Kivaverse: World of Tokusatsu (New) - Chapter 59 - KivatheDCWizard (2024)

Chapter Text



Megabeasts are beasts from other worlds and planes of existence that at times crossover into our world. The Megabeast Hunters need to capture these beasts so they can return to their home world or preservations, while preventing them from becoming threats to humanity (either due to them lashing out in fear due to being in unfamiliar surroundings or their abilities making them dangerous without them meaning to).

However, poachers, madmen, and other cruel beings would seek to exploit these Megabeasts for their own gain, so the Megabeast Hunters, aside from dealing with the creatures, also have to fight the monsters that would seek to exploit them.


Maurice is a young man of Japanese-British heritage who is part of the Megabeast Hunter Corps. His father having run out on him and his mother, and their former friends and relatives turning their backs on them, left Maurice and his mother alone in the world. His mother worked two to three jobs to support Maurice. Now Maurice returns the favor and works to support himself and his mother.

His upbringing left Maurice cynical and disenchanted with humanity. He always loved animals more than humans. As a Megabeast Hunter, he fulfills his dream of helping animals from across the universe while also earning money for his mother. Maurice generally doesn't gel with most people as he has no filter. Most of the time he is blunt and speaks what is on his mind for better or worse. He also isn't shy to insult people he believes are stupid or jerks, which amounts to most people he meets.

Maurice as a result isn't very well liked by most people, and Maurice is okay with that. Despite everything, Maurice is deep down a good person and would still save people when given the chance, and at times his blunt persona has helped people get their lives on track, as some people need a harsh truth at times and he isn't the type to sugarcoat anything.

Maurice shows a soft side towards animals, especially Megabeasts, having a great love for them and surprising people with how different he acts towards them. He is able to empathize with them and calm them down where most other Hunters couldn't. He has a near encyclopedic knowledge on various Megabeasts, which, combined with his combat skills, makes him pretty damn good at his job. Maurice is also softer towards kids, as they are still growing and learning and hence he is more lenient.

Deep down Maurice is a bit of a broken man due to his experiences and there is a part of him that wants to see and have the same hope and faith that several other people (especially other heroes) have in humanity. Over the course of the series he would drop some of his sour and cynic attitude as he regains hope due to the good people he meets along the way, though he never gets rid of his sarcastic and bluntly honest side. For the few people that he truly considers friends, or family, he is a loyal friend who would go to great lengths to protect them.

Maurice is well known for his heavy usage of snark and coming up with creative insults against people that annoy him. It is said that his tongue is the only thing sharper than his blade. While mostly to insult idiots and villains, he can also display it in a more playful way.

Maurice also does not tend to be as flashy as other Metal Heroes. If it was up to him he'd not have the transformation at all, but it is standard uniform and it helps with the Megabeasts so he accepts it, but he outright refuses to do a roll call, name his attacks, or make it flashy. Whatever he does, he always does the things that are the most pragmatic. Though he slowly loosens up over the course of the series and becomes more willing to go with it, though not extensively, and he is pragmatic still as when he does finally call out an attack, it is after he has already landed it.

Maurice also seems to have a love for spicy foods, with his fav being a Volcano Burger. It is a type of burger that is so spicy no one else on the show was able to eat it, but Maurice barely reacts. Maurice also doesn't smoke or drink and takes as little meds as possible to not risk his focus clouded. He also has a secret love for trading card games; his fav being Gotcha! Moncapture (a sort of Yu-Gi-Oh!/Pokémon card game expy).

When Maurice finally settles on a catchphrase, he says "Megabeast Hunter Valeon…Defender of Megabeasts…And wrecker of your sh*t!"


• Valeon Keycard and Belt – The transformation devices of Valeon.

  • Valeon Blade – Main weapon of Valeon.
  • Valaser Beam – A wrist-mounted laser pistol.
  • Machine Valor – Valeon's motorcycle, equipped with a Boost mode for extra speed, and able to cross water and is later equipped with flight capabilities.
  • Mega Starship King Leon – Maurice's personal battleship, able to turn into a mecha lion and a humanoid mecha fighting form.


• Valeon Base Form – Predominantly black with red and golden accents. Themed after a lion. His finisher in this form is the Valeon Strazer with the Valeon Blade.

  • Valeon Shisa – An upgraded form which is predominantly red and the gold and black reduced to accents. Also gains a few elements themed after Chinese lion statues. In this form, his attacks become engulfed in flames, and he also gains the ability to become incredibly fast. The finisher is a Valextreme Speedburn, charging up flames in his body and rushing at great speed at the enemy, delivering a fiery slash so fast the naked eye barely can follow.
  • Valeon Nemea – Final form, predominantly golden with red accents. A mane sticks out from the back of his helmet and he has a few elements of Greek armor. In his finisher, Beast King Cutter, the blade glows golden, he creates a circle with his blade, creating a projection of a Nemean Lion, then he slashes the foe as the lion projection bites down on the enemy.
  • Valeon Sol Lowe – Movie exclusive form. Predominantly white, with yellow and orange-red accents. Part of his armor appears translucent with dark purple galaxies displayed in it, the Leo constellation on his chest, a sun symbol on his forehead. His helmet has a crest resembling a sun and a lion mane. His finisher is Leon Val Nebula. A projection of the sun is summoned and devoured by a cosmic lion, which then merges into the Valeon Blade, which grows giant size and is used to cleave the enemy.
  • Valeon ShishiSentai – Crossover special exclusive. His armor becomes adorned with armor based on the lion mechs of various Super Sentai.

    His left arm's shoulder armor resembles HurricaneLeon for Senpujin's Hurrier and a Gatling Leo inspired arm mounted Vulcan gun.

    His chest armor resembles GaoLion with the Fire Mojikara from Shishi Origami on its forehead and Groundion's mane and a black lower jaw referring to GaoLeon.

    He has shoulder cannons resembling the cannons from Liveman's Land Lion combined with Kojishi Voyager.

    Valeon Blade takes on a new form and color scheme inspired by Rinlion, a secondary halberd weapon inspired by Dairanger's Star Shishi and Buster Animal LT Lion.

    He has a Gingaleon and ZenkaiGaon-inspired helmet.

    Armor on his hips displayed Engine Bus-On and Wandering Engine Shishi-no-shin, leg armor inspired by Cube Lion, and Shishi Voyagers' Kyutama embedded in the knees.

    He has a claw weapon over his right arm resembling MagiLion's, Lion Ressha's head as his right shoulder armor, a giant lion-shaped shuriken themed after Lion Ha-Oh on his back.

    His finisher is Zenith Valor Lion Blaze, where he fires his gatling gun and shoulder cannons, then creates fiery slashes with his blade and halberd, creating a giant projection of a lion made of rainbow flames which pounces at the enemy.

Megabeast Companions

Some Megabeasts can be tamed and turn into the pet/familiars/animal companions of Maurice, able to grant him new powers or weapons in the process. They are able to be used in their weapon/armament modes in all of Maurice's forms, their finishers becoming infused with the respective form's element.

  • Morrigan – Maurice's first Megabeast Companion, a Cosmic Crocodile, whom he already had as a partner prior to the start of the series. She was found as an egg by Maurice and imprinted upon him when hatching, becoming loyal to "Papa Maurice". Now she is fully grown and acts as much like a police dog as a crocodile. Her Megabeast power gives armor and claw weapons shaped like crocodile maws (think the Deinosgrounder armor from Kyoryuger). It allows Valeon to dig underground, cross water rapidly, and destroy enemies with the Biting Drill Spin. On her own, she is still quite capable, intelligent for a Megabeast, and her jaws can crush steel and are strong enough to fling an enemy over the horizon.
  • Dizzy – A Megabeast originally called a Starbat. While Starbats use cosmic echoes to navigate space, Dizzy's was disabled due to a birth defect. She hence tended to fly into everything and everyone by accident since she flies blind. She was doomed to be left behind by her flock, but Maurice took her in and said that even with her disability, she is wonderful in her own right. She hence was able to turn into a new form called a Spinbat, becoming a trompo/spinning top weapon, using her lack of orientation to become a wild weapon. The finisher in her weapon form is the Furikomori Spin where she, well, spins and slashes the enemy with her bladed wings. She still flies into people, but it is mostly due to tackling them into hugs. Despite everything, she is very chipper and very upbeat, not to mention slightly hyper.
  • Armamoo – A Megabeast known as an Armammoth, resembling a mammoth/armadillo hybrid. It is able to curl up into a ball and roll over enemies, shoot freezing breath from its trunk to flash-freeze foes or on itself to add icy armor and spikes to its rolling attacks, and shrink and curl up into a ball and chain weapon for Maurice to use. Ice Age Crush is its finisher, freezing the foe and then slamming the mace into it to shatter them. He is a gentle giant who is normally friendly and laid back, unless you threaten his 'herd'.
  • Tsune – An Elekitsune, a Megabeast that resembles a fox and has electrokinetic powers. Aside from absorbing and projecting electric energy, she can also read electric impulses of a person, predicting movements and being able to tell if a person is being impersonated as one's electric aura is unique. Raiko is a mischievous girl who loves to prank people, though, like all of Maurice's Megabeast companions, she loves him and would follow him to Hell and back. She can transform into a lightning gun weapon for Maurice to use. The finisher is the Kitsune Thunderbolt, which fires a ball of lightning at the foe.
  • Tenryu – A Tenshihebi, a winged serpentine dragon Megabeast. She was the runt of her litter and rejected by her parents, which is sad but not uncommon in nature. Due to the small size for her species she was thought to not live long, but Maurice of course took care of her. With Maurice's care and love, she grew strong. Tenshihebi channels healing lights that, well, heal those with goodness in their hearts and weaken those whose hearts are consumed by hate and spite. She can transform into a Caduceus-like rod, which Maurice can use to channel healing lights and finish off foes with the Sky Serpent Cleansing Light. Tenryu can be clingy and nervous due to past rejection and latches onto Maurice as a result. Instead of hissing, Tenryu's species communicate through some musical sounding humming.
  • Tengma – A Megabeast avian known as an Aurorowl, a giant owl whose feathers shine like the Aurora Borealis. Originally her brood was destroyed, leaving her depressed, and no Megahunter could safely approach her due to…issues, but Maurice's persistence and kindness won her over. As a result, she has started to see Maurice as 'her chick' and tends to mother hen him. She can either become a pair of wings to attach to Maurice's back for flight, or a crossbow that shoots light arrows shaped like feathers. The Rainbow Owl Barrage is a finisher that fires many of said feathers.
  • Langby – A Japanese Rhinoceros beetle Megabeast. Despite his short size, he is gutsy and brave, but also reckless and overconfident. He likes to challenge other Megabeasts to test his strength but tends to get in over his head. He is like the annoying little brother of the Megabeasts. However, he would learn to focus his strength and drive better over time and grow more mature, but still likes a good scrap. He becomes an arm gauntlet weapon that increases Maurice's physical strength tenfold. It also gives him a power punch finisher called the Beetle Upper. He has a weakness for tree sap, but when that's not available he loves other syrupy, sugary liquids.


The secondary hero/protagonist of the series. She is the partner of Maurice in the Megabeast Hunter Corps, though the two are also roommates. They don't have any romantic interest in one another on account of Lazuli being lesbian, and treat each other like siblings. Maurice in particular says that "she's the sister I never wanted but learned to live with," though she is probably one of the few humans Maurice actually likes. She even teases him in an affectionate way like a sibling does, treating the little grump like family.

She is the opposite of Maurice in that she's bubbly, cheerful, open and bright. She tends to be able to bring smiles to people, lighten up the room, and keep spirits up. When she is not wrangling Megabeasts she loves to party and indulges in booze, junk food, and sex with any pretty girl she picks up on the weekend. Luckily, she makes sure she is always sober on the job.

Despite their stark differences, she and Maurice are more alike than you'd think. Lazuli's real name is Kei Keshokoro, and she comes from a rich controlling family who micro-managed her life, treating her only as a tool to mold into an heir and successor without any regard for her emotional needs. She had run away to avoid the emotional and mental abuse and it left her with issues, hence she indulges in booze, food, and sex to avoid the pain.

She is looking for a meaningful relationship but her own inner turmoil and insecurities make it hard for her to commit, as she feels like she can't show weakness, having worked hard to finally get a well-paying job to support herself, with several people among the Hunter Corps also counting on her, so she suffers in silence and puts others above herself.

Over the course of the series she would have to learn to let go and open up again, show the real her, and realize that she is allowed to feel vulnerable at times too. She would overcome her fear of a relationship and get herself a couple of girlfriends (she's polyamorous). She would also cut down on her junk food intake (she normally works it off but she makes it easier for herself) and completely stops drinking alcohol (with some difficulties).

Like Maurice she is an expert on Megabeasts, though not to the degree Maurice is, but despite that, she is able to reach out and tame/calm her own fair share of beasts. Though one thing she has over Maurice is her way with people. In fact, she helps bridge the gap between Maurice and others, as she is more of a social butterfly than him. It is thanks to her understanding that it would allow Maurice to go easy on some people and perhaps have a few friends down the line…Or at least friendly acquaintances.

Of the two she is more likely to do the flashy aspects of Henshin Heroes, like the roll call and calling out her attacks. Whenever Maurice doesn't do it and she is within earshot, she calls out the attacks for him, to his dismay. She calls it half the fun. When introducing herself, she says "I'm Megabeast Hunter Lazuli, and I'm here to party!"

Lazuli is shown to have a huge sweet tooth, comparable to Maurice's love for Volcano Burgers. She always feels better after a nice piece of cake or a pack of red bean paste mochi.


  • Azulynx Keycard and Belt: Lazuli's transformation devices.
  • Azulynx Blades: Two shortswords, Azulynx's primary weapons, which she often wields in a reverse grip.
  • Azulaser: Azulynx's laser pistol.
  • Machine Azule: A hoverboard which is Lazuli's main mode of transport.
  • Mega Starfighter Jetlynx – Lazuli's personal starship, able to turn into a mecha lynx and a fighting form.


  • Azulynx Base Form: As the name suggests, she is themed after a lynx. Her armor is predominantly blue, with violet and white accents. Her finisher is the TwiLynx Slasher, delivering two horizontal slashes with her blade weapons.
  • Azulynx Crystal: Adorned with crystalline armor, still predominantly blue, but the purple becomes more prominent. Her finisher, Crystalynx Gasher, covers her blades in crystal before she then performs an X-Slash.
  • Azulynx Diamond: Predominantly white, though the blue is still fairly prominent with little violet accents. Now has hair that is tied in a cat-tail like style, snow white but being made from a flexible crystalline fiber. For her finisher, Dianeko Supreme, she puts her two blades together, fusing into a Diamond Blade. She slashes diagonally as the blade multiplies mid slash and the projection of lynx claws slash at the foe.
  • Azulynx Prisma – Movie exclusive form. She is predominantly white and adorned with crystalline armor which gives a rainbow prism effect. The long hair from the back of her helmet also takes on rainbow hues and has a cape with the same prism effect on the inside. Her finisher is Vox Prisma, where both her blades shine in all colors of the rainbow and let out several rapid slashes in different colors, which form seven diagonal cuts, landing on the enemy in a rainbow pattern followed by, of course, a massive explosion.
  • Azulynx FeliSentai – Crossover exclusive form, draws inspiration and power from several non-lion feline Sentai mecha.

    Her upper leg armor is themed after Cube Tiger and her lower leg armor is themed after GekiCheetah and GekiLeopard.

    One of her shortswords becomes themed after Guardian Beast SaberTiger and the other extends into a Kishiryu Tigerlance-themed lance.

    She has GaoTiger and Starbeast Gingat's heads on her shoulder armor.

    She has chest armor that looks like GoseiTiger with Don Torabolt's coloring.

    She has Engine Jetoras' inspired wings and a helmet themed after Won Tiger.

    Her finisher, WildCat Burst, has her make several rapid slashes, each one projecting one of the feline mecha, before they merge midway in one giant crystalline blue lynx that shoots at the enemy and destroys it.

Megabeast companions

  • Pepper – A Megabeast resembling a fiery Kamaitachi, and the primary companion for Lazuli. Lazuli is a bit shy and withdrawn but acts as a calming presence for her energetic trainer, and despite her demeanor is able to assist Lazuli greatly, like turning into a flamethrower for her to wield. The finisher, Spicy Pepper Pop, fires an incendiary projectile to blow the enemy to smithereens.
  • Tamago – A jellyfish-like Megabeast. Its frilly tentacles and the oddly shaped headpiece makes her look very witch-like. It has telekinetic powers which it uses to levitate itself and can transform into a headpiece and cape for Lazuli, allowing her to use Tamago's telekinesis. Her finisher, Jelly Egg Brainblast, involves telekinetically shooting her blades at her foe, which pierce through them, then turn around and slash several times.
  • Pinchi – A yeti crab-like Megabeast, a cute little furball with pincers. He attaches to Azulynx's hoverboard, able to whip up icy terrain . The combined finisher, Flurry Frenzy, has Azulynx shoot forward and slash the enemy mid-flight while Pinchi does the same with his pincers as they pass the enemy. Pinchi is very skittish and easily startled but at the same time curious and he tends to prod things he doesn't know with his pincers.
  • Hachiko – A wild dog-like Megabeast known as RockRoughers, who is known to have strong rocky armor. It is very excitable and affectionate, true to its nature as it is not fully grown and still a puppy, but it is still strong enough to become a hammer weapon for Lazuli. The Rocky Road Rage finisher has the hammer slam the ground, send the opponent upwards with a shockwave while a second bash of the hammer connects with the foe on their way down, thus sending them flying in the distance before blowing up.
  • Shiroi and Kuroi – Two carp/koi-themed Megabeasts, who are able to live outside of the water and float in the air. They are hard-headed and tend to act before they think. They are good natured, but impulsive and dim. They have hard heads that allow them to ram into things hard enough to break rocks. They can also form a yin-yang themed wheel to attack stronger foes. They can attach to Azulynx's arms to become puncher weapons so that she can perform the Black, White and Blue Pummeling, finishing foes with a series of ultra-fast, ultra-strong jabs.
  • Amby – Ambi is an amphibian Megabeast that resembles a hybrid of an axolotl and a frog. Ambi is always chill, with a dopey smile on her face. She hasn't much going on in her upper chamber, and even when in danger she keeps smiling. She makes up for it by being so thick skinned she barely feels any damage coming for her. She has a long prehensile tongue, which can be used as a whip when in weapon mode. The finisher, AmphiLasher, first hits the foe with some whip strikes, before wrapping the foe up, pulling violently and leaving cuts in the skin of the foe.


The Ginesomono Siblings are a pair of free-lance Megabeast Wranglers. They are not part of the Megabeast Hunters but are instead sort of free-lance agents. They tend to clash with Maurice and Lazuli on occasion, and at other times are reluctant allies. To them it is a way to get by and they don't seem to care much about Megabeasts aside from assets. They do have some standards and while they are willing to go to greater if not questionable lengths to get a job done, they do draw lines.

They actually grew up in the Megabeast Poaching Ring but they didn't want to live their lives as mere thugs, though they couldn't make it as official hunters due to their backgrounds and instead decided to work as freelance agents. Despite their honorable qualities, they work in gray areas, though as the Megabeast Poaching Ring sinks to new lows and they see more common ground with the heroes, they become better people.

Star Machine Orthrus

The battleship and base of the Ginesomono siblings. Able to transform into a two-headed dog and a humanoid mecha form.

Argentan Ginesomono/Megabeast Wrangler Ginro

The younger twin by a few minutes, and the one who is the spokesperson for the two. Argentan is full of himself and always tries to make himself look cool. While he has genuine skills as a warrior, his techniques are flawed as he tends to favor showing off over good fighting. The fact he still gets work done is sometimes surprising.

He has a fragile ego and can't stand Maurice, not only cause he is a better fighter, but because Maurice barely acknowledges him. Maurice is merely annoyed with Argentan and if they hadn't regularly run into each other on the job, Maurice would forget about him and dismiss him as yet another idiot he runs into. Argentan is short tempered and can easily let his anger guide him, which only makes him look more foolish and inept in Maurice's eyes. Maurice seems to never let an opportunity pass to remind Argentan how he thinks of him as an idiot at worst, a nuisance at best.

His will to prove himself can prove detrimental as he can jeopardize the Megabeasts or the people in his care as he is desperate for recognition. From his awful background, he is determined to be more than he was born as but is unable to express himself or healthily deal with his issues. At one point he was seduced by an evil force to leave everything behind, his Megabeasts, and his sister for greater power by playing on his emotions and becoming a vassal of his dark power.

However, once the dark power was purged from him, he regrets his past actions. He has become downtrodden, soft-spoken, the opposite of his original bravado and tries to beg for forgiveness and chances to make it up to his sister, genuinely wanting to repent for his moment of weakness.

Eventually he was able to make it up to his sister and they returned as Megabeast Wranglers, but they were on better terms. They were better people and they worked alongside the heroes. Maurice tends to still mouth off to him, but the ribbing has become more playful than malicious as he knows Argentan has seriously done his best to turn his life around.

He has a secret passion for cooking but has not indulged in it since, due to his past, he thinks that Megabeasts are what his career should be about. Over time he became more comfortable about his passion. In the epilogue, he works part time at a restaurant while still taking jobs as a Wrangler on the side.


• Ginro Axe and Keycard

– Main weapon and transformation device of Megabeast Wrangler Ginro.

Ginro Machine – Ginro's motorcycle.


  • Ginro Base Form – The black and purple wolf-themed base form of Ginro. His finisher is the Ginro Howl, a powerful slash with his axe weapon.
  • Ginro Bloodmoon – A powered up form that turns his purple accents red and adds bone-like armor. It is a dark berserk form from when he let go of his attachments and gave into the darkness. When he turned himself around he gave up on this form. His attacks become enhanced with a black and red substance called the Moonblood, which is painful, acidic, and can inflict aggression. His finisher is a slash attack called Blood Moon Berserk.
  • Ginro Fullmoon – A purified upgrade form. It is black, silver, and blue, has a long white mane sticking out the back of his helmet, and has armor made of moonstone. His attacks become enhanced with the substance Moonsoul, which is a black and white fire that burns evil and instills a sense of calm and serenity in the innocent. His finisher is Full Moon Crushing Claw, a triple slash with his Ginro Axe.
  • Ginro BeastRider – During a special crossover, Ginro gets an animal Kamen Rider-themed form. His helmet gets features similar to Kamen Riders Vulcan and Naki, he has Kamen Rider OOO-like gauntlets (like his LaToraTa form), grasshopper-like features to its legs, three pairs of wings (red falcon wings, black and white bat wings, and insectoid wings), beetle-themed shoulder armor, chest armor with a dragon/dinosaur-like face, and a scorpion-like tail. His finisher is Ride Animal Rampage. Images of beast Riders appear, turn into their Riders before merging into Ginro, who then rushes forwards and delivers a final empowered slash.


  • Koriandra/Jaakutaneryu – The original main Megabeast partner to Ginro. It appears as a small long-necked dinosaur. It also seems to incorporate elements of plantlife and has pterosaur wings with leaf-like membranes. It is normally very aggressive and difficult to control, and can transform into a longsword and a leaf-themed shield for Ginro to use.

    Its true form and identity is the Darkness Megabeast Jaakutaneryu, the Evil Seed Dragon, which resembles a demonic undead dragon mixed with elements of dead trees and a miniature blood moon in its chest as a core. It convinced Ginro to leave everything behind and give in to the darkness. Then, it used Ginro as a vessel in an attempt to spread evil across the universe, and corrupt Megabeasts to rampage across the cosmos.

    In its true form, it still forms a sword and shield but made of bone and dead wood. Eventually, when Argentan broke away from it, it sought out a new vessel. Jaakutaneryu is considered an anomaly to Megabeasts as they are normally not sapient and have no concept of good and evil like animals. As Koriandra, its finisher in weapon form used by Ginro is the Floral Slice. As Jaakutaneryu, the finisher is the Deadwood Dice.

  • Nappuru – The secondary Megabeast partner to Ginro, later his primary one. She appears as a thorny devil/Sungazer lizard with armor that looks like a pineapple peel and a feathery crest made of leaves. She seems to care for her partner, but is often dismissed when she tries to be nice as Ginro wants to keep things professional and tries to not get close. She transforms into a pair of shields that are good for defense but are also spiky and can be used to slam into enemies, a good mixture of offense and defense. While he never hit her, she is often regarded as weak and insulted by Argentan. She was left behind like everything when he gave into the darkness, but despite that, she still reached out to Argentan. When Argentan rejected the darkness, he was touched that after everything he did, Nappuru still reached out, and started to treat her with more respect. While still having trouble expressing himself, he shows genuine care to her now and considers her a close partner. In her weapon form, the finisher is the Pinap Jab, which are countless jabs with her spiky shield forms.
  • Lunajack – A jackalope Megabeast that becomes the new secondary Megabeast to Ginro, able to transform into a halberd weapon. Somewhat aloof and doesn't show much emotion. Its finisher is Moonjax Cutter.

Albata Ginesomono/Megabeast Wrangler Fenext

The older of the twins, and the inventor of their arsenal, which she created by studying Megabeast Hunter technology. She is more interested in tinkering and making money than the job of the Wrangler, and hence she often lets her brother take the jobs. Though the two siblings genuinely care for each other, they bicker a lot. She is also not above insulting her brother for being stupid.

She is, however, the more reasonable of the two, more willing to work alongside the Megabeast Hunters. She is pragmatic, like Maurice, but is more willing to sacrifice lives if she thinks sacrificing one can save many more. It is the only thing she doesn't see eye to eye with Maurice on, who refuses to sacrifice even a single life.

She also has entered a friends with benefit arrangement with Lazuli, as it is something to help destress. However, as she was the first partner of Lazuli who didn't expect anything more from her than that, it ironically made Lazuli more attracted to her than her other former bedmates.

She blames herself from her brother's fall to darkness, as due to their crappy home life, she doesn't know how to express herself. She has looked out for him, but most of the time she didn't do anything to curb her brother's attitude and she tended to insult him a lot, and not give him any real encouragement. It makes her acknowledge she and her brother are not well.

After her brother rejected the darkness, the siblings have been doing their best to reconnect and become better people, and be a better family towards each other.

She also would get into a meaningful relationship with Lazuli, the two ready to move beyond their emotional issues and give actual love a chance. By the end of the series they are a genuinely happy couple (though Maurice says they could do with being a bit quieter). She has now joined the Megabeast Hunters officially in their research department, though still goes on missions part time.


Fenext Snipe and Keycard – A sniper rifle which is the weapon and main transformation device of Fenext.

Fenext Trike – Fenext's main mode of transport.


Fenext Base Form – Albata's Fennec-themed base form, colored in beige and orange. Its finisher is a headshot with her rifle, Sudden Deathshot.

Fenext Upgrade – Power up form, replaces the orange with teal glowing data lines and armor attachments that bring in a cyber/digital motif. She also summons drones which can hack and attack from a distance. Using her own rifle and the drones, she can perform a laser barrage called Permanent Downgrade.

Fenext Legacy – Crossover form. Channels the power of the extra toku heroes. It is mostly half red and half blue like Kikaider, one arm has moth-themed armor designs bringing Inazuman to mind, the other arm is decorated with the letter Z for Kaiketsu Zubat, spider legs sticking form her back like the toku spiders, and leg armor showing three devil-like faces on the left leg and three angel-like faces on the right leg (like the Akumaizer). She also has a collar and a hat similar to Poitrine. For her finisher, Heroes Fenext Gen, she summons images of the other heroes who, together with her, open fire on the enemy.


Gremmonk – An impish and mischievous miniature ape-like Megabeast. Like a gremlin, it is good at assembling and reassembling machines. It does things on a whim and sometimes can either help or hold back Albata in her research. It transforms into the Ape Wrench, a bludgeoning weapon that also serves as a tool to disable tech and disassemble enemy weapons.

Babbi - A blob Megabeast which can produce a variety of poisons. It is often stuck in a robotic drone body so that it doesn't spread the poisons, and it can transform into a gun that weaponizes the aforementioned poisons.


Mythrillia, or Mythri, was born the princess of the Clockwork Kingdom, a kingdom which, as its name suggests, specializes in clockwork technology. However, due to the emergence of more modern tech, that of clockwork declined. However, the rulers of the Kingdom loved the clockwork tech, and the Clockwork people and Clockwork beasts it produced. The human members of the Kingdom saw no reason to stay in a kingdom focusing on a dying trade and left, leaving only the rulers.

Mythri, as the last princess, grew up around the Clockwork people and beasts, whom she loved like family. The kingdom was long ignored until some Megabeast Poachers tried to exploit the Clockwork Beasts. As a result, the Megabeast Hunters met Mythri.

Mythri is a genuinely kind and pure soul. She has a bit of a ditzy streak and can be naïve since she hasn't seen many people in her life. She is optimistic and sees beauty inside of everyone. There is a genuineness and honesty to her kind nature that made Maurice fall in love with her. Mythri also readily recognized the true kind soul behind Maurice's sour façade. Maurice is afraid, though, because he is aware of his own flaws and inability to filter and may set himself up for heartbreak if he accidentally pushes Mythri away with his attitude.

However, Mythri didn't give up on him. She claims "if something is broken, you fix it. Machines are fixed but humans can be broken too, though the fixing is different." The two developed a genuine romance, which brings out the best in Maurice.

Despite her kindness, she is not helpless as she has inherited the power of the Clockwork Queen, becoming a Metal Hero in her own right.


  • Clockwork Royal Blade – Main transformation device and weapon.
  • Gear Mobile – A motorized unicycle with a gear for a wheel, capable of crawling up vertical surfaces.
  • Royal Fortress – The royal palace where Mythri lives, which is able to fly, can transform into a giant mechanical snake, as well as a humanoid fighting mecha.


  • Mythri Base Form – A standard female Metal Hero design, but with gears and clockwork machinery incorporated. Has a large gear on her back that turns when she is revving up for a finisher, and gears as cuffs on the hands and knees. Mixture of steel gray and bronze. Has a secondary theme of the Ouroboros snake, with snake designs on her gears and helmet, with scale-like patterns on her undersuit. She controls the element of Metal Sheen, which weaponizes the light reflected off metal. Her finisher is Clockwork Crash where, with her blade weapon, she cleaves the foe in half.
  • Mythri Precious Metal – Mythri's upgrade form. Her metallic form becomes more reflective and the bronze becomes replaced with gold. She gains armor pieces resembling pink-gold flower petals. She can manipulate metallic flower petals called Metal Petals. Her finisher is Flash Petal Storm, which involves pelting the foe with Metal Petals before finishing it with a slash.
  • Mythri High Queen – Her ultimate form. The rose gold and normal gold have overtaken the steel gray, though it is still visible. The gear on her back becomes bigger and the gears on her cuffs become golden and crown-like, with a golden crown gear also on her head. Hair made of chains sticks out from the back of her helmet. Her power now allows her to cover or turn things into a substance called Queensmetal, immobilizing enemies or weaponizing objects around her. Her finisher is High Queen's Mandate, trapping a foe in metal before creating a metallic snake projection from her sword that devours the enemy.
  • Mythri Heroesmetal – A crossover form which holds the power of the animal-themed Metal Heroes. In her case, it involves beetle-themed armor for the most part (due to the B-Fighters), with the stag beetle and rhinoceros beetle horns on a crown, shoulder pads with robotic dog and rabbit heads themed after Robotack and Mimeena, and a ladybug shell on her back replacing her back gear. Her finisher, Metal Queensdom, summons images of the beastly Metal Heroes surfing on gears, then joining them as they ram into the enemy.

Clockwork Beasts

  • Tock – A bulky golem made out of clocks. He is the caretaker, surrogate father, and bodyguard of Mythri. He can store objects in his body, including Mythri's gear. He is also a physical powerhouse, though he is a bit slow and lumbering. He only communicates by making tick-tock sounds and ringing when distressed. He can become a mech suit similar to a clockwork hulkbuster if Mythri needs extra power.
  • Sting Magnet – A Clockwork scorpion with magnets for pincers and the stinger. It transforms into shoulder cannons that manipulate and weaponize magnetic energy.
  • Steamer – A cycloptic mechanical steampunk creature resembling a teapot on spider legs. Can transform into a steam-powered and steam-expelling hand cannon.
  • Flashpoint – A clockwork beast resembling a flying lantern with robotic wings and bird legs. Its power allows it to cut through darkness, mist, and even illusions, as well as blind enemies. It can also become a weapon that can be charged up with Metal Sheen to fire it like a powered up laser (aka Flash Cannon).



Matori Kinshinzo

Maurice's mother. Probably the person he cares most for in the world until he meets Mythri. She took care of Maurice and worked her ass off as a single mother after her husband abandoned her, took everything she owned except Maurice, and ruined her relationships with her family and friends.

Due to overworking herself, she had a few health issues, and now Maurice takes care of her, using his job to pay for her medical bills. Luckily, the Megabeast Hunter's employment comes with a good health insurance packet.

A Megabeast Poacher once made the mistake of threatening Maurice with his mother's life. Maurice proceeded to tear through Anubisium cuffs (which a normal human shouldn't be able to break) and beat the Poacher to death with his bare hands.

Rayna Bau

A transgender woman whom is the landlord of Maurice and Lazuli. She owns a bar that is a LGTB friendly zone, as she herself wants to create a safe haven of people who, like her, have struggled coming out and don't need to be condemned. She has been more of a mother figure to Lazuli than her bio parents were.

Maurice seems to respect her as well, having called her 'aunt Rayna'. She also makes the best burgers in town, and her Volcano Burgers are Maurice's favorite.


One of the servers at Rayna's Bar and an ex-girlfriend of Lazuli. Due to Lazuli's insecurities about getting close and taking the relationship to the next level, they broke up. She keeps professional at work and they were ignoring each other unless they had to. In the meantime she has found someone else and is engaged, though she and Lazuli make up and remain friends, and she is happy Lazuli has been working to get past her issues.

In her spare time she enjoys singing and is working on becoming an idol. In the finale, she brings out her debut single, 'Fixed what is broken'.

Commander Aslan

The leader of the Megabeast Hunter Corps, and the superior of Maurice and Lazuli. He has a great love for animals and hence joined the Corps and rose through the ranks. He is one of the few people Maurice respects. Though Maurice is unwilling to use the word due to association with his sperm donor, he sees him as a father figure.


Commander Aslan's assistant. Unlike most previous Commander assistants, she appears bored, uninterested, lethargic, and is nearly always glued to her phone, as if she wants to be anywhere but there. Though you'd think it makes her a horrible assistant, she does her work correctly and manages to get it done efficiently. Maurice wonders why she even gives the impression of being a bad worker if she isn't, and she just replies with a shrug.

Despite her eternal bored look and monotone way of speaking, she loves idols and shows herself to be way more expressive when dealing with them. When Sapphi made her idol debut, she stood at the front, in unusually colorful clothing, acting like she was on a sugar rush and saying that she loves Sapphi.

Minor Megabeast Hunter Corps members

• Megabeast Vet Rudo

– A vet specializing in Megabeasts, making sure they are well taken care of.

Sutebu and Iruin – Two minor members of the Corps who are best friends, drinking buddies, and are responsible for transporting contained Megabeasts to safety or back to their home. While normally in transport, at times they have taken out laser blasters and are shown to use them proficiently.

Clockwork Kingdom Court

• Mrs. Mechsworth

– The Clockwork nanny, tutor, and mother figure of Mythri, sweet as a button.

Fixit – A toolbox on wheels, responsible for maintaining and repairing Mythri's gear and taking care of her Clockwork Beasts. He can only say the word "fix" repeatedly.

Light Megabeast Ameryu

A powerful Megabeast dragoness and the progenitor of the Megabeast race as a whole. She is the opposite of Akuujataneryu, the benevolent force balancing out her counterpart's sheer malice.

As she is not a being of conflict, instead of subverting a person and turning them into a vessel, she bestows blessings, which she uses to grant the super forms of Valeon and Azulynx.

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.