’s a pause as he straightens himself, attempting to shrug off the dull and numbing pain as a shaky sigh leaves his lips.

“..Huh? That- No, that sounds so odd to say aloud. Hah…”

Shaking his head he turns his attention onto the three once more.

‘It is bizarre to hear such a thing..’

Meanwhile, Tang Gunnak carefully picks up the splintered pieces of wood, staring down at the material with a small indescribable expression before turning his attention onto Chung Myung.

“The Tang Family will treasure this precious gift, if one Tang does such a disrespectful thing, others must make up for their shortcomings.”

Lowering his head deeply towards the other, he gently held the wooden pieces close to his heart, as Chung Myung looked at him confused.

“I am- No… The Tang Family is ashamed of this horrible wound that has been dealt to you.”

“Well.. N-no, just raise your head, please…”

Choosing to comply with the request, Tang Gunnak hesitantly raised himself from his bowing position. Chung Myung rubbed his temples in exasperated annoyance.

“…I appreciate- the care you have for that- uhm.. dagger.”

Tang Gunnak is quick to speak up.

“We will cherish it for generations to come, it will be another pride and joy of the Tang Family.”

“…Hah. Yeah, yeah. Whatever.. This yangban.”

Shaking his head, Chung Myung waved off the devotion the Poison King was showing, as he admired the destroyed wooden pieces of the dagger.

“…Divine Dragon, you say the pattern was of the Mount Hua sect's symbol, correct?”

He blinks at the sudden question, but nods.

“Yes. I uhm... I thought she might’ve enjoyed it. Considering how much you and your family liked the blossom’s I’d carved on your pillars.”

Chung Myung rubbed the back of his neck as he explained.


“Such consideration-”

Tang Gunnak and Maeng So almost teared up at the honest intentions, however their admiration turned into fury at the reminder of what became of the object.

Chung Myung, taking note of their states of boiling anger, attempts to calm them down once more.

“Calm down- just, settle down please. My heart can’t take much more of this.”


“Our apologies, Divine Dragon.”

It seemed the only reason the alliance figureheads didn’t completely annihilate Mount Hua were due to the efforts of Chung Myung.

“..Now let’s-“

Knock knock.

Turning their sights towards the sound, Chung Myung gave a heavy sigh at the familiar presence from yesterday night. He gestured to the three to follow him to the gate, as he began his stride.

Tang Gunnak held a complicated expression, a mixture of anticipation and resentment.

“It seems like the ‘guests’ have arrived.”

The air was thick, as the alliance heads led the redeemed Mount Hua members into the meeting room.

As they were seated, Chung Myung avoided the concerned gazes of the worried disciples and Elder.

The heads wouldn’t allow any of the three even remotely close to Chung Myung, but they still needed to figure out how to reverse the effects of the talisman for the other sect members; it was the only reason they hadn’t thrown them out already.

“Ch-Chung Myung? Ah- uhm.. Are you doing alright-?”


Surprisingly, Maeng So was the one to speak up against Hyun Young’s worries.

“We aren’t here for your paltry pleasantries. Just speak of the truth, of what happened those two weeks ago. And then we’ll decide what to do with you.”


Hyun Young quickly shut up, much to the relief of the alliance.

Chung Myung’s gaze drifts onto the ‘beggar’ as his brows furrow slightly in confusion.

“What-? No... Who the hell invited this beggar in here?”

All gazes in the room turned to where Chung Myung was looking, seeing a.. A young monk with a thinning hairline..?

Tang Gunnak also raised an eyebrow, clearly asking Hyun Young to explain. Much to his surprise, the Elder was just desperately trying to hold back a laugh.

“Mm.. A- a beggar.. I.. I’m sorry my boy, but no. Tha-That’s the.. Shaolin monk. It is Hye Yeon.”

At the words ‘my boy’ the figure heads in the room go rigid, as if something within them had been set off, but- the reveal threw them all off.

Chung Myung blinks in bewilderment while he glances between the two, wondering if they still weren’t quite right in the head.


“Hey.. No, that... That’s clearly a beggar?!”

“Are you trying to deceive Dojang-nim..?”

Hye Yeon quickly stepped into the conversation with tensions rising, he couldn’t let this... Humiliating misunderstanding continue.

“Amitabha… Siju, it really is me. I’ve just taken on a new appearance in my enlightenment after being given back my freewill.”

He lowers his head as the-… Hair hangs down the side of his scalp.


Chung Myung couldn’t even speak a word, the other alliance heads included. Their jaws were dropped open, as Hye Yeon continued explaining.

“I.. I uhm- Took some hair. From a certain someone.”

‘Just who did you snatch that much hair from you crazy bald bastard??’


“Baek Cheon. He was kind enough to offer me some.”

“.. Mmph-!!

Slapping a hand over his mouth, Chung Myung desperately tried not to think of the image of a bald Baek Cheon. No.. Hye Yeon didn’t even take all his hair.. So did he just have a.. A bald spot?

Kek- kahahah-“

Chung Myung was unable to hold himself back as he leaned against the table in his fit of laughter, the figure heads smiled and even chuckled along with him, glad to finally receive at least the slightest sign of happiness from the other.

During his and their entire stay they hadn’t seen him laughing like his usual self, so seeing him in such a cheerful mood now brought relief to their hearts.

Chung Myung was shaking as he choked out his laughs, seemingly struggling to breath while his face leaned over the table slightly, fists clenching as he tried to stop himself from laughing due to the pain it was causing his chest.

Once he has finally calmed down, he clears his throat against his clenched fist, trying his best to settle the ache within his chest.

A-Ahem… Mm.. I-I see. Well, uhm. Although the sight of a bald Baek Cheon is.. Certainly- something. I don’t see the need in you.. Glueing the hair to your own scalp.”

With a questioning tilt of his head, Chung Myung urged Hye Yeon to speak and explain himself on this matter, his lips trembling slightly as the image in his mind still remained.

“Ah. Well uhm. It’s just that you all always.. I-I mean no offence to you specifically Siju! Just..”

Tripping over his own words, Hye Yeon tried to think of a logical reason for his actions, but looking back.. He thinks the blood loss from his head might have clouded his state of mind.

Chung Myung just sighed heavily, placing his fingers on his temples, and leaning towards them.

“…Everyone has always made remarks on my baldness, although at the time I think I was still dazed in my thinking.. So it may not be the most logical-!”

“Just take it off.”

It wasn’t a statement, more like a command.

“Yes, Siju.”

The monk immediately grasps the strands of hair, tugging it off in compliance, revealing the finger indentation wounds atop his scalp.

“Wait- wait, what the hell did you do to your head??”

“I had an awakening. It was necessary to pull myself back from my wrongful thoughts and actions. Now I can think much more clearly than before. After all, Siju is the reason I even came to Mount Hua in the first place.”

‘Awakening…? Who the hell calls that an awakening??’


Clearly stopping his response there, Chung Myung’s eyes glazed over in thought, thinking about what this.. ‘A wakening’ could mean.

Coughing into his fist awkwardly, Hye Yeon turned his gaze around the room, before his eyes landed on the absent minded Seol So-baek.

“Ah! Young ice prince, hello.”

With a smile, Hye Yeon gave a short wave to the younger, glad to see a familiar face here.

Seol So-baek simply stared.


“I-I was there? When we uhm.. Saved the Northern Ice Sea?”


The little child smiled with a tilt of his head.


“Uh-uhm? Yes..? Well not just me.. Yu Iseol here as well and-…”

Hye Yeon couldn’t help but feel an ominous chill creep up behind him,

“Dojang.. Dojang did the saving, you-you masquerading fakers!!”

Before the suddenly feral kid could lunge at the monk, who held up placating hands in defence, Chung Myung was quick to pat Seol So-baeks head, trying to settle the young ice prince down.

“Oohkay, calm down, brat.”

At the words from his Dojang he immediately quiets down, looking at Chung Myung as he hugs the other immediately afterwards.

“But Dojang-nim, they’re trying to take the credit for all your hard work! It’s unacceptable!”

“…Hah. This kid-“

Chung Myung mumbles the words while keeping up the gentle pats.

Maeng So looks to Seol So-baek in envy and jealousy, causing confusion to settle within Yu Iseol, Hyun Young and Hye Yeon; but they decide not to question it.

Turning his attention back onto the three, Chung Myung attempts to try and refocus the topic back onto the main problem at hand.

“Tell me. What took place during this supposed ‘awakening’ of yours?”

His brows furrowed as he stared at the once again bald monk.

“Ah!- Well you see, I was training alone and my thoughts wandered to why I had even come to the sect to begin with. And then Siju came to mind. After that it felt as if my skull was being boiled and ripped apart, before I heard some ominous voice within my head.”

‘What an ominously horrible thing to describe so grotesquely and vividly…’

It made sense why there were indentations within the monk's skull now if the pain had been that bad.

“The same also occurred for us.”

Hyun Young spoke up from the side.


Chung Myung rests his hand on his chin as he thinks, softly exhaling.

“So it really is a talisman..?”


The three question in confusion while glancing amongst the figureheads and Chung Myung, wanting to ask for an explanation, but knowing they had no right to ask for anything.

“Right. We received information from the Nokrim King that the demonic sect was on the move, apparently having plans with a talisman and the Divine Dragon. Although we still have yet to gather more intel on the situation at hand.”

Tang Gunnak explains in a simple and concise manner.

Hyun Young exchanged understanding glances with Yu Iseol and Hye Yeon beside him.

This explained why the entire sect had seemingly gone insane- And why they’d been freed. There must have been some sort of malfunction with the talisman.

“Now. Continue your explanation of what exactly happened. We’d gotten a bit.. Sidetracked.

Tang Gunnak continued, hoping to keep the conversation on the centralised topic.

“Ah-! Yes, yes.. Uhm. Yu Iseol, do you have any particular moments to speak of?”

With a slight nod of her head, Yu Iseol recalled a vital moment from her time under the talisman’s influence.

“…Martial arts books.. Misunderstanding..”

Chung Myung stilled in his wandering thoughts, as the scene of Un Geom with the.. Books he’d written tirelessly over the course of 3 days and nights in his hands, flashed through his mind.

He stayed silent, the figureheads urging Yu Iseol to continue, seemingly focused solely on her explanation.

“…Un Geom Sasuk.. Destroyed them.”

Maeng So just shook his head in annoyance, his patience drying at the prolonged explanation. He slammed his hand on the table with a loud sound echoing throughout the room.

“Hey brat. Just what does this have to do with the Divine Dragon..?”

Yu Iseol remained undeterred, as she continued at her own pace, finding the right words to explain what happened; but Hyung Young steps in to help.

“…The Plum Blossom Sword Saint had made the technique books, but suspicion was going around that Chung Myung had written them using the ancestor's name.”

Hyun Young explained in better detail, causing a small frustrated pout to form on Yu Iseol’s face.

The figureheads looked confused at Chung Myung’s past title being brought up suddenly until the situation was explained in better detail.

..Their anger had finally boiled to the surface.

“You... No. What?”

Tang Gunnak had a smile on his face, however, it cast a menacing shadow across his facial features.

Chung Myung turns his head away, a bitter and incredulous expression resting upon his face.

The group stares at the three as Hyun Young and the other two keep their heads lowered.

“These- No… You all knew he created them, yet you-you destroyed the technique book and threw him out?!!! I can’t stand for this disrespect to the Great Plum Blossom Sword Saint, to do such a thing to the man himself?!! How DARE you-

“Oy?! You bastard!! I thought I told you to quit calling me that- I-… Hah…”

Chung Myung sighs in defeat, resting a hand on his forehead.

“Sahyung-… Why did it have to be me..? …Why?”

The words are murmured in frustration as he deflates.

The three blink in confusion, glancing between the figurehead and Chung Myung.

“…Are- You referring to Chung Myung as the Plum Blossom Sword Saint..? I mean- I know they have the same names-“

“Shut it.”

Tang Gunnak and Maeng So’s harsh tone and glares towards the three could be felt throughout the entire room, causing them to tense and go silent.

A soft sigh leaves Chung Myung as he frowns slightly.

“It was bound to be found out eventually.”

He mumbles while scratching the back of his head, catching everyone’s attention.

“Divine Dragon, Plum Blossom Sword Saint. They’re all titles I had been given. Both in this life and the past. I don’t care if any of you believe me, there’s no rhyme nor reason to explain myself-“

Hyun Young’s eyes shook greatly as his body immediately fell to the floor, the other two following suit.

“Wh-What? No this.. Isn’t it impossible?”

Although they questioned it, they still felt the need to keep their heads low to the ground.

The three alliance figureheads by Chung Myung’s side immediately gave defensive glares, Maeng So stepping forward.

“Hey.. Do you dare doubt the Great Plum Blossom Sword Saint? Your own Ancestor?!!

“No! No- of course not, I would never doubt Chung Myung!”

Hyun Young is quick to say, lowering his head to the floorboards out of shame and respect.

“I-It’s just.. This kind of-? This kind of statement is..”

Chung Myung shook his head, but understood where the Elder was coming from. After all, he had suspected that even with Hyun Young’s… God worshipping devotion to him, it was incredibly out there. The other two at Hyun Young’s side were just gaping at the scene as well, not a word to be said.

“Well- Enough of… This. It’s not the time to be worrying about the past. I’m not the same as I used to be after all.”

The three figureheads stare at Chung Myung with worried gazes.

With a small frown, he stares down at his still- much smaller hands.

His qi might be better than in the past, but he was still-


Hand clenching into a slight fist, a heavy sigh escapes his lips. A melancholy look remained within his eyes.

The three Mount Hua members meanwhile were silent as they trembled with vacant faces. Hyun Young especially seemed to be shaking quite violently.

“P-plum.. Blossom Sword Saint..?”

“Sect Leader. We can’t just keep dealing with this brat’s nonsense! Haven’t you already seen all the problems he’s caused for the sect?! All the damages and costs we’ve had to make repairs for?!!

Chung Myung’s breath hitches within his throat, gaze wavering while his body tensed at the sudden cold memory that still gripped tightly onto him.

With shaky hands he grasped at his chest, feeling his heart, beating within his own ear drums.

Hyun Young’s voice alone was enough to bring back the unwarranted memories that had been slowly settling, disturbing the peace he had tried to make within himself once more.

“First you’re fed and clothed by us. But now, when we cut back on your meal costs slightly, you’re suddenly ungrateful?!”

“If you can’t appreciate what’s given, you shouldn’t have anything at all! How dare you be so ungrateful for the food provided for you, you brat!!”

Chung Myung’s gaze was unfocused as his lip unconsciously trembled.

The sight alone gripped the hearts of those witnessing his sudden outward change…

It wasn’t like that at all-

Was he really that ungrateful..?

He wasn’t-


“You’re simply being greedy- too greedy!! Is this what we get for dealing with you and your shameful actions towards the sect? You and your blasted bandit personality are dragging our reputation through the mud! How dare you!!”

“Not only do you go against the sect leader’s orders and complain to his face, but you dare to seek the help of your sasuk in the middle of it?! Trying to drag me into this mess of yours??!!”

Everything was so-


It was too much.

His limbs unconsciously trembled as he tried to stay upright. Chung Myung’s legs just wanted to give out on him…

‘What was all the training for if I was going to end up being so pathetically weak?’

The question struck him like boiling water, one that left no visible marks or burns…

“This is why he doesn’t need to drink! It’s only making that damn temper of his worse, while also wasting the sect's money!!”

“Tch. His personality is the worst of it all.”

“Agreed, but isn’t his lack of trust also frustrating? After all, we've been training together for years- Yet we barely know a single goddamn thing about him!!”

“Right! That’s right, the only thing we know is he’s some beggar brat. But it doesn’t explain anything else about the bastard!”


It felt like his flesh was melting from his very bones, yet there was no visible sign of it actually taking place.

He just couldn’t breath -


He needed oxygen-


Chung Myung’s hand had moved to his throat as he began to claw at it in a desperate attempt to clear out whatever could possibly be blocking it.

Why wouldn’t his throat clear?

“Sect Leader. We can’t just keep dealing with this brat’s nonsense! Haven’t you already seen all the problems he’s caused for the sect?! All the damages and costs we’ve had to make repairs for?!!”

“The longer he stays the more troublesome things keep taking place. It’s like a never ending death trap around him.”

He couldn’t do anything right…

Why couldn’t he do such a simple thing?

His nails dug deeper past the skin as warmth began to cover his fingertips.



Breath- Goddamn it!

“Chung Myung… You are no disciple of Mount Hua. No, you’re a bandit. A bandit that has no place within this sect. As the Sect Leader, I hereby, exile you from the sect! You have no home within Mount Hua because Mount Hua is no place for bandits like you.” Hyun Jong’s tone was cold, holding nothing but disgust and hatred with every word; he wasn’t even trying to hide it.

It was the last straw of what kept him going, his mount hua- his-…

His everything.

…All gone, in the span of a night.


The grasp on the front of his robe tightened as his lungs constricted.

…It felt as if someone had a tight unwavering grip on his throat.

He hadn’t even noticed the scalding hot tears that streamed from his very eyes.

All he felt was the pain and emptiness within his chest grow once more.


His head spun-

‘..Please forgive this useless and pathetic Sajae of yours…’

Everything spun…

Chung Myung almost loses his footing, his bloodied hand catching the table that had reappeared within his vision.

‘Clammy- why do I feel so clammy? Am I sick? No-‘

He suddenly felt hands rest on his limbs, just like that night…

But these hands were-



Was his hearing going out on him?

…What was being said..?


Everything around him was like a blur, before his surroundings slowly began to focus once more.

“Snap out of it, please-“

A shaky gasp left his lips as his senses returned, sending a shockwave throughout his trembling body.

Heavy pants of air left his lungs as he tried his best to calm down, waving off the concern of those around.

“…’m fine…”

Chung Myung croaked the words out, his voice hoarse as he attempted to settle his beating heart that felt as if it had moved to his throat.



…He needed to focus.

He couldn’t make these brats worry over an old man like himself…

Being the oldest and causing these brats to fret? It wasn’t right. He’s supposed to set a good example.


He really couldn’t do anything right.

“D-Dojang-nim, you’re-… You’re bleeding.”

Seol So-Baek looks up at Chung Myung with worried eyes, causing the pain that he had caused himself to finally register within his own mind.

Chung Myung’s hand reaches for his own throat, but Maeng So grasps him by the wrist while Tang Gunnak begins to quickly apply golden scab ointment along the new wound before wrapping gauze around his neck after having applied a few pieces of cottoned cloth

“There, there. No need to harm yourself anymore. Just- Take a breath and calm down, Divine Dragon.”

Tang Gunnak softly spoke, hoping to help calm Chung Myung down from the traumatising episode he had just gone through.

This was one of the first times they had ever seen Chung Myung act in this sort of way and it-…

Struck them quite deeply.

Sure, he used to take advantage of them in the past and sure his personality hadn’t been the best, but he’d changed and they didn’t like this change.

They wished he was back to his greedy and hungry self.

…It was a strange thought.

Normally, any sane person would logically approve of any change from the usual psychotic man. But there was only concern to be found.

For there was no higher priority to anyone in the room than Chung Myung’s health.

In the meanwhile, the man himself shuddered at the incredibly recent memory of what had just taken place, trying to compose himself with a prevalent frown creeping on his face.

Of course he’d just caused more of a fuss again… Just like this morning.

God couldn’t he do anything right?

He was causing so many problems as of late- no…

…Haven’t they always gotten on his case for being problematic..?

“Oh Ancestors… What a truly grave sin we have committed, at this point we shouldn’t even live.”

Chung Myung is snapped out of his bitter thoughts at the words from the Elder, as he turns his focus and attention onto him.

“Wha-? No- knock it off with this nonsense! I-I can’t deal with more leech bastards. I can’t- I’d rather kill myself here and now if I had to-…”

The words caught in his throat, realising Seol So-Baek was still here and very much listening.

“Ah- No… That’s not what I-“

The ice prince begins to tear up while still latched onto Chung Myung’s leg.


“Wait- wait- c-calm down, I didn’t mean it like that-“

Seol So-Baek turns his head to look at the three with a displeased frown before speaking.

“Position doesn't matter! Dojang worked hard on those books regardless, so you should be repenting not because he is a great person, but because of the effort he had put in for you all!”

His words were wise beyond his years as everyone stared at the young boy before them in admiration.

“Yes, of course. Of course, that’s why I’ve come here to repent for my sins after some sense was knocked back into me. I apologise… Please- please punish me for my actions. I hold so many regrets for what I have done to you.”

“But you- you haven’t done anything to me…”

“Sadly… My daughter did. I must take responsibility for her actions, it’s only fair.”


Chung Myung gave up.

There’s no point in arguing with the devoted Tangs, he of all people knew this fact all too well. The fact that he still bothered was a challenge all in itself.

Tang Gunnak meanwhile carefully bundled the broken pieces of the dagger safely together in a thick soft towel he had requested for earlier. Tying it together snuggly, he handed it off to a trusted servant of his.

“Go, send this in for repairs. It’s now the highest priority order. Once complete, place it on display in the private hall.”

Obediently bowing down with arms outstretched, the servant cautiously held the bundle, rushing off immediately to the carpenters and blacksmiths area of the residence.

Everyone in the room held a proud expression, excluding Chung Myung of course. He simply stared off back and forth at where the servant had gone and the smirking Alliance and Mount Hua members with disbelieving eyes.

He then shook his head and nodded with lingering acceptance in his mind.

‘They’re all crazy.’

Eyelids slowly open, just to be greeted by light as he grimaces, immediately closing them once more and rubbing at them with a shaky hand as he attempts to try and recall what had happened to him…


His eyes snap open once more while his body quickly sits upright as the memories rush back to him.

“One moment I was on the battlefield, missing an arm and donning a head-sized hole in my abdomen and then the next, I woke up in this beggar's body a hundred years in the future.”

…Should he just collapse again?

Im Sobyeong pulled out a handkerchief with shaky hands, coughing into it immediately as it graced his mouth. His body shuddered and wracked harder than normal, as a bright red stained the cloth in his hand.

“Tsk.. That bastar- Uhh… No..”

Immediately taking back his words, Im Sobyeong hesitated in his thoughts against Chung Myung, at the reminder of his.. Revealed identity.

‘…How exactly am I supposed to approach him now?’

Im Sobyeong wasn’t the type to needlessly believe just any careless words thrown at him. But then again, Chung Myung was never one to lie either, was he?

The relationship between him and the Divine Dragon was a strange, but stable balance.

Although they’d started off on a friendly note, soon deviating into a… Particularly one sided business gain, they’d established some form of trust between them as he trusted the other with as many mountain bandits and resources as he could deliver, in return gaining the perks of the Heavenly Friendly Alliance and pills needed to be bought for his.. Condition.

But this knowledge..

The fact that all throughout this time, Chung Myung was…

The highly revered Plum Blossom Sword Saint?

How could it both utterly shock him to his core, yet have everything make so much sense?

Incomprehensible and inconceivable notions, yet he could only shake his head in amusem*nt at the thought.

‘..The Plum Blossom Sword Saint, huh?’

There wasn’t anyone within the Central Plains who hadn’t heard of the Esteemed Plum Blossom Sword Saint, the man worshipped as the hero responsible for slaying the Heavenly Demon.

Although no one other than Nanman Beast Palace truly displayed their appreciation, he was highly respected and renowned by every individual, including Nokrim.

Well.. Maybe not Shaolin. Or Wudang… The Nine Sects in general… Or- The Demonic Sect…

Okay most people still weren’t too keen on the praise the Plum Blossom Sword Saint received. But in the end, Im Sobyeong had subconsciously grown up to admire the man for his sacrifice.

To learn that he was… The Divine Dragon was certainly a shock.

Thinking of how even in his second life, he had chosen to train to become stronger, how he’s risen, shaking the very foundations of the Martial Arts world in the body of a simple young beggar.

The sad fact is that in the end, he can loosely understand exactly why he is so desperately greedy for the sake of keeping Mount Hua standing.

…A shame it had rewarded his efforts with this turn of events.

Chung Myung… Or the Plum Blossom Sword Saint it seems.

For if it was anyone else, Im Sobyeong thinks that by now, they’d be dead at his feet for such psychotic words. No, it was a fact. But… If it was that man. Then perhaps he could find it in himself to simply change his attitude around him.

After all, with what he’s learned from Chung Myung by now, his horrifying history and painful present lives, he truly does deserve the utmost respect possible.

A chuckle escapes his hoarse throat, thin messy hair escapes the confines of his wrinkled hat as he again, delves into a fit of harsh coughing.

As his attention returns to his surroundings, his gaze catches sight of an unconscious figure lying across a bed within the same medical hall as him…

With furrowed brows, he attempts to make out what or who it was, they appeared so severely beaten that trying to figure out who was quite the task.

When his eyes finally process the form on the bed, his eyes widen in surprise, confusion quickly filling his mind.

‘...Isn’t that- the Tang family girl who went to Mount Hua..? Why and how did she end up here?’

Shaking his head he slides his feets and legs off the side of the bed, shifting his body as he shakily gets to them. Holding onto the side of bed momentarily for support. On the opposing side of his resting place, he saw a… Heavily beaten up snow owl?

‘…No. I don’t want to know!’

A shaky breath leaves Im Sobyeong’s lips before he begins to stumble out of the medical hall, making his way through the halls of the residence, using his hands along the walls to keep himself upright, having stashed his handkerchief into his robe once more.

Im Sobyeong trudged through the empty halls, nearing the muffled sound of voices he had begun to hear, he had been following them for a while now.

Arriving at the door in front of the source of the sound, he grabbed the doorknob with nimble fingers, turning it and stepping inside.

The talking abruptly halted as everyone turned to the new entry in the room with confused eyes. The alliance figureheads just shook their heads in amusem*nt.

“Ah. Finally awake then, Nokrim King?”

“Hahaha, he’s missed a lot, hasn’t he!!”

“Tsk, took him long enough. If he asks, I’m not explaining anything again!”

“It’s okay Dojang-nim, rest your voice!!!”

The four immediately greeted Im Sobyeong approaching him with casual postures, making him feel relieved at the familiar presences.

“Aha. It’s alright, Divine Dragon sir, you need not explain anything.”


“After all, I was only out for one night, what in the world could have happened in that short amount of… Time?”

Trailing off towards the end of his words as Im Sobyeong’s eyes travelled over to the three Mount Hua members behind the alliance, standing with awkward smiles.

“…Sir. I might need that explanation!”

“Bastard, I just said I wouldn’t do it!? What the hell are you saying!!”

Turning to Tang Gunnak with pleading eyes, the dagger wielder took pity on the bandit, deciding to explain what had occurred in his absence.

Sigh… Let me start.”

“…And that’s everything.”

“What the hell?”

A straightforward question followed up the long convoluted explanation, truly did provide a strange atmosphere. But Im Sobyeong didn’t care as his thoughts raced.

‘Why do things progress so rapidly whenever the Plum-… Divine Dragon is involved..?’

“Yes it’s… It is quite something. In hindsight, a lot has happened.”

“Hah.. Alright. Now when are we heading out for the beggars branch, Divine Dragon sir?”

Everyone in the room was taken aback at the quick acceptance. Normally there were lots of exchanges of intel recently with… Various reactions.

But no one’s truly accepted the words at face value.

Chung Myung gave a smirk, glad to see that they weren’t wasting any time with what was truly important, Seol So-baek and Maeng So approving only because Chung Myung gave a nod of appreciation.

“Right, finally this bandit is saying words I approve of! Come, come. Let’s head off immediately!!”

“Ah-? Alright then sir! Wait- What happened to-to your neck..?”

“Long story, no time to waste!”

With that having been said and done, the group follows behind Chung Myung as he heads out of the room, knowing there really was no time to squander.

After all-

…Too much time had already passed.

Everything hurt.

The pain was absolutely-


The last thing she could recall was…

Hye Yeon..?

With bleary eyes, she blinks and blinks, attempting to slowly remove her dazed vision.

A shaky breath left Soso’s lips before she slowly and painstakingly sat up, taking note of the familiar room.

‘Why am I home?’

Looking down at herself, she takes note of the many many bandages wrapped around herself as a small frown rests upon her lips.

She quickly takes note of just how beaten and bruised she had gotten before her brows furrowed in confusion.

…Why had Hye Yeon acted out in such a way out of the blue?

The answer eluded her, leaving Soso feeling even more confused and baffled by the situation at hand.

Her eyes raise as she glances around, taking note of the messy and empty bed within the ward beside her and then-…

A pile of feathers laying on another.

This day is too bizarre.

Instead of deciding to question it all, which would cause her headache to worse, she instead decides to try and find her father so as to uncover what exactly had taken place during her unconscious state.

With that thought in mind she stumbles out of bed, barely able to even stand due to how badly she had been injured.

‘How rough was that damn monk to me? Tch…’

Soso clicks her tongue in annoyance before limping out of the room, using the walls as her main support as her head and body continues to throb and ache.

‘…I need answers.’

The group stood by the gates, ready to wish Chung Myung and Im Sobyeong a safe and momentary farewell for their current assignment.

Chung Myung gently pats Seol So-baeks head as the young boy clings to his leg.

“Can’t I come with, Dojang-nim? Pleeeeease?”

A soft sigh Leaves Chung Myung as he shakes his head.

“No. You should stay here, I’ll be fine. It’s just to gain intel on that damned talisman, nothing else.”

“But- but-“

“No buts. You’ve already taken over my room, It’ll be fine to take time to, er-“

Chung Myung pauses as if to think of some task the ice prince could focus on instead.

“Ah! Right- you can train while I’m away, how does that sound?”

“But Dojang-nim won’t be here during the training…”

‘…Sahyung. What did I sign myself up for when listening to this bandit bastard and coming here?’

A shaky sigh leaves Chung Myung as he stares up at the sky bitterly.

Soft staggering footfalls approaching their direction could be heard as everyone turned their heads, Chung Myung’s body tenses at the familiar presence as he also focuses his attention towards the direction.

“A-ah! Father? Sago?”

A voice Chung Myung hadn’t heard in weeks suddenly pierced through the moment, as all eyes turned in surprise to..


Standing there with a shaky breath. Her gaze scanned through the crowd in confusion, but relieved that no one was in danger, before her eyes landed on the wide-eyed Chung Myung.

“What-? What is he doing here?!”

His gaze trembled at the sight of Soso, along with her question as he felt his own breath hitch within his throat.

Chung Myung’s body unconsciously moved as he took a shaky step back.

“Why the hell did you give me this- this unnecessary.. thing! It would be much easier if you just bought a genuine dagger! At least that could probably be used in battle!!”

The memory came back to him like an arrow in the chest as he flinched.

“…Divine Dragon?”

Chung Myung snapped his head towards the voice of Im Sobyeong, quickly grabbing the hems of his sleeves before taking off in a hurry towards the gate as Seol So-Baek still clung to his leg during the sudden rush.

“A-ah? Dojang, wait- where are you going?!”

“Out. I’m uh-... Wasting time. Goodbye.”

Lightly pushing the small ice prince off his leg after having slowed down, so the kid could safely be removed, Chung Myung celebrated his new found freedom of movement by leaping over the exit with a shrill shrieking Im Sobyeong in tow.

Silence filled the area as the air now held a cold and merciless chill to it.

Now that the two had left in such a hurried manner, everyone’s harsh glares fell onto Soso as her body went rigid.

She felt like prey surrounded by predators.

Her own father showed the most anger and resentment…

…Even her Sago was glaring.

It was like a stab to the heart, causing her to wonder just what she had done so wrong.

Soso .”

Tang Gunnak’s tone held no form of the affection she had once known.

“Come inside dear. We need to talk.”

“Father, what’s-? Ow! Ow ow ow!!”

Tang Gunnak had quickly grabbed Soso by the ear, and tugged her inside without a second thought, ignoring the questioning pleas of his daughter, only responding with silence.

The vindicated Seol So-baek and Maeng So followed the two with proud demeanours.

As Soso was dragged inside, the tension in the air slowly settled back down as the three turned their gazes to the gate with a small frown, thoughts of worry about Chung Myung remaining within their chests…

Chung Myung continued to run away from the Tang Family Residence, no destination in mind, just the need to get away.

He ran, and ran…

The weight of the body he currently dragged behind him, not even registering within his mind.

“Ah- Esteemed Plum Blossom Sword Saint!!”

Screeching to a halt, the dirt being pushed forward by Chung Myung’s feet. He turned his now narrowed gaze down towards the person who had just called out his old title in a place as public as Sichuan.

“Hey- What the hell are you doing, you yangban?!”

Throwing the flimsy Nokrim King into the air, Chung Myung easily kicked him back down into the ground, making him land with a loud ‘thud’.

Ack-!! B-but Esteemed Pl-?”

“And now he’s trying to say it again?! In this place full of people-?!! Ah?”

His words silenced as soon as he realised how empty and desolate the roads appeared to be…

Glancing around, his boot still resting atop the other, a small frown rests upon his lips; his expression now showing his confusion.

“…Where is everyone?”

“How should I kn- I.. mean… I’ve not the slightest idea.”



Chung Myung’s gaze drifts back onto Im Sobyeong, his brows furrowing at the halt of the snappy comeback, in exchange for a sudden.. ‘sir’.

A heavy sigh leaves his lips, his foot moving off the other before he uses a hand, easily picking the other back up off the dirt floor below.

“No matter if the town is-... Desolate. You should still watch that tongue of yours; those beggar bastards are always listening and you don’t know who else is keeping their damn nosy ears peeled.”

“Now Divine Dragon, my beggars aren’t always -..”


Chung Myung’s body had gone rigid as he spun around, hand having automatically grasped for the handle of his wooden sword. His attention was now on the beggar in front of him. Even Im Sobyeong muffled a shriek at the surprising voice.

“Ah-... I really must be losing my touch. Damn beggar managed to sneak up behind me.”

A heavy sigh leaves his lips as he rests his hand on the bridge on his nose in bitter annoyance.

“It seems the rumours are true to some extent, Divine Dragon… But it seems you’re currently looking for something?”

“...Hah. Yes, yes. I need information from you actually. But first- Why the hell is Sichuan so empty?”

“.. Sigh.”

Hong Dae-Kwang quickly glanced around the street, lightly tugging on the hems of both Chung Myung and Im Sobyeong’s robes, pulling them into the nearby Sichuan Beggars Branch.

The eerie quiet of the outside streets faded away, as a bustling atmosphere of beggars moving here and there with varying expressions of panic and fear on their faces. The wooden structure creaked with the movement of many people inside, Hong Dae-Kwang brought the two into a damp dreary corner.

His expression was grim and weary, as if the whole world was ending.

Hong Dae-Kwang’s grasp on their sleeves tightened slightly, due to the impending stress along with doom that he felt rocking his entire being.

“You know what? Forge-”

Chung Myung had been about to say, but the beggar pauses when he notices the bandages around his neck.

“Ah- Wait… What happened to your-”

Hong Dae-Kwang shakes his head, deciding now wasn't the time.

“..Forget about it… Divine Dragon. Before the entire city went into ‘lockdown’… My beggars had heard something-!”

“Your beggars aren’t always listening though you said? Ah, yes… Well that means nothing when you’re here popping out of nowhere like a damn co*ckroach!!”

“D-divine Dragon, that's not the main point!”

“Hah? Well I have no concern for whatever your point is. We’re not even here for that anyways, you begging bastard!!”

Hong Dae-Kwang stopped his words, mouth in the middle of talking, looking like a particularly moronic fish, dumbfounded by the words that registered through his ears.


Before Chung Myung could throw a sucker punch at the poor man, Nokrim King stepped in front of him, looking at the beggar with a serious expression.

“What my Esteemed Sir is saying..”

“Divine Dragon.”

“What my Esteemed Sir. Is saying-“

“Divine. Dragon.”

“Argh you bastar-!! Sir!!!”

“If you call me sir one more goddamn time, I'll beat that head of yours in, you bandit bastard!!”

“B-but Sir?!”

“Come here and take your fist then you f*cker!”

Hong Dae-kwang was baffled by the sudden politeness the Nokrim King, of all people, expressed towards Chung Myung.

…Is it because of what had taken place?

“W-well then what exactly are you here for then.. Divine Dragon?”

The beggar attempts to redirect the sudden bout of anger.

“Ah.. Right. Any sightings of a talisman?”

Im Sobyeong relaxes slightly as Chung Myung lowers his fist.

“A... Talisman?”

“Yes, a talisman! Is this beggar going deaf too?! Huhh?!!”

“No- No, that’s not… Hah. What kind of talisman specifically?”

“What the hell do you mean by ‘what kind’, huh?”

“…Divine Dragon there- there’s many kinds of talismans.”

“A talisman is a talisman you bastard! Exactly how many talisman related sightings do you see?!!”

Hong Dae-kwong goes silent as he shakily sighs in defeat.

He had heard the Divine Dragon had changed, but it appeared that he still had that nasty personality of his.

The beggar pulls them into his newer office, so that they could discuss such matters more privately. Inside the building had been emptied of people, only those that were insane would remain in such dire circ*mstances…

“Tsk.. Bring us into the Beggars Sect Branch first.. Then into your office.. Is this a damn luxury tour?!”

“Divine Dragon- Please. The situation is currently quite dire, so privacy is necessary-”

“First he says what kind of talisman.. Now the bastard knows enough to think this kind of info needs privacy.. How inconsistent!!”

Im Sobyeong who hadn’t said a word, too overshadowed by Chung Myung’s overwhelming presence, and his rare lack of info in comparison to Hong Dae-Kwang, chose to remain silent as he watched the conversation pass.


‘I just can’t win with this bastard…’

“Right, right. Let's just get into the details then.”

Hong Dae-Kwong says these words while pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Now this yangban is trying to derail the topic once again? Hah, you can’t even make up your damn mind. Tsk. Pathetic.”

Chung Myung clicks his tongue while shaking his head in annoyance.

‘Just leave it alone, please… I came all the way here for you anyways, shouldn’t you be happy about my thoughtfulness?’

But he couldn’t utter such words to the man himself, his vocal cords not allowing him to do so.

“...The talisman. I heard demonic sect members had snuck off from Mount Hua during the night-”

“What do I even pay you useless bastards for?! Can’t even gather information correctly, tsk.”

‘But you don’t pay us..?’

A heavy sigh emanated from the beggar head, as he tried to recall the information, pulling out some documents in his desk in the process.

“Forgive me Divine Dragon, but this was over two weeks ago- Let me just find the right.. Folder…”

At the reminder of exactly how long it had been since the.. ‘ Incidents’ had started, Chung Myung stilled in his impatient demeanour.

Had he not composed himself, he almost would’ve flinched.


The Nokrim King saw this change in tone, quickly leading the conversation on with his own questions.

“Alright well, first off you can confirm your information with me. I’ve also heard of some rumours regarding the talisman, so I’ll be checking its authenticity.”

“Ah- Of course. That sounds like a reasonable idea.

Clearing his throat with a hearty cough, Hong Dae-Kwang began reciting the information he received.

“First, the talisman affects multiple people’s mental states, a.. a sort of corruption if you will.”

“... That is indeed what I have heard.

Im Sobyeong confirms that the information was indeed accurate to his own knowledge.

“Right, well our beggars had sketched out the symbol we had seen etched on it, giving that intel to a reliable source of ours, we figured out some more on its effects.”

“I see.. Truly the beggars sect is resourceful as they say.”

“Ahaha. Thank you, thank you..”

Chung Myung leaned forward, looking at the two with a dark glare.

“Hey. Drop the pleasantries already.”

Im Sobyeongs gaze immediately hardens at the words from him.

“Y-yes, yes. My apologies, Sir! Uhm, you may continue.”

Hong Dae-Kwang was still confused by the Nokrim King's sudden respect for Chung Myung, but chose to ignore it for the moment.

“Right.. While the exact range is difficult to pinpoint… A good comparison would be to say it affects the entirety of the Mount Hua mountain range?”


Sparing a quick glance to Chung Myung, who had turned his head down at the words, Im Sobyeong again looked back to the beggar head.

“..Yes I can verify that.”

“Mhm, ah.. What else what else…”

“Well your intel is authentic.. Do you have any idea what exactly the ‘corruption’ you described is?”

Hong Dae-Kwang again speedily breezed through the documents, eyes quickly scanning through the information. A grim expression of disappointment slowly making its way upon his face.

“I’m.. Afraid not. There’s no telling what that thing does.”

Chung Myung shook his head, slamming a hand down on a desk, making the documents the beggar head was holding scatter, however he couldn’t care less.

You- You useless beggar bastard!! I didn’t come here to waste my damn time hearing a repeat of the same things.”

“D-Divine Dragon, I’m sorry. But that’s all the information we’ve received-!!”


With a shout, Chung Myung gets to his feet, the chair he had previously been sitting on, long forgotten to the side as he begins to walk out, feeling bitter rage within each step.

Im Sobyeong is quick to stand up from his chair, following in Chung Myungs footsteps.

“Sir, please wait-!”


The entirety of the Sichuan Beggar Branch building shook at the scream, Chung Myung immediately heading for the doorway without a care for the remaining panicked beggars behind him.

“Oh yeah.. Just wait until we get more info from the Beggars it’ll all be fine. Yeah, yeah. We’ve gotten sooo much from them!”

“D-Divine Dragon wait-!!”

Rushing outside, Hong Dae-Kwang stopped in front of Chung Myung, slightly out of breath, the Nokrim King not far behind.

“Now what does the useless beggar want? More of my damn time that I could be using for more important things? Huh??”

“N-no, listen! Don’t you at least want to hear as to why the city is so.. Empty?”


“Right that’s-! What?”

Before he could explain, Hong Dae-Kwang had his mouth gaping open. Chung Myung rolled his eyes irritated, crossing his arms with an annoyed posture.

“Look you bastard. I’m not feeling good, I am tired, I am exhausted, but most of all? I’m f*cking pissed.”

Chung Myung slowly approached the rapidly sweating Hong Dae-Kwang with a clenched jaw, spitting the words out with fire in his voice.

“So unless you have any. Useful information at all, I’m going to need you to shut your mouth before I break your f*cking head. Are we clear?”

About to turn away again from the trembling man in front of him, Chung Myung felt his movement stop as Im Sobyeong grabbed his wrist.

“What the hell are you-?!”

“Just.. Listen. Divine Dragon, sir. Sure, it’s not related to the talisman, but it’s something.”


Chung Myung reluctantly faced the beggar with Im Sobyeong holding onto his arm, in order to make sure he didn’t try to leave again.

“T-Thank you Divine Dragon! Now… Let me explain the true reason.. Behind the strange absence of Sichuan’s citizens!”



Chung Myung rolled his eyes with a frown, but remained silent, urging the other to continue his mysterious words. The Nokrim King beside him gave a sharp glare, not wanting Chung Myung’s time to be wasted.

Hong Dae-Kwang stuttered, dropping the pleasantries, trying to compose himself.

“R-Right. Well, uhm-!”

“Speak. We’re leaving soon you know?! I got more business than just-!!”

“Jang Ilso is currently in Sichuan.”

The atmosphere had gone cold as chills suddenly filled the room.

“… What?”

Shock was evident in Chung Myung’s tone as his eyes widened, mouth gaping open slightly. Im Sobyeong also appeared stunned by the jaw-dropping news.

“Divine Dragon he- he’d caused a scene this morning. My beggars had seen him stroll in without a care in the world! Everyone in the marketplace was.. terrified.”

“That- That Sapa bastard?! How dare he come here of all places!!”

Chung Myung spat out the words in distaste, not liking the thought of that bastard being around at a time like this

“And he.. He approached a noble who had fallen down from the sheer.. tension he had exuded. Saying that he needed him as a guide to the Tang Family Residence.”

“..The what?”

The next words Chung Myung spoke were through gritted teeth, his fists balling up into fists as he clenched his jaw. He felt veins of anger appear along his forehead.

“Divine Dragon, we’ve tried to keep a watch on him, but.. He always seems to know where our beggars are hidden, looking at them in the eyes with a devious sort of expression on his face-..”

“Of course he does! That bastard is a monster.”

Hong Dae-Kwang looked a bit shocked as Chung Myung spit the words out with a bitter gleam in his eyes. The Nokrim King to the side clenched his fist at the thought of that tyrant appearing in such dire times.

“Divine Dragon uh… Sir.”


“Do you think he- he’s here for something related to the talisman..?”


Chung Myung easily dismissed the notion, clearly understanding Jang Ilso’s intentions here. He turned to the confused men waiting for his word, trying to get a grasp on the current situation.

And so Chung Myung gave them his answer.

“He’s here for me.”


Jang Ilso trailed through the streets of Sichuan, the shaking noble snivelling by his side. Each time they travelled through another area, the bustling roads gradually became less crowded.

“Ah.. Where might all the people be?”

A gleeful smile decorated the ghost-like face, as he crept towards a particular handcrafted ornament shop, its owner absent.

Delicately, he picked up a wonderfully bright plum blossom jewel necklace, languidly twirling the gemstone between his fingers.

“Mmm.. Do you think he’ll enjoy this? That little thorn in my side always does love his plum blossoms.”

The noble couldn’t even speak up, not having the courage to do so in front of such a terrifying and mighty force as he continued to tremble and shake.

“Silence? My what a rude subordinate this is.. Should I have simply brought over Hoga Myong?”

Chuckling to himself, Jang Ilso clutched the gemstone necklace in his hand, as he gave a short wave to the empty shop.

“Hello? Why is anyone there? I’ll be taking this if you don’t mind, thank you.”

Although the tone seemed inviting, it was clear that there was no room for arguments. The young shopkeeper who’d been trembling under the counter in terror knew this fact well, choosing wisely in her decision to not speak up.

Jang Ilso meanwhile happily held the necklace between his thumb and index finger, examining it in the light of the sun’s dull shine.

The blood red grin on his face only widened at the sight, hues of crimson, white and pink swirled through the gemstone petals.

As dark clouds began to envelop the rays of sunlight, soon the dark crimson took over the entirety of the flower. Encompassing all in its overwhelming vigour.

“Beautiful… How beautifully tragic. It suits you well, don't you think, Swordsman?”

Jang Ilso closed his eyes with a wide grin still on his face, stretching from ear to ear, the already abundant tension in the atmosphere somehow managed to increase severely.

A familiar presence…

No, in fact the very presence he’d been searching for this entire while could be felt from within his vicinity.

“Ah, this swordsman, so excited to see me that you’ve left the Tang Family’s residence already?”

He turned back to the shivering noble with a cold smile, his eyes vacant of any visible emotions other than pure madness.

“You’ve played your role, now leave.”

Scrambling away from Jang Ilso with gratefulness in his eyes, the noble soon sped out of view.

Jang Ilso paid him no mind as he marched off towards the existence he’d identified as Chung Myung and…

The Nokrim King?

“Tsk. What a rude man he is. Calling me a sapa bastard, now conspiring with a bandit king?”

Tutting in faux offence, he shook his head with a sigh, as he continued to coil the silver chain of the necklace around his index finger.

His insincere disappointment however, couldn’t cover the detestment directed towards Im Sobyeong.

“Ah, I suppose I’ll hurry it up then. My darling swordsman shouldn’t be kept waiting after all..”

“F-Father- Ack?!- wh-what’s going on?”

“You!! Insolent child?!”

Throwing Soso in front of him by her ear, she crashed into the nearby wall, knocking her already aching head against the hard material.

Fearfully, she turned her gaze upwards to the fuming Tang Gunnak, as well as a smug Maeng So and Seol So-baek in the doorway.

‘Breaking the precious dagger of the glorious Plum Blossom Sword Saint… Tsk. What an annoyance.’

‘Dojang, don’t worry! Tang Gunnak will discipline this witch for you.’

Although the two desperately wanted to defend Chung Myung’s honour, they respected the promise they’d made to him much more than their own selfish wishes. Although, if a father were to give some sort of scolding to his daughter…

Was it truly in their place to stop it?

“Why in the world... Would you humiliate your family like this? Huh?? Did you do it on purpose brat!!?”

Clutching his head in agony, Tang Gunnak turned away from his daughter, who’d taken to trembling on the floor in confusion.

“N-no father I-…”

“Is it my fault? Did I raise you wrong if it isn’t your fault then? So the blame is on me!! I see, I see.”

‘What did I do to upset, Father..?’

“Ancestors... Forgive me, forgive me on behalf of this child!”

“Papa I..!”


Tang Gunnak slumped back into his chair with a heavy exhale, and thought back to the reaction the Divine Dragon had towards just his daughter’s very voice.

And suddenly, he had an incredible thought.

Soso’s lips pursed together, feeling them tremble slightly as she bit the inner part of it.


“Yes Father!?”

“You are not to speak in this house any longer.”

The young poison wielder's eyes widened suddenly at the statement.

Not able to speak..? In her own home?

“But Fa-!”

A dagger is sent flying swiftly from his sleeve, imbedding itself in the wall right beside her neck as he harshly glared.

“I said you are not to speak child.”

Loose hair strands swayed at the momentum of the dagger, as Soso brought a shaky hand up to her cheek, feeling it to be quite hot. Her fingers came back with a thin red liquid spread across her skin.

‘…Father injured me? He’d never do that.. What is going on?’

“Be grateful I haven’t done far worse. The Divine Dragon has shown mercy to someone like you, even after your appallingly disrespectful actions.”

‘The- the Divine Dragon? That yangban?! He’s the one who got me in this mess?!!’

An unpleasant frown crept up on Tang Soso’s face, her brows furrowed in disbelief and injustice at this horrid misunderstanding. That damned bandit-like bastard..

Tang Gunnak takes note of the frown as his gaze narrows.

“Bite off your tongue if you even dare think of bringing more harm to him. You disrespectful excuse for a daughter.”

Soso directed a surprised look to her father, but before she could try again to speak up against this outrage…

“What the hell did you say?”

A red faced Tang Pyung was at the door, directing the most resentful glare towards the child on the floor.

Tang Gunnak and Soso went rigid at the oh-so familiar voice.

‘She doesn’t even deserve a prayer for what’s about to take place…’

Maeng So bitterly thinks to himself.

“G-Grand uncle! This.. This impudent daughter of mine, she..!!”

“Ah. Let the child speak for herself, my young one.”

Even though Tang Pyung directed a kind bright smile to the Poison King, Tang Gunnak simply shivered in fear at the response.

“…Yes Grand uncle.”

‘Goodbye… My only daughter. Before this incident you were a wondrous child. Now though… I won’t even pray for your survival.’

Tang Pyung edged closer to the silent Soso, who’d begun sweating profusely at the tense aura. Trying to back away, Soso scrambled farther from the approaching footsteps, but her back hit the wall behind her.

As her great grand uncle bent down, he gave a widening smile, the hateful gaze from before is no more.

“Speak grandchild. What have you done to our dear Divine Dragon?”

Hesitance was all that remained within Soso as her gaze shook, body trembling.

“I had- uhm.. He made a dagger for me.”

“Ah? A dagger! Specifically bought for-?”

“No he.. made it. Himself. I think he hand crafted it.”

“How thoughtful. Now what else was on the dagger? There must be something more, after all, I doubt someone so great would craft a wooden dagger with no meaning behind it.”

“Uhm. There were.. Plum blossoms engraved on it. And the.. Mount Hua Sect symbol..”

“Ahhh what a wonderful man he is! Making such a thoughtful gift for this granddaughter of mine. Now…”

Tang Pyung dropped a hand onto Soso’s shoulder, but she could’ve sworn it was an anvil instead. The heavy pressure and the cold clammy grip it had..

Made her terrified.

“…Dearest. Granddaughter of mine. What exactly did you do with this thoughtful, well made handcrafted gift?”

Soso couldn’t breath, the question leaving her feeling like anything she said to repair what had taken place, was useless.


The words are hoarsely uttered.


“I uh-... Broke it. I-it was just a wooden dagger! I-I mean, it’s useless in battle and it wouldn’t have any real damage in a large f-fight!!”

Tang Gunnak desperately screamed at his moronic daughter in his head, urging her to just stop digging her own grave.

‘Stop. Just stop! Stop talking!’

Tang Pyung didn’t say anything. Not a word was uttered. Except a smile that graced his face.

“Aaahh you broke it, did you?”


“Because it was ‘ useless’ in battle.. I see.”

“Yes! Great grand uncle, you-!”


Silence resonated throughout the room, as a reddening handprint began to form on Soso’s cheek.

Tears welled up in her eyes, as the warm kind smile of her great grand uncle was now absent, being replaced by a hollow look.

“Oh Grandfather… Great Grandfather isn’t here to stop me at the moment, so I shall right what has been wronged in your place.”

“N-no.. B-But grand uncle, I-!”


“Tsk.. Disobedient BRAT!”

Suddenly screaming, Tang Pyung again smacked Soso directly on the opposite cheek. A pair of harsh threatening eyes looked down at Soso in unconcealed apathetic rage.

“If Grandfather was here at this very moment, he’d have poisoned you a thousand different ways, keeping you alive to suffer for as long as possible… Oh how I wish I could do the same in his place. But I am but a simple blacksmith.”

‘Forgive me Grandfather. I’ll do my best, though I am lacking…’

Sending off one last prayer in repentance, Tang Pyung steadily walked back over to the shaken Soso, beginning a series of nonstop kicks to the stomach and abdomen.

Tang Gunnak, the Poison King himself, had to look away from the beating.

Though he was horribly enraged at Soso, he couldn’t stand the sight of her being ruthlessly attacked. It was inevitable though, so he didn’t even try to stop his Grand Uncle.

Though it’s a whole different argument on the topic of whether or not he could when he went into a frenzy mode such as this.

“Shameless. Disrespectful. Who the hell even parented you?! You worthless brat!!!”

As Jo-Pyung spoke, the kicks grew harsher and more violent in their ways.

Tang Gunnak meanwhile, turned his gaze far away at the parenting criticism.

He felt ashamed to even call her his daughter…

“Are you even a Tang?! Ah. No, wait…”

Surprisingly the merciless kicks were halted, as Tang Pyung thought of something as he slowly turned his head over to stare at Tang Gunnak.


“Y-yes Grandfather?”

“Is that your daughter?


“Not anymore.”

Tang Gunnak was taken aback by the sudden words from his Grand Uncle, but never uttered a single word of complaint over the notion.

He understood the repercussions one would face after committing such a heinous crime; especially to one’s Ancestor…

‘…F-..Father..? No- no… Why are they acting like this..?’

Soso’s gaze shook the more they all spoke.

“Disownment? Ah.. Yes, that seems fitting.”

“What about Dojangs permission..? Wouldn’t dojang-nim get upset if you were to cast her out?”

Seol So-baek spoke with a small frown, seemingly worried about Chung Myungs worsening condition.

Tang Gunnak thought about this, reluctantly having to agree with the young prince, reminiscing on the defensive stance the Divine Dragon took whenever it involved punishing the Mount Hua members.

A heavy sigh leaves his lips, gaze drifting onto his Grandfather.

…How would he stop him after he’s already gotten into such a state?

“Ah?! I’m sure Grandfather would appreciate casting this brat out easily! Come, come! Let’s toss it out now, okay?”

“No.. Granduncle, he actually stopped me earlier from.. Punishing her too harshly.”

Tang Jo-Pyung turned over to Tang Gunnak with a face of pure unadulterated shock, clearly not believing these words.

“Y-you.. If this is just a lie to get your daughter off safely you-!!”

“I and the young ice prince were also there when this took place. The Divine Dragon stopped him from taking her off of life support.”

Maeng So spoke up, defending Tang Gunnak.

‘L-Life support..? Father almost-’

Soso glanced amongst the group, confused and feeling her heart drop by the words being said.

“Tsk.. Fine. If it is Grandfather’s word then.. I suppose that thing is still one of ours. But Great Grandfather would take my life if he were to find out I allowed such a thing to take place…”

A shaky breath left Jo-Pyungs mouth, his eyes looking up to the ceiling in worry and dread.

“…It’s okay Granduncle, we will take the fall for this.”

“..If only it were that simple. Great Grandfather was never such a simple man like that…”

‘Seriously why is the Dark Saint being described as an asura? Well he was friends with Chung Myung…’

‘The Dark Saint sounds like such an admirable man to go to such lengths for a friend.’

Maeng So internally praises the Tang Ancestor, while Tang Gunnak was left feeling unsure on what his future held if he were to meet his Ancestor himself…

Tang Jo-Pyung scratched the back of his head, looking at Soso in distaste.

“Be lucky Great Grandfather isn’t here. You would have rather wished for death to come if he had his hands on you, you disgusting brat.

“…T-Thank you.. For your mercy, Great Granduncle…”

“Tch. It’s Grandfather you should be thanking, not me! He’s the only reason I haven’t done worse, you ungrateful thing!!”

“Yes… I-I sincerely apologise to him for my… misdeeds.”

Soso lowered her head to the floorboards, resting the palms of her hands below herself as her body shook, feeling lightheaded from the beating and kicks she had received; it could have been worse though, which she was grateful that it wasn’t.

Although she was still confused about who this.. ‘Grandfather,’ she had mysteriously never heard of was, she wasn’t willing to be even more heavily punished for her ‘misconduct’.

“Now send this trash to her room- No.. That’s too kind. Send her to the servant dorms. She’ll live there until further notice.”

“Yes, GrandUncle.”

Tang Gunnak bows momentarily, before calling a servant over to have Soso be taken. She obeys with no complaint, limping on her way to the small quarters.

Once the room has been cleared of the nuisance, Tang Jo-Pyung huffs before turning to Tang Gunnak, a serious expression on his face.

“Where is the dagger?”

“Ah- That. I had a servant take it to the workshop to have it fixed up so that we can put it on display.”

The other nods in satisfaction.

“Good, good. I’ll see to it that the repairs are done well. Those brats can’t craft anything right. Tsk, tsk.”

With that, Tang Jo-Pyung exits the main hall, leaving Tang Gunnak, Maeng So and Seol So-baek to their own devices.

“Let's go train like Dojang-nim suggested!”

The young ice prince suggests, looking up to the Beast Palace Leader excitedly as Maeng So lets out a loud and hearty laugh.

“Of course, of course! We can’t be slacking off while the Pl-.. Divine Dragon is working on gathering information!”

The two head out of the main building, heading out the back to train as Tang Gunnak lets out a heavy sigh, silently staring off.

‘..It feels like this is only the beginning of the chaos…’

“Tch… Useless.”


An object is harshly thrown at the other as he is currently agitated by the worthless people following him.

“This plan was doomed to fail as soon as the talisman became unstable.”

“B-bishop, there’s still a chance-!”

“Quiet fool!!”

A resentful slap echoed through the cave, as the demonic sect member was knocked to the ground, blood flowing down his cheek as he trembled.

“Not one, not two, but three?! Three members of that damned sect have broken out of the talisman’s influence…”

Massaging his own temples in agony, the bishop turned towards the masses of magyo spanned out in front of him.

“Our plan was to isolate the Divine Dragon fully, in order to capture and exterminate him. He was- no he is our biggest threat right now. Him and that bastard Myriad Man Manor leader.. But now?!”

With a quick turn back, the bishop gave a hateful kick to the stomach of the fallen member, his eyes swirling with absolute detest.

“…Leave 10 troops here. The rest of you. We’re heading back to base.”

“S-sir?! But shouldn’t the Divine Dragon be overwhelmed by our forces, after all there’s no guarantee he can be bested by only this amount!”

“I know that! But there’s no guarantee that f*cker will even find this place.. Or that the plan will work. He’s probably off gallivanting happily with those freaks who made it out of the talisman’s possession by now!”


“We’re not wasting forces on this dumpster fire of a mission. Recall the rest of the troops. You command the ones I’ve left behind here.”

As an immense number of magyo marched out of the damp cave, the tyrannical bishop strode out with an irritated expression worn on his face. He glanced back to the glowing talisman on the dirt ground of the cave, a grim aura surrounding him.

“Our work here is over.”

Hye Yeon and Yu Iseol had been brought to a large training area by the servants, as it seems they had been given the order to keep an eye on them.

Maeng So and Seol So-Baek were currently doing squats with rocks and boulders over their shoulders as sandbags were currently tied to their limbs once more.

The two silently watch the sight in mute surprise before, albeit Yu Iseol’s was only for a split second before returning to normal as she joins in silently.

Hye Yeon quickly follows suit, as the two alliance heads don’t even spare them a glance, seeming entirely focused on their current training.

In the meanwhile, Hyun Young had followed Tang Gunnak, seeing him heading off towards the guest bedrooms.

Hyun Young pondered on if there was something he could do for his precious Chung Myung, after all he deserved to be spoiled. And he couldn’t allow only Tang Gunnak to pamper his child!

Because of a motivation to make things right, and his own jealousy, he followed Tang Gunnak, knowing he would probably be heading to take care of the room right now.

Hyun Young gave a distasteful frown, at the sight of Tang Gunnak folding Chung Myung’s crumpled up blankets, leaving them at the corner of the mattress. He scoffed as well when the Poison King left a bowl of mooncakes by the bedside drawer.

“...Yes, Elder Hyun Young? Do you have any problems with me cleaning in my own house?”

“No. No, nothing at all…”

Tang Gunnak’s gentlemanly smile twitched, as Hyun Young feigned ignorance to his own actions. His fists clenched, itching for the daggers hidden within the sleeves of his robes.

“..Are you quite sure?”

“Well.. Don’t you have servants to do this sort of tedious work? After all, you’re quite busy as the Head of the Tang Family, correct?”

‘And my darling Chung Myung is perfectly fine without you being a suck-up to him! If anything, it should be me doing such things for him!!’

Tang Gunnak raised his eyebrows at the envious tone of voice, before responding coolly.

“Yes, but as a host I feel I should do my best to accommodate my guests, don’t you think?”

“Tsk, I suppose so…”

Hyun Young gave a reluctant sigh, as he conceded victory to Tang Gunnak in this one sided battle of wits.

“Why do you seem to have such an issue with my actions, hm?”

“Ah- no. I have no qualms with what you’re doing. I just think you should give the task to someone else.”

“I see. And who could possibly fit such a role? After all, I don't see anyone better suited than I to do so.”

The instigating jab was clearly directed at Hyun Young, an insult to his capabilities, as he grinded his teeth in indignation.

“I think you are mistaken, Esteemed Tang Head, for I could be a worthy candidate?”

Although coated in politeness, the statement had directly accused Tang Gunnak of being incorrect, as well as elevating Hyun Young’s own skills. The Tang Head’s eyes narrowed in bitter offence, as he dropped the formalities.

“In your dreams.”

Gritting his teeth with irritation, Hyun Young forced a smile onto his face. Slowly exhaling and inhaling to control his temper.

‘Think of Chung Myung… This is for him…’

“Aha… Isn’t that a little harsh?”

“Not at all. I think it’s perfectly acceptable to tell a bastard like you such a thing.”

“Tsk, just let me help out! For Chung Myung!!”

Hyun Young gave up on saving face at this point. He was but a desperate man. However, Tang Gunnak relented, staying on the defensive.

“I refuse.”

“Why?! Ah… So you want to pamper him just for yourself? No credits to anyone else? Selfish… I’d respect your drive if you weren’t going against me!”

‘Hah? What the hell is this man talking about..? Pampering someone old enough to be our grandfather… Wait.’

Suddenly Tang Gunnak paused in his actions, his mind grinding its thought process to a halt.

‘Does he wish to have the Divine Dragon as a grandfather?!’

‘I won’t let this bastard get away with spoiling my Chung Myung. He thinks he can be a better caretaker? Tsk. I’ll show him.’

Hyun Young bitterly thought to himself.

It seemed there were some misunderstandings taking place.

Tang Gunnak took on a more malicious glare, as he seemingly understood the other’s intentions.

“I think you’re misunderstanding something my.. good fellow. I’m just aiding a friend of mine.”

“Tsk. You’re just trying to gain his attention, you attention-stealing bastard…”

The last few words were grumbles beneath Hyun Young's breath in annoyance and agitation, but with the Poison King’s higher level martial arts, he could hear the statement easily.

“Attention-stealing? Yes, because he so desperately wants to pay attention to a person who had kicked him out of his beloved sect.”

Hyun Young flinched at the cold words, both at the meaning behind them and the fact that he’d been heard.


He couldn’t retort or say anything in his own defence as the others' words hit deeply, gutting him like a fish.

Tang Gunnak wore a self satisfied smirk, although it was a low blow, he held no regrets. He reached for the bedsheets he had yet to clean up, just about to fold them.

But his hand comes to a halt as they meet slightly soaked cloth…

Hyun Young also takes note of the cloth as the two pause, now catching sight of the few remaining water stains from beneath the sheets.

It was in the shape of a certain individual.

As if the person had perspirated during the night, causing worry to settle once again within their chests, the squabble being momentarily put out.

“Divine Dragon…” “...Chung Myung..”

They’re soft voices spoke at the same time as a frown settled upon their lips.

A sudden connection formed between the two as if they suddenly came to the same consensus.

‘Does he have a.. A fever?!’

Fire had been lit within both of their eyes as Tang Gunnak called for a servant to gather a new clean set of bedsheets and blankets, causing the servant to quickly head off. Moments later they return, handing the sheets to Tang Gunnak as he has the servant take the previously dirtied sheets away.

With swift movements, the bed is remade in seconds, with the folded and clean blanket at the foot of the bed.

Tang Gunnak turns his attention onto Hyun Young, gaze firm and serious.

“You… We may have our differences.”

“I hope it stays that way, who would want to have anything in common with you?”

Ignoring the snarky jab, though thoughts of pulling out his various daggers did come to mind, Tang Gunnak continued.

“..But we both prioritise the Divine Dragon’s safety.”

“… Sigh. You’re correct.”

It pained Hyun Young to admit it, but the other was right. If there was any other option, pitted against the health of Chung Myung, there’s no doubt as to what he would choose.

“So then… Let us… team up.”

“Me? And.. eurgh, you?”

Tang Gunnak applied every single meditation technique he’d heard of in order not to kill a man today.

Hyun Young shook his head, but… His own misgivings with Tang Gunnak didn’t matter. As long as his baby’s health is spectacular, he’s satisfied.


He hesitates, but holds out a hand begrudgingly towards Tang Gunnak as a heavy sigh leaves his lips.

“If we can do our best to help Chung Myung, I’ll do whatever it takes.”

Tang Gunnak accepts the outstretched hand.

‘This man is too childish.’

The thought is bitter as he releases the others’ hand, brushing his own off before allowing Hyun Young to follow him along.

“Let’s set everything up so that the Divine Dragon is comfortable when he returns. Maybe some tea and other gentle foods can be made with healing herbs.”

Tang Gunnak spoke, mostly to himself.

“Warm blankets would also be good in case Chung Myung is having chills.”

The other nods in approval at the notion.

With that, the two head off to prepare for Chung Myung’s eventual return.

“Alright, we’ve got what we need. But- it still feels like the information we’ve gained is more hollow than anything… Such a pain. Those beggar bastards may be good at gathering intel, but this is pathetic!”

A heavy sigh leaves Chung Myung’s lips as they had long left the tent. He scratched at the back of his head before looking to Im Sobyeong in confusion as the Nokrim King had gone down on all fours..?

‘Did he hit his head too hard from that fall?’

Chung Myung couldn’t help but ponder, but his thoughts are interrupted as the other speaks up.

“Great Divine Dragon sir, please- Hop on. I shall carry you back to the Tang Family residence… Sir.”

“Huh?!- No this- what is this bandit bastard suddenly going on about?”

“It will be a moment for you to relax, so let me focus on carrying you back Sir.”


‘Has he finally lost it?’

Chung Myung was already feeling uncomfortable from all the attention he had been receiving here and there, but this? This gave him the most discomfort.

It’s like a flip had been switched inside the Nokrim King he knew…

“…I can walk just fine.”

“I insist, Great and Honourable Divine Dragon.”

“No.. but-..”


“Stop that?!”

Chung Myung took a step away from Im Sobyeong, his face expressing his annoyance.

Why do people like pressuring him lately?

“I told you- I won’t do it!”

“Just get on, please. I can’t simply let you walk, Sir.”

“Why are you insisting on something like this so much, when before you were complaining nonstop, you bandit bastard?!”

“Ah I had complained hadn’t I.. I apologise for such disrespect to this honourable ancestor! Sir!!”


About to berate Im Sobyeong for this irrational behaviour, Chung Myung suddenly stopped in his tracks, instead opting to begin staring down an empty street with a deadly gaze.

Im Sobyeong looked befuddled for a moment, before his own eyes widened in horror and stared at the same area as the Divine Dragon.

Jewellery sounded through the uninhabited area, the bright sheen of rings embedded with priceless gems, pearls of various colours hung together tightly with a fine string wrapped around a pale neck.

Vermillion hues became more vivid as the robes it had adorned swayed and approached closer and closer to the bandit-like pair.

Chung Myung tightly clutched the hilt of the wooden sword, fury swirling in his eyes as cherry red lips came into sight, stretching as far as their holder could allow them.

The air was thick with tension, the atmosphere felt suffocating as both individuals gave off a menacing aura.

While one glared, the other grinned a cruel widening smile.

My, my. What a way to meet once again, don’t you agree?”

The Day the Candle Burnt Out - Chapter 6 - daemon_slays - 화산귀환 (2024)
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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.