The ark prince dossiers - Legoshark7313 (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Chapter one: Raptors

Raptors are pack hunting predators found in many places of the human kingdoms they be normal or there primal variations I’ve never came across wild Raptors but I’ve heard that they can be a formidable foe to face for any human or elf now matter how well equipped they are a raptor alone is dangerous by itself but if you or your party is facing a pack expect to at least loss someone raptors are very intelligent and organized pack hunters that stick out for each other but they are very well known for being great mounts for warriors or soldiers do to there combat capabilities and their undying loyalty to their owners though taming a raptor is not as easy as a horse due to them being very territorial that it requires tamers to knock them out with tranquilizer like drugs and feed them in there sleep raptors are the only creatures in the human kingdoms that have a variant for every primal source and there connection to the primal makes each variant unique from each other

Sun fire raptors: known to be the biggest in the family and the most aggressive due to there hot temper and hash environment at the border they can use the sun primal to make themselves as hot as well the sun and are not to be fought with swords or any melee weapon trust me aunt Amaya learned the hard way when she and a group of troops were ambushed by a pack of them only she and two other soilders came back from that though to tame a sun fire raptor is the cool in off with an ice spell or throwing water at it which will cause it to loss heat and be able to be knocked out but best to have a mage with an ice spell

Moon shadow raptors: these raptors are only found in the dark forests or abandoned towns or kingdoms these raptors like to hunt at night to ambush prey unlike moonshadow elves moon shadow raptors don’t need the full moon for there primal powers to work they can turn invisible in the dark all by themselves taming a moon shadow raptor isn’t easy do to capturing it but finding one they sleep in dark area during the day and are never alone and they prefer to be tamed with moon berries due to it being there favorite snack to eat moon shadow raptors are the only creatures that migrate to Xadia to breed to be more safe in the silver grove due to it having less predators but this make them a more accessible mount for elves that wait for there migration

Earth blood raptors: these raptors are more tougher and armored than other raptors though unlike others these raptors don’t come in pack but only pairs a female and a male only they are fiercely territorial towards other creatures but are actually the most easiest to tame do to them being easily pacified with surprisingly sun fire chili peppers for some reason but they also are known to have the strongest bit of all raptors that can crush armor and bone and there hide is covered in rock like armor to protect themselves from predators these raptors can be found any where that is mountains in the human kingdoms

Tide blood raptors: these raptors can make sharks look like kittens due to there fierce nature and impressive swimming skills these usually raptors are not fast swimmers but tide raptors are a huge exception due to them being able to out swim the fastest boat and ocean dragon and a major threat when it comes to fisher men and sailor due to them climbing onto boats and ships and attacking the passengers on board tide raptors are the only ones in the family that have a projectile attack which a a boiling water spray that can melt the flesh off a sailors bone if they are so unfortunate but once tamed are excellent ocean mount to travel the coast and useful in navies as scouts

Sky blood raptors: these guys are the second most hardest to find raptors in the world due to them living on cliffs of very high mountains or ravines and have extra feather on them to help them glide through the air and are great climbers being able to scale the most treacherous mountains in the world and prefer to feed of birds and mountain animals that they can get there claws on though easily tamed through the tranq and feed method or in my case with storm from hatching it from an egg

Star touched raptors: these guys are the most rarest and mysterious of the raptors the origins of this species is unknown and they are the only raptors that can not be tamed they never travel in packs they only live in areas like the star nexus and tend to flee than fight they only feed on small animals and can live for a long as a star touch elf can there have only been 4-5 confirmed sightings of these creatures and people say that if you see a star touched raptor then something magical will happen in your life some stories of them even say that can speak in any language and have healing tears and there scales are a shiny as diamonds dark mages have tired to hunt these creatures but all attempts have fail and the same for any star touch elf as well

That is my guide to raptors and hope this comes in handy for anyone who read this

prince Callum of Katolis

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: pteranodon

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If there one flying companion that all humans in every kingdom like the pteranodon these flying reptiles are fast and nimble which makes them useful for both travel and air combat especially when trained to do a deadly barrel role in the air pteranodons also can be used to pick up foes for capture or can be used to drop foes to kill these flyers are not hard to find but the best place to find them are the great red wood forests where they nest in trees though they are prone to flee when threat when there young or eggs are threaten they can turn into deadly creatures that can use there beaks to impale foes and also pteranodons tend to be social creatures that will come to the aid of others when there family is threaten so bully the babies and you’ll be in one hell of a time kingdoms tend to create huge air navy’s of these creatures as an advantage against the elven kingdoms and pteranodons are protected by law due to them being a great source of flight

Star touch pteranodon: these creatures are the most sought out by the star touch elves being known by the name as star angles only 4 of these creatures exist in the world two living in the human kingdoms in the most hard to reach spots and two in Xadia own known to be the mount of a star touch elf queen while another is known to visit the storm spire every 50 years and is known as the golden star each star touch pteranodon lives for about one thousand years and are known to to loss there glow as they get older they also have a unique way of reproducing before a star touched pteranodon dies it lays an egg after the egg is laid the parent dies eggs are usually nested in very secure places but one confirmed nesting grown is surprising the storm spire my theory is that the golden star variant knows it can trust the dragons to protect its egg due to the dragons considering the creatures a sacred creatures while the star touch elves guard the egg of there queens mount like there most sacred treasure of there entire culture they still try to find the other two pteranodon but due to them being in the human kingdoms and the flying reptiles being too smart and stubborn to be tamed makes them near impossible to tame taking one to have a ton of patience that the star elf queen did when she tamed her own which took a whole month

This is my guide to the pteranodon

Prince Callum of Katolis

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: kaprosuchus

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Out of all of the creatures in the swamp lands the Kapro is by far the most dangerous of the predators that live in swamps these crocodiles unlike other are dangerous both on land and water there known as the panthers of the swamps Kapros have a unique hunting strategy of jumping right out of the water and clapping down on prey and will thrash there jaws to disorient prey but what makes them more dangerous is there the only crocodile species that have venom that attacks the nervous system and lung to make it hard to breath and tire the prey out though the venom is not made to kill only weaken down prey these predators make great mount for the people in Evenere as it allows them to traverse the swamp lands and are even used in the Evenere navy which makes it easy for the navy soldiers to ambush there enemies

Earth blood Kaprosuchus

Unlike there swampland counter parts these crocodiles are completely adapted to life on land this subspecies is found in the sun forge dessert that lead towards the border they have the the ability to bury themselves in the sand to wait out the heat and come out at night to hunt which makes them a threat to camps or caravans as these creatures are pack hunters that live in family pack that can four to the largest number recorded in history was twenty that were scourge towards trading routes in the days before humans were banished from Xadia as they would ambush traders it got to the point where a hunting party was made to hunt down the elusive sand crocs alphas are distinguished by the one that has the eyebrow crests in the pack which is usually orangish brown while normal ones has yellowish brown though there is rumor of a rare reddish black none as the inferno dragon that hunters seek out But either fail to kill or are killed by the mighty beast


Prince Callum

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: carnotaurus

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one of many theropod predators of the human kingdoms these carnivores well known for being able to be found anywhere in the human kingdoms with some even being found in Xadia these predators are also well known for there battle for top predators with the Banthers they have a very unique killing method for prey by ramming into the prey to ether disorient or cripple the prey then bit down onto the head crushing it Carnos are used as war beasts to take down enemy groups though the Carnos most interesting behavior is in Del Bar with Carnos have adapted to working in packs with Yutyrannus being the pack leader making them a real threat to Del barians outside of Del bar these predators are a threat to patrols and small villages for the brute strength and viscous nature and have been known to attack livestock and anyone unlucky enough to get spotted though they are brutal predators they are also prone to be prey to bigger predators like the Sarcosuchus and can be taken down by a group of soldiers

Earth primal Carnotaurus:

This predator is a rare sight to see in Del bar in its mountains it’s body is covered in a rock like armor and it’s horns are larger than a normal Carno though this does cost this predator it’s speed it make up for extreme strength being able to bust through boulders and having the ability to stomp the ground causing it to shake knocking its prey down though this predator prefers to ether steal or scavenge off already dead carcass’s it finds though when hunting the Carno when lay down and bled into the rocky terrain waiting for prey to pass by when it gets close enough it will quickly snap its jaws around the preys head or spin and crush it to make sure it can’t run off these creatures when tamed are not really good attack mounts but are useful for clearing out trees and rocky terrain to make room for a new structure it be a house, battlements, or farm house to name a few

Prince Callum

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: arthroplurea

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out of all all the giant creepy crawlers from bloodstalker to the Meganeura nothing compares to the hideous multi legged predator the Arthroplurea is a terrifying sight to behold as this creature is something out of a child’s worst nightmare these predators are found in dark caves, deserts, abandoned buildings, and sewers these predators are extremely dangerous these centipedes do not have venom but don’t need any due to the acidic blood that they can shoot out of the mouths that are strong enough to melt even the strongest armor even known to melt through dragon hide it is not wise to engage these creatures in melee combat due to harming one can cause there blood to splash onto the weapon melting it and if any were to get onto skin can cause extreme pain and cause a person to have their hand or worst parts of the face to melt off and can even cause death the best way to dispatch these predators is from rang mainly a direct hit to the head that can instantly kill it though to harvest the chitin from it the arthroplurea carcass will have to be hung up to drain it of its acidic blood

Sky primal arthroplurea

these solitary predators in Del Bar that come out at night make even the strongest predators hide away from them unlike there acidic cousins these centipedes blast out an ice water projectiles that freezes on contact that can immobilize there targets before dragging them off to their borrows to consume without the worry of other predators though to avoid being harmed by there prey they wrap around there prey like a snake and then using there dagger tipped legs stab all of them into the prey to cause mass bleeding to make there prey die from the bleeding a very terrifying way to die they will also cover there bodies in a icy armor to protect themselves from harm and will bury themselves in snow and travel through it like a snake through water


Prince Callum

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: parasuraolophus

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this duck bill dinosaur is the most common herbivore in grasslands and swamplands being a herd animal and farm animal these creatures are used in Katolis as carriage pullers for royal and rich folk while in Duran and Evenere as cattle due to being extremely useful for meat and eggs caravans also use these duck bill Dino’s as pack mules for how much they can carry these creatures are also a common prey animal for many predators like raptors, Carnos, Banthers, and many other predators there diet involves many different species of plants from the grass in the plains of Katolis and Duran to mash plants in Evenere they have a loud bellow to scare off predators the size of raptors but for bigger predators like Rex’s they stay close in herds for safety and make sure to protect the young they’ve also been known to allow Stegos and trikes into their herds for extra protection making it dangerous for predators to hunt them without coming to blows with more heavy armored Dino’s


Prince Callum

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: rock drake

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Known as the king of the caverns of the bioluminescent forest these creatures look like feathered dragons though surprisingly there more related lizards these creatures are the top predators of there habitat and are even fierce outside the caverns these creatures do not fly but instead glide and are experts at it that they use it to hunt by gliding or climbing to a height then through a burst and slam down onto the prey of choice the impact of the slam ends up killing the prey item instantly my mother Sari found out how to tame one while they are to smart to be tamed like a horse or raptor they can be raised from eggs to be able to be ridden when they become adult she learned this information from a recently discovered kingdom known as Bytonica though it wasn’t easy due to mothers staying together in the nesting grounds and will attack together to defend there eggs together and unlike most eggs rock drake eggs need to be hatched in arctic temperatures like in Del Bar though they are great companions to rid with

Tide blood rock drake:

Like there underground cousins ocean drakes live in dark places but instead of underground they live deep in the depth of oceans being a fierce amphibious creatures live in underwater caverns and come to the surface to hunt fish and sea life there favorite prey item are tuna they’ve even been known to come onto land to hunt land animals like deer when mating season comes along ocean drakes will go up into rivers and lakes to find mate after laying there eggs they will return to the seas after hatching from there nests the young will stay in the rivers to grow up and feeding on glow toads, fish, and the occasional deer that came to close to the water though if an egg is found it can be taken and put into a tube of water to hatch afterwards they will imprint on the one who feeds them


Prince Callum

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Seekers

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Wonder what would happen if a squid and a bat made love well the seeker would be the result these flying squid face terrors live in the darkest caverns and in the outskirts of the kingdom of Bytonica and are well renowned pests that are dangerous to come across though they can cause injuries there have only been rare cases of them actually killing a human both animals and people do not favor these thing well there not good for eating due to there meat being to oily and can’t be domesticated due to them following the instincts only they prey on the local glow critters in the cavern sucking in the charge light and will attack any source of light my friend Claudia learned that the hard when she used her light spell during a visit to the kingdom and if it wasn’t the intervention of the Bytonica guards and aunt Amaya she would have been in worse wear and seekers have been known to harass travelers who have glow pets to get at the glow critter in my friend Claudia’s words “there no good flying peace’s of ——-“

Moon shadow seekers

While normal seekers are annoying moon shadow seekers are even worse if you are connected to the moon my raptor eclipse has a deep hatred for these creepy pests and from what I heard elves and dragons connected to the moon whipped them out in Xadia due to how much of a dangerous nuisance they are moon shadow seeker latch themselves onto a creature connected to the moon and start draining them of there energy and blood for elves and moon shadow animals they can be a threat in swarms but for moon shadow dragons they are nothing more than a extreme annoyance that can drive even the calmest dragon insane to get rid of them which might explain why they were whipped out in Xadia by the moon shadow elves and dragons while for ones in the human kingdoms are just annoying for making loud screech’s in the night which I once saw my mom get sick of one in one of the towers that she stormed up there one night and grabbed and tore it’s head right off hell have no fury the a mad sleep deprived mother


Prince Callum of Katolas

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: crystal wyerns

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Ether in the blood bog of evenere to the Beautiful crystalline beachs of the Diamond beach an interesting species of dragon like creature roam the crystal wyverns are a beautiful sight to see and one of the most diverse species of flying reptiles in the human kingdoms each species having a unique ability to it that can help aid people when tamed and are usual ridden by royals and nobles as status of there position

Tropical crystal wyvern

These wyverns are interesting due to the fact that unlike the other species that tend to avoid water tropical wyverns love to swim in water all the time living on beach’s and coast these wyverns can ether be seen in the air or swimming in the water chasing fish being a really favorable wyvern species for nobles for the bright colors and quick speed in both air and water they are well renowned for swallowing large quantities of water and then heating it up to blast at any threat that dares harm it quick is said to burn worse than fire itself though these creatures are actually docile and prefer to avoid conflict

Embar crystal wyvern

These wyverns are actually not found in the human kingdoms but are found in Xadia where they live in the ember forest Sun fire elves do tame them but not many due to the wyverns temperament and aggressive behavior toward intruders in there territory and prefer to flame first and talk later approach towards anything they see as a threat and have been known to even attack dragons that pass by there territory to the point it was said that an ember wyvern was so stubborn that it followed thunder all the way to the storm spire which was a nasty surprise for both him and his mate

Blood crystal wyverns

These wyverns are well known for there creepy feeding habit being the biggest creature known in the human kingdoms that Entirely feeds on blood these creatures will find there prey and then proceed to blast them with a red mist spray that when soaked into the skin will cause blood to rise through the skin then the wyvern will suck in the liquid mist along with the blood of the target that it blasted which for small to medium prey can be very sickening with the target being drain a lot of there blood while for big animals like brontos and titanasurus’s is nothing more than a slight itch a tamed blood wyverns are used in the slaughter houses in evenere due to them being able to drain live stock of blood and bodily fluids making killing and butchering easier and less messy to do

Moon crystal wyverns

These wyverns are found in the shadow forest of Duren where giant tall black bark trees grow and there stealthy moon crystal wyverns live stalking in the forest using there black sticky spit to immobilize prey and to easily to make its kill they are ridden by the dark rose enforcer that are the sworn protectors of the royal family in Duren the wyvern and rider are both said to be both highly skill and deadly opponents to face and have taken on both dangerous wild animals the to guard are unable to take on or human threats that seek to harm the people or the royals and is said that both rider and wyvern have a strong bond that not even death can break

Prince Callum of Katolas

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: microraptor

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By far the most infuriating creature to crawl out of the darkest pit of somewhere the microraptor is a creature many in both Katolas and neolandia hate these creatures have an annoying habit of attacking anything in sight from humans to even Carnos and Banthers which usual just gets them punted away or comped down on and also stealing food from other which I remember that Soren never really had a good thing with these creatures with them occasionally swooping by and stealing his food the only good thing about them is that microraptors are a really tasty delicacy among the people of Katolas mainly the kids due to microraptors being used in dishes like raptors nuggets or fried microraptors legs me, Claudia, and Soren alway get excited when it comes to the fried legs not just due to the fact that it tastes good but its the best form of payback against them eclipse wasn’t shy at first but when I told him what the fried legs actually came from he dug right in and due to how popular dishes that use microraptor meat has made the microraptors the second most cultivated animal in Katolas behind the dodo that is

Prince Callum of katolas

The ark prince dossiers - Legoshark7313 (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.